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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13414671 No.13414671 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking a Prime Rib Roast for myself today.
I was invited to my BF's family's Christmas party, buuuuut, his grandmother is an old style French Catholic and I'm an androgynous First Nation's person. She still calls my race "Savages" sooooo, I opted to stay home.
Alas, I have no other family, so, here we are!

Grade A prime rib roast (Pre-Salted which is why it's oddly colored. Releases some of the water from the fat.
I'm putting a seasoning mixture of garlic butter, grainy Dijon, and rosemary with freshly ground pepper, I'm going to make some glazed carrots and mashed potatoes on the side with a gravy as well.
I'll post updates throughout the next couple hours.

I hope some of you are having an okay time despite the impending isolation and loneliness.

>> No.13414685

I was thinking of doing the same to pork chops but I'm not native american, so not sure?

>> No.13414693
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>> No.13414700
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I only chose this because it goes on sale during Christmas and it was $30 for the whole roast. 4.98/lb.

What are you planning to season the chops with?

Here is my roast with the seasoning mix before pepper.

>> No.13414704

i actually just put some 30 day dry aged rib of beef in the oven, dressed in a sumac, black pepper and sea salt butter, was gonna make it earlier but was jacking it lol

>> No.13414743
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I've hit a snag, I have no broth for my gravy, sooooo... I'm gonna try and make due with drippings, red wine, water, and tomatoes.

>> No.13414767

First Nations implies you people had a nation and weren’t just people wandering around following game while raping and murdering weaker tribes

“First Nations” in some northern communities still maim people with machetes, maybe it’s time for a second nation for you

But roast looks good, show me that bark after it’s been in the oven for an hour or so

>> No.13414791

Well, I don't know about the Southern Tribes, but the Northern Tribes got along pretty damn well out of necessity until the French showed up and turned everyone against one another by making alliances with all sides then fucking everyone over in the end via the British.

Forgot to put the water in it. :U
Hoping I didn't cool the oven enough to stop the browning.

>> No.13414797

>his grandmother is an old style French Catholic and I'm an androgynous First Nation's person
>She still calls my race "Savages"
She probably calls you a savage alone because you're clearly a fucking weirdo. Stop using indigenous politics to further your retardation.
t. Metis Non-Status shitposter

>> No.13414805

>the Northern Tribes got along pretty damn well out of necessity until the French showed up
Bullshit. The Iroquois and other tribes warred and massacred each other for centuries before the French founded Acadia. Your full of shit.

>> No.13414809

Also not sure about the cooking time exactly...
I vaguely leave it in for about 35-45 minutes at 500F then turn it down for a time after that, vaguely thinking about how long I should leave it in for. 10-15 minutes per pound-ish?

>> No.13414823

>England was literally at war with itself for thousands of years before being conquered by Rome
>France Ditto
>China too
>Literally all of Europe destroyed itself for thousands of years

Yeah but it only matters if non-whites do it. Literal barbarian telling me this.

>> No.13414833

Uh, no, I've literally never met her. Retard, she refers to everyone like that.

>> No.13414840

Nice ad hom argument. Still doesn't change the fact that Indigenous North American tribes were violent and some still are hostile to people outside their tribes. At least Europeans stopped killing each other as much and learned how to develop intricate societies instead of living in fucking tipis for 2000 years.
Also learn how to use the reply function newfag redditor cancer.

>> No.13414845

Then why are you believing other people's claims of her and not just talking to her rationally instead?
Also i honestly believe your either trolling or mentally ill instead.

>> No.13414898
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>Calling people newfag
Sorry, I can see your insecurity.
You should be a bit more modest.

Update, it was way too close to the top element and the fat cap is totally charred. :U

>> No.13414910

Because it's my Boyfriend literally telling me that she saw some Native people on TV and she started ranting about how she doesn't understand savages, I don't know what reason my boyfriend has to tell me that his grandmother is a racist. People on this site don't like to ask for clarity on things, just spew insults, huh?

>> No.13414913

clean your fucking oven, this isnt a fire were you get drunk, smoke and chant to summon the rain. That shit is a fucking hazzard

>> No.13414923

It's not my oven, and I've not set anything on fire yet.

>> No.13414924

The Cree and Swampy Cree basically hated everyone including their own smaller tribes, they would steal people from other tribes and they basically just followed game, some in the west would gather to show how successful they were that year based on how much they could show off and or share. But in reality outside of southern Ontario there were no real nations, just tribes, and even during rebellions there was no communication between tribes. This is why the word nation is very generous, and you people get more respect that you deserve if you have seen what I’ve seen.

But back to the roast, it’s a shame if the fat cap burnt, you want it to melt not burn

>> No.13414929

looking at that roast i disagree

>> No.13414931

It still smells marvelous though. So I'm not too worried about the fat cap, I wasn't going to eat it anyway.

>> No.13414950

Top fucking kek

>> No.13414959

I don't think any of us can really think like that as it was the French and English that were the architects of what made the people like this in the modern age.

There's a lot of fat under andso I am hoping it burned after everything rendered out.

>> No.13415158
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Looks good anon. I made one last night. Let me recommend switching your dijon for fresh grated horseradish. Good call on the rosemary. Merry Christmas fren

>> No.13415180
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Made one as well OP rate meh.

>> No.13415196

>all dat blood
Are you sure its done?

>> No.13415244
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We don't really see fresh horse radish here. I've not seen it at least, but I also rarely look for it. I was actually thinking somebody would mention it. Hah.
Yours looks like it will turned out better than mine will. I made too many mistakes. I made my gravy though. :U

It looks pretty nice, I like my meat on the rare side. What's on it?

The char was not all the fat, most of the fat rendered and The burned bits were the butter and mustard and they just fell right off.

>> No.13415246



>> No.13415304

>It looks pretty nice, I like my meat on the rare side. What's on it?
Jew Salt
fresh thyme+rosemary+black pepper+garlic minced+olive oil+slightly warmed butter made into a rub
liquid smoke
cooked at 225 for 3 hours or 118 degrees, let it sit until 125 then put back into broiler for 3 mins each side to sear.

>> No.13415317

That's not blood its myoglobin and its delicious. Have you ever had those gushers or soup dumpling where the juice bursts in your mouth? Same except with meat. The shitty iPhone camera didn't do it justice though, its redder in real life but everything in the picture is super yellow for some reason.

>> No.13415324

Too much well done portions, like 20-30% of the prime rib looked well done.

>> No.13415353

That's the end of it, the ends are more well done, and the centre is usually rare to Medium rare.

>> No.13415373

>First Nation's person
Does that mean you're some sort of faggot?

>> No.13415466

Posting in a stealth leaf thread. Merry Christmas you hosers

>> No.13415485
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And I'm done, unfortunately I don't have any desserts, so I'll just eat a couple Lindor and drink a cup of tea after.

>> No.13415492

>androgynous First Nation's person
>She still calls my race "Savages"
Would you believe me if I told you those two things are interrelated?

>> No.13415541

What's wrong with looking androgynous?
It's not like I can choose my looks.

>> No.13415542

Did you consider scalping that dried up husk of a woman?

>> No.13415549

Why did you place it on a bed of ketchup?

>> No.13415559

I hope a first nations individual cuts your heart out and eats it raw for bastardizing meat like that.

>> No.13415567

She's not racist she just doesn't understand the native crap and probably finds it scary.

>> No.13415568

I still have almost a while roast and I already ate a huge slice.

>> No.13415620

That marbling is too good for a roast. I will cut that bad boy up and the steaks.

>> No.13415634

Looks good! How did you do the carrots?

>> No.13415648

I thought you meant your tribe doesn't believe in gender or some bullshit.

>> No.13415653

Leftover garlic rosemary butter and between a teaspoon/table spoon of brown sugar. If usually use honey, but I don't have any and grocers are closed.

>> No.13415706

what the fuck

>> No.13415714

Great work op. Looks delicious.

>> No.13415730

Should have regrown a pair and gone anyways Chops-Off-Cock

>> No.13415739

But I don't want to hang out with le Quebecois. :U
I do feel a little bad though, since my BF's grandpa asked when he'd be able to meet me.

>> No.13415748
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Potatoes look burned as well

>> No.13415756

What? It looks about as bad as it is...
The meat was fine and didn't get burned at all. It was just the outside layer of fat and mustard that went black.

Thanks, I've made prime roast a grand total of twice now. :U

The flavor was exactly what I was look for as well.
Reminded me of this enormously fat Italian chef that owes me 1200.00.

>> No.13415757


Small penis

U wish you could have my meat

>> No.13415769

It's because they're the potatoes that were in the bottom of the roasting pan. The cushion and protection from the direct heat of the pan.
They look really dark on one side because they soaked up some red wine from when I was roasting the meat trying to build some flavor for the gravy because I had no stock, or broth to reduce for it.
I didn't eat those potatoes, they had some weird stuff on them, but the other potatoes I had with the gravy like that were really good. Slight wine flavor with the beefy, fatty goodness of the gravy.

>> No.13415775

mate how the fuck did you get it burnt like that?? What was the oven temp?

>> No.13415782

You're a fucking leaf? I thought you were some gas huffing abbo

>> No.13415810

You need a very high temperature to seal the outside of the meat so it doesn't constantly leak juices as you roast it.
Sooooooo... I set my oven to a toasty 500F to get that nice browning on the outside and make the meat contract so it's juicier in the end. Then after about 35-40 minutes I turn it down, but I set it to 525F this time thinking it wouldn't make much of a difference. The rack was a little too close to the top element, so it looks bad, but it really wasn't. It was literally just the mustard on the very outside part of the fat cap that burned. If you look in the later pictures the crust just kind of crackled away and I was left with exactly what I was looking for. An aromatic and somewhat tangy outer layer.
I got distracted though, and started playing Kirby Superstar.

>> No.13415819

Yes, I'm half British and half Cree raised in a small town in the North of BC and now I live in a good forsaken liberal hell hole full of idiots who think they know what is best for the rest of the country.

>> No.13415837
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>to seal the outside
allright bro...
you dont need that much mustard either >>13414700.

>> No.13415842

It's the same concept as searing the meat before you roast it. It's not all mustard, it's only about 2 heaping teaspoons. It's mostly butter.

>> No.13415846

But that's probably a meme, but it's still important for flavor and texture.

>> No.13415881

So his grandmother calls you out as a retard and you are here bitching about it? Evil, almost as evil as calling yourself the pseudoword "first nation".

What is it with indios from Canada being complete utter faggot? I wouldn't be surprised if OP was just a castizo mutt. Faggot, most of Latin American, including me have indio blood, but at least ours built a civilization.

>> No.13415897

>But I don't want to hang out with le Quebecois. :U
I do feel a little bad though, since my BF's grandpa asked when he'd be able to meet me.
If there is another chance to meet his grandfather, go for it. He might like your cooking.

>> No.13415916

What is evil about avoiding potentially awkward situations?
Also, almost all of Latin America is a shit hole. Don't be getting haughty there.

>> No.13415928

>use that much mustard
>Cooked it well done
What is the point of the mustard?

>> No.13415946

The mustard is an aromatic, what is the point of garlic, or of rosemary when roasting meat?
To add an aroma to the meat, you can try it if you want. It's only two heaping teaspoons of mustard for 6-7 pounds of meat.
What is it with low-class whites and hating anything aside from salt? :U

>> No.13415961

He's a tiny, angry peruvian. He'll tire himself to sleep.

>> No.13416044

Whites love mustard fuck off

>> No.13416086

made one today here's my story

>present roast to family
>they all say it looks delicious, perfect browning on the outside
>cut it open
>"Oh, anon, that's still completely raw"
>"You're going to get someone sick"
>Insist it's fine, I even used a meat thermometer
>Dad takes a bite, eats it, goes to take another, begins fake dry heaving, runs to bathroom to "throw up" because he loves drama and attention
>rest of family cuts up my roast and makes it well done on a stovetop pan
>I just fucking know they are talking shit about me

Well, now I'm just eating my rare, delicious, portion in my room.

>> No.13416090

Piss off faggot

>> No.13416103
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I wish mine had turned out more rare. I pulled out of oven at 125 F but apparently since it was so small (only 3.5 pounds) it was more medium than medium rare. Still delicious though. OPs looked good. I didn't make gravy with the drippings of mine, just used for the spinach.

>> No.13416155

My mother knows people hate her for getting her meat well-done, but that's just the way she wants it. Anything else puts her off, it has to pretty much be grey for her to eat it.
I know how it is, so I do that for her, just sear it in the pan for a couple minutes on each side and make sure it's a uniform shade of grey.

>> No.13416163

Can't you just give here the end piece?

>> No.13416174

If I do the centre cuts rare even the outside edge would be too pink for her.

>> No.13416186

We need more smallpox blankets so we can thin out your ranks.

>> No.13416199

Try not being a faggot.

>> No.13416200

Let it rest damn

>> No.13416216

Is saying that you’re a certain ethnicity the new version of «I’m a girl btw don’t know if that matters» ?

>> No.13416241
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here’s mine, but lighting sucks; nailed the cook at 132F

>> No.13416245

Did you pull out at 132 or was that where it ended up after carry over?

>> No.13416247
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sliced and served, but too much horseradish sauce, sorry in advance

>> No.13416253

pulled it out at 120, carryover from there

>> No.13416260

What's it like to be retarded? Cook it low, 225ish until you're 10° off target temp, pull it and let it rest. Turn your oven up to at least 500 or higher then put it back in for 10 or so minutes to get a nice crust. Ta-da.

>> No.13416277

>”seals in the juices”
jesusfuck, how do you even breathe?
stop using 1940’s advice and ruining perfectly good meat;
post above re: low and slow, finish with high heat for crust/maillard
better yet, google “reverse sear” then /wrists

>> No.13416287

Looks awesome! Hope you had a great Christmas anon!

>> No.13416288
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science says otherwise:

>> No.13416319
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no wonder they call you savages.

>> No.13416321

>seasoning only the fat cap

>> No.13416372

this is actually a really good point

>> No.13416466

Is this like when you sous vide things? I don't really think it matters my roast was roasted. You're right though, I should be great at cooking something when I've done it a total of two times.
>Ruining perfectly good meat
Are you blind? The meat is fine, it was juicy, it was tender, and it was tasty. The meme method in which I cooked it seemed to matter very little in the end.
Well, semi-melted butter doesn't stick very well to vertical surfaces and tends to run off at high temperatures. I rubbed salt on the ends, but I'm not sure what else I would do, it's not like I can season the inside slices of the meat either, sooo... Does it matter?

>> No.13416467

Yeah, as in my looks, I look androgynous.

>> No.13416590

>begins fake dry heaving, runs to bathroom to "throw up"
Jesus. It's crazy to think adults actually act like that.

>> No.13416617

>native Americans were violent
So ?
It doesn’t excuse genociding them. They were real life political actors. Nobody on the planet is not violent. No human is not violent. Natives didn’t start a war with your people you started one with them. Ok but your own values are all like “we are peaceful liberals who stand for principles like equality and justice and rights for all!”... so the hypocrisy is too much for you to handle and it results in literal cognitive dissonance and you think if you can show that natives were “violent” it excuses your actions. It doesn’t. You need to change your values to something between Genghis khan and Hammurabi or accept that you did natives severely ill.

>> No.13416633

Posts like this are why if you're going to commit genocide then you need to be willing to go 100% and eradicate it completely.

>> No.13416636
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I know I'm going to get made fun of but oh well, shit was good.

>> No.13416644

Weren't the northern tribes conquered by Rome, that you oh so eloquently compare to native Americans, essentially considered uncivilized barbarians until they were brought into Roman rule and culture?

>> No.13416658

You should poison your dad with the next meal you make him to prove him "right".


>> No.13416671
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>people on this site
get the fuck out we're full.

>> No.13416676

So despite your taking offense to an ethnic slur, and hiding behind your gender politics, you still insist on using an ableist slur?

Two-spirits, and double standards.

>> No.13416694

132f is Medium isn't it?

>> No.13416704

granny aint wrong.

>> No.13416947

looks good. Shit pretty much everything you make looks good I know those plates from your posts happy Christmas mate

>> No.13417006

Thanks anon, merry Christmas to you too.

>> No.13417079

why would you want one of the few people that post actual cooking on /ck/ to leave

>> No.13417086

that's exactly like asking a jew to stop whining about 'the holocaust"

>> No.13417087
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legit hope you die

>> No.13417118

English mustard would have been better

>> No.13417121

You should have rested this for a good hour at least. Longer really. That’s a huge mistake.

>> No.13417127

clean your oven anon

>> No.13417178

I like how you ignore responsibility like the rest of you people always do, and just ignore the Métis.

Fuck you, this site isn’t your diary and people often hate for a reason

>> No.13417202

What are you even talking about? Are you lost?

>> No.13417205

When was I offended, what gender politics, are you yourself disabled, or are you having an episode?

>> No.13417368

>First Nation
Which one of the hundreds of your race's "nations" was the first?

>> No.13417404

Go choke on the carrot fag.

>> No.13417484


>> No.13417868

Are you Canadian or American OP?

>> No.13417871

>She still calls my race "Savages" sooooo, I opted to stay home.

>> No.13417891

They genocided themselves by being disgusting subhuman savages

>> No.13417974

We didnt do shit. The royalty of the time lied and convinced people to move to the native northern hell hole via bribes. Europoors came over with the high hopes of an untouched beauty and ended up in a barren pile of rocks with a bunch of hostile abos smack in the middle of territory wars. As Euroman did exactly what the natives were doin (hunting, gathering, building) but to the next extreme as abos still didnt have a wheel, abos got pissed because euros were winning the development race and started attacking. Euros just laughed it off and shot hatchet wielding mohawk and then euroman became bad because they had firepower. The entire situation is fucked but that isnt because the modern europoor came to wage war, they were dumped in a foriegn land and then blamed for atrocities enforced by government. Want anyone to blame and blame the European royals. And if were putting it all on the table its not like abos have come very far since, government is still fucking over them and the keep returning like oliver twist. Its a rare and sweet sight to see a self relying native that isnt all bent out of shape over a misguided history lesson and a lack of motivation.

Also OP if you see this, his grandmother is calling natives savages shes calling you a savage for your atrocious sense of self righteous importance. Get over yourself and youll probably learn shes just a tired cranky old lady like most geriatrics.

>> No.13417986

you should visit the grandmother
my gran is and old racist catholic as well but she warms up when it's family and she can be quite a non pc riot

>> No.13418051

Noone here gives a fuck you fucking attention whore nigger.

>> No.13418225

Dude, Canada literally still doesn't investigate the deaths of missing indigenous people, the RCMP (Canadian FBI) has been found to take native people from the city, drive them to a snow field and then leave theme there to die.
It's not just like people don't like natives here, people literally will let you die and not care because you don't live in the city here, or because you're native. This is an actually fucked up place.

>> No.13418231

You people actuay have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old.
This is why society is failing, it's not the Jews, or Clinton. It's literally just because nobody pays attention.

>> No.13418233 [DELETED] 

lol @ dumb white people romanticizing a bunch of inbred, racist shitskin savages that murder each other because of "muh tribes"

>> No.13418237

/ck/ I saved like 3 bones with a ton of meat on them? I already gave one to the dog as a Christmas Present but I honestly don't want to fuck up his health even more than I usually do.

>> No.13418243

>lol @ dumb white people romanticizing a bunch of inbred, racist shitskin savages that murder each other because of "muh tribes"
White people made a huge mistake. They should have just let the savages genocide each other until they're all dead. That would have been the natrual course of "native american" evolution.

>> No.13418261

>lol @ dumb white people romanticizing a bunch of inbred, racist shitskin savages that murder each other because of "muh tribes"

it's ok, that the indians are like that. it's just a cute little part of their culture.

>> No.13418263

You could make a very small pot of French onion soup. :U

>> No.13418274

>Lol at White people Romanticism of stealing the tech of everyone else, not understanding it, forgetting how to make it because they stole it and then never having that tech again.
White people: Wow these ruins and tech are super cool how did anyone build this! Wish we could build like this.
Also white people: We should just kill everyone who built this and say we did it.

>> No.13418295

I don't have any cheese.

>> No.13418368

Wow this is completely bullshit. One RCMP detachment which everyone was fired from did “tours” where they dropped bums off in the cold but again they were caught and fired and punished. The RCMP are not our version of the FBI retard, that’s CSIS, RCMP are just rural police that have contracts to police areas that can’t afford their own police force.

There is a “missing girl” meme that implies that white people are at fault for missing native women but in reality we just ignore that the reserves they are coming from have 500% higher rates of violence, especially against young women. The reason we don’t investigate more is that the reserves won’t talk to RCMP and therefore there isn’t any evidence or witnesses.

But if you read any CBC article they ignore how violent and horrible things are when native kids run around cutting people with machetes for insane gang initiations in Thompson and instead they just blame colonialism, just like this savage did when she blamed the French and English lmao

>> No.13418411

No. You retard, Federal Bureau of Investigation is RCMP, they're the Federal police, you dimwit. CSIS is the Intelligence like the CIA, or MI. RCMP are the police that have federal jurisdiction and HAVE to by law take those rural contracts because it's in Canadian Law that the country HAS to have police in each settlement of a certain population.

The "tours" were going on for a long time, the only reason they had to get rid of those people is because the public learned about it and caught some officers doing it. I was talking to people in Alberta and they said some Police still talk about giving "Christmas Tours".

Again, you seem to have the reading ability of a 3 year old. At least it's an improvement.

>> No.13418498

>lol @ dumb white people romanticizing a bunch of inbred, racist shitskin savages that murder each other because of "muh tribes"
Racism is 100% ok as long as it's black on black or shitskin on shitskin. We only care about racism if a white is being racist.

>> No.13418518

didnt rest long enough / 10

should have waited at least 30 min, I usually got to like 45. At least its not burnt to shit.

>> No.13418523

Listen you fucking savage in one quick google I can prove you entirety wrong.

Type “is the rcmp like the fbi” into google real quick. It’s ok pocha I’ll tel you what it says: “no, the rcmp aren’t like the fbi. The rcmp is just a unified national police force. Most major cities rely on their own police force though, but in any city under 500,000 you're likely to find rcmp”.


The CIA isn’t allowed to act on American soil, CSIS is so they are nothing alike, back to school for you savage! The rcmp are just federal because no local RM outside of the population centres can afford their own police force, so federal funds are needed.

As for RCMP Starlight tours there was one in 2016 which was proved false, another in 2010 which video proved false, this was proven one time 20 years ago in 2000 and the cops went to jail.

So basically you are trying to be a victim when no one has died from RCMP tours since 2003 and those cases weren’t ever proven, just keep being a victim savage!

>> No.13418589

Sage for blogposting. Also post tits cunt

>> No.13418722

For real though, most of the thread is off-topic because of Ms First Nation's uncontrollable urge to bitch about her boyfriend's mother while starting a thread about prime rib, shit she deserves to be beat just for that intolerable habit of extending words like thiiiiiiiiiis for no reason.

>> No.13418864

The gruyere just goes on top, but you can make French onion soup with just beef bones and onion. I think the original recipes didn't even use beef stock.

>> No.13420869

autism. OP have a page 10 bump.