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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 638 KB, 1191x668, Veronica-Wang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13414313 No.13414313 [Reply] [Original]

What is the appeal of Mukbang?

>> No.13414353

fat acceptance

>> No.13414359


>> No.13414360

literally everything has the same appeal to everybody, some people like things some people dont like things.

>> No.13414363

Clicks from dumb people.

>> No.13414382
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, Guy cries over Star Wars trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats me, I'm still trying to understand why people watch other people play vidya. And now reaction videos are the big thing which seems like it's several steps removed from actual entertainment.

>some people like things some people dont like things
Isn't that the opposite of everything having the same appeal to everyone?

>> No.13414387

no, I mean asking whats the appeal of coffee is silly because the reason "people" like _____ is because they like _____ . It's like asking why people like music.

>> No.13414441

Imagine the giant shit she must take after haha

>> No.13414442

>asking whats the appeal of coffee is silly because the reason "people" like _____ is because they like _____ .
You say that as if you wouldn't get different answers.

>> No.13414456
File: 228 KB, 1113x373, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019.12.25-14-04-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the most disgusting mukbanger and why is it Nikocado Avocado?

>> No.13414469

Veronica is such a cunt

>> No.13414486

Close your eyes and imagine those noodles she's eating is something else.

>> No.13414531

the answers are arbitrary though, because then if somebody says "I like this food because it taste good, duh" or "I like this song because it sounds good"
you gotta break down what they mean by "sounds" or "taste" good, they are both the same exact thing at the end of the day. Sure there are more complex reasons why somebody might like a certain meal if it holds some personal value or heritage or family meaning. But that's so much to explain

>> No.13414738

My favorite mukbanger.

>> No.13414750

Wow you are too stoned and young to be on here..... Fucking stupid.

>> No.13414765
File: 223 KB, 500x308, 1570139689021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel less lonely, it's like you're not eating by yourself but with a friend you know, and you're just listening to them talk and eat and it's like when you had friends before they all left you. It's easier than dealing with the loneliness.

>> No.13414769
File: 600 KB, 878x490, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019.12.25-16-38-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13414782

I've seen enough hentai, etc.

>> No.13414817

Not eating alone. In some cultures it's considered lonely (sad?) to eat by yourself, therefore watching others eat on e.g. YouTube can feel like companionship.

>> No.13414861

>the answers are arbitrary though
Not if any amount of effort is put into them and I'd imagine that people browsing 4chan on Christmas aren't exactly pressed for time.

>> No.13414885

And when westerners do it it's just cultural appropriation for profit.

>> No.13414911

it's pure voyeurism: food and the eating act are sexualized

>> No.13414928

Originanted here. It was a way for people to eat food "together" because being a lonely loser virgin who goes out to eat by themselves is socially deplorable
Somewhat similar but not to the same degree
Just a way for people to stuff their face with food and record it for views and attention whore points.

>> No.13415027

I'm surprised no female YouTuber has tried to cash into the craze by going with this whole tradwife angle and making a video of going through the process of cooking a modest meal and "sharing" it with the viewer.

>> No.13415046

Reaction videos are the weirdest shit
>look up classic song on YT because you feel like hearing it
>”BLACK GUYS REACT TO STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN *BEST REACTIONS 2019*” and the thumbnail is some obnoxious clickbait shit with exaggerated faces
Makes me feel like a boomer

>> No.13415130
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I always wondered why it was only black people that did.

>> No.13415409

>cultural appropriation
Sitting in front of a webcam stuffing yourself is culture?
Besides these people in South Korea only do it for the money too.

>> No.13415420

Some individuals like to Jack off to women eating.

>> No.13415425


Food fetish. People masturbate to mukbang

>> No.13415430

lmao you dont know shit, hes the best crybaby faggot mukbanger on youtube. PERIOD!

>> No.13415431
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>> No.13415799

because it gets popular. For some reason white people love it when black people are like "damn dis whyte boi music ain't so bad" so all you have to do as a black youtuber is listen to death grips and be like "yo this deadass SLAPS son" and you'll get likes from redditors.

>> No.13415918

Either a fetish, or to pretend like your eating with friends/family like how it was originally intended, if I recall.

>> No.13416187

Considering that is taken the direction of disgusting sounds and chewing, I don't think that would really be tapping into the audience. You can look up personal attention ASMR videos if you want to see a similar experience to what you describe, however.

>> No.13416416

someone is masturbating furiously to this lmao

>> No.13416427

I hope she got a refund on that nosejob. Yikes.

>> No.13416505

ive seen a lot too and the majority of it actually doesnt involve any sort of tentacles at all.

>> No.13416697

absolute kino mukbang right here

>> No.13416763
File: 1.84 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_2019-12-26-01-34-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13416776

the nails in gloves look so gross to me

>> No.13416866

many people absolutely love watching others eat, it might remind them of dates or something. anyways i am one of the few that gets a violent reaction from eating sounds.

i usually watch lets plays because the players have such good jokes and good chemistry between them.

>> No.13416914

that's super gay.

>> No.13416920

imagination of the post meal BRRAAAAPPP

>> No.13416976

About what?

>> No.13416992

Commie brainwashin

>> No.13417043
File: 1.28 MB, 1356x647, Screenshot_2019-12-26 Nikocado Avocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's thumbnails are fucking hilarious

>> No.13417067

Dude, i've only seen one of those, and for pete's sake they make all these noises and slurps like they record it for some deepthroat hentai, what the fuck man, this will not make you feel less lonely, it will make you feel sick

>> No.13417174

how come they don't do mukbang in north korea as well?

>> No.13417182

>everything bad is le commie
That's peak capitalism though. People making money of the stupidest things.

>> No.13417343

are you talking about Mukbang, or the muttbang

>> No.13417344

food cuckery

>> No.13417458

I have no idea, but I suspect this is yet another one of those nigger things.

>> No.13417538
File: 51 KB, 768x431, 46670521_345312859352808_3286687332462863745_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, an excuse to post my waifu

>> No.13417542

The braps of consequence

>> No.13417552

Thai food is best for proper braps, especially beef with chili and basil.

>> No.13417553

The consequence is that your girlfriend will smack you.

>> No.13417564
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 73743_1631047091436_6867585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah, she's a qt.314, here's mine.
Cute but dumber than a box of rocks.
A stupid whore but a cute fuck.

>> No.13417569

Feels like having someone nearby but also makes me hungry

>> No.13417597

This is almost 2020 no chick knows how to cook anymore.They couldn't cook if they wanted to.

>> No.13417601

They best thing they know how to do is suck dick and they can't even do that properly.

>> No.13417929

The popular ones aren't fat though.

>> No.13417959


Nope this is.

>> No.13418138

>has like four "MY LAST VIDEO" videos
>each one is not in fact his last video
this dude's gonna die

>> No.13418198
File: 1.64 MB, 728x1290, octopus eats an insect.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13418252

This thread unironically got me into it yesterday. Short answer is I realized I don't like to eat alone. I think it's the same with ASMR, I don't watch it for "tingles" or whatever, I watch it so I don't feel like I'm falling asleep by myself for the xth year in a row. I know it's just a facade to help cope with emptiness, but sometimes I'd rather have the facade than nothing.

Yesterday for example, I was never into mukbangs. Thought it was pointless or whatever, but after seeing this thread I checked out some videos because I thought maybe it was a sexual thing. It was to a small extent when you take into account the slurping sounds or whatever, but I realized there was something else there. I saw a thumbnail of some cute Asian woman and watching her eat reminded me that I've never eaten dinner with a woman in my life. So I decided I was going to, right there. I found a video of a dish she was eating, went to the store, grabbed the ingredients, grabbed some candles, flowers, and set everything up. It honestly felt like my first date. When she laughed and smiled, I laughed and smiled with her. When she spilled some food I laughed and told her to be careful. When she said it was so good, I nodded and happily agreed. Once the video was nearing it's end I asked if she wanted to do this again maybe, my face lit up when she said "See you next time!". I think i'll find a guy next and instead of a romantic dinner date i'll put on a movie, pretend we're just bros enjoying some snacks or something... I don't know... it's nice... it's just better.

>> No.13418271

It's absolutely disgusting and makes zero sense. I never want to look at other people eating even in real life.
>I'm still trying to understand why people watch other people play vidya.
Kind of weird, but not nearly as bad. Video games are just sterile moving images of characters doing shit in little fantasy world settings and it's probably close to just watching a cartoon. People sticking pieces of food in their mouth and hearing and watching them chew and swallow it is fucked up torture. If I ever want to ruin a food for myself I'll just make sure to watch someone else sit there and eat it and take in all the little sights and sounds of their gurgling shitbag flesh body processing it.

>> No.13418305

Great job OP. Another degenerate enabled, all thanks to your shit thread.

>> No.13418321

I like to imagine the giant shits these girls take afterwards and me being their toilet.

>> No.13418324
File: 431 KB, 640x478, A Man of Integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>octopus eats an insect.webm

>> No.13418334

Please tell me you’re trolling dude.

>> No.13418344

This is actually pretty believable.

>> No.13418358

That’s really sad I feel sorry for your existence.

>> No.13418362
File: 85 KB, 450x552, ad3cd1740924df8ec477f404df64a08a-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13418381



>> No.13418407
File: 105 KB, 220x158, 79E03525-84FC-4259-8C9C-0A5AEFD5EFCF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once the video was nearing it's end I asked if she wanted to do this again maybe, my face lit up when she said "See you next time!".

>> No.13418409
File: 91 KB, 750x1040, human, all too human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you ask when you already knew the answer?

>> No.13418433

>I saw a thumbnail of some cute Asian woman
Of course. I bet 99% of all such behavior can be traced back to some cuck infatuated with an asian woman. Let me guess, you watch anime too right?

>> No.13418445

>rinse and repeat
is that his only two characteristics, besides getting stds

>> No.13418654

those eggs are huge

>> No.13418659

>I checked out some videos because I thought maybe it was a sexual thing. It was to a small extent when you take into account the slurping sounds


>> No.13418667

You ever consider therapy maybe?

>> No.13418686

Why do thin people show us how they over eat? I'd rather fat people to show us how they starve themselves.

>> No.13418898

That’s fucking disgusting.

>> No.13418921

Listening to other people eat is the absolute worst. Especially mouth breathers who eat with their lips slightly open so you hear it more. Fuck I'm irritated now.

>> No.13418946

>I’m getting fat and I don’t know why
I’m phoneposting but otherwise I’d be posting my toppest keks

>> No.13418981

>Asian "people"
worse than blacks desu

>> No.13419151

Disgusting. What kind of vermin is entertained by this?

>> No.13419181

what a goddamn mess. Must be entertaining

>> No.13419195

The mask on the dude to the left always reminds me of that image of the girl with a bag of pee on her head.

>> No.13419393
File: 9 KB, 251x245, 1352635179429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me feel superior to those fat disgusting ugly sewer people.

When I am on day 17 of a water fast I am watching 3-4 hours of pathetic mukbangs and my600lblife to feel righteous hatred for them. Makes my lack of food feel so much better.

>> No.13419756

>spicy noodles, eggs, hotdogs, choco milky

I would kill to be her toilet seat after she finishes eating all that food.

>> No.13419818

I watch some dudes play Escape from Tarkov because it's not "released" and I don't think i"ll ever get it since I don't like some of the design decisions. I like watching youtube videos of streams while I eat or do other things at home.

>> No.13420654

What about the chink tradwife farmer girl that's almost definitely party propaganda

>> No.13420767
File: 64 KB, 750x780, 1449845602571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma try this method

>> No.13420775

what a fucking faggot aahahaha

>> No.13420776

low self esteem, the post

>> No.13420783

fuck bang? wank bang?

>> No.13420793

Is this real?

>> No.13420803

sum shit perphaps?

>> No.13420901

It's a fetish but the people aroused by it don't know that's why they like it. Same thing as those weird Elsa/Spiderman videos but with this they also confuse adults.

>> No.13420928

No white people I know watch this garbage but both black people I know do. I think blacks just have shit taste in videos, like they can't enjoy a thing unless someone adds a screaming brown face and some snare drums in it.

>> No.13420972

Masturbation and relaxation

>> No.13421010
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1563462344602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With what on her head?

>> No.13421012

uhh… yeah pretty much. pretty anti-climatic as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.13421014
File: 829 KB, 498x248, QYQibAV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appeal is that a large portion of the viewers are subhuman gremlins who can't handle eating the horrible trash they eat without constant affirmation that it's normal and healthy. We've built an entire culture around competing over who can be the modt depressed, why would anyone ever seek self help when wallowing in self-pity like a hopeless manchild is easier and makes you seem interesting to other manchildren?
Also some people jack off to it.

>> No.13421025
File: 239 KB, 459x467, 1561683375871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other UN bodies have stated that the solitary confinement (physical and social isolation of 22–24 hours per day for 1 day or more) of young people under age 18, for any duration, constitutes cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment.

>> No.13421191
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>> No.13421218

...it's not though.

>> No.13421224
File: 174 KB, 1800x480, fatas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13421236 [DELETED] 

Fact is, nobody cares about the UN or it's bullshit political agenda. If the UN ceased to exist nobody would care.

>> No.13421246 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 3295x2641, Nastassja_Kinski_Cat_People-023_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13421286
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1476205327495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had any meaningful relationships in my life
>past my mid 20s
>never feel anything of what you're feeling

I've rigged the system lads.

>> No.13421339

i could watch 2 hour camping in the woods videos if i'm not careful

>> No.13421342

it's like ASMR. for incels to watch and splooge over

>> No.13421444

Next step will be not knowing how to cock
That will be the end

>> No.13421519
File: 15 KB, 233x212, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13421798

Man, that's hilarious

>> No.13421804

>I'm still trying to understand why people watch other people play vidya
Watching small streamers on twitch can be fun, especially if you get to befriend them. Then it basicly becomes like hanging out with someone online while they are playing a video game.

>> No.13421853

>other people playing vidya
People that suck at vidya watch other people play vidya
>reaction videos
See how different cultures, sexes, ages react to thing you have an opinion about

>> No.13421954


>> No.13421957
File: 2.19 MB, 720x420, KTCW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13422012

fuck you now im sad

>> No.13422054

>It's like asking why people like music.
And that's a perfectly sensible question to ask, even if getting a good answer is hard.

>> No.13422665

reminder that not getting 12 hugs a day is as bad as smoking a pack of cigarretes a day

>> No.13422698

If that thing pulled harder she could develop some eyelids.

>> No.13422729
File: 691 KB, 1024x620, 1571293109359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hit a little to close to home

>> No.13422757

I absolutely despise anybody doing anything and I go as far as getting mad when people tell me they're into watching others eat or play video games.

>> No.13422766

Welcome to zoomer internet.

>> No.13423058

It sounds like tentacle porn

>> No.13423071

It is because of the perspective
He films this way to make it look like he has more food than he actually has

>> No.13423079


>> No.13423086

Literally Korean pop fans and women.

>> No.13423110 [DELETED] 

Maybe eating their own toenails, that's kinky to some folk.

>> No.13423113 [DELETED] 


>> No.13423117

What's the appeal of watching sports or any other shit you can do on your own?

>> No.13423127 [DELETED] 

Squids too, I watched one about 15 years ago where some chick was squirting out squids and baby octopi.

>> No.13423133 [DELETED] 

Sometimes you're just chilling out on a Saturday or Sunday morning with nothing better to do. I do like EPL the best though, two 45 minute halves and short halftime of like 15 or 20 minutes and it's done. The problem with shit like NFL here in the USA is that it takes like 5-6 hours to go through a one hour match.

>> No.13423136

da jia hao wo shi WANG gang?

>> No.13423139

sport involves watching the best of human physical capabilities, and competition. People who watch other people eating are just losers who can't even go outside a restaurant to feel like they aren't alone

>> No.13423142
File: 982 KB, 600x673, 1556520952198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13423145 [DELETED] 

The constant commercials and bullshit here in the USA make our sport matches kind of unwatchable.

>> No.13423147
File: 31 KB, 480x480, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't post this ever again.

>> No.13423151

>5-6 hours
Confirmed for got the shit kicked out of you all of highschool

>> No.13423162 [DELETED] 

I never got my ass kicked in highschool and I'm not stupid enough to watch 5 hours of commercials for an NFL match that that's four quarters of 15 minutes each so one hour total.
What are you stupid? Maybe you're the one that got your ass kicked since you seem to have no brain cells left.

>> No.13423167

it's called misophonia, basically it's just your brains deciding that this certain sound is now a threat and it reacts accordingly.

>> No.13423184 [DELETED] 

Have you perhaps considered that instead of getting the fuck out of some stupid school you got your head kicked in a lot and are making exuses for dealing with minimum wage jobs?

>> No.13423199 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, she drives me crazy.
Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy

>> No.13423223

this all makes me feel very comfortable

>> No.13423261

watching girls put things in their mouths + virtual friend experience.

>> No.13423290

In my district it was middle school where people got their ass kicked, not high school, so you got your ass kicked in middle school.

>> No.13423329
File: 392 KB, 1304x301, YouTube RPG topic recommendations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, those people are lowering the bar for all of us.

>> No.13423366

I watch mukbang videos when im restricting my calorie intake and it gets to the point when im so hungry i have a void that needs to be fulfilled, mukbang fills the void

>> No.13423579

How he was before he stop being vegan compare to now is nuts.

>> No.13423785

this kills the zoomer

>> No.13423856

this is good. I enjoy very much.
and also died a little

>> No.13424107


>> No.13424303

She's always terrified of everything that she eats.

>> No.13424310


>> No.13424495

based and wanggangpilled

>> No.13424587

So I can jerk it to skinny women becoming fat and burping

>> No.13424590

Whatever happened with him bullying the fuck out of that one asian chick?

>> No.13424643
File: 24 KB, 387x353, 1359664869912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13424728

>Is this real?

Oh yeah, big time. A lot of these mukbangers cater to people with feeder fetishes. Case in point is Hungry Fatchick. In the video "Wendy's Chili, Double Stacks, and an Update about Hungry Hippy" you can hear the guy behind the camera moaning when she stuffs food in her pig gullet.

>> No.13424858

I have detailed reasons for what music I do or do not like.

>> No.13424869

I have an intense paraphilia for women (biological, not gender distinction here) breaking social taboos in ways that portray humanity as being just as much an animal as those that walk on four legs. Eating vast amounts of food, public masturbation, not showering for a couple days, etc.

>> No.13424874

Mukbang is the most degenerate shit I have ever seen.

>> No.13424880
File: 28 KB, 510x510, 1577481205425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13424966

a rare feel

>> No.13425512
File: 169 KB, 402x420, 1573304883371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if this is creative writing... lmao

>> No.13425525

Encouragement of decadence, selfishness, gluttony, and consuming

>> No.13426299

west sounds the most based here

>> No.13426327

>Yesterday for example, I was never into mukbangs. Thought it was pointless or whatever, but after seeing this thread I checked out some videos because I thought maybe it was a sexual thing. It was to a small extent when you take into account the slurping sounds or whatever, but I realized there was something else there. I saw a thumbnail of some cute Asian woman and watching her eat reminded me that I've never eaten dinner with a woman in my life. So I decided I was going to, right there. I found a video of a dish she was eating, went to the store, grabbed the ingredients, grabbed some candles, flowers, and set everything up. It honestly felt like my first date. When she laughed and smiled, I laughed and smiled with her. When she spilled some food I laughed and told her to be careful. When she said it was so good, I nodded and happily agreed. Once the video was nearing it's end I asked if she wanted to do this again maybe, my face lit up when she said "See you next time!". I think i'll find a guy next and instead of a romantic dinner date i'll put on a movie, pretend we're just bros enjoying some snacks or something... I don't know... it's nice... it's just better.

I am so fucking glad you white people faggots have decided to self genocide out of the gene pool. I hope your white women never bear children, or if they do, it's because they were gang-raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.13426388

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.13426396

I have misophonia and I want to genocide all mukbang content creators in the most horrific way possible

>> No.13426398

White hands typed this.

>> No.13426406
File: 147 KB, 1242x1180, 1571368748032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a vorephile and watching certain kinds of people eat foods makes me sexually aroused. No fatties though.

>> No.13426433

guarantee this guy also posts on r/asianmasculinity or a similar subreddit. chinks are absolutely seething with jealousy over white people. desu if I was in charge of the country I'd invade china and give every white woman a Han harem of Chinese eunuch slaves just to piss these retards off. If you look at history, the one thing Chinese men are really good for is cutting their balls off and turning them into docile domestic servants.

>> No.13426529

You need to go back.

>> No.13426532

You need to go forward.

>> No.13426576

Have sex, incel.

>> No.13426579

Have fun, friend.

>> No.13426587


>> No.13426592


>> No.13426600


>> No.13426601


>> No.13426602


>> No.13426608


>> No.13426615


>> No.13426618

I'll be gentle.

>> No.13426626

I am gay btw, not sure it matters.

>> No.13426640

You're perfect just the way you are.

>> No.13426645


>> No.13426649

It's ok.

>> No.13426656

Reaction channels are all I had
now basically every reaction channel is going to get yeeted from YT for "bullying"
so all that's left is the fake primitive technology channels that exploit and abuse animals for views
can't wait for YT to die

>> No.13426659


>> No.13426660

>act insane online
>get surprised offensive comedian calls you a fat pig
Nikocado needs a psychiatric intervention and/or an execution

>> No.13426664

I'm happy if you're happy.

>> No.13426668


>> No.13426670

But if you aren't happy please tell me so I can help.

>> No.13426677


>> No.13426682

Because communication in any relationship is very important.

>> No.13426683


>> No.13426685

And we've been communicating for almost an hour now so I don't think it is too forward of me to suggest you may be holding something back.

>> No.13426688


>> No.13426690

What's wrong?

>> No.13426698


>> No.13426706

How can I help you today?

>> No.13426711


>> No.13426718

(00)------ :D

>> No.13426722


>> No.13426725

Sorry the only one I know how to do is the bunny.

>> No.13426727


>> No.13426732

How can I make it up to you?

>> No.13426735


>> No.13426739

You're right, how are your holidays going so far?

>> No.13426741


>> No.13426746

Front all you want /tv/. Your board is basically /starwars/

>> No.13427032

Please don't lump me in with them. The point was more about the guy making a video of himself crying over a trailer. SW is ok, I prefer the animated stuff. Can't wait for Clone Wars to return.