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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13401203 No.13401203 [Reply] [Original]

/out/ist here, when I go out for overnighters or multiple day tours I need food obviously. I usually just buy some packaged dry food I can prepare with some boiling water I heat on my camp stove. It is light and is easy to cook, but I hate buying artificially flavoured shit packaged in plastics while spending quality time in nature.
So what can I make myself that is vegetarian, light and filling? I guess drying food will be my best bet, maybe some couscous or rice? Just tell me what comes to your mind, thanks!
Oh and pic is kinda unrelated, nuts are nice as a snack for some energy but I want delicious warm food when sleeping outdoors.

>> No.13401206


>> No.13401225

Thanks but I don't eat meat so that's not an option, but for those who do it's probably a good one

>> No.13401252

You can probably just stir fry some veggies and rice at home, then bring hobo pouches to reheat over a fire.

>> No.13401255

Parched corn is basically just dried corn that is pulverized

>> No.13401258

just munch on some grass then you freak

>> No.13401272

Oh fuck off I don't want to destroy the nature that I like to spend time in you retard. But of course you fatties couldn't live without your mom's chicken tendies

>> No.13401279

Try toasting your nuts. Warm, toasty nuts.

>> No.13401293

put a steak under your saddle, and at the end the day, the friction will have made the best warm steak tartare you’ve ever had

>> No.13401295

>Thanks but I don't eat meat

>/out/doors man
>doesnt eat meat

yikes. Hope you get mauled by a bear.

>> No.13401308

Cum from the men you'll meet

>> No.13401310

Homemade granola with oats, honey, nuts and dried fruits. For meals I usually just have some soups from a bag .

>> No.13401319

but you literally only eat plants you fag, don't go pretending a field is somehow respecting of nature but foraging isn't. That shit's why no one respect you vegans

>> No.13401326
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>> No.13401434

Did you ever attend a school? Cattle have to eat too and they consume way more plants than I do. Meat is one of the most destructive factors in climate change, if you don't believe me Google it and believe the scientists with an IQ that is 2x yours

>> No.13401443

What do you mean with soup? Do you bring just canned soup or some kind of dried stuff? Because I think soup is like the least calories/gram you can get. But still is it a nice thought to have a spicy hot soup to enjoy in front of a fire in the cold darkness of the woods.

>> No.13401447

Actually I like to go to places where I'll meet noone

>> No.13401469

You seem to think I care. I know cattle have to eat tons of food duh, I simply don't care about the consequences but obviously you do and you're being hypocrite about it.

>> No.13401489

But why would you argue with idiotic reasons then if you know that they're shit? Also I can't convert people who don't care about dying or this world so please just kys now so we don't have to argue with you

>> No.13401492

OP, /out is the better channel for this question, obviously. Did you even ask over there?

Just eat what you normally eat, of course. If you're a soaked oats eater, then bring some parmalat and jars like you have pictured. Or freeze your yogurt and let it thaw. It's just an overnighter and you're bringing a stove, c'mon, it's just a packed meal or two. Soup, grilled veggie kabobs, a few cold wrap sandwiches, who knows what you normally eat, it's all viable, you're packing a damn stove.

>> No.13401494

Sounds like it hurts, but do whatever your fetish is

>> No.13401504

I'm saying you're a hypocrite for refusing to forage but are fine with commercially grown food that's been imported.

>> No.13401509

Yea, usually just dried bags that you just mix with hot water. There are some really good quality bag meals out there, but they are a bit too expensive (around 5€) for what I'm after. Bringing canned food in and out is a bit too much of a hassle for me and I'm usually doing 2-4 day long hikes, for a day hike a sandwich and a coffee will do.

>> No.13401515

>you're packing a damn stove.
The stove is lighter than the food I bring for an overnighter. So I definitely want to be a bit lighter than food at home. And threads on /out/ aren't very helpful and creative, they create shit like MREs so I, a gourmet, thought I'd ask here

>> No.13401521

I always try to buy local food where possible

>> No.13401552

>he believes that meat is not imported from lower quality countries
You are the perfect example for the intelligence of a climate sceptic

>> No.13401557

Nuts, coconut, rice and couscous aren't.
Eat potatoes they dehydrate pretty well.

>> No.13401563

Make a pasty full of potatoes and turnips and cabbage or something. They sit well. Can be eaten hot, or room temperature.

>> No.13401569

Maybe if you're a burger. I slaughter my own chickens and buy pork/beef from my neighboor.

>> No.13401573

Lol you’re not healthier, more moral sure, but not heathier

>> No.13401625

Anyone not using commas are trolls

>> No.13401829

You're gay,

>> No.13401919

You misinterpreted my comment. I was talking about the death that will get us if we destroy this Earth, but I also believe that you CAN also live somewhat healthy without meat.You can live unhealthy eating only borgers or only french fries, the result is quite similar.

>> No.13401956

Who is "noone?"

>> No.13402206

Don't you speak English?

>> No.13402213

Yes. I speak English very well. Don't you?

>> No.13402215

Just because you're using a comma doesn't make you not a troll but I still think you are not a troll since this was thoughtful and hilarious

>> No.13402223

Why are you not understanding then?

>> No.13402304

It's spelled no one. The two words do not go together. There, now you understand English better.

>> No.13402346

But you didn't understand the sentence because I didn't know a word is actually two words? How retarded do you have to be to not even get that. As a foreigner I am happy that not everyone is that idiotic because otherwise I couldn't communicate with anyone

>> No.13402455

Apostrophes are really just inverse commas

>> No.13402514

As a foreigner, you should practise sarcasm. I knew what he meant. I was just pointing out he was wrong.

>> No.13402528

Why would you be so pettifogging about it then?

>> No.13402544

Why not?

>> No.13402560

dicks are really just inverted vaginas.

>> No.13402565

Who would have thunk?

>> No.13403196


>> No.13403449

there's always dirt and twigs you can eat and of course you could always pack an impossible whopper, which probably tastes like the same thing.

>> No.13404680

Pure jalapenos? Lmao that would be the most hurtful diarrehae after eating a pound of chillies

>> No.13404685

Just read the thread and then btfo

>> No.13404717



I thought of this for you. You'd be able to carry the items with you without things getting very heavy, it's simple and easy to make, etc. You could even bring some grated cheese in a bag to top it off if you're only going to spend a few days and you can keep it reasonably cool.

>> No.13404790

Best idea ITT yet. Thank you

>> No.13404793
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>> No.13404930

Ngl it sounds delicious

>> No.13405152

Yeah I know right? Is this safe for humans?

>> No.13405175

Just fucking make or buy it for people lol jesus

>> No.13406400

But it would still be more expensive than the pet food I guess...

>> No.13406843

you asked for suggestions, and you got them.