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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13400891 No.13400891 [Reply] [Original]

CICO (Calories in Calories out).
There's not magic diet that will save you.

>> No.13400897
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>> No.13400912

protip for real gamers, stomach volume is only one of the factors in satiety.
you'll find fat people don't chew their food as often as thin people.

based but also retard pilled

>> No.13400930

Because by deluding themselves into thinking a certain nutrient or food is the cause of their obesity, they delude themselves into thinking that gorging on all the other nutrients or foods will not make them fat.

>> No.13400941

starch is digested quickly and spikes blood sugar sooner. When blood sugar spikes, hunger subsides and we feel satiated.
This effect does not happen quickly enough to control over-eating when a meal contains a substantial amount of fat, because fat slows down digestion and absorption of sugars and other nutrients.

>> No.13400947

Why would anyone want to have to stuff a huge amount of food into his stomach to achieve adequate caloric intake? Who enjoys being bloated and gassy all the time? Freaky.

>> No.13400953

Eating is pleasurable and people don't want to do less of it. Probably some embarrassment over having to admit that they just eat too much.

>> No.13400956

>dude, just eat less
If that was possible no one would have to come up with all these different approaches.
Dieting is more about creating a deficit without leaving the patient hungry or nutrient deficient.

>> No.13400962

high volume eating is clinically proven to encourage bulimia and binge eating
you have to be a retard to try to stuff yourself with 5 liters of water and a pound of lettuce to lose weight

>> No.13400965
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>> No.13400971

The human body is extremely resilient and capable of adapting. I ate 1200-1600cal a day for 8 months. I felt like shit for the first few weeks but eventually my body got used to it and felt normal.

>> No.13400974

In other words, overeating is a mental disorder?

>> No.13400990

Maybe for you. But most people don't really wanna feel shit for weeks. That's why all these branches of diets exist.

>> No.13401058

What's with the sardonic tone? Everybody knows that to be the case, moron.

>> No.13401070
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>What's with the sardonic tone? Everybody knows that to be the case, moron.

>> No.13401084

>intuitive eating
what is this gay shit

>> No.13401111

It means you only eat as many calories as you need to maintain a healthy weight, with a preference for foods high in essential vitamins and nutrients your body requires. Obese people and skinny people are both really bad at it.

>> No.13401115

The scientific principle behind most of these diets seems sound.
They just don't work for many people. Either because their metabolism fucks things up or they are unable to stick to it because they can't take it mentally.

The more alternatives the better the chances are you can find something works for you.

>> No.13401177

>high volume eating is clinically proven to encourage bulimia and binge eating
incorrect, high fat eating causes bulimia and binge eating.
I eat lots of food not not lots of fat. I am not bulimic, jeezus.

>> No.13401235
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>> No.13401242

Obesity is a mental illness

>> No.13401346

They often don't work because the fat fucks lie about what they eat and have no discipline to properly follow them. None of them will work for these people if they aren't being forced.

>> No.13401381

This is the answer. People who claim diets don't work just have no willpower to commit to the lifestyle change.

>> No.13401399

why would a high fat diet lead to bulimia?
do you know what bulimia is? your anecdote is useless

>> No.13401405
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>fat people don't chew their food as often as thin people.
Exactly the opposite is true

>> No.13401413

>eating less isn't a diet
Lol u dubm

>> No.13401421

This is an oversimplification of something true to lead to a conclusion that is false.
High fat diets are far healthier in the long run and encourage lower caloric intake than high carb diets.

>> No.13401422

Because they have intestinal parasites that control their behavior and cravings. CDC says that 85% of americans have gut worms.

>> No.13401425
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>> No.13401431

>why would a high fat diet lead to bulimia?
high fat foods taste good, and so humans want to eat a lot of it, yet it does not fill up the stomach, nor does it raise blood sugar to cause satiety, so a person who eats fatty food to the point of filling their stomach will have eaten many times over the calorie limit a normal person should consume in a day.
In a panic, and with feelings of sickness setting in, since eat such a large quantity of fat makes one feel sick, they throw up.
Bulimics eat fatty foods until they feel sick then throw up. I can stuff myself with low fat food, like starchy food, and not feel sick at all, nor do I gain weight, because the caloric density of starchy food is perfectly balanced with human energy needs and satiety.

>> No.13401433

carbs are more satiating than fat

>> No.13401435

It's simple and is though at the same time. Due to health issues I've gained / lost / gained a lot of weight. It was likely due to changes in medication, but each time I convinced myself - and still manage to convince myself - that I'm the only one to blame. I've spent years eating healthy and exercising daily until an incompetent doctor changed my meds because they were unusual and then I felt like shit for a few years, rince and repeat. It's fucked, but although some things are "simple", a lot of people don't realize that although they rationalize everything, they have far less control over their actions, and even free will, that they would like or are ready to acknowledge.

>> No.13401445

eating high volumes of food until you’re bloated (which is inevitable, because that’s the goal of high volume eating) encourages binge eating (high volume eating) and encourages purging (to remove bloat)
“high fat foods taste good so people eat a lot of it” is not evidence, it’s your anecdote because you’re a fat fucking loser eating 2 pounds of lettuce a day

>> No.13401449
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>> No.13401458

the satiety index lists white potatoes as the most satiating food
do you have any clinical trials showing fat is more satiating?

>> No.13401460
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>it's just calories in, calories out
>yes just like putting gas in your car
>if your car could siphon off gas and store it psuedo-permanently
>or if your car used gas to synthesize other types of fuel
>or synthesize non-fuel products that your car desperately needs
>or just pass fuel right through to the exhaust
>yep, this complex system of dozens of types of chemical reactions works just like a combustible engine with mechanical parts
>education? why /fit/ told me. so I know how science works. obviously. if they didn't know anything, there wouldn't be a sticky.

>> No.13401462

Where does pure sugar rank

>> No.13401463

just shut up you know nothing about bulimics apparently. bulimics eat high fat trashy food then throw it up. They'll eat like 2 pizzas and a half gallon of ice cream.

they don't eat half a dozen plain potatoes.

>> No.13401466

This, just go vegan and starve to death with a full belly

>> No.13401467

Nah, this is dumb. Veggies make you feel physically full, in the sense that your stomach is full, but not psychologically full, in the sense of being sated. You'll be hungry again very shortly.

>> No.13401470

fat ranks below pure carbs so :)
i bet you’re overweight

>> No.13401477

you posted without clinical trials, why does everyone else have to provide sources but you don't? burden of proof doesn't mean only the person arguing with you has to provide sources. either this is an academic discussion or it isn't. if it is, you should have posted sources with your claim that potatoes are more satiating. if you don't want to do that, you have no right to demand it from others. learn how to debate.

>> No.13401479

so where’s your proof that fat is more satiating than carbs

>> No.13401481

Fuck off. Of course the human body has all these complex systems but their effect pales compared to eating much more or less calories than you need.

>> No.13401483

tell that to my clogged arteries. your post is also deceptive in a sense that the diet might be enough to be fit. some fats even get stored from consumed fat. it is also not entirely healthier to consume high fats due to heart reasons, as well as the fact that fat utilization is mostly done during starvation (or a lack of carbohydrates), which can also spur the body to consume other sources of energy( such as muscle) in high fat, low carb diets.

>> No.13401495

>it is also not entirely healthier to consume high fats due to heart reasons, as well as the fact that fat utilization is mostly done during starvation (or a lack of carbohydrates),

my last meal is at 2 pm, so I do not eat any food until around 6am the next day. So I figure my body is burning quite a bit of fat during the night. my meal at 2pm is almost entirely starch.

>> No.13401498

Leptin inhibits hunger, and carbs create leptin-resistance.
>inb4 riceniggers
They used to be very calorie restricted (not so much anymore, there's obesity in Asian countries now).

>> No.13401500

intuitive eating is when you tell your clients to eat whatever they want to eat as long as they stop eating when hunger subsides.

and then you dismiss everyone who doesn't lose weight as "not following the program" and claim victory.

>> No.13401511

going 16 hours (only 8 of those being awake) is not fasting it’s fatty cope

>> No.13401518

i wasn't the person your replied to. i didn't claim fats were more satiating. I just noticed that you were posting shit without sources while demanding everyone else post them.

But now that you posted a source, let's take a look. For one, this is a proprietary method of determining "fullness". Meaning their methodology isn't shared or open to review. It's there to sell books containing the results. They do cite a study from 1995 while giving a background history on the study of satiety. But that's just to provide context, not explain how their own studies or product works.

It appears you just google satiety index or something and copy/pasted the first result without reading it. Here's an actual study, I believe it's the one mentioned by the site you posted:


See the difference between a rando website trying to sell a book of nutritional secrets and a real study?

I'm not disagreeing with your point, the study says boiled potatoes are the most satiating. I'm simply proving a point about posting sources and demanding them. Don't be half-assed and expect others to do your work for you. And post actual studies not just the first thing you found on google.

>> No.13401520

It's breakfast not breakfattycope.

>> No.13401526

>ahah i love thermodynamics but FUCK CHEMISTRY my broscience is superior!

>> No.13401527

So what's the complex biochemical process of getting fat really like?

>> No.13401529

the one i linked cites your link which is the original study kill yourself autist redditor

>> No.13401533

huh, never said it was fasting. Im not hungry in the evening because I replaced fat calories with starch calories at the 2pm meal, so I stay fuller longer.

>> No.13401539

The -95 study went as far as 2h after the meal which is pretty useless, what about 6h after the meal

>> No.13401545

>the one i linked cites your link which is the original study kill yourself autist redditor
yeah, to give context to the history of studying satiety. but they're not providing the results of the study, they're trying to sell a diet book on which foods to eat to remain satiated. they have a financial interest in the study being correct. it's not an unbiased source. you should have just posted the source itself you fucking moron. i can't help you're bad at this.

>> No.13401546

the only time I'm eating fat right now is when I eat a daily vitamin. I eat a handful of nuts with the vitamin because many vitamins are only fat soluble.

>> No.13401549
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>tell that to my clogged arteries
Your clogged arteries are a genetic problem.
I am almost certainly older than you are and eat bacon and other fatty foods constantly. Have done for decades.
My cholesterol numbers were so foul that my doc ordered a scan of my heart.
O% calcium was the result. No problems at all.
He reluctantly had to agree that i needed no dietary changes.
Low fat is a meme

>> No.13401550

Explain to me how you can get fatter because of your biology while eating 1k under your TDEE for a month. Go on, explain where the matter and energy to produce fat and power your body comes from.

>> No.13401551

In my experience, any type of bread, pasta, or whatever that I eat leaves me feeling hungry again later. If I just eat a few meatballs or something, I'm good for a long while.

>> No.13401568

It's almost as fun to keep eating refined carbs you dont need because they're so effective at giving those hormone hits-

>> No.13401572

You cant, but you can stay thin in some cases even when eating a caloric surplus

>> No.13401576

in which cases?

>> No.13401577


>Very low-calorie ketogenic diets (VLCKD) is increasingly establishing as a successful nutritional pattern to manage obesity; this is due to rapid weight loss that gives rise to a positive psychological cycle which in turn increases the compliance to diet. Another important key point of VLCKD is the ability to preserve fatty free mass which is known to play a role of paramount importance in glucose metabolism.

Even when you do low-calorie intake, keto is superior because it retains more muscle mass and has fast results which motivates people to stay on the diet. Sorry OATS AND MILK fags.

>> No.13401595

why wouldn’t you just do a low calorie protein diet then?

>> No.13401603


>Very low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) has been proposed as a promising option to achieve a significant weight loss in a short time period. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate its efficacy and safety in patients with overweight and obesity. Four databases were searched on May 2019. Studies reporting data on body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body composition, blood pressure, HbA1c, lipids, and markers of liver and kidney function were selected. Discontinuation was also assessed. Twelve studies were included. VLCKD was associated with weight losses of -10.0 kg (I2 =6%) and-15.6 kg (I2 =37%) in studies with a ketogenic phase up to and of at least four weeks, respectively. The weight lost during the ketogenic phase was stable in the subsequent follow-up up to two years (p=0.12). Also, VLCKD was associated with reductions of BMI (-5.3 kg/m2), waist circumference (-12.6 cm), HbA1c (-0.7%), total cholesterol (-28 mg/dl), triglycerides (-30 mg/dl), AST (-7 U/l), ALT (-8 U/l), GGT (-8 U/l), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (-8 and-7 mmHg, respectively). No changes in LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, serum creatinine, serum uric acid and serum potassium were found. Serum sodium increased during VLCKD (+1.6 mEq/l). The overall prevalence of patients discontinuing VLCKD was 7.5% and this was similar to patients undergoing a low calorie diet (p=0.83). The present review supports the use of VLCKD as an effective strategy for the management of overweight and obesity. Future guidelines should include a specific recommendation for this intervention.

A meta study showing that low calorie keto dieters have just as many quitters as regular low calorie dieters, but see better and more sustained results. That is, quitters gonna quit, it doesn't mean the diet is shit. Weight loss rates stable up to two years. OH NO NO NO MY BROWN RICE BROS WE GOT TOO COCKY

>> No.13401609

>muh genetics

>> No.13401612

too much protein will be synthesized into glucose and raise your blood sugar like carbs.

>> No.13401617
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keto dieters actually have more quitters than people cutting calories to stop overeating and would have less weight loss because their glycogen storages would refill the minute they stop keto

>> No.13401622

>raise your blood sugar
as if that is a bad thing. Are you diabetic? blood sugar spikes are good it means your body is getting nourishment.

>> No.13401623

but if you’re eating an extremely low calorie diet (which is what you linked) then it won’t

>> No.13401631

Those are just people who have been recruited for a long term study, their motivation is partake in a study. It's not some magic thing where CIA tracks people who are obese, learn of keto diet and test it out.

>> No.13401637
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In the case of ur mum swallowing all that jizz for one.
No idea how she keeps that figure

>> No.13401640

Which is exactly what the abstract says. It doesn't say they're the same, it says similar. Your chart shows a small difference. Literally go through your list and look. It has similar amounts of people who drop out, but more benefits. Who cares if there's a small percentage difference? You're making perfect the enemy of the good because you're butthurt about keto.

>> No.13401650

That's not true. Your blood sugar shouldn't see great spikes. You can be getting plenty of energy with a relatively stable blood sugar.

Yes it will. Your body turns excess protein into glucose no matter how many calories you're eating.

>> No.13401655

prove it

>> No.13401665

Why would your body not turn EXCESS protein into glucose because you hate more or fewer calories? If you're eating fewer, your body would do it just to make up the deficit. If you're eating more, then that's just even more excess protein. You have no out in this line of thought.

>> No.13401669

why haven’t you proven your claim that eating a diet of 200g of protein when your caloric maintenance is 2000 calories a day will convert the protein to glucose
“why wouldn’t it bro!” is not evidence

>> No.13401695

>yes just like putting gas in your car
No matter how complicated the thermodynamic cycle of your car's engine is, if you don't put gas in it, it won't run, and if you keep putting gas in it without running it, it will overlow, you massive moron.

>> No.13401712

This whole thread is making me angry.
None of you are informed at all.

>> No.13401728

Ok but what's the most filling diet so I'm not hungry?

>> No.13401731

>your claim that eating a diet of 200g of protein when your caloric maintenance is 2000 calories a day will convert the protein to glucose
I didn't make that claim, you're putting words in my mouth. My post has no numbers in it. Yet you're unfairly demanding a calculation.

Look, if you don't want to do keto, don't. The study I posted is clear that low calorie keto is beneficial. You didn't criticize that though, you asked why not just do low calorie with high protein. That was a non-sequitur. The argument was that keto provided no benefits, which is untrue.

Some dipshit tries to ask for studies, not expecting anyone to put in the effort. When I do you faggots start changing the subject and moving the goalposts. Now you want a nutritional calculation on a specific set of dietary intakes.

I know reddit meme shit makes you guys seethe to no end. And fatties choosing le bacon cheese meme diet over OGAD bothers you. But you're just going to have to get over it.

>> No.13401740

so let’s say two people are the same height, weight, and caloric maintenance (activity level)
one person decides to follow keto and eats 1200 calories a day while doing so
the other person decides to cut their calories to 1200 calories a day and eats a balanced diet
neither of them overeat while dieting
why would the one following keto lose more FAT weight?

>> No.13401804

nobody ever said more. it says they lose weight faster, which increases morale and keeps them on the reduced calorie diet longer. you also retain more muscle mass than just a "balanced" diet. i literally posted a quote from the abstract. did you not read it? what's the point in posting studies if you don't actually read what they say? moreso, what's the point when you just strawman what they say?

>> No.13401806

why would you lose fat faster if you’re eating the same amount?

>> No.13401819

read the study. you're asking a question beyond shitposts on 4chan. if you don't know enough about biology and nutrition science to answer this for yourself, and you lack the research skills to go look up the answer, ask yourself why you maintain such a strong position on the matter.

>> No.13401831

but if two people require the same amount of calories per day and instead eat at the same caloric deficit per day why would one lose FAT faster than the other?

>> No.13401863

500 calories is about 4 slices of bread nice try image

>> No.13401868

It's one of the absolute worst for muscle mass. You need protein

>> No.13401898

the study i posted was about retaining muscle mass while losing fat. your study is about gaining muscle through training. yes, if you're going to increase muscle mass, you need more protein. The studies don't contradict one another.

>> No.13401946

No it wasn't. It rarely even mentions it, in fact in one section lean mass is mentioned as being reduced. You need protein to maintain and gain muscle mass

>> No.13401970

Why do you keep arguing past what the study actually says? And why do you keep operating under the delusion that people on keto don't eat protein? they eat meat, low-carb veggies, and fat (aka from meat). I don't know where you got this picture of people chugging bacon grease and that's it. Keto doesn't advocate you eat less protein than needed.

Next, you logic preludes other low calorie diets that aren't keto as well. Because you're placing the need for protein above all else. So any "balance" diet is wrong because they don't provide enough protein.

My only conclusion here is that you're actually one of these "eat raw meat only" faggots who thinks your diet should be 100% protein and nothing else. And you're mad at keto because it doesn't tell you to do that. You can't deny that keto is mostly eating meat. You're getting protein buddy.

>> No.13402001

You literally made a claim the study said something it didn't
>delusion that people on keto don't eat protein?
Another thing you've made up, they usually don't eat a lot because too much protein equals glucose conversion and no ketosis
>fat (aka from meat
Its fat from any source, why would it only be meat? Meat has too much protein to be THE fat source of calories

The rest of your rant is incomprehensible deluded nonsense as a result of how near enough glucose fueling your brain

>> No.13402023

>Another thing you've made up, they usually don't eat a lot because too much protein equals glucose conversion and no ketosis
No it doesn't.


The amount of glucose generated by the liver is very small compared to the amount of protein ingested. And it doesn't raise blood serum levels of glucose (such as your finger-prick blood meter or A1C would measure).

>Its fat from any source, why would it only be meat? Meat has too much protein to be THE fat source of calories

Because meat is the most convenient and tasty way to get it. Bulletproof Coffee is a meme son.

>> No.13402037

if you’re overweight why do you need excessive fat in your diet when you can use your fat storages instead?

>> No.13402046
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>> No.13402052

that's what it does, it puts the body into ketosis, where your body prioritizes fat over glucose. you eat enough fat for basic bodily functions. the same way when doing any low calorie diet, you eat just enough to create a deficit. you don't eat more fat as to decrease your deficit, you just swap around the proportions of your DCI.

>> No.13402055

Relatively small does not mean none. You didn't post anything showing otherwise especially in the context of a diet low in carbohydrates
>Because meat is the most convenient and tasty way to get it
You wouldn't be getting it then, like you continue to not disprove
Glad to see you dropped the false claims you previously made

>> No.13402060

It's literally ALL willpower.
Cope more you fat fucks.

>> No.13402073

I didn't say it means none. It's not enough to kick you out of ketosis. And it doesn't raise your blood sugar the same way eating candy would.

>You wouldn't be getting it then, like you continue to not disprove
>Glad to see you dropped the false claims you previously made

??? You're so incoherant you're actually defending something wrong that keto-tards say (that protein increases blood sugar) while attacking keto for not getting any protein,which is demonstrably false given any keno-friendly recipe.

>> No.13402084

So is being gay but that doesn't stop you from sucking down more poz cum than andy dick.

>> No.13402297

Seething lardo.
I can't wait for your heart attack

>> No.13402306

Yes it is, especially in the absence of carbs as none of your sources disprove
>And it doesn't raise your blood sugar the same way eating candy would.
Didnt say it did

>You're so incoherant you're actually defending something wrong that keto-tards say (that protein increases blood sugar) while attacking keto for not getting any protein,which is demonstrably false given any keno-friendly recipe.
You literally have brain damage. You are blatantly fabricating what I've said

>> No.13402333

Fatties need mental help not some retarded fad diet/thread

>> No.13402363

I agree with Mr Trips here.

>> No.13402380


Intuitive seems the best. Just the discipline of realizing when you are hungry vs bored and when you are satiated instead of full

>> No.13402381

obese people have a mental illness that causes them to habitually overeat.

>> No.13402403

Not really, for general productivity you need to eat at the same time every day, plan ahead and buy food intelligently. You're meant to overeat in a meal so you can spend time doing other productive stuff while not being immediately hungry, then theres also considerations that skipping meals seems healthy as you're meant to make yourself feel hunger for a time because it stresses your body positively.

>> No.13402446

I heard the brain scientist say on Joe Rogan that once you become fat your brain starts working differently and that basically it thinks you're dying if you aren't maintaining your massive overweight so it gives food cravings as if you're starving.

So it's not sou much that fat people don't understand the simplicity of calories in calories out it's that their brain is broken and working against them.

On a personal level I went from 330 pounds to 250 and the struggle to lose more is real. The same diet and exercise routine that got me to this point isn't working anymore. I need to have less than 800 calories a day to see any weight loss. And that just makes me really really hungry and I wind up over indulging after 4 days that undoes the hard work.

The human body is weird.

>> No.13402788

uh no it's the fat in the muscle and blood and diet which decreases insulin sensitivity which leads to difficulty feeling satiated, which leads to over eating.
all an obese person needs to do is abstain from eating fat, and eat starch instead as their main energy source, and they will drop weight fast.

>> No.13403166

>They used to be very calorie restricted (not so much anymore, there's obesity in Asian countries now).
Obesity in asian countries is NOTHING when compared America lmao.
Japan and Italy literrally kill your trendy keto BS

>> No.13403689

the problem is your brain, once youre overweight it takes literally years to get your brain back to normal eating behaviors, i was fat at 12yo and now i’m 27 but still a skinnyfat binge eater, i think this is even a thing called fatbrain

>> No.13403709


that picture is hilarious, the average slice of bread alone is over 100 calories.

>> No.13403718

what is your point? fat has 9 calories per gram, carbs got 4 calories per gram.

>> No.13403770

wtf thats so wrong?! intuitive eating means you dont care about calories it means you eat what your body desires

>> No.13403775


>> No.13403797

Once you pass a personal threshhold you'll never keep the weight off. It's impossible. Everyone relapses sooner or later.

>> No.13403824

>so im not hungry

>> No.13403837

literally THIS but people dont like the cold truth cuze its uncomfortable, learn to handle your hunger and kinda enjoy it, start with OMAD and try to eat less often you wont die, imagine there are people do waterfasting for 2 weeks and they are not even this fat

>> No.13404096

>tfw skeleton and can't fathom how fat people eat as much as they do
>eat enough to gain small amount of weight and feel sick every day

>> No.13404272

>Still thinks carbs are evil
>Still sucks mommy's clit

>> No.13405536

Cope fatty

>> No.13406186

Because they'd rather enjoy their food than be thin. I'd be probably be obese too by now if I hadn't gotten my dad's skellington genes, food is the greatest joy in my life

>> No.13406196

What gene makes you stay thin? Are you sure you don't simply don't eat above your TDEE?

>> No.13406232

i'm a couch potato with an office job, I basically eat whatever I feel like, sweet stuff at least 3 times a day, tons of bread and carbs in general, a lot of take away, mcdonalds, whatever you want. no exercise at all. the only healthy I do is drink a lot of water.
meanwhile my mother has literally not touched anything outside of her diet plan in 10 years and works out every single day and is still chubby.

not saying genes are the sole determining factor but they're definitely there

>> No.13406241

So these are genes that break the rules of Thermodynamics?

>> No.13406251
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>> No.13406263

no, because those rules apply to a single thermodynamic system which our body is not. You can't compare an entire functioning body to a thermos in which you put solution A and received X heat.

>> No.13406313

1. People are shit at counting calories
2. People overestimate how much they move
3. TDEE calculators are not very accurate
4. Nutrition facts on packages are not very accurate
5. Metabolic differences between people

So what does this mean?
>fatty uses a shitty online TDEE calculator
>oh wow I have a TDEE of 2900 calories
>that means if I eat every day only 2700 calories I should lose weight
>fatty eats shit all day long
>haha I only ate 2500 calories today!
>but fatty forgot the chocolate bar during his break
>so he ate more like 2800 cal,
>and since he sits all day long on his fat ass his real TDEE is 2600 cal/d
>the next day
>man I am hungry today
>yesterday I saved 400cal I guess I can eat today a bit more
>fatty pigs out and eats +3000 calories
>rinse and repeat

>> No.13406316

>there is no variation in energy used among individuals
while the guy you replies to is probably a dumbass and his mom is probably lying, people have different caloric needs. its not breaking thermodynamics, some people just use more fucking energy

>> No.13406447

You actually can. For example, your daily energy consumption, no matter how you're using that energy, is exactly equal to the heat your body generates, which is equal to the amount of heat you dissipate into the environment. The laws of thermodynamics are a physical necessity, and they're true for every physical object.

>> No.13406450
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>Eat healthy with calorie deficit
>Occasionally get strong cravings for junk/fast food
>Binge as I please
>Be sure to drink lots of water during the process
>Soon as I finish go throw up all the trash i just ate
>Literally zero side effects and don't have to worry about acid majorly fucking up my teeth since I just ate the food
>Allows me to eat as I please with no worries

I honestly don't understand why more people don't do it this way.

>> No.13406460


Enjoy your throat cancer and heart burn

>> No.13406490

>eat 1k cals of food and drink 1k worth of alcohol each day
>all i do is sit in front of my pc
>tdee is supposed to be 1700
>tfw 5'11 130 pound skeleton and have been since I was 18
How do people get beer bellies again?

>> No.13406495


By mixing alcohol on top of healthy eating. You are definitely undernourished and deficient as all fuck eating 1k calories per day

>> No.13406499

>Soon as I finish go throw up all the trash i just ate
>I honestly don't understand why more people don't do it this way
Because you get hungry again after you puke? It takes like 40 minutes to feel "full" after eating. Puking out your stomach the second after you eat will leave you feeling sick and hungry.

>> No.13406505

You're not wrong. But on the rare occasion I do physical exercise, I go to the rock climbing gym 20 minutes from me and can do higher ratings than people that climb every day. shit makes no sense yet here I am

>> No.13406673

>CICO (Calories in Calories out).
doesn't exist and doesn't work. the human body doesn't burn any of its nutrient. calories is about burning dried food to heat water; Only a dumb woman reading magazine mumbo jumbo would fall for that magic anti-science shit.

>> No.13406766
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>literally 0 side effects to bulimia

>> No.13406884


it's because you only weigh 130lbs. it's like wondering why a cricket can jump 100x it's size in distance.

>> No.13407138

free him

>> No.13407830

this is the only valid post in this thread.

>> No.13407986

Why Aikatsu?

>> No.13408082

The sad truth is that most of life can essentially be boiled down to dopaminergic pathways which is what drives habit. The longer you spend strengthening a dopaminergic pathway, the stronger the feedback loop is and the harder it becomes to break free. Fat people are just in it really deep so it’s hard for them to break out but it’s entirely possible. It’s actually not fair to say “just put down the fork” because these compulsions can be comparable in strength to things like sex or drinking water. Healthy people have accumulated a shit load of positive feedback and have strong pathways developed through years of reinforcement so it genuinely is less effort for them to maintain this healthy way of living. Fat people need to physically be restrained from eating; that’s the only way. Throw them in a jail cell and feed them a controlled diet. Do this for about two weeks and it should weaken their habits enough to where they might be able to make progress through their own volition. The fatter they are, the more time they need to let their brain recalibrate. It really is just science