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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13401082 No.13401082 [Reply] [Original]

I made shrimp croquettes
Took quite a while, but the result was delicious

>> No.13401089

eww you just ate BUGS

>> No.13401103

Is that cheese

>> No.13401116

exactly like a couple of my close friends. they've been brought up like bitches and kept that child's/britbong sense of taste into adulthood

no some sort of bechamel based on a roux, shrimp broth I made myself and whole milk.

>> No.13401118

dairy and seafood thread?

>> No.13401122

Is that some sort of jewish sin?

>> No.13401172

No sea bugs for the Jews. And you can't mix animal products I guess, cheese on a burger etc.

>> No.13401180

Nice send one pls

>> No.13401200

Are you going to give us the recipe or just be a faggot?

>> No.13401215

looks comfy; that panko?

>> No.13401232

make roux. 80g butter 100g flour.
make broth by melting 100g butter and putting in a a chopped shalot, then add a ton of shrimp heads etc and 500ml water. let that simmer for a while. sift out after it boiled, mix 250g whole milk with 250g broth.
put broth in roux. stir until incorporated, you'll feel it. salt/pepper/cayenne/tabasco to taste. add 2 egg yolks, 100g cream.
3 sheets of gelatine soaked in water beforehand, stir that in.
squeeze a lemon over 300g of shrimp, put in the sauce, along with a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley.
Let that set in the fridge overnight.

glad you asked, just getting to that point.
beat 4 eggwhites with a tablespoon of flour. not too much, don't want that foamy.
Sift panko, separating the 'powder' from the crumbs.
Scoop out the now cooled mixture with a tablespoon, making a bit of a roll with another spoon. roll into shape in the panko dust, then put through eggwhites, then through panko.
Rinse and repeat for about 20 croquettes.

fry them up at 180c for 3 mins.

>> No.13401233

This OP. We need a recipe and step by step photos, or else you are a faggot.
What are we supposed to get from this thread except realize how gay you are?

>> No.13401241

I already posted it you slow ass faggot.
pictures are for children

>> No.13401338

a whole 10 seconds after your post went up.
You are a faggot,your thread is now dead without pics

>> No.13401525

When you add the egg yolks to the roux/broth does it have to be cooled first? Is the shrimp cooked or raw? Is the gelatine a requrement? Wtf does it do?

>> No.13401534

I can see the shrimp poo

>> No.13401664

Nice, would eat

>> No.13401680

Pretty disgusting eating something anus and all. I don’t eat mammal shit and I don’t eat bugs either.

>> No.13401723

Gelatine would be a stabilizer so as to not use so much flour to achieve the same result. You'd end up with a richer taste as opposed to using a lot of flour to stiffen and stabilize the filling. You need to coat and fry it after all. It's like trying to fry soup.

>> No.13401726

"you feel it"
I understand that when I first tried a Creme Brule.

>> No.13401730

yeah wasn't very specific about that part, but the mixture of roux and broth/milk is taken off the stove once emulsified and bubbling.
Then add the cream first, will cool down the whole a bit, then the egg a bit later yes.
The gelatine makes the mixture sturdier for rolling the croquettes, as opposed to making a big flour ball

>> No.13401732

to say that shrimps are bugs is to also say shrimps are also corals. as all are separated by phyla. you're retarded to undermine the evolutionary effort that has been understood to separate seafood from insects. just because shrimps look like segmented insects doesn't mean that they're the same, as you can argue that shrimps are also similar to earthworms in that they're both segmented creatures.
another wrong assumption is that bugs are insects, when in fact the only class of insects which are known as the 'true bugs' is the hemipteras.

>> No.13401749

nope, that's the type of shrimp I used. the way they're farmed they don't end up as pink and uniform in color as most other.
look up 'crangon crangon'

>> No.13401751

Are you the type that think n*gs are humans?

>> No.13401755

I think that's not shrimp or crab, for the rangoons, that's surimi.

>> No.13401768


>> No.13401779

They're all hard shelled and have multiple legs. Same shit in my book. Idgaf what you say stupid science nigger. Fuck off.

>> No.13401789
File: 28 KB, 300x300, baleAHHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this mad about having the food preferences of a 5yo

>> No.13401796

the only reasonable distinction for even considering race (in the slightest) is the Rhesus blood factor between caucasians and asians (or blacks) of which leads to the death of the child, which also means a very minor evolutionary distinction between those groups.
which is logical because one of the factors to consider in speciation is when species cannot reproduce with one another. although the rhesus blood group is likely due to geographic isolation for thousands of years (which lead to evolutionary differences, hence the rhesus blood group) but this was halted recently due to modernization and ease of travel and so race would probably be obsolete in a few hundred or one thousand years. should you consider race? maybe if you're smart about reasoning as to why.

>> No.13401802

snails also have hard shells, and even some carry the distinction of having multiple legs. therefore, by your logic, snails are the same with shrimps in your book.

>> No.13401805

enjoy your gross bugs

>> No.13401817

also, should you logically consider race after a very long time? if you're smart, nope.

>> No.13401842

must suck being 0skinned

>> No.13402110

>1. Shrimp
>2. Recipe
>3. ????
>4. Racism


>> No.13403276

add jalapenos to it

>> No.13403283

>implying you didn’t just eat shrimp shit if you are shrimp

>> No.13403288

Looks good! I'd dive into that.

>> No.13403360

>I made shrimp


>> No.13403399

Fucking delicious. That's why.

>> No.13404908

perhaps because he's not a fucking child