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File: 77 KB, 475x310, migrant_workers_ji.top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13407093 No.13407093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Really? So the pain and suffering of migrant workers toiling endlessly on farms doesn't count as cruetly? Defend this /ck/.

>> No.13407097

It’s not cruelty if they consented to work there.

>> No.13407099

they can get welfare if they dont want to work

>> No.13407118

Migrant workers make more doing the same work away that they would be doing at home. That's why they're migrant. People farm and always will farm. If you want to get autistic you can only buy fair trade and from farms you know don't take advantage of their workers. Not everyone can do this, but most people aren't autistic vegans.

>> No.13407131

even if slaves are picking your crops, most of those crops go to feed animals which are raised cruelly by usually mistreated workers to be processed in meat factories by workers in cruel environments.
yeah, veganism involves cruelty but its fucking retarded to pretend that it doesn't avoid several layers of cruelty that meat doesn't

>> No.13407191

work in the fields yourself, it's a pretty good time weather permitting

>> No.13407418

Americans aren't tough enough to work in the agricultural manual labor industry anymore. The produce won't get picked, the animals won't get slaughtered, and you'll end up paying 5X more for the food product because someone who your "news" organisations told you were scary, wanted to do jobs no one else would or could do.

Nope. Only children spawned in the US by immigrants can receive federal welfare. The parents cannot. Keep being stupid, it helps your handlers' cause.

>> No.13407467

Indentured labor is not much better than slavery, buddy.

>> No.13407474

Slaughterhouse workers are getting abused and maimed and having to wear diapers to not get fired.

You need the same amount of hand picked stuff for optimal healthy whether or not you eat meat fed mechanically harvested stuff, or a lesser amount of that stuff directly.

>> No.13407813

>The produce won't get picked, the animals won't get slaughtered, and you'll end up paying 5X more for the food product because someone who your "news" organisations told you were scary, wanted to do jobs no one else would or could do.

Personally, this is why I don't like the way capitalism is currently implemented.
Tree market should self regulate. Yes prices will rise, but wages in the agriculture sector will also rise, and ultimately this will lead to more Americans going back to working in agriculture. Why go to college to study French Literature, if you can earn 100k/year as a farm worker?
But this isn't happening, because ((they)) prefer to import millions of cheap immigrants to do the work instead.

>> No.13407817

Free market, not Tree market. I don't know why I wrote that...

>> No.13407835

Tech companies do the same thing by abusing the H1B visa program to keep wages down.

>> No.13407850

Picky eaters like vegans are the worst, but saying people willing working for money is cruelty is fucking leftist bullshit

>> No.13407877

The vegans I'm friends with buy from local small scale farms.

>> No.13407900

Go to hell, globalist scum.

>> No.13407907

There are no white or black americans willing or even capable of working those menial agricultural jobs. Even if they were, they would not be willing to live in tents and trailers for 6 months out of the year. Be thankful. You, or at least most low class magatards would start raising holy hell if they had to pay $10/lb for factory farmed chicken, $15/lb for ground beef an $5/head of iceberg lettuce. Careful what you wish for, tardo.

>> No.13407925

>Americans aren't tough enough to work in the agricultural manual labor industry anymore

That's odd. The major agricultural zones are almost all White majority and these areas have taken in the least amount of immigrants since 1970.

>Only children spawned in the US by immigrants can receive federal welfare

Wasn't it the DHS that said about a year ago that between 70 and 80% of people currently residing in the US illegally are on government assistance? I know that Texas alone spends anywhere from 7 to 11 billion dollars each year housing, feeding, clothing and providing medical care for illegals.

>> No.13407926

Those workers would probably be upset if you made those jobs stop existing. Not sure why you vegan-obsessed faggots need to keep trying to come up with some way to nail them on moral grounds. I eat meat every day and I simply accept that's an unfortunate moral negative that I as an imperfect person who can't do too well without meat for medical reasons end up resorting to participating in. It's really not that hard to just admit you do something that isn't morally ideal. Everyone does something that isn't morally ideal. And it's way more respectful to the animals to acknowledge their lives aren't some trivial joke and that you're grateful to get sustenance from them rather than trying your hardest to pretend what we do with animals isn't bad for them at all.

>> No.13407932

It's always money money money.
I'd rather pay $10 for chicken than to live in a country where my children can't safely walk around outdoors by themselves.

>> No.13407993

>Wasn't it the DHS that said about a year ago that between 70 and 80% of people currently residing in the US illegally are on government assistance? I know that Texas alone spends anywhere from 7 to 11 billion dollars each year housing, feeding, clothing and providing medical care for illegals.
Nope. Try getting your news somewhere other than Breitbart or F(au)x News.

>> No.13408148
File: 112 KB, 788x216, illegals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try getting your news somewhere other than Breitbart or F(au)x News.


>> No.13408167

>when retards think they understand global economics and the implications of banning exploitative labour relations

>> No.13408170
File: 118 KB, 800x800, 1574784463716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold medal logic gymnastics...

>> No.13408171

A Freudian slip from the days you hung __________ from trees.

>> No.13408172

Why do I care about global economics? This is AMERICA.

>> No.13408202

at least they get paid. jannies toil for free

>> No.13408231

>Muh grass fed meme
You obese amerikeks arent even having 2 percent of your meat from pasture raised cattle

>> No.13408235

rich people are though

>> No.13408267

Theyre almost all pasture raised. We just corn finish them. Because I dont know.

>> No.13408556
File: 953 KB, 1280x800, 1575719014311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the lies of vegans are astonishing. Which I guess is understandable-- you are recruiting for a starvation cult, so I don't think the truth would do you much good.

>> No.13408630

They are likely not getting complete nutrition then. The only thing that makes veganism viable is having year long fresh fruit and vegetables. If you are only eating local produce this falls apart.

>> No.13409010

Who is this girl?

>> No.13409357

Well by definition if you have food from a "farm that requires endless toil, pain, and suffering" from migrant workers, that really doesn't sound like "vegan" food. Might just be because OP is a faggot, is retarded, or both. Maybe he just hasn't grasped the definition of what a vegan is in the first place.

>> No.13409458
File: 660 KB, 1280x800, 1572317423269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is some small-channel vegan chef trying to make it on jewtube. The cadaverous vegan veteran groping and molesting her is Arnold Kaufman of "Arnold's way" channel.

Arnold is a "long term vegan" and it shows....

>> No.13409480

>Maybe he just hasn't grasped the definition of what a vegan is in the first place.

A vegan is a person who does not eat meat.
(Also they avoid leather shoes, etc) no eggs, no milk, but mother's milk is sometimes OK.

Vegans prefer to cut down forests and massacre countless animals and just leave their corpses outside to rot, than to actually eat the animals..


>> No.13409492
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, bump cmll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that vegans are the same people who want Mexicans to be called Latinx. Gtfo with that shit wey.

>> No.13409510

As others have pointed out, creating beef for mass consumption requires hundreds of times more resources than plant-based foods at every level, including in migrant farm labor because feeding cattle to produce food is massively inefficient.

>> No.13409513

>A vegan is a person who does not eat meat.
(Also they avoid leather shoes, etc) no eggs, no milk, but mother's milk is sometimes OK.
>plebbit space
>Vegans prefer to cut down forests and massacre countless animals and just leave their corpses outside to rot, than to actually eat the animals..
Turns out, OP is both retarded and a faggot. Let's help him out a bit: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=definition+of+veganism

>> No.13409523
File: 686 KB, 1453x2048, Screenshot_20191224-072400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deforestation in the amazon has advanced to unprecedented levels to create space for cattle ranching and feed production - these animal deaths attributed to veganism are, of course, actually caused to support the least efficient food source in the history of the world, which is beef.