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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 620x640, confusedanimegrill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13409655 No.13409655 [Reply] [Original]

>liquid is mesured in "cups"

>> No.13409663

does this really confuse people?

>> No.13409664
File: 169 KB, 351x329, rc_an (53).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, dang, I bet you thought you posted a really clever thread. But you didn't. It was pedantic and pointless. We've done this before. Go away.

>> No.13409676
File: 35 KB, 1000x750, 401102610_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does this really confuse people?
we have real measures

>> No.13409680

it's "measurement"
and while I agree with you and think that metric is easier, the cup is still a "real" measurement

>> No.13409686

>the cup is still a "real" measurement
how can you gauge 1/5th of a cup reliably

>> No.13409691

By having graduations like the pic in >>13409676

>> No.13409693

if you have graduations why not use metric then?

>> No.13409694

are you baking? use a scale
otherwise it doesn't matter wtf
just fill a pint glass half way wa la a cup

>> No.13409696

Pretty nonsensical question with 0 arguments in it. It's like me asking why not use imperial if you have graduations.

>> No.13409697

>wa la

>> No.13409700

what a stupid thing to say

>> No.13409703

>ne ew

>> No.13409706
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you don't even know your own native language you fat waste of space lmao

>> No.13409712
File: 1.37 MB, 2542x614, measuring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be canadian
>every measure comes standard on everything

>> No.13409714
File: 15 KB, 464x543, Volume_Relationship_Chart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who comes up with units like that?

>> No.13409718


>> No.13409722

Wait, you mean this isn't common in other countries? Fuck, all my liquid and dry measures have both cups and metric on them. I just kind of assumed that was normal.

>> No.13409723

agriculture lords from centuries ago

>> No.13409727

most things
tape measures
grading sticks
that's all the measuring things i can think of at the moment

>> No.13409729

Nobody commonly uses both systems, except leafs.

>> No.13409732
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>> No.13409733


>> No.13409736

I mean a conversion factor of 31,5 for example sounds not exactly ideal.
Why not use a system that is, just like people usually count, base 10 or 10^x?

>> No.13409737

I mean, bongs use a really weird hodgepodge of imperial and metric.

>> No.13409742

The standard cup has to be defined through the metric system though, so there's really no point in using it.

>> No.13409752

>build a barrel
>fill it with pottles and count
>31.5 pottles in a barrel

>> No.13409754

I mean, all US units were redefined in terms of equivalent metric units according to the Mendenhall Order of 1893, an improvement on the earlier Metric Act of 1866, but that never stopped anybody...

>> No.13409767

All imperial units are defined as multiples or fractions of metric units.
Metric units are defined by natures constants such as the speed of light in a vacuum or the frequency of radiation created by an electron changing its power state on a certain isotope so it is always clear exactly how long a meter or a second is.
Everyone can replicate the exact same units given the proper equipment and they aren't going to change over time.

>> No.13409773

So the barrel fits 2 barrels?

>> No.13409791

i misread the chart
it's 31.5 pottles in a hogshead

my point is that the vessel came before the measurement
standardization is relatively recent

>> No.13409796

a "cup" is simply an household item, so it can be unreliable people buy cups of different size same with table or teaspoon
because a constant 10 scale is works better as it's all the same
1/5th of a liter is instant, just divide by 5
1 cup has 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoon, 16 cups in a gallon
1/5 of a cup would be 3.2 tablespoons or 3 tbspoons and around half a teaspoon
this gets messier as fractions go over the unit
13/3 cups? just take a 1/3 aside so that now you can divide by 3 and you get 4 cups and a third, further you can convert that into 5.3 tbspoons or 5 tbs and a teaspoon
do it for a liter? 4.33 liters or 4 liters and 330 ml

btw that was with legal us cups, imperial cups are different for some reason

>> No.13409807

>Metric units are defined by natures constants such as the speed of light in a vacuum or the frequency of radiation created by an electron changing its power state on a certain isotope
really useful a hundred years ago

>> No.13409823

>that fucking rant
I'm reminded of the OCD girl splitting a strawberry shortcake between an increasing number of people, finally deciding to put it in a blender and serve it in cups.

>> No.13409829

>I'm reminded of the OCD girl splitting a strawberry shortcake between an increasing number of people, finally deciding to put it in a blender and serve it in cups

>> No.13409841

Chiri doesn't have ocd, she just likes things being clear and equal.

>> No.13409846


>> No.13409914

>hundred years ago
It's not hundred years ago now...

>> No.13409938

Hold on, let me just get out my spectrum analyzer so we can bake this fucking cake.

>> No.13410046

why are metricfags so persistently annoying

>> No.13410051

That's just for manufscturers of highly precise equipment.
For a cake I'd use a ruler or tape.

>> No.13410060

Stay mad, dumbass.

>> No.13410068

>40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it!

>> No.13410069


>> No.13410075

nobody even uses those anymore you cheeky monkey

>> No.13410086
File: 346 KB, 490x274, rc_an (185).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's not the same shitpost thread I've seen 50 times, it's crap
Wow. #boardculture. 4chan gold 4 u.

>> No.13410094
File: 1.99 MB, 320x218, WYC6Nw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the joke.

>> No.13410784

>a "cup" is simply an household item
But anyone who lives in a place that utilizes "cups" as a measurement doesn't just grab any drinking cup to measure unless they're retarded.

>> No.13410994

metric smoothbrains you into an inability to think critically
you never have that moment as a child where you genuinely wonder what the fuck a cup is, it's all just handed to you in a baby-safe bundle of 1 and an amount of 0s

>> No.13410998

it's good for calculations

>> No.13411043

It's better to know both. Then you can talk on equal terms with your peers and patronize Europeans.

>> No.13411113

I'd rather just nuke yuropoors instead.

>> No.13411431

imperial is a comfy, soul, very humanizing measure
measuring yourself in feet, inches and pounds, cooking with cups and spoons etc.
metric is cold and soulless but i prefer it for measuring speed and distance and anything precise or work related
it's nice knowing both but i do construction in canada and people switch and it gets confusing

>> No.13411448

I have no issue with switching mainly to metric, but it's clearly an enormous change for a very large country that can't be done overnight and isn't necessary. We are just fine with the system we have, and people have the freedom to use metric if they really want to. I measure in grams for baking. I use cups and spoons for things that don't need to be so precise or just guestimate. Things like pinch and dash are nice quick ways to estimate what you need without needing any tools at all.

>> No.13411464

Do non-autistic people really care what units people use? It's the same amount of work to measure 8 floz as it is to measure 240ml, the units are arbitrary. You can even convert between units by simple arithmetic, or even have a calculator do it.

>> No.13411807
File: 366 KB, 2328x1576, 1550453606693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just add a cup of flour

>> No.13411840

Cedar is an ethnic shitskin brand so it doesn't surprise me

>> No.13411842


>> No.13411846

do you have cerebral palsy? learn to fucking pour

>> No.13411854

> one hundred years ago
>Was 1919
>Nothing physical has changed since these things were discovered 200+ years ago

Could be any less of a retard?

>> No.13411862

solid argument

>> No.13411867

cedar is actually pretty good quality
most of their dry legumes are canadian and they import actual rose and orange blossom water from lebanon, as opposed to the fake chemical concoctions other brands offer

>> No.13411872

Ahh and there we have it, the poor American intellect that resorts to violence, when they encounter ideas that differentiate from their own.
Let's not take on other peoples better thinking, just abuse them, because we don't have anything to say that is any better.

>> No.13411888
File: 27 KB, 499x500, 1558653681501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being anal about accurate measurements when cooking

>> No.13413321

It's reasonable to do if you have mason jars or know your cups are standard 8 oz glasses.

>> No.13413874

It is. The two piles on those scales are so incredibly fucked up to the point of it being unnatural and obviously intentional.

>> No.13413886
File: 84 KB, 568x800, 91992cdd36a66ece29eb39578f64be11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that (((metric))) and (((SI))) is more arbitrary and forced than based customary units of measurement

>> No.13413894

this. It's pretty strange how shilly people are about metric.

>> No.13413911

It’s what happens when you are mixed race.

>> No.13413966
File: 385 KB, 1024x1024, 11998-Measuring-Cup-4-cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "cup" is simply an household item, so it can be unreliable people buy cups of different size same with table or teaspoon
What the fuck are you talking about you idiot? Do you also think people use British currency to measure weight in pounds and their own personal foot length to measure feet in distance?

>> No.13414025

>assblasted metric fag can’t even differentiate between a unit of length and a unit of volume
lmao at your life

>> No.13414040

Only private America refuses to adapt metric. It's pretty much a standard in academics and most industries.

>> No.13414078

Yes, I agree other countries should grow a backbone.

>> No.13414085

It's the standard in every country excep muttland. There was an attempt years ago to make metric the standard in muttland years ago, but the knuckledragging mouthbreathers screamed a bitchfit about it being a commie, socialist, jewish, Soros UN conspiracy to make amerimutts slaves so it was stopped.

>> No.13414107

Why wouldn't you want to continue using what you've been using instead of switching over to some shitty international system? It's not like in your personal life you're going to be negatively impacted by having units of measurement that aren't as naturally defined.

>> No.13414183

Yet you follow moral laws forged over a thousand years ago.
That is not an argument.

>> No.13414213

Allright genius, so which of those do you add when the recipe asks for a cup of flour?

>> No.13414258

yes everything...tape measures, measuring cups, cars will somtimes have miles and kilometers ect. ect. AMD being canadian I hate imperial, inchs suck when your working with steel compared to simple units of 10.

>> No.13414268


oddly enough as a leader I dont mind using pounds for weight, feet for height, but when it comes to measuring things exactly metric is much better.

>> No.13414295

boom, you described this better than I ever could. I do the same thing in the same place and I hate getting drawings that use imperial. Very humanizing...I like it

>> No.13414303


How can you gauge 200ml

Imperial has better actual sizes anyways.

Fractions are logical. Metric is arbitrary and only for scientific or engineering apps.

>> No.13414341

Either scale a recipe in a way that the measurements are easy to divide, eyeball it, or convert the measurement to the next easiest thing like tablespoons and/or teaspoons. Usually for baking I weigh the ingredients with my kitchen scale, but in cooking I just guestimate a 1/4 cup of this and teaspoon of that. It's easy to eyeball if you are used to using the measurements, but I can see how it's perplexing to people who don't use them.

>> No.13414354

Dumbass can't be bothered to read entire thread before responding like he's a genius. See:

>> No.13414372
File: 3.54 MB, 260x260, 1bf6ad2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit and so are you. Why read this garbage for the hundredth time?

Some countries use the metric system, the rest go to the moon

>> No.13414398

Your a shit, to.

>> No.13414447

Neither because both are fucked. Scoop a new cup.

>> No.13414451


>> No.13414490

A cup is just 250mL though.

>> No.13414607
File: 176 KB, 946x1000, IMG_20191222_104519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can you gauge 1/5th of a cup reliably
>the metrician thinks he can win at unit division against superior customary units
10 only divides into halves and fifths. While 12 divides into halves, thirds, fourths and sixths. And 16 divides into halves, fourths, and eighths. So tell me metrician, what units are more useful for cooking?
And for the record, you can come close enough to 1/5 cup. 16 tablespoons to a cup and 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon. So 2 tbsp + 1 tsp = 0.20833... cups.

>> No.13415060

More or less this. Twelve is considered a superior highly composite number.
Why are people so obsessed over using one set of units exclusively, anyways? There's plenty of cases where you'd use either. Were you people not taught both decimals and fractions in school?

>> No.13415272

>10 only divides into halves and fifths
God damn Americans are stupid.

>> No.13415274

My cups are much bigger

>> No.13415283

It must hurt that they're more important than you.

>> No.13415303

No, the vast majority of them are not. Only a very small minority at the top of their economy are.

>> No.13415323

Don’t forget the almost half who are on social benefits paid for by the other half.

>> No.13415399

And what godless shithole did you crawl out of to tell me that 10 has divisors besides 2 and 5?

>> No.13415406

>1 and 10
I'll be in my trailer.

>> No.13415457

Does currency also confuse you?
>Nickel equals 5 pennies
>Dime equals 2 nickels
>Quarter equals 2 dimes plus a nickel

>> No.13415468

>a half-crown is two shillings and a sixpence
Yeah, you could say currency confuses me a little.

>> No.13415557


>> No.13415642

Oi, guv, wut 'bout the guinea?

>> No.13415652

ur cuntry

>> No.13415673

It actually works pretty well if you just use a household cup. Fill it up half way, or a quarter way as needed. As long as you use the same size cup to measure things in the recipe it'll work out okay.

>> No.13415682

Only rough calculations with even numbers. Carpentry is just as easy working with fractions of an inch as centi/millimeters.

>> No.13415697

That's BS. Metric units were decided arbitrarily by frenchmen, then assigned to specific constants of nature afterward. Then once you've got the constant you can convert it to any unit of your choice.

>> No.13415825

>2 barrels = 1 hogshead

>> No.13415854

but but but that half a teaspoon!

>> No.13415878

The worst is the 'mile' literally makes no sense whatsoever

>> No.13415891

>object is mesured in "stones"

>> No.13415895

I want a judy hopps of my own

>> No.13415925

Four crowns and a shilling, boss. Perfectly sensible currency, she is.

>> No.13415935

>the US (and Britain) customarily still uses old units of measurement, because they're technically older than everyone else's country...

>> No.13415965

What anime is this?

>> No.13415969

Boku no Pico.

>> No.13415974

Boku no piku

>> No.13415998

Zetsuboku no Pico-sensei.

>> No.13416056

Thanks senpai, I’ve always wanted to be arrested

>> No.13416079

Kind of disappointed they never picked the show back up. I mean, the anime was basically a panel-for-panel adaptation of the manga. Even an OVA for the absolute bullshit crazy ending to the manga would have been nice.
It was clearly hell for the fansubbers, though.

>> No.13416183

No really what is the anime. I can’t find it.

>> No.13416205

It's this one pleb

>> No.13416211

Zetsubou-sensei, though all the seasons have different names so you'll have a bit of trouble. I think it goes:
Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
Zoku Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
Goku Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
Zan Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
Zan Sayonara, Zetusbou-Sensei Bangaichi

It's an classic. Bit dry. Lot of political humour. There's an overarching storyline that nobody picked up on until long after it ended.

>> No.13416219

I only liked the first season. Well I mean I liked the first season more than the other series.

>> No.13416223

I think the quality of the fansubs for the OVAs was pretty crap, and that turned a lot of people off.

>> No.13416672

Hey OP when I gave your mom some liquid it came in five squirts. See if you can convert that shit to metric.

>> No.13418152

Excellent problem-solving skills.

>> No.13418156
File: 19 KB, 403x389, d6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>length is measured in body parts