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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13428137 No.13428137 [Reply] [Original]

I got my results on Christmas Eve. Doctor said he wanted to wait to tell me, but I was very demanding and now I'm glum thinking about it.

I kept feeling like there was something stuck to the back on my tongue when I swallowed, so I saw an ENT thinking a papilloma had grown back there. He told me I had severe GERD and what I was feeling was a swelling response from rekt tissue, so he prescribed me Omeprazole.

Took it for almost a year until I noticed my urine getting very foamy in the morning and after big meals, feeling sick after eating, always feeling like I wanted to vomit while laying down to bed, super fatigued and dizzy sometimes.

After a 24hr urinalysis and bloodworm, GP diagnosed me with stage 2 kidney disease. Manageable, , reversable with lifestyle changes as well, and I'm lucky to have been yanked off that poison pill before things got worse.

Anyway, the "renal diet" is going to be a pain in the ass for a few months. Anyone know of any low-sodium cookbooks that are actually worth a shit? Also, if you're taking pic related, go to your GP and get checked. Prior to this I've never been ill or unfit in my entire life.

>> No.13428691

>Manageable, , reversable with lifestyle changes as well
Do what your doc advises (or see a specialist dietitian). You DO NOT want to end up on dialysis! (Kidney transplants are better than dialysis, and they're major surgery and maybe immunosuppressive drugs too for the rest of your life.)

A good way to cut salt intake is to... use less salt. Really. You get used to it. Main thing to watch out for is processed food, which often has more salt in it than you'd put in if you made it yourself.

>> No.13428705

My brother is stage 4 iirc and has 2%-5% function left
He was and is a huge meat eater
I told the guy years ago to take breaks on acting like a shark or lion
He never listened
Life is topsy turvy now for him and the rest around

>> No.13428731

>My brother is stage 4 iirc and has 2%-5% function left
2-5 is stage 5 anon

>> No.13428738

watch your protein intake
t. end stage on dialysis

>> No.13428784

Get well soon anon. Hearing the stuff you're experiencing sounds horrible.

>> No.13428794
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>tfw you've been on dialysis for two years
>tfw you have to wait until someone dies under the perfect circumstances so you can get a transplant

>> No.13428817
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Time to roll up a new character, OP.

Life without good food is not worth it.

>> No.13428820

Fucking hell lads... how fat are you all that your kidneys are failing?!?

>> No.13428825

Being fat isn't the only thing that gives you kidney failure

>> No.13428866

How old are you? Chances of CKD stage 2 (not AKI) being induced solely from a PPI are pretty low, but I guess still possible. Also, if you were spilling protein (frothy urine), that sounds more like a nephrotic syndrome and will not be caused by a PPI but rather underlying chronic disease like uncontrolled diabetes or genetic predisposition.

>> No.13428881
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>> No.13428912

>He was and is a huge meat eater
>I told the guy years ago to take breaks on acting like a shark or lion
>He never listened
High protein intake is not considered harmful for people without already existing kidney disease. There isn't evidence for that. If your kidneys are healthy extra protein isn't going to require much more work out of them than a diet without it. This is similar to the myth of sugar causing diabetes where people confuse what a disease makes you vulnerable to with what causes a disease in the first place.

>> No.13428948

So much lousy sense in dat der post
Protien isnt the same as meat
Meat is a problem as it has a load of salt while being prepared for consumption especially when eating multiple pounds daily, the hypertension has the cause of the failure.
Diabetes is caused by too much sugar in the body which the pancreas cannot make enough insulin most usually combination of huge body mass and fatigue of insulin producing organ, the medications used by diabetics can damage kidneys sending them to dialysis
Another cause is meds used for cancer damaging kidneys
Another less common reason is massive blood pressure loss enough to where kidneys fail to function as they should

>> No.13428961

stay strong anon

>> No.13428962

>Meat is a problem as it has a load of salt
Meat isn't inherently high salt. It depends entirely on what kind of meat you're talking about.
>Diabetes is caused by too much sugar in the body
Absolutely not.

>> No.13428973

>Diabetes is caused by too much sugar

Please don't try giving advice to anyone ever again.

>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but by genetics and lifestyle factors.

>> No.13428988

Not the guy you are mocking, based ncbi poster, but you really should have kept reading his post. He's not saying too much sugar consumption but rather total blood glucose, basically the definition of diabetes.

>> No.13429006

beat it man, you can do it

>> No.13429035

>He's not saying too much sugar consumption but rather total blood glucose, basically the definition of diabetes.
Blood glucose doesn't ***cause*** diabetes.
It's still an open question as to what does cause it, but the smart money's on weight gain, particularly since you can even find reliable connections between different specific kinds of fat deposits on the body and your risk for it.
>The mechanisms by which visceral obesity results in insulin resistance appear to be related to excess lipid accumulation in liver. This may be due to excess fatty acids from visceral adipose tissue draining into the portal vein.

>> No.13429047

>basically the definition of diabetes
Also this falls into the same trap of confusing the consequences of a disease with its cause. Not being able to process blood sugar is what diabetes is, yes. That doesn't mean blood sugar causes diabetes, no.

>> No.13429106

>He told me I had severe GERD and what I was feeling was a swelling response from rekt tissue, so he prescribed me Omeprazole.
Uh it makes sense that if your GERD is so bad that it fucked up your tissue he would prescribe a PPI, but surely he would also send you to a gastro for an endoscopy? And to continue getting regular checkups?

Prescription PPIs are not antacids, don't eat them like candy. It shouldn't be possible for a young healthy non-morbidly obese person to experience kidney failure from taking the standard dose of omeprazole

>> No.13429196
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Trying this hard
I already know better, go ahead keep looking for something, anything supporting what it is today you intend to believe
Reminder studies say this and studies say that depending on who is paying for desired results
Government institutions are a failed resource unfortunately.

>> No.13429799

recently lost my father who was on dialysis for over two years and was losing kidney function for over 5. Say goodbye to salt but that doesn't mean you have to give up on seasonings. learn to work with spices to make up for salt and soon enough you'll get used to a low sodium diet. I don't really recommend looking for low sodium cookbooks it's not just the sodium you need to watch for, it's also the potassium, rather just be smart about what you make, you can make life easier for yourself by getting into meal prep to avoid eating out for lunches or buying something on the way to work. I'm not sure what your health care is like but my father had regular (once every 3 months) appointments at the renal clinic and the team included a dietitian so you can see if that's something that can be offered to you.

>> No.13429874
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> spilling protein (frothy urine),

i always wondered why the toilet got foamy when I pissed right after a fap

>> No.13429914

What is life on dialysis like

>> No.13429988

Amazing to think this whole thing started with you going to a doctor and taking shit medicine instead of dieting and exercising.

>> No.13430016

It's a living hell and everyday I have to go do it I want to kill myself

>> No.13430020

How old was your father?

>> No.13430031

My mom has kidney failiure and I'm looking to donate, shit is scary but I'll hate myself after she dies if I dont.

>> No.13430809

American doctors are just drug salesmen nowadays. People just go in expecting to get a prescription. Your first question you should ask when prescribed a medication is, "What lifestyle changes can I make to get off this medication more quickly?"

I thought people with kidney disease need to go in 3 times a week. My company does service work at DaVita (service unrelated to healthcare) and my health anxiety acts up real fast whenever I'm there.

>> No.13431113


oh no, not for hemodialysis, he did nightly PD, those were to meet with his kidney doctor & nurses for check ups and such

>> No.13431156

>drug salesmen
More like snake oil, half of the shit they prescribe people doesn’t work, a third of it only works about a quarter of the time, and the rest of the shit only works because of the placebo affect!

Antibiotics are the only real medicine we have, if you’re talking about narcotics though, there’s a good few of those that’ll do something to ya, but it sure as hell won’t make anything better

>> No.13431232
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>American doctors are just drug salesmen nowadays.
It doesn't help that the average American is ridiculously ignorant about the state of modern medical science and almost every one you talk to mindlessly takes for granted the bizarre assumption that every health problem in existence is something a doctor will give you a medicine for and it will magically restore you back to perfect health with 100% effectiveness and reliability and no consequences.
I hate it so much whenever I hear someone say "why don't you go see a doctor?" / "why don't you just get some medicine for that?" I half-wish everyone could experience some fucked up chronic autoimmune disease firsthand and realize that they're stuck with seriously debilitating health problems from it for life, that going to see your specialist doctor later on when you're continuing to suffer from it will not do anything to change this, and that your treatment options are all entirely limited to trying to screw with your immune system in some way that will hurt you in the medium to long term for the sake of the possibility of mild symptom improvement in the short term, and that by "hurt you" I mean stuff like "will give you motherfucking leukemia because you suppressed your immune system and that's one of the known side effects," not "will give you a headache for a few minutes one day in the future while you're out living a full life horseback riding and coming up with ideas for your next big novel."

>> No.13431929
File: 1.77 MB, 398x329, fuckshitfuckshitdamngoddamnfuckshitfuckingfuckshitfuckdamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't help that the average American is ridiculously ignorant about the state of modern medical science and almost every one you talk to mindlessly takes for granted the bizarre assumption that every health problem in existence is something a doctor will give you a medicine for and it will magically restore you back to perfect health with 100% effectiveness and reliability and no consequences.

>I half-wish everyone could experience some fucked up chronic autoimmune disease firsthand and realize that they're stuck with seriously debilitating health problems from it for life, that going to see your specialist doctor later on when you're continuing to suffer from it will not do anything to change this, and that your treatment options are all entirely limited to trying to screw with your immune system in some way that will hurt you in the medium to long term for the sake of the possibility of mild symptom improvement in the short term, and that by "hurt you" I mean stuff like "will give you motherfucking leukemia because you suppressed your immune system and that's one of the known side effects," not "will give you a headache for a few minutes one day in the future while you're out living a full life horseback riding and coming up with ideas for your next big novel."
ffffwwwooooooo nelly boi you make my sentences look like a verb and a noun

>> No.13432074
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I've been taking Nexium every day for a few years. every time I stop, it doesn't matter what i eat I constantly burp and burp up acid.

I feel like I'm going to constantly vomit and there's been times I've thrown up nothing but acid.

It's nearly impossible to lay down even something as water will cause me distress.

>> No.13432111

crohnsbro is that you

>> No.13432205

Chew your food
Liquify the bite of food
Take minuscule bites and chew the small bite to liquification
It will be tiring and cause aching in your jaw for a very long time due to its lack of actual use
Some will say chew 15 times other say 24 or 33 even 44 in reality it has nothing to do with an enumeration it has to do with liquifacation if you can swish your bite of food between your teeth then you have chewed beyond enough, that is where you want to be before swallowing food instead of gobbling chunks like some dog or something

>> No.13432494

You just clearing out the remaining stuff out. It would be of concern if it happens regularly, aside from sex or fapping.

>> No.13432569

>Anyone know of any low-sodium cookbooks that are actually worth a shit?
Hyperaldosteronism guy here, just make sure you cook your own food. It's easier to control the sodium that way. Processed foods are notoriously high in sodium; same with canned ingredients.

>> No.13432687

That's not the same thing.
Protein leaking into your urine is a kidney problem (or rather a symptom of a large variety of kidney problems, some very serious and some not really that big of a deal). It's called proteinuria. The foaminess isn't the issue; it's just happens to be one way you might be able to tell you're leaking protein into your urine. Ejaculate causing foaminess is of course not a disease issue so much as just what ejaculate might kind of look like sometimes when a little of it comes out when you urinate after ejaculating. And most people with findings of proteinuria usually hear about it because it shows up in a urine test rather than because it's extreme enough to actually be visible as foam.

>> No.13432697

>My mom has kidney failiure and I'm looking to donate, shit is scary but I'll hate myself after she dies if I dont.
Sorry, anon. That sucks. Don't even think about it as a decision then though. That'll only make you worry about it more. Just accept it as a foregone conclusion you're already doing it and that realistically you were never going to say "no" and I guess let the doctor tell you that you can't if something comes up medically that they have good reason to stop you on.

>> No.13432709

Also holy shit, was just reading about it because your post me curious and I thought this might make you feel a lot better about donating to your own mother:
>Hey all, non-directed living donor here. I made the decision to donate to a stranger for my 30th birthday. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do so. It’s been 2 years since my donation surgery and I’ve not experienced any adverse health effects. I’ve become quite close with my recipient and will always view him as one of my closest friends.
I honestly didn't realize there were people out there who just donated major organs of theirs to actual strangers. If that guy can happily just give his spare kidney away to someone he never even knew before then you can feel a lot better yours is at least going to immediate family.

>> No.13432720
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Time to load a savegame or ragequit. A life without bacon is not worth living. Ever wonder what happened to all the people who lived before bacon was invented? They fucking died of sadness.

>> No.13432725

le reddit faggot gigante

>> No.13433109

Since Christmas I think I at left over roast beef everyday, I need to stop as well.

Let's start this journey together OP, I really want a thread where we think of a recipe that we can agree on and each of us cook it. Then we post results in this thread.

>> No.13433130

I had to take these every day for a couple of years. Got misdiagnosed with gastroparesis when I was young and doctor just said to keep taking these. A couple of years ago I went to the doctor again and had perfectly fine kidneys, most likely had damage but reversed it through good water consumption. Just a little optimism for you OP.

>> No.13433133

Jesus Christ I sound like an autist.

>> No.13433142

you're only supposed to take it for 2 weeks at a time, sue the doctor

>> No.13433154
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Wait piss isn't supposed to have bubbles in it

>> No.13433169

It's a problem if it looks like the head of a beer.

>> No.13433175

So with actual height to it or something?

>> No.13433199

Pharmacist here. I fucking hate doctors prescribing or recommending this awful shit. For 99% of people zantac or pepcid will work just as well without the long term side effects. Prilosec should be fucking banned unless theres a pressing reason to prescribe

>> No.13433207

Yellowish brown, and especially foamy.

It could also mean you're not drinking enough water. Drink water, anon.

>> No.13433226

That's probably more likely, it's always worse when I can tell I'm pissing a screaming jet of pure urea

>> No.13434336

where the fuck do you guys get these retarded doctors that prescribe PPIs for long term usage?

>> No.13436167

Is Prilosec actually effective

>> No.13436185
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Oh shit bros. My urine is foamy and even pure bloody sometimes. I also have a crippling pain in my right side that stops me from even standing up for too long. Am I fucked? What should my last meal be.

>> No.13436193

It is effective but at the price of you kidneys over a long enough timeline.

>> No.13436327

If you act totally cynical like that then there's no point in science and the truth at all. Science isn't totally skewed and made up, and I hope you don't think that. It's fair to dismiss any given study if you can define the grounds on which you are doing it, but these particular studies are not quite suspicious. Cynicism makes you stupid.

>> No.13437652

I live in america.

>> No.13437663

>Reminder studies say this and studies say that depending on who is paying for desired results
Then why do you fanatically believe you have the right answer and everyone else is wrong? What are you basing your own conclusion on now that you've gotten so assblasted and shut down you felt the need to indiscriminately attack the entire fucking institution of evidence based medical science in general to try to recover?

>> No.13437865

do you have a problem with shitty shitskin docs there too? got a bunch of worthless indian docs in canada

>> No.13440064

isn't that the problem in every western country these days?

>> No.13440088

I suppose so but I was more interested in the specifics.