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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 370 KB, 1024x624, 20191229_150237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13431655 No.13431655 [Reply] [Original]

Jollibee is disgusting. Have you ever eaten at Fazolis but wondered how it would taste if a Filipino dumped a eight pounds of sugar in it? Frankly, it's anti Italian discrimination

>> No.13431684

Do these exist in America? I’m In the Midwest

>> No.13431716

I've heard they pushed into California, so no.

>> No.13431718

there's some in Houston

>> No.13431733

haha. spaghetti as if a sugar addicted 8 year old made it

>> No.13431757

Had to eat this slop when I was in the philippines, virtually inedible for anyone who remotely enjoys decent food.

>> No.13431763

what a combination

>> No.13431935

ate there once, maybe better than lotte burger, not that bad but would not recommend it.

>> No.13432042

Eat the burger steak and peach mango pie. Only good things they have.

>> No.13432781

>fastfood is shit
no shit sherlock

>> No.13432796

Only in the popular cities.

>> No.13432810
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>tfw the Jollishilfags got banned and didn't return.

>> No.13433957
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ha. ha. HA.

>> No.13434246

good, but its only a start. a full region-wide ban on southeast asia is needed desperately

>> No.13434258
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>> No.13434270
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>> No.13434296

why are peenoise so desperate for westoid approval? Pathetic little people

>> No.13434313

15 dollars for a 6 piece? jesus fucking christ. also that hotdog spaghetti sounds like shit.

>> No.13434320

Fuck Italians.

The 'real way' to cook Italian dishes results in bland slop. Everything us burgers did was Italian immigrants rebelling and actually making it taste like something. I proudly put bacon and cream in carbonara because le traditional way fuckin' sucks.

>> No.13434326

Also, fucking Norwegians have more exciting food than Italians.

>> No.13434356

authentic philipino carbonara > italian style carbonara

>> No.13435599

Hey Jollibee the menu costs a fraction here in the Philippines

>> No.13435687
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What the fuck is this chain holy shit

>> No.13435734


>> No.13435789

Everything is cheaper in the Philippines. Isn't it still like a $1 for a pack of cigarettes? The last pack I bought in the US was $12.

Damn... I'd let her trick me into marriage.

>> No.13435806

They've introduced sin tax but i don't know by how much it went up

>> No.13435822

>buying fast food as a status symbol
When Trump does it he has more of a “I like the same garbage you like” feel, but for flips it’s a show of wealth I guess.

>> No.13435839

I quit anyway, but still, I'd bet most things cost 1/10th of what they would in the US. What's it like over there?

>> No.13435842

trump is a joke

>> No.13435849

1000x times better than what north America has to offer.
Especially Canadian lazy no effort garbage can never compare to Filipino food and I'm white.

>> No.13435870

I have a Canadian Flip friend who says niggers frequent Jollibee. Is this true?

>> No.13435901


>> No.13435918

Yes. The chicken is slightly bigger than all the other chains around here for the same price, so the local niggers have been going there instead. It's caused a small war between them and these 3 Popeyes franchises in the same 20 km radius.

>> No.13435921

Not that Anon, but trump was only put in office to make stupid people feel better about themselves. Everyone I know that's either political or otherwise vested in America sees him as a clown. If he gets a second term, it'll be too late for a serious politician to reverse much of the damage he's already done.

>> No.13435958

Oh shit one finally opened in metro Phoenix. Is it worth the 20 minute drive?

>> No.13435964
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>> No.13435969

>only put into office to make stupid people feel better about themselves
It's been years and you dumbasses still haven't learned why you lost in the first place. If Trump wins in 2020, prepare to be flabbergasted again and not realize the mistakes Democrats made in their campaign.

>> No.13436010
File: 116 KB, 940x469, ULTIMATE BURGER STEAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate burger steak is deliciously based
They're a coastie thing but there's 2 in Chicago now.

>> No.13436018

>mistakes Democrats made
It's this stupid partisan bullshit that ruined politics in the first place. If a Republican wanted to randomly put Ricin in half of all US cities' water supplies, Republicans would just say 'well, he's a Republican and I'm Republican, I'd better vote for him, it's still better than having a Democrat in office.' Not that Democrats wouldn't do the same shit, because they would, but my point is that politics isn't supposed to be a God-damned clique. People need to start voting for positive change instead of worrying about what color tie someone wears.

>> No.13436109

I agree with this. I don't honestly give a fuck about the impeachment bullshit but there's no way opinions on Trump's alleged wrongdoing are split RIGHT DOWN THE PARTY LINE. I mean, come on. American politics are a joke which is what turned me off of them entirely.

>> No.13436163

No kidding. I stay out of politics in general, but I definitely think we're at a place where the system needs a reboot. Having an Electorate made sense when it took three weeks to get a letter across the country by horse and months to count the number of paper ballots that we have today, but we don't even need politicians in the age of the internet; entire policy changes could happen just by getting a notification on your phone "Should taxes be raised to provide free healthcare? Y/N" and everyone could vote and be counted instantly.

>> No.13436294

You're the butt of that joke.

>> No.13436314

Mixed race Pinoy here. Jollihotdogs are fucking glorious, madarap. You faggots don't get it.

>> No.13436340

Why would you admit to being a mixed-race Pinoy?

>> No.13436889

Much in the same way a normal man doesn't understand the taste of a scat fetishist

>> No.13436901
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>> No.13436943

>Filipino's are
Filipino is are..?
God, that would be embarrassing if English was one of the Philippines' national languages.

>> No.13436967

Is this your first day on the Internet?

>> No.13437023

No. Is this your first day as an edgy teen?
Happy birthday!

>> No.13437052 [DELETED] 


>> No.13437095


>> No.13437212
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>> No.13437852
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>cheese-based dressing

>> No.13438050

Doesn't even look like a meal, looks like random shit piled up on a plate.

>> No.13438157

>Mixed race Pinoy here
my condolences

>> No.13438310

It's even spelled with three "e"s.

>> No.13438352


>> No.13438533

pinoys are mixed-race by default, dummy. look like all other browns to me

>> No.13438876

This is one of my favorites

t. Jollibee expert

>> No.13438878

Cringe and cope

>> No.13438880

t. Self hating brownie

>> No.13439494

>Mixed race Pinoy here

Good Lord.

>> No.13439642

What a shit menu.
I'd rather eat at Popeye's.

>> No.13439793

aite imma head out

>> No.13440559

that's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen passed off as "food". Even those 50's gelatin things look edible in comparison.

>> No.13440664

t. Fag
I'm a fag expert trust me

>> No.13441471
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I have yet to try the jolly spaghetti

>> No.13442067
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>> No.13442348

It's not bad but don't go into it thinking 100% savory. Flips like to put a lot of sugar in the tomato sauce.

>> No.13443928

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13443974

As much as I trust the average person to not be an idiot, giving policy making powers directly to the general populace is a surefire recipe for disaster.

>> No.13444168

How do you retards still not understand that the electoral college is to protect states from being trampled by major urban centers? We literally are not a democracy.

>> No.13444565

lol i thought of this image when i opened the thread.

>> No.13444571
File: 2.86 MB, 540x302, Gourmet Food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love flip food

>> No.13445484
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>I trust the average person to not be an idiot
That's a mistake. Oh, I see your point now.
>We literally are not a democracy.
I think we all knew that already.

The current system is just corporations buying votes to pass laws that make them more money. Eventually, we're looking at total global monopolies and pic related.

>> No.13445597
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Is it possible that flips eat worse than American southerners?

Or are they on the same level?

>> No.13445839

maybe dont put up a fucking woman and I wont vote against her out of principle.
I don't know what soyboy shit you're on but I'm not having a woman as the icon of my country. Shove that homo shit back up your faggot ass.

>> No.13446319

She cute. Just the little matter of her breathing that junk on you all night.

>> No.13446348

Visited their location in Jersey City the other day. The chicken is great, didn't have anything else. As far as fast food fried chicken goes, its the best I've had.

>> No.13446686

There's one south of Seattle.

>> No.13446762

I'd jolli her bee, if you catch my drift.

>> No.13448269
File: 51 KB, 768x431, 46670521_345312859352808_3286687332462863745_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cute as well

>> No.13448356

is that even filipino food? that looks like moco loco.

>> No.13448376

ah fuck I miss that place
they had the best fucking breadsticks out there

>> No.13448430

I've seen one near Port Authority in NYC.

>> No.13449121

>but for flips it’s a show of wealth I guess.
fastfood is expensive here, vegetables and fruits are quite cheap here though

>> No.13449149

Some wicked chupping going on at 10:10. Love it.

>> No.13450603

>bucket treat

>> No.13450806

>Everyone I know that's either political or otherwise vested in America sees him as a clown
What a pathetically shitty larp lmfao

>> No.13450816

>let me tell you about how you think
Trump was voted in by people wanting a positive change

>> No.13450870

>loses the popular vote by 4 million votes
>the people voted him in
Good goy!

>> No.13450876

You forgot
>wins the election

>> No.13451010

Yeah but the people literally didn’t pick him. He’s a minority president for a minority population and should be treated as such.

>> No.13451024

Supposedly Houston is getting another one. We did it jollibros

>> No.13451046

Ima be real Phillipenes shoulda been the 51st state.

>> No.13451087

Wew lad

>> No.13451206

probably worse because at least our stuff is usually more natural

>> No.13451354

I wish I ate as well as an American Southerner
t. Poo Yorker

>> No.13451364

See I dont get it. This looks like cafeteria slop. Actually it looks like a frozen meal or something.

>> No.13451410

Real flip food has a lot more vegetables and a greater variety of vegetables. Less fried food in general. Sodium is about the same.