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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 287 KB, 1600x1200, D1FEBC42-A7BF-40C2-AA1C-97AC8437CB85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13421975 No.13421975 [Reply] [Original]

They gave me a tray at the theater!

>> No.13421978

how was cuck wars

>> No.13422069

that's a nice fat bun. the one i got at costco food court was simpy. how'd it taste?

>> No.13422197

not OP but it was hilariously bad. palpaltinis star destroyer fleet looked like some 300 tier cgi. we went to watch it with a friend that was genuinly excited and even he felt cheated by the mouse

>> No.13423399

All fatties get trays.

>> No.13423503

My local theater has retractable trays attached to the arm rests, your theater is in the dark ages.

>> No.13423556

Imagine being such a hamplanet that you need a hotdog as well as popcorn and a HFCS drink just to make it through a movie. No wonder they gave you a tray.

>> No.13423628

They give you trays in prison too.

>> No.13423631

Where did the word "hamplanet" come from anyway?

>> No.13423644


this may shock and surprise you but many movie viewings line up with lunch and dinner hours and when people go to see the movie, they'd like to have a meal which constitutes lunch or dinner.

>> No.13423650

the brain of a great wordsmith

>> No.13423655

It's a treat to enjoy while watching a nice film and might take up the space of a proper meal.

Besides, popcorn isn't filling at all.

>> No.13423663

Haven't been to a theater in 10 years for that very reason. Grown ups filling their fat face.. Cant they survive 2 hrs without eating?

>> No.13423670

Hell anon, I saw the first star wars when I was a little kid and it put me right to sleep, even my grandmother that brought me to that movie stayed awake longer.
Those movies always put me to sleep, always, they sucked when I was a kid and now that it's disney shit suck even more.

>> No.13423677

All that must have cost $45 dollars

>> No.13423681

Their's really no reason to go to a theather these days. With proper technology one can pause stuff, fast forward, go back, control the sound levels, and get snacks and drinks and take a piss at our own leisure while not listening to distracting niggers yapping and checking their cellphones.

>> No.13423694

Niggers also lack self control so end up kicking seats, why in my right mind would I want to pay to be around them?

>> No.13423720

That forced disney diversity just doesn't work for me.

>> No.13423753
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>> No.13423771


>> No.13423779

Not op either but >>13422197 is right. Movie was a weird disjointed mess moving from one macguffin hunt to the other at such a rapid pace that nothing has time to sink in or matter
It feels like JJ Abrams tried to appeal to every fan theory and corner of fandom

>> No.13423793

So you eat that food and sit there for more than an hour, watching a movie, without brushing and flossing your teeth?
that is super gross, mydude.

>> No.13423807

Riight, but you're the one paying $20 a ticket for disney/hollywood crapola and $20 for a small box of popcorn or some watered down soda. Yeah OK, I'm the retard.

>> No.13423824

It's not just an hour these days in NYC, movies are drawn out to at least two and a half hours and that's not including commercials before they even start. It's pretty pathetic that movies don't even start at the stated start time anymore.

>> No.13423825
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>not pirating movies
>going to the theatre at all
>not smuggling in your own snacks if you ever do

>> No.13423832

OCD as fuck

>> No.13423833

I was the one that wrote that I don't go to theatres anymore, there's no reason to.

>> No.13423841

>he doesn't have normie friends who take him to the theatre sometimes

>> No.13423844

Unless bringing a guest from a foreign countryto a movie theatre there's 100% no reason that I would want to be at one.

>> No.13423852

well at least you have friends

>> No.13423853

> he pays $20 a seat for bullshit hollywood crapola and standing in line for even more crapola instead of just downloading the shit and playing it.

>> No.13423854

>OCD as fuck
We only got one set of teeth. a couple of minutes of work a day will keep you basically cavity free + no need to go to the dentist.

>> No.13423862

Family and friends is pretty cool and certainly a reason why I don't go to theatres anymore, we can all deal with this on our own and not stand in line like faggots.

>> No.13423866

>he doesn't understand that seeing movies with other people is a social event
i prefer to sit at home with a pirated movie too but you're kind of just revealing you are in fact a sperg without normie friends

>> No.13423868

>he just doesn't get it
i can't imagine being autistic like this

>> No.13423870

>sit next to people you cant talk to in the middle of the cinema
>social event
invite people over to watch movies you mongoloid

>> No.13423874

Why do you presume that? Standing in line with niggers is not a social event when I or friends can host these at our own homes.

>> No.13423878

I suspect that you can't imagine much of anything outside of hollywood bullshit.

>> No.13423879

this is really fucking sad
i need to remember not to bully the disabled

>> No.13423881

>i don't understand how social interaction works so you aren't actually a fan of twin peaks
delete your life

>> No.13423886

Niggers aren't disabled, they're just niggers that want free money from "the gubment." Kind of like al sharpie sharpton or jessie jackson.

>> No.13423890

imagine getting kiked and thinking thats how things should be.
muh social event my ass

>> No.13423891

Yeah you're right on that one, I'm not a fan of any west coast bullshit, shows designed to go on until they get cancelled has never been appealing to me.

>> No.13423897

yeah I actually have good friends.

>> No.13423909

Don't forget mayor marion "crackhead" berry from Washington, DC.

>> No.13423917

Left coast laughtracks, oh yeah, that's certainly appealing. These shits can't do crap without a laughtrack.

>> No.13423921

thanks for proving neither of you have watched it or even have a clue what you're talking about
>coast shit
Literally what are you even talking about

>> No.13423927

Coastal America has not produced anything good for nearly 30 years.

>> No.13423928

why do you Americans hate each other so fucking much

>> No.13423932

That's not hate but merely a fact
t. european

>> No.13423935

Why would I want to watch moronic shit from the left coast that needs laughtracks and focus groups?

>> No.13423944

We don't hate california, or left coast freaks that wear vans and sketchers we just don't want to be around them. That's because they're morons and suck.

>> No.13423953

Not him,. I'm British but he's right. Nothing good has come from Coastal America (which includes Canadian coastline as well) for decades,

>> No.13423958

We also don't want to pay for california's illegal immigration policies which make no sense at all, only a fool would fall for that california bullshit.

>> No.13423960

it doesn't have laughtracks though and you'd know that if you weren't too busy seething about nothing

>> No.13423961

Alaskan Bush People is pretty good though
I love watching shitty people

>> No.13423964

How am I seething?
Watch anything from the left coast/hollywood and it's filled with laughtracks because it's so lame they need the laughtracks.

>> No.13423971

That shit is so staged it's unwatchable, I can't get through more than five minutes of one of those so called reality shows without turning it off.

>> No.13423979

something awful

>> No.13423981

Laughtracks / focus groups / lawyers that's the left coast shit these days, pretty much useless cunts.

>> No.13423986

>it doesn't have laughtracks
>it wasn't audience tested

>> No.13423994

As in the movie Videodrome the real solution is to simply turn off the TV. Mine if off now, how many commercials are you watching?

>> No.13423996

It being so horribly staged is part of the appeal for me. It just makes me laugh even more that they continually fuck up so hard

>> No.13424001

haha who the fuck has cable anymore, boomer?

>> No.13424004

The problem with that is all of the commercials stuffed in, kind of like NFL matches with 5 hours of commercials for a 1 hour match.

>> No.13424006

It's included in my apartment, I can always use my computer for other shit.

>> No.13424007

Ah, I just torrent ad-free

>> No.13424011

That's fair

>> No.13424016

I think the problem with torrenting these days is finding hosts, it was big stuff like 15 years ago but now, finding hosts is a hassle.

>> No.13424029

Also some of those called "ad-free" sites throw pop-ups and are annoying as all heck. Try to watch EPL stuff online and there are more pop-ups then one can shake a stick at.

>> No.13424035
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>annoying as all heck.

>> No.13424039

I was putting that nicely instead of calling them click bait cunt sites.

>> No.13424070

What are torrents?
Jeez, son. Cant afford 20 bucks for some streaming service?

>> No.13424103

while this is 100% true. Waiting to see Promare as not a shaky camrip is torture

>> No.13424137

Can you say rent free? Go fuck a nigger already and get it out of your system.

>> No.13424288
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>shake a stick at

>> No.13424296

What's with the massive bun

>> No.13424322

What's with your shitty "rent free" meme. I've been paying my own rent since I was about 15 yrs old, what useful shit have you done except try to make up bullshit?

>> No.13424329

Your "rent free" bullshit got boring fast, is that why you keep trying to push it?

>> No.13424344
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>I've been paying my own rent since I was about 15 yrs old
that's not what he means, bro

>> No.13424355

Yes, we know you come from a dysfunctional white family that kicks their kids to the street as soon as they hit puberty, but that wasn't his point.

>> No.13424358

Ya know, if you're trying to make a point then you're not doing very well at it, try learning some English in order to get a point across to others. I'm not wearing some decoder ring so don't understand your nonsense.

>> No.13424360

Nice assumption, totally wrong, but that's to be expected from a nigger such as you.

>> No.13424381

Your jealously preceeds you, nigboi.

>> No.13424526
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That's way too much bread for a dog.
What is Jap's problem with making Amerian bread products huge? It's disgusting. All chewy bread, they totally miss the point.
Why is Japanese food so vulgar?

>> No.13424642

Proofread your post before replying you illiterate nigger

>> No.13424749

shut the fuck up fatass

>> No.13424773

I weigh 10 and a half stone and run five miles a day, go fuck youself, neo-puritan.

>> No.13424798

That means so much from a nigger paying for a tray in some theatre.
That's really comes down to the fact that you're a meaningless fool.

>> No.13424918

It's worth the wait Anon

>> No.13425656

>pirate movie
>invite friends over
>acquire beer
>acquire literally whatever the fuck you want to eat
>can be as loud as you want and do other shit while you watch the movie
>can pause and rewind at will
>can watch as many movies as you want
>not a nigger in sight


>go stand in line, pay the jews $14 to watch one movie
>pay them another $20 for snacks that you could buy at the gas station for $5
>stand in line again
>enter darkened room full of niggers
>can't pause, can't do anything but sit in silence and hope laqueenie's baby daddy doesn't call her mid-film
>no beer in sight

>> No.13425663

proved yourself as autistic and that you don't have any friends to invite over
shit dude you are nearing thirty, how are you so autistic?

>> No.13425671

>like 6 major competing streaming services
>most have 2-3 shows I'll actually watch and thousands of super low budget filler crap
>all the good shows exclusive to one streaming service
>all $20 each
>or i could have it all for free

sorry disney, i'm not paying $20 a month so I can watch 4 episodes of Mandalorian a year. inb4 you call me poor for not wasting my money on useless bullshit I can get for free.

>> No.13425674


you seem upset, you should try and relax.

>> No.13425679

i haven't seen such a display of autism since last week
congrats, die

>> No.13425682
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>redditfag lecturing anyone
die under the superior homosexual you unbelievable pussy

>> No.13425686

Yeah, but brushing + flossing twice a day when you get up and before you go to bed is fine for the average person. Directly after each meal is just OCD and can actually damage your teeth if you eat/drink acidic things right before you brush.

>> No.13425688
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>ok retard
pathetic. eat bowser ass

>> No.13425689

he is literally ocd sperg fuck

>> No.13425697

haha I made you guys mad by literally presing butons

>> No.13425717

Niggers live rent free in your head stupid retard

>> No.13425727
File: 499 KB, 960x960, d82phyr-e1f312f3-c766-4c49-8e75-f086e31d9c99_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL triggered by gays