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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13429879 No.13429879 [Reply] [Original]

>Chef Ramsay shows up at your door and demands a meal to prove your worthiness as a cook
what do you make him /ck/?

>> No.13429880

Get the fuck off my property before I call the cops, limey faggot.

>> No.13429882

a toast toastie

>> No.13429883

some spaghetti bolognese

>> No.13429885

French Omelette.

>> No.13429888

I'd make him scrambled eggs, cause he's a cunt about them. Then I'd beat him chopping onions.

>> No.13429890

I put a.45 caliber bullet through his chest.

>> No.13429892

this. wouldn't want one of those engl*sh cockroaches anywhere near me

>> No.13429893

>reddit style celebrity fantasy threads on 4Chinks
Just fuck off.

>> No.13429901

I’d go buy us some McChickens.

>> No.13429906

You need to read your own posts. jesus christ. You're the guy people say, is he more damaged, or stupid.

>> No.13429912

Vegetable pasta.

>> No.13429917

Too many commas, grammar loser.

>> No.13429918
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, Hannibal Cooking Food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd serve him... himself.

>> No.13429959
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>> No.13430578

I make him call Marco so we can have a real chef in the house.

>> No.13430584

The best thing I’ve ever made was Chen Kenichi’s beef stir fry, so I’d make that again.

>> No.13430672

are we serving british t.v. or american t.v. Ramsay?

>> No.13430709

I hope that you have bought enough knorr stock cubes...

>> No.13430710

Idk but i’d cum in it

>> No.13430724

I'd airfry some nuggies and fries.

>> No.13430725

This but unironically. Toast sandwich is delicious and one of the hidden wonders of British cuisine.

>> No.13430735

>Make a golden brown grilled cheese with thickened roux cheese
This is all I can do that could even be considered cooking. Since it takes more that 2 steps

>> No.13430739
File: 222 KB, 1200x885, D7C3D43D-FE04-4C92-AC84-13C14AA75EFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just give him $10 and directions to the nearest homeless shelter. Gordon Ramsey doesn’t even exist, why would I waste my time when I’ve got other stuff to do?

>> No.13430754

Was this macro (not "meme") made in PowerPoint? Is that to be "le ironic meme xD" or simply because zoomers are literally fucking stupid?

>> No.13430771
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What’s wrong? Did somebody think Gordon Ramsey was real?

>> No.13430852

I had to reevaluate on that after I realized the "Ramsey" to "Ramsay" alteration a few years ago.

>> No.13430858


>> No.13430866

Wake the fuck up

>> No.13430877
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>> No.13430884

I'd tell him to fuck off, and if anyone would be doing the cooking it'd be him.

That be like me going to Ramsey and demanding he calibrate an off highway diesel engine to meet stage V EU emissions legislation to prove his worth as an engineer.

>> No.13430918

French onion soup.

>> No.13431010

I'd rape him in the ass

>> No.13431014

>pan-fried chicken and waffles (waffles made with onion and potato batter)
>sauteed collard greens and sliced serrano peppers
>red cabbage slaw with just a little apple cider vinegar and some sliced gala apples
then I'd make fun of him for being a bong after he tells me it's delicious

>> No.13431022

Lead salad.

>> No.13431035

>what do you make him /ck/?
I make him believe. Then I make him coom. Then I make him behave.

>> No.13431138

I boil some broccoli, then put it in the blender, and serve the result with salt, pepper, olive oil, and a little cheese.

If he complains about it, I'll show him this video

>> No.13431158

I’d serve him a fresh-frozen meal I prepped last week

>> No.13431206

I tried this myself and it was bland as shit

>> No.13431249

Based strokeposter

>> No.13431250

To be honest I just couldn’t be bothered. Way too much effort I’d rather just stay in bed. It’s so soft and warm and comfy. I hate everything outside of bed and to be honest often wish that I was dead.
If he insisted then I guess I could make him some toast with butter on. Simple yes but also tasty and filling.
Then I’d tell him to fuck off so that I could go back to bed.

>> No.13431266

"Thin" crust pizza.

>> No.13431402

just whip out the Christmas ham i made from his book

>> No.13431423

I admit that I cant cook and than I show him all my taco bell bags from this week alone and than I let him show himself the way out

>> No.13431437

Coffee and a smoke

>> No.13431448

Most of you clangers would benefit from...

Gordon Ramsey Ultimate Cookery Course

Learn and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13431461
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>> No.13431490
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x720, Tennis Food Mom Eats Chicken Dipped in Coke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13431656

His own ass

>> No.13431711

incredibly based

>> No.13431717

i make a perfect french omelette

>> No.13431723
File: 2.72 MB, 626x360, Egg Man Omelet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make him a traditional pakistani omelet du sandwich

>> No.13431724


>> No.13431725

that fat bitch in the background shoving food into her mouth while already chewing

god i hate americ*ns

>> No.13431726
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I make a few of these bad boys and say "Welcome to NZ, bro"

>> No.13431741

kinda cute desu, it's probably one of those weird food things she's done since she was a kid, but nobody around her was like "WTF that's disgusting! stop it right now! you freak!"

>> No.13431743

Now I want spaghetti sammiches. I want it inside me _now_.

>> No.13431751

Is that coke? I thought it might be sweet tea.

>> No.13431780

>"Chef Ramsay"

thats what reddit calls him

>> No.13431786

You catch a glimpse of the kid at the end just like, "Mom, the fuck are you doing?"

>> No.13431798

that would be peng with cheese and onion crisps in there too

>> No.13431802

I'd make him some boxed macaroni and cheese.

>> No.13431812

fried quail, roasted bone marrow, and boiled chicken's feet
rice and veggies

>> No.13431816
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I feel like every day he get's farther from Palpatine and closer to Sidious

>> No.13431820

her kids look disgusted at her lel, they're drinking water instead of sugar bubble drink too. This kinda thing gives me hope for the future oddly
you can see the bubbles, it's most likely coke

>> No.13431823

a glass of water

>> No.13431828

>British tennis match
Strawberries and cream
>Yank tennis match
Fried chicken and coke

Sounds about right

>> No.13432091

Moose Roast with garden potatoes, carrots and onions with Moose Gravy.

>> No.13432103

I make him a sosig roll, MAH WAY

>> No.13432107
File: 636 KB, 4032x3024, Scrambled Eggs On Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make him some delicious microwaved scrambled eggs ^_^

>> No.13432150

Looks good to me as a layman, but I bet Ramsay would criticize that the eggs are too firm and not creamy enough, the toast is bland, not enough herbs, etc.