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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 231 KB, 1200x902, Ryan_McGrale.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13425575 No.13425575 [Reply] [Original]

why do bartenders never know what a highball is when i ask for one? every time i ask i feel like a retarded boomer when they have no idea what i'm talking about. am i reddit or is the average bartender just kind of actually clueless?

>> No.13425606

I'll show you some high balls in this high nutsack LMAO

>> No.13425643

The average bartender is some floozy hoping you'll give her 5 bucks because she wore a low cut shirt. Stick to beer and basic mixed drinks.

>> No.13425657
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>whiskey, ice, and a sparkling soda in a highball glass
>not basic

this is what i don't get about it. how is it that you can ask for whatever meme 10 ingredient drink and people will probably get it but not a highball? there's even a specific and common bar glass named after the drink

>> No.13425737

Maybe stop ordering retard autistic drink that were popular with flappers in the 1920's

>> No.13425752

Highballs are popular in Japan with drunk salaryman staying out late to avoid coming home to their nagging wives and children. They even come in cans at the convenience store

>> No.13425754

>with drunk salaryman staying out late to avoid
bro they're a 60's/70's drink. you never had a 7 & 7?

>> No.13425863

Bartenders don't know shit.
I once went to a club and ordered a Vodka Martini, she gets all picky and is like "Well how do you want it? Dry? Wet? Dirty, clean?"
Like bitch unless I say otherwise I just want you to splash some vermouth in a glass of grey goose.

On top of that, she gives me one olive in the thing. I go back to the club next week and order another martini from the same bartender. I ask her Can I get a vodka martini. with two olives?" And of course she replies with "Welllllll, an authentic martini has THREE olives"
"Yeah well, last time I was here the bartender only gave me one"

I asked for a sidecar once (Which I don't care what anyone says, every bartender should know a sidecar considering its on virtually every top ten list of cocktails anywhere.)
Not only did i have to tell the bartender how to make it, She served it to me in a whisker tumbler.

>> No.13425883

Literally no American bartender actually knows anything about bartending or the drinks served in a bar, they're refuse who couldn't get an actual job so they work at a shitty dive with no knowledge or experience in order to take advantage of drinking benefits.

>> No.13425899

I live in Japan and highballs are shit, get a flavored sochu drink

>> No.13425922

Do you ask for a "highball"?
Because that's a pretty generic name.

If that's your way of asking for a whisky and soda, you're being pretentious and ignorant.

>> No.13425923

thing is op most people aren't weabs so they probably don't realise you are talking about an "onorabur whisky soda highborr folded a birrion times" and are confused as to why you aren't being specific

>> No.13425937

highballs aren't a japanese drink you retard, japan just learned of it from americans

>> No.13425945

You completely missed my point, ignorant weab.

>> No.13425951

you're the one who brought up japanese crap, idiot

>> No.13425953

keep getting confused looks when ordering "highballs" without specifying then, you clearly don't want to be helped

>> No.13425960

I wonder if OP also asks the clerk at Walmart about what velocipedes they carry

>> No.13425970
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it's whiskey with a sparkling soda. it's not hard to figure out if you aren't a retard. it's almost like you're giving a bartender the chance to show their personal flair in how they like to make a drink rather than having to spell every single fucking ingredient out like you were instructing a child to make a drink for you. why even bother with a bartender at that point?

i mean christ, when you ask for a whiskey you'd be pissed if the bartender quizzed you over every aspect of it: what glass would you like it in? by rocks you mean ice right? how many ice cubes would you like? would you like a single standard serving or more? what specific whiskey would you like?

what's even the point of a bartender if you have to instruct them on every step of the drink you want? what if you don't know specifically what you want in your drink and want to rely on a bartender's expertise? christ, what a concept!

>> No.13425974

excluding hipster shops it literally hasn't been called that name since the fifties or sixties ya mong

>> No.13425976

>it's whiskey with a sparkling soda.
No it fucking isn't you cargo short wearing hentai masturbating fat dumb autistic cunt. Stop watching anime.

>> No.13425978

what else is a highball then? google it without adding "glorious japan" to the end of your search your braindead fuck. literally every recipe not from a pretentious source will tell you it's a whiskey with a choice of sparkling soda, such a seagrams with 7-up or a whiskey or a club soda or tonic water. that's all it fucking is. it's a classic american working man's drink. there's nothing complicated about it.

you might as well be calling whiskey a nip drink just because it's popular in japan. you're retarded. you're brain addled. put the jap crap down and get a life

>> No.13425986

what you are describing is just called a whiskey soda you muppet

>> No.13425988

A highball is a glass greater in size than a tumbler but smaller than a (cheater) pint. If you want a whiskey and soda for whatever pussy reason and need more soda than is afforded in a tumbler for whatever pussy reason then you'd ask for a 'whiskey and soda single tall' and you'd get it in a highball glass if they have it or likely a (cheater) pint if they don't.

>> No.13425993

Is wikipedia considered pretentious in Japan? A highball (please note, not haiboru) is a spirit and soft drink in the west. Rum and coke as a long drink is a highball. 7 and 7 is a highball. Stop watching so much anime.

>> No.13425995

it's almost as if wikipedia has a habit of wank pedantry, preferring the strictly technical truth rather than the practical or even common truth!

>> No.13426004

That might be a good point if this thread wasn't you seething about how you struggle to get what you want at a bar as a result of your own weab pretentiousness. Show it next time and order a long whisky soda, dumbfuck.

>> No.13426007

>barkeep gimme a pint
>pint of what?
>OMG how dare he not know what I want in the pint

you are now openly admitting to ordering a size of glass without specifying what should be in it

>> No.13426010

>what else is a highball then?
Ask Harry fucking Craddock, you colossal cockmongler

>1 Lump of Ice.
>1 Glass of any Spirit, Liqueur or Wine desired.

>Fill glass with syphon soda water or split of soda. Ginger Ale can be used if preferred. Add twist of Lemon Peel if desired.

A highball is, was, and always will be the most basic term for booze and a mixer. It's like going into a bar and asking for 'wine' or 'juice'. Who the fuck knows what you're ordering?!

That said, I'd probably mix you a pisco highball with club soda, since I've got a good pisco that I keep showing off to people. But you're a cunt, so actually, I'd tell you to get the fuck out of my house.

>> No.13426014

going to a bar and asking for something generic is 100% completely valid. a bartender is supposed to be able to help you figure out what you want, recommend something to you, or let you try something you haven't had before. acting like a customer should always have to know exactly what they want is retarded. who's the one who's supposed to be working, the customer or the bartender?

>> No.13426016

Are you pretending to be retarded as a joke, or do you actually not know there are multiple types of vermouth with different flavors?

>> No.13426017

stow it*

>> No.13426025

except you didn't even order a generic you ordered a fucking glass size .

>> No.13426030

"Barkeep, let me get a on the rocks"
"What the fuck are you talking about retard"
"Just like in my Japanese animes"

>> No.13426032

>a bartender is supposed to be able to help you figure out what you want
I completely agree, and if somebody came in and asked to try a fizz or a sour or, god forbid, came in and asked for a frozen martini, I'd recommend something (honestly, probably something with a high markup, since they're basically asking to be upsold). But OP doesn't really present that as the situation:
>why do bartenders never know what a highball is when i ask for one?
OP seems to think that there is one, specific recipe for a highball, and that bartenders don't know what he means, so they're the problem. Quite probably what's happening is that OP makes his request and the bartender asks something like "Do you want bourbon in that?" and OP gets upset and embarrassed and says "George Dickel and soda" and then goes onto a Latvian haddock crimping message board to bitch about how the bartender didn't know his order by telepathy

>> No.13426036
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>Quite probably what's happening is that OP makes his request and the bartender asks something like "Do you want bourbon in that?"

no every bartender i've asked has just said they don't know what that is and nothing else

>> No.13426048

Because it's a fucking generic lmao
Might as well ask for "spritzer" or just "a sour."

>> No.13426324
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>ordering drink from a pretty nice place
>I'll have a tom collins with beefeater
>"Oh sorry sir I can't make a tom collins, we don't have lemonade or sweet tea here"

>> No.13426334

OP, you smooth brained piece of shit, bartenders are unskilled low income workers who don't care at all about your terminology expectations. If they don't know what you're talking about then fucking describe the specific components you want it to have you idiot. Use your big people words.

>> No.13426337

>a bartender is supposed to be able to help you figure out what you want, recommend something to you, or let you try something you haven't had before
How much money do you think the typical bartender makes exactly? Do you have these same expectations for your local McDonald's cashier or grocery store bagger?

>> No.13426340

Probably because they don't want you to then say "Well can't you look it up?"

Also, just google "highball" dude.
>Highball is the name for a family of mixed alcoholic drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer

You call out a highball by the liquor + mixer. "whiskey ginger", "rum and coke", "scotch and soda", "gin and tonic" are all highballs.

>> No.13426345

>going to bars in the first place
Honestly why? There's better places to drink and better places to hangout, maybe you want to meet people but if you're sperging about memeballs then I doubt you're striking up conversations that don't start with "ackshually.."

>> No.13426360

bartenders should literally be replaced with robots

>> No.13426361

This. Bartenders are terminally unmotivated promiscuous slobs. That's why I laugh at people who think it was noble that AOC spent her 20s as a bartender. It means she was too lazy for a 9 to 5 real job, she "worked" maybe 3 nights a week, slept in every day, and dodged taxes

>> No.13426362

All jobs should be.

>> No.13426373

Why are redditors like this?
Everything is robots, Mars or Elon musk. Dreams of shitty non existing technology is all they think about

>> No.13426400

>non existing technology
coca cola machines already exist

you just squirt liquid into a glass, how complicated is that

>> No.13426408

this should have been /thread

>> No.13426771

>coca cola machines, which need to be refilled bi-daily and cleaned daily, should be made even more needlessly complex and require even more labyrinthine health hazard piping
You are a retard, as all redditors are. Your pea brain thinks technology is magic, and doesn't require power, materials, maintenance, repair, or any other of the logistical hurdles you never see because you fill a useless make-work job far away from material causality.

>> No.13426795

ok explain why every fast food place can have those but you can't have one for mixed drinks and it's better to pay someone to poor drinks by hand

oh wait you can't

>> No.13426802

Stout? Ale? Pilsner? Lager?

You're just a pretentious ignorant kid.

>> No.13426838
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>> No.13426921

I just did and you would have understood this if you weren't a fucking retard
Bars are a social venue. If you want to drink without seeing a human face buy a 1.75l of vodka and fuck yourself up at home, autist boy

>> No.13426925

you can ask for beer and spirits mixed with a popular soda.

if you want anything more complicated you need to find somewhere that specifically advertises it, where they will charge you twice the price for the trouble.

>> No.13426945

Stouts are ales and pilsners are lagers you actual pretentious shit

>> No.13426961

who hurt you sweetheart?

>> No.13426968

I'm a 22 year old bartender, my coworkers are all 10+ years older than me. I asked one of them to hand me a highball one day. "what?" "... a rocks glass"

>> No.13426969
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>> No.13426977

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.13426982

seethe more

>> No.13427068

no you didn't

and people go to socialize with other customers not explain how to make drinks to some wagie

>> No.13427075

So you havent matured to the age where your balls drop yet? Good one

>> No.13427079

It’s just lack of experience and stupidity

I once had a bartender come to my table when I ordered a Black Russian to ask me how it’s made.

Like nigga you couldn’t pull out your phone to google that before coming over here and looking stupid in front of me and my friends.

>> No.13427080


I unironically say “Yas Queen Slayyyyy” to my kitten when I breed a perfect competitive Pokémon. :(

>> No.13427081

>if its not budlight or a meme drink from instagram youre a retard.

Are you even old enough to consume alcohol young man?

>> No.13427105

Fucking kek

>> No.13427118

Only spergs try to order "classy" old timey cocktails.

>> No.13427131

>a bunch of retards sitting around in front of a lifeless machine with no waitstaff
Way to turn your bar into a fucking supermax prison cafeteria you brainless social pariah

>> No.13427135

who are you quoting, retard?

>> No.13427223

>le who are you quoting meme
Thank you for admitting that your argument has reached the point of indefensibility. The next step is to kill yourself

>> No.13427297
File: 227 KB, 900x1285, ADDE4FEB-5000-420B-82B7-EBC8E984CC87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s almost as if you cu/cks haven’t been to Japan and had an actual high all from the highball machines in every bar there

>> No.13427317

Whisky, on the rocks, splash of soda

It's going to come in the correct short, not tall, glass.

>> No.13427336

>such a seagrams with 7-up
That's gin, I believe, and ordering a 7 and 7 is the name of the cocktail and the brand of booze both, kind of like SoCo and lime. You are going to look like a cheapass with no preferences, if you say whiskey and soda and not specify the brand you want. Maker's Mark, double, on the rocks, splash of sparkling soda, please. When you don't care that much, and you'd be happy with any of 3 or 4 brands, you can ask what is offered first.

OP, stop going to Applebees. When and if you find a bar that has someone excellent working there, you support them with your business. It's simple like that.

>> No.13427351

for me its whiskey and ginger ale

>> No.13427410

Quite a bit depending. Don't act like they aren't bartenders fucking swimming in tips. Context is important and you're blatantly ignoring it

>> No.13427437

>Go back
Pick one

>> No.13427556

BRRRRRATTTT got his ass

>> No.13427561


>> No.13427861

i mean, i guess i can see lemonade being an ok substitute

but what the fuck with the sweet tea

>> No.13427954

>fedora tippers ordering drinks they saw in movies to look cool
That being said every bar usually has a little book where the minimum wage staff can look up all common recipes.

>> No.13428098
File: 88 KB, 839x464, MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can I get you?
>A highball
>Okay, what kind?
A highball is literally any combination of spirit and non-alcoholic mixer. Whiskey and coke is a "highball", whiskey and soda water is a "highball", tequila and piss is a "highball".This is like going to a restaurant and telling the server that you want "a beef".

Please kill yourself.

>> No.13428113

Must have thought that you were asking for a John Daly.

>> No.13428194


you are retarded

>> No.13428237

I bet you think crepes are Japanese too

>> No.13428244

>fuck tradition, my little zoomer dopamine addled brain jumps to the next cool ethnic thing or thing I saw on instagram to make myself look cool

>> No.13428477

>thats not a good look for you

>> No.13429245
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just a thought

>> No.13429316

A highball is a glass you faggot. It's not 1920.

>> No.13429339

Highball has been a 7&7. Seven up and whiskey, American whiskey. Yes I am old, yes I was a bartender, yes I am an asshole. Yes a highball is American whiskey and seven up. Then when those damn Canadians got into it they used ginger ale.

>> No.13429860

Okay so what if OP said something like, "I'd like a whiskey highball drink, something bubbly"?

>> No.13429864
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>> No.13429910

Suck a limp cock.
7&7 is 7up and Seagram's

>> No.13429952
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-seagrams-7-crown-873f8fe09f3eef97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes; seagram's as in seagram's 7 crown, you absolute retard

>> No.13429985

That's what I said, you flaming homosexual.

>> No.13429994
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Love that shit, it's almost as good as..

>> No.13430369

>Pour the shot into a glass...
I know, I know. *fills glass with ice*

And sometimes they don't ask, you get it neat in a nosing glass or glencairn and they tell you which whiskey is which.

It's not a job that pays well, so there's more kids than experts. But there are a few aspiring sommeliers around.

>> No.13430976

Not enough information to ensure that you get what you want. It's like telling a deli that you want a sandwich with turkey on it.

>> No.13431016

Actual bartender here, it’s a little of both.
On one hand while I’d probably understand you wanted a whisky highball, it’s also a generic term for any liquor with bubbly mix. We mostly deal with people who really have no idea what they want to drink and therefore it’s generally a good idea to ask more questions to feel out exactly what the customer means. A good amount of bar goers just repeat the name of a drink they’ve heard from a movie or tv show they like in an attempt to emulate a character. And on the other hand it could be that you are ordering drinks from a beer and wine jockey. If you neighbourhood pub deals overwhelmingly in beer and house wine it’s generally a bad idea to expect good cocktail service.

>> No.13431521

I've worked bars. If somebody ordered a highball I'd feel like a retard when in reality, the guy ordering it is the retard. Just order what you want and not a fucking glass dipshit.

>> No.13431552
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I have about 9 highballs left. They end up smashed in the dish water so easily. They're so thin.

>> No.13431562

my shit test is always tom collins, that's how I decide how the rest of the night will go
most of the time they don't know what it is and have to look it up

one time the bartender very confidently gave me a regular gin and soda after I ordered on

the craft is dead

>> No.13431573


dickologists have a union. They can legally mix their own urine into you drinks.

>> No.13431970

why do retards go to non cocktail bars and order fancy cocktails and get upset when they don't come out right?

>> No.13431999


Imagine going to a sports bar and then getting upset that your Old Fashioned isn't perfect.

>> No.13432520

imagine having a union for a job you get from a weekend certification

>> No.13433619
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What's wrong with expecting more than mediocrity and the bare acceptable minimum from people? No wonder the world is turning to shit.
Two item drink that is just mix and srrve is a fancy cocktail? Give me a break.

>> No.13433705

>go to library
>jesus fuck why are there so many smelly niggers in here
Locale matters dumbass

>> No.13433716


Let me guess, you like your coffee black and you're an atheist. Incel

>> No.13433722

I bet you've tried ordering "a pint of lager" or asked for "a pack of smokes" before

>> No.13433727

I went to the movie theater today and a machine mixed flavored soda for me. What's so difficult about adding alcohol? Drink genies already do half the work for the bartender as it is.

>> No.13434209

yeah clearly you have no standards

>> No.13434613

op's a dumbass

>> No.13434674

Are you a god fearing Christian who drinks his milk and sugar with a dash of coffee and fucks a new girl every week?

>> No.13435925


>> No.13436041
File: 129 KB, 720x720, bourbon-old-fashioned-720x720-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, you can put literally anything in an Old Fashioned and people will tell you it's perfect. Last time I used brown sugar instead of white, blackberries instead of oranges and a literal fucking peppermint, and it got rave reviews as a "Christmas Twist"

>> No.13436100

Wheres the dash of lemon?

>> No.13437506

People's drink preferences change with the times OP, yes there are classic drinks that will always be known at every establishment but most modern bars or pubs cater mostly to the beer and wine crowd with obviously some knowledge of cocktails. Maybe if you go to an older lounge type establishment they would know what a highball is.

>> No.13437535

>a bartender is supposed to be able to help you figure out what you want, recommend something to you, or let you try something you haven't had before.

>> No.13437906

It's like your dumbass ordering a cocktail, you have to be specific on what you want you absolute retard. jack and coke, seven and seven....

>> No.13437946

Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.13438626
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>non existing technology
Programmable peristaltic pumps? Those exist, Anon. I'm pretty sure the only reason to even have bartenders is... Okay, I tried coming up with a few different things that bartenders do, but machines exist to do all those things also. It'd probably be a liability issue to leave a bar unattended though, so there is that.

Well, unattended by humans.

>> No.13438636

Ask me how I know you've never cleaned one of those machines in your life.

>> No.13438651

>he's back again to defend his autistic inability to look a bartender in the eye and not stutter when ordering his drink on the internet and promote inconvenient as shit reddit technology that nobody wants

>> No.13438675

so you pay some wagie to clean it several times a day what's the problem? that's one barback changing shit out and cleaning it vs a whole bar crew

>> No.13438707

Insecure, retarded, and extremely gay pilled my friend.

>> No.13438718

>he's back again
That was my first post this thread.
>autistic inability to look a bartender in the eye and not stutter when ordering
Well, you're not wrong about that one though.
>technology that nobody wants
No one would want a bartender that can produce any drink, more consistently than even a high-end cocktail bartender would, with less overhead and therefore cheaper than a divebar could afford to sell them? Okay. Seems weird to me, but whatever, I'd rather drink at home than in public anyway.

>> No.13438803

1. it's a dated term
2. there's ambiguity regarding what comprises a "highball." the term really refers to any simple mixed drink made with a spirit and soda. however a whiskey+ginger ale seems to be the default highball, if that makes sense.

why not just order a whiskey ginger if there's typically confusion?

>> No.13438842

If you just asked for a house whiskey and soda it would automaticaly come in a highball glass. That is the standard glass for that drink and you don't need to specify.

>> No.13438892

you could just ask for a tom sellicker on the rocks with a sprintz. If they don't know what that is, then you can't go wrong with a big justin

>> No.13440288

The default would be scotch and soda. If they want ginger ale they'll order whiskey and dry. I've never heard of whisky and dry, rum and coke, etc referred to as highballs. Ever.

>> No.13440352

>is the average bartender just kind of actually clueless?

yes, they literally take 3-4 things and mix them together in a cup for a living for drunk retards

why do you think none of them ever got a proper job that actually contributes anything of value to society?

>> No.13441702
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>pay people minimum
>effort is minimum

>> No.13441734

Then what the fuck name is it called by?

>> No.13441741

We should just be grateful they didn't shit on the floor and drool in the glass.

>> No.13441752

Whiskey and soda.

>> No.13441837

I know that feel. I too get upset when bartenders don't know what a John Daly is and more upset when they don't get the joke about the name (an alcoholic Arnold Palmer). Fuckers should have more esoteric knowledge like about the 1920s and PGA golf if they're going to tend bar.

>> No.13442438

>Buying products from actual cultists and pedophiles

>> No.13442853

sorry, a good bartender

>> No.13442991

>my magic technology would replace a human bartender with 100% efficiency and be super smart and never need maintenance and have a deflect everything shield
Shut the fuck up, redditor, and keep the details of your retarded autistopia to yourself.

>> No.13442997

Ask me how I know you're a dead-weight office bureaucrat paid to proofread spreadsheets all day.

>> No.13443063

Are you asking specifically for what you want or just for a "highball"? Because highballs refer to a class of drinks. You might as well ask for a "cocktail" too.