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File: 98 KB, 638x900, glass-of-soda-with-splash-jack-andersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13412428 No.13412428 [Reply] [Original]

>fat from drinking soda and beer
>looking for soda and beer alternative
>everything without HFCS has stevia or aspartame
>"flavored" sparkling water just tastes like if Landshark was made with fruit instead of hops
>the fruit element is more an aroma than a taste

are there any non-HFCS sodas that won't give me cancer? why can't sodas just be fruit, cane sugar and carbonated water?

>> No.13412436

switch to water, you absolute child

>> No.13412438

>diet soda cancer meme
god just die from your beetus juice already you dumb boomer

>> No.13412441

just drink diet coke retard

>> No.13412448

>an actual child calling anyone else a child

fuck you coca cola shills

>> No.13412469

there is absolutely no evidence that stevia or aspartame give you cancer or are otherwise harmful
Also HRCS is no worse for you than honey or whatever

>> No.13412488


>> No.13412561

>an actual child calling an actual adult an actual child

>> No.13412566

Honey isn't good for you either. All fructose is poison.

>> No.13412580

underage faggot detected

>> No.13412584

Just drink club soda nigga

>> No.13412593
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buy some of those pulp fruit bags and make your own juice, I've been doing that for years.

>> No.13412611

holy fuck drink water

also, try Topo Chico if it's in your area. it's a brand of naturally carbonated water that's delicious. They have a lime flavor that tastes very similar to a less crispy, no sugar sprite.

>> No.13412624

Aspartame is literally the most studied food additive in the world.

>> No.13412626

>trust (((the experts))) peasant!

>> No.13412630

good one faggot

>> No.13412746

>nobody answering OP's question

>> No.13412751

He got retarded replies for his retarded question. I don't think he should have expected more.

>> No.13412758

>drink the fucking syrup peasant

>> No.13412760

Cane sugar soda is just as bad for you as HFCS soda. Learn to love low cal/calorie free sweeteners or flavored seltzer.

>> No.13412763

>Buy our "natural" products instead!

>> No.13412773


>> No.13412801

>All fructose is poison.
Bullshit, the body processes fructose very easily, also does honey contain many nutrients and you can get propolis from it.

>> No.13412912
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>> No.13413175

Mix cream of tartar and lemon juice into water.
Chug too much of it whenever you want sodypaps.

>> No.13413223

>quit soda and beer altogether one month ago
>lost 10 kg already without me doing anything more than just drinking water instead.

Feels good man, only 40 kg more to go. i'll probably need to exercise and eat healthier though to achieve this.

>> No.13413231

>>"flavored" sparkling water just tastes like if Landshark was made with fruit instead of hops
Honestly you get used to it, wanted to switch off soda a few years ago and these seemed like the next best bet. You learn to like it, but you gotta stick with it for a bit. It's definitely an acquired taste.

>> No.13414654

>It's definitely an acquired taste
first time i ever had seltzer water it tasted like breath, which was very off-putting

>> No.13414749

one of the things soda does for you is settle your stomach

imo eating pineapple does the same job while satisfying you faster

>> No.13414776

>eating pineapple = consuming a fizzy drink

my palette needs stimulation in very specific ways, replacing soda with pineapple thats fucking stupid what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.13414790

Blatantly false fuck head. Aspartame is a known neurotoxin. Its chemical bonds metabolize into formaldehyde. Just ask the U.S. Millitary

>> No.13414798

eat big fresh chunks and they'll bite your tongue in a good way

>> No.13414807

>drinking a fizzy soft drink is the same as eating solid food
its not the same at all what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.13414828

Genuinely curious, what's wrong with drinking water? What culture do you stem from where drinking water is frowned upon?

>> No.13414835

>What culture do you stem from where drinking water is frowned upon?

i drink water, but i want soda i don't fucking care what anyone's "culture" says
fucking polfags i swear

>> No.13414837

Drink water on top then. You're gonna have to figure out what makes soda feel good to you, break those elements down and reassamble them into another set of sensations that won't lead you to guzzling refined sugar. Stimulate your stomach and sting your throat with some acidity, then wash it down with cold hydration. Make it iced tea if you need that caffeine.

>> No.13414847

>are there any non-HFCS sodas that won't give me cancer?
Basically everything sold outside US, for starters. Though to be fair, you should probably just drink water instead. Having sugar instead of HFCS isn't much of an improvement(least of all in soda).

>> No.13414853

i know what i want so stop trying to be my dietician you fuck
a non-HFCS, non-aspartame, non-stevia soda
anything that's only sweetened by non-processed pure cane sugar
i don't want an "alternative stimulation" that isn't even anything like drinking a soda
fuck off

>> No.13414868

>anything that's only sweetened by non-processed pure cane sugar
I thought you wanted to be less of a fat fuck.

>> No.13414874
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>are there any natural sodas that aren't chemically processed to metabolize into carcinogens but also taste like fountain soda?

>just drink water instead!
>no eat pineapples!
>aspartame is good for you! eat the bugs!

>> No.13414877

fruit and water, then soda in moderation
if you dont have the willpower for that then you will stay fat anyway

>> No.13414880

pure cane sugar > hfcs

>> No.13414888

short carbohydrates = short carbohydrates
At least where it concerns being a fat fuck, I'm not going to claim that HFCS isn't necessarily unhealthier in other ways.,

>> No.13414901

i didn't ask for diet advice
i asked for unprocessed soda recommendations
now either name some brands or fuck off with your unsolicited armchair expert advice

>> No.13414914

So what's your weight goal? 500lb?

>> No.13414921

thanks for the bump

>> No.13414930

You might check a brand called Blue Sky. They use cane sugar, and think they have an "organic" version. They have an orange cream version. They have plain cola and a Dr pepper variant, but they don't have caffeine in them.

>> No.13414932

Do you think that stuff is easy to ship and shelf stable without preservatives? If you want it bad enough, you can make it yourself by simmering fruit with some sugar to make your own syrup, and either make it yourself with club soda or get one of those shakeable seltzer things. Been doing it myself for years, even works for cocktails.


>> No.13414960

virgil's cola tastes like real cinnamon and has real sugar, i love it
also tamarindo jarritos is flavored with just tamarind and sugar afaik

>> No.13414972

>but they don't have caffeine in them
this sounds exactly like what i'm looking for

good idea and it doesn't sound that hard

heard their root beer is really good

>> No.13414998

all memes aside, there's unironically nothing wrong with stevia. you can grow it yourself if you want and the leaf straight off the plant tastes exactly like the shit in the packets. im sure you can even find organic non gmo shit if you wanted too.

>> No.13415009

They can be kinda pricey. You can find them in whole food like stores usually. They should also have some other similar products you can take a look at.
There's also that soda stream. I think the syrup they sell isn't too bad. You can also find some sort of converter online so you can buy those big tanks of c02 instead of buying those overpriced cans they want you to buy.

>> No.13415022
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Drink la croix instead tubby. It's just like what you want except it makes you not gay. Which is why you wont drink it. Enjoy your pure cane no corn syrup aids juice faggot.

>> No.13415069


>Blue Sky promotes itself as an alternative to
mainstream sodas, which commonly use high fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately for the manufacturer
of this beverage, I happened to read the ingredient list.
>I noticed it said “real sugar” for the sweetener.
It even said that in big letters on the front, so I didn't need to struggle with the tiny ingredient list font.
I thought to myself, “That's curious wording for an ingredient list.
>Usually they say sugar or cane
sugar or pure cane sugar or something like that.
>What is 'real' sugar?” So I researched it when I got
>Turns out “real” sugar may be a cloaking term for beet sugar. And why not just say beet sugar?
>Because beet sugar can now be genetically modified. In 2011 the USDA began allowing sugar beets to
be GMO. And that is a problem because there is no labeling of GMO's in the US (although there is in
Europe, since 2004).
>These sugar beets could either be GMO or not, we don't know. I assume they are
GMO, because if they weren't, there would be no need to cloak them with strange wording. If you are
proud of your beet sugar, you label it as such in the ingredient list.

>> No.13415142


Literally, out of all the unhealthy trash you fixate on soda. Fucking ham planet cola-addicted american.

Be a fucking man for you and drop the soda and the sugar cravings.

>> No.13415798

>unsolicited diet advice post # 48

>> No.13415818

take your're med schizo

>> No.13415845

drink water

>> No.13415864

>unsolicited diet advice post # 49

>> No.13415866

Just drink some fucking cane sugar soda then

>> No.13415870

>advertising thread #9010

>> No.13415875

the advertisers showed up at the 3rd post

>> No.13415997

Drink water until you're sick, then drink more. You'll get used to it quickly and your body will thank you for it.

>> No.13416027

>unsolicited diet advice post # 50

>> No.13416431

This. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise hasnt looked into any study whatsoever on the sweeteners

>> No.13416723

Get a water cabonator.
Flavour it with bitters.
My favourite is black walnut bitters, much better than it sounds.
Thank me later.

>> No.13416944

drink water you fat stupid fuck

>> No.13416979

I dont get people like this, like fuck you are worried about drinking like half a mg of aspartame but yet probably drive a fucking car or do something else that is contributing to hydro carbons in the air giving people cancer.

Absolutely boggles the mind how people like this function

>> No.13417001

>UGH! why do people want to lessen their own exposure to carcinogenic and hormone-altering chemicals by controlling one of the only aspects of their lives that they have control over?

>> No.13417003

>aspartame causes tumors in rodents
>metabolizes into formaldehyde


>> No.13417008

So is this a "haha I was only pretending to be retarded" babby's first troll thread, or has the beetus already rotted out It's brain?

>> No.13417009

Do Americans not know water exists?

>> No.13417023

Drink water you pussy

>> No.13417044

Just make your own, faggot
youre on the cooking board

>> No.13417051

>>"flavored" sparkling water just tastes like if Landshark was made with fruit instead of hops
lmao you're pathetic
stop drinking anything you fat pathetic piece of shit with fried tastebuds

>> No.13417228
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Acesulfame Potassium mixed with sucralose works well. Find a soda with that combo. Also, aspartame is perfectly safe, although, has a terrible aftertaste and is a bit too sweet imo.

This hippie fear of sweeteners being cancerogenic is in the same league of thinking vaccines make you autistic, that big pharma has hidden the cure of all terrible diseases in a vault somewhere because they make more money off a sick population and that man-made global warming is a hoax because of...some inexplicable reason someone somewhere is taking it in somehow?

Pic related

>> No.13417234

Easy on the conspiracy cancer there, chubbster.
Now, you can have sodas like that, just buy sodas that are made that way instead of Coke or lemon squirt or mountain dew or whatever you like to fatten yourself with. A simple Google will net you plenty of results. If you live anywhere near a major city in the US or Europe, you will find plenty of options. However don't think you'll lose weight just because you're replacing hfcs with regular sugar. You would be getting nowhere.

>> No.13417241


>> No.13417248

are you a rodent?

>> No.13417249

Aspartame metabolizes into formaldehyde in the human body

>> No.13417250


>> No.13417252

>bro just ingest deadly chemicals its nbd

>> No.13417254

did you know that there's deadly radiation everywhere in the world? shouldn't you be worried about that?

>> No.13417256

>its just radiation bro eat the chemicals

>> No.13417258

don't you understand? radiation kills, this is a fact
and there's radiation everywhere
get in your shelter

>> No.13417261

>actual fat people whining about "cancer" from artificial sweeteners
just LOL

>> No.13417330

Try Jarritos on the Mexican aisle, tastes better. Idk if it's healthier but it's cheap and tasty

>> No.13417337

Avoid all sugar caffeine water and just switch to regular water.

>> No.13417355

What the h*ck is wrong with stevia?

>> No.13417359

whats stopping you from mixing fruit, cane sugar, and carbonated water yourself, faggot? Why use cane sugar when you could use honey or some other sweetener like agave or something

>> No.13417421

you're not fat just from the soda, you're fat because you eat too much.

>> No.13417594


>> No.13417811

It tastes like shit and gives me the runs

>> No.13417850

Alt the beer is gin and tonics/soda or spirit neet. Soda alt is not drinking it at all you fucking manchild

>> No.13417881
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just drink unsweetened coffee or tea like an adult. Jesus.
You can make fridge tea and stuff

>> No.13417898

>>trust (((the experts))) peasant!

I love how your calling out the snakemen experts who hate Caucasians. They seem like such trustworthy fellows.

>> No.13418236

Landshark really does taste like Perrier.

>> No.13418246

If you're fat and trying to avoid soda, why are you asking for soda to be carbonated water and cane sugar? That IS what soda is. Cane sugar isn't going to magically make you lose weight compared to corn syrup you retard, although if you really wanted it there are cane sugar versions of soda all over the place now catering to ignorant retards like yourself who think it matters.

>> No.13418253

>However don't think you'll lose weight just because you're replacing hfcs with regular sugar.
This is what I don't get.
Is he SERIOUSLY saying he believes corn syrup made him fat and cane sugar won't, calorie intake kept unchanged? Is that what we're dealing with here?

>> No.13419011

>there are still retards giving unsolicited diet advice

keep your shitty advice to yourselves and either list can sugar sodas or fuck off

>> No.13419021


it's not just about weight, its about not getting cancer from chemically processed substances from things i enjoy consuming
go fuck yourselves

>> No.13419028

based actually useful advice post

>> No.13419196

drink water you morbid fat fuck

>> No.13419208
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>> No.13419220
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Ok fatty mcfatfuck.

>> No.13419300

drink seltzer you sugar guzzling retard

>> No.13419331

Drink water you weak willed, womanly disposition faggot.

>> No.13419339

Sparkling water is the GOAT beverage

>> No.13419461

The opening word of this entire thread is "fat", what else could possibly have been expected?

>> No.13419470

an answer to the question directly under it

>are there any non-HFCS sodas that won't give me cancer? why can't sodas just be fruit, cane sugar and carbonated water?

>> No.13419643

>it's not just about weight
The first thing you said in your OP was that you were fat because of soda and looking for a substitute. Once again: How exactly do you imagine switching from a drink with corn syrup to a drink with cane sugar will make you be ANY less fat??? Don't dodge, answer the damn question.

>> No.13419657

Why would you want a cane sugar carbonated water drink (which is exactly the definition of a soda) at all then? What does you being fat have anything to do with that? Cane sugar doesn't make you less fat than corn syrup.

>> No.13419670

it isn't just about fat you niggers all i want is a natural soda with no carcinogenic chemical additives i don't want your diet advice list brands or fuck off

>> No.13419783

This. You’d have to drink a 24 pack of Diet Coke daily for the aspartame to be dangerous

>> No.13419968


Cane sugar and fruit sugar will make you fat, too. Switch to water.

>> No.13419977

another useless post offering unsolicited diet advice

>> No.13419978


Their is literally nothing wrong with stevia or erithytol.

>> No.13419991

Fructose in general is terrible and is hepatoxic for humans.

>> No.13419993

it makes me shit and i don't want it
fuck off

>> No.13420000



>> No.13420021

>is there a healthy alternative to one of the most unhealthy things in the world that also tastes exactly like it


Even going with the assumption that Aspartame is safe and whatever, diet drinks never taste exactly the same as the regular ones.

There's also all sorts of meme flavored soda waters but again they taste nothing like soda.

>> No.13420064
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Either you are confusing these two sweeterns with completly different sugar alcohols that actually do cause the shits (since reading an ingredient label is too hard for your small brain) or it is just the placebo effect. Either way you are a complete retard who didn't even bother using Google to learn about different sweeteners before making this shitty and pointless thread. Fuck off and I hope your mother gets violently raped.

>> No.13420095

>aspartame and stevia cause cancer
Your tinfoil hat's on too tight

>> No.13420101
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>are there any non-HFCS sodas that won't give me cancer? why can't sodas just be fruit, cane sugar and carbonated water?

How about you just stop guzzling down sugar-water for once you fucking carb addict. Cane sugar is literally worse than any other artificial sweeteners still used today, you brainless mongrel. Kill yourself you faggot.

>> No.13420108
File: 17 KB, 675x768, vspl2uy9six31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about you just stop guzzling down sugar-water for once you fucking carb addict. Cane sugar is literally worse than any other artificial sweeteners still used today, you brainless mongrel. Kill yourself you faggot.

>> No.13420136


OP is 100% an obease sugar addict that has deluded himself into thinking that as long as he avoids HFCS he will be OK chugging down multiple 2 liters of soda every day.

>> No.13420179

You realize how much shit we consume that is metabolized into toxic byproducts. The liver is there to take care of the miniscule amounts of it there is. But sure, keep ranting about aspartame being metabolized into formaldehyde and your fizzy tard water. Drink chemicals, eat the bugs, (((they))) know where you live and you will never escape them. It is all according to plan.

>> No.13420200
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Cope more fatty

>> No.13420250
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>another useless post offering unsolicited diet advice

>> No.13420306


>> No.13420318
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>Cope more fatty

>> No.13420500
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>all i want is a natural soda with no carcinogenic chemical additives i don't want your diet advice

>> No.13420538

>>13419993 >>13419977 >>13419670 >>13419470 >>13419028 >>13419021
>>13419011 >>13417252 >>13417249
>>13417003 >>13417001 >>13416027
>>13415875 >>13415864 >>13415798
>>13414972>>13414921 >>13414901 >>13414880 >>13414853 >>13414835
>>13414807 >>13414776 >>13414654
>>13412773 >>13412758 >>13412746
>>13412626 >>13412580 >>13412448
Lose weight you fat fuck

>> No.13420562
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imagine caring this much about another man's body

>> No.13420569

I'd rather not run the risk of having a wild hippopotamus running around, thanks.

>> No.13420575

I'm from America

>> No.13420577

the only thing based about this post is that you rolled a 420 and 69

>> No.13420727

just drink vodka with lime juice.

>> No.13420747
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Here you go

>> No.13420810
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>fat from drinking soda and beer
>looking for soda and beer alternative
Is there a joke I'm missing or is this obese nigger fucking retarded?

>> No.13420844

But you're already cancer you fat tub of goo.

>> No.13421173

u cant even spell palate right
id tell u to get an education but u r prob too fat for that

>hurr soda is liquid pineapple is solid see i can do third grade physics
there is this thing called a juicer you can put pineapples in to make pineapple juice, genius

god these dumb fucks should just stop posting

>> No.13421178

Replace soda with beer and exercise in the morning.

>> No.13421854

obesity will give you cancer way faster than aspartame.

>> No.13421876

I drink strictly unflavored carbonated water. Once you begin to appreciate it, it's hard to drink anything else