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File: 65 KB, 504x504, BrXQQc8CEAENV-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13400157 No.13400157 [Reply] [Original]

>American week at Lidl tomorrow

>> No.13400178

>this is the reason every other thread begins with, "do americans really"

>> No.13400179


>> No.13400191

Awww shit. American week at Lidl is great. I put on my jeans and walk through the store like I have 300 pounds. Gon' git me summa dose chickun tenders ya'll.

>> No.13400208

Don't even think about touching my onion rings you snake in the grass.

>> No.13400223
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>> No.13400238

>walk into Lidl and half of America week items are sold out
>it's Monday
The fuck

>> No.13400254
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>> No.13400296

Why are chicken drumsticks American? So chickens not have legs in other countries?

>> No.13400298

>like I have 300 pounds
Holy shit, you could not be more European if you tried.

>> No.13400305

Is this a real thing? Please tell me this is a real thing.

>> No.13400315

do euros really?

>> No.13400316

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.13400323

theres a booth where if you pay £30 they let you hold an (unloaded) gun for 10 mins... "feel like an american"

it was very exciting desu, we even took lots of pics

>> No.13400337

what on Earth

>> No.13400351

It's a real thing. Lidl has weekly regional items.

>> No.13400355

There's a new work policy at my local Lidl. Workers there must greet you with a "Howdy" during America week. It's a real joy to shop there. Everyone is so into it. A worker even pretended he got shot one time.

>> No.13400375
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The snackbox is great

>> No.13400393

>not grabbing the strips

>> No.13400455

How do I pronunce this brand? 'Mcennedy', mac ennedy? em-ceennedy?

>> No.13400460

>pre-packaged milkshake

>> No.13400463

I feel bad for anyone who tries this shit
I went to romania and they serve giant piles of sausage and various grilled meats that taste so much better than dry ground up chicken with breading. I can't even enjoy tendies anymore desu

>> No.13400464

True, American weight is not something we*have", it is something we *are*. It is as inalienable and God-given to all Americans as our freedoms are

>> No.13400468
File: 178 KB, 750x750, 1576547845680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen drumsticks
>pre toasted marshmallows
>frozen hotdog already with bun and toppings
>prepackaged hamburger
what the actual fuck is wrong with germans
Made me smile

>> No.13400483


Wtf. Is this really normal in America?

>> No.13400490

Every time I see this brand I’m wondering what their intention was. McEnnedy‘s sounds so weird I’m always assuming they couldn’t do McKennedy‘s for brand reasons and just hoped people wouldn’t notice. Or maybe they misspelled it? No idea...

>> No.13400491


>> No.13400497

The marshmellows aren't pretoasted. There's a large amount of preprepared cooled stuff. I like to get the onion rings.

>> No.13400500

wtf is a BBQ marshmallow
why is it brown

>> No.13400506

>>American week at Lidl tomorrow
WTF frozen deep fried drumstick...
That's not American, it's just the cheapest single chicken part to throw together in a box. most adults throw out the chicken drumsticks when buying a whole box of fried chicken, or a whole rotisserie chicken. It's touch and clings to the bone too much. Children eat it because it's got a handle on it. That's. it.

>> No.13400508

>BBQ Marshmallows

>> No.13400512

It's not. It's white. In the picture it's being toasted. See the fire?

>> No.13400515

What makes it a BBQ marshmallow then

>> No.13400516

We don't have a marshmellow fad over here. People would just eat them untoasted, so they add in BBQ so people get the point instantly.

>> No.13400518

We dont in America either

>> No.13400519


>> No.13400521
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Why are Europeans so obsessed?

>> No.13400531

You put them in hot cocoa, roast them at campfires... at least on TV.Your hat uses them as S'mores. We don't have either of these things present on local networks, so not everyone is aware.

>> No.13400545
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>Your hat uses them as S'mores.

>> No.13400549

Everyone loves America week at Lidl. Don't take this the wrong way.

>> No.13400554

>A s'more is a campfire treat popular in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, consisting of a marshmallow and a layer of chocolate placed between two pieces of graham cracker or cookie.

>> No.13400574

Jesus Christ, that’s just stupid

>> No.13400627


>> No.13400632
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>> No.13400634
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>> No.13400639



>> No.13400643
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>> No.13400645

>buying american food when you live in a civilized place

>> No.13400647
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>> No.13400650

Sometimes you need to indulge in trash to remind yourself how good you really have it.

>> No.13400652
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>> No.13400654

I love these

>> No.13400655
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>> No.13400658
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>> No.13400659

Sweet potatoes are gud

>> No.13400661
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>> No.13400662

where's the healthy food?

>> No.13400663

Don't buy the sauces. They taste like ass.

>> No.13400668

This is American week Anon

>> No.13400675

>German Grocery stores have America Week.

>> No.13400680

they have theme weeks for a lot of regions

>> No.13400682

Not just German. Every EU country that has Lidl has America week.

>> No.13400697

Oh, that is interesting I guess.
Seems like we don't have the reverse here in the US. But, most of the grocery stores stock foods from different cultures all year anyway, so I guess its not that different. I don't think I've ever seen a store have a specific sale or promotion for any particular culture though.
Huh. Interesting.

>> No.13400716

Each week we get flyers for the upcoming special weeks. We have American, Asian, Alpine, Mexican etc. There's a lot of low quality stuff included, but there's also that good product that gets sold out in like half a day.

>> No.13400739

No. America doesn't use real measurement units.

>> No.13400756

Alpine week is the best.

>> No.13400771

I forgot to include French, Italian and Greek. They have some nice things but overall I'm less excited for them compared to the ones I mentioned earlier.

>> No.13400799

Can I go in there if I'm over 18 ?

>> No.13400805

Some solid role play right here.

>> No.13400807

Why wouldn't you be able to?

>> No.13400811
File: 730 KB, 640x480, NotDeadEnough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im always jealous of Europeans and their hot dogs in a jar. They seem so convenient.

But then I think about all the third worlders raping their women and I'm not so jealous anymore.

>> No.13400815

Top Kek

Then next to that booth there was the “hold REAL metal cutlery” and there was like 10x times more people attending

>> No.13400816

>xxl fat and sugar week
k den

>> No.13400824

looks like shit

>> No.13400827

>pizza gigante
>100% real cheese

I thought it was the american week not the let’s larp as Italians week.

Where is the pepperoni? Where is the plastic cheese???

>> No.13400838

they pay you to take the sauce?

>> No.13400850
File: 866 KB, 712x949, 1565608377792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone outside of the US calls peperoni peperoni.
Paprika is used both for the spice and bell pepper in Germany.
Chili is used when for spicy peppers. Peperoni is not too well-defined, but usually corresponds to Friggitello in particular. So when you order a Pizza Peperoni in Germany you usually get sliced Friggitello on top.

>> No.13400852

Were you expecting something original ?

>> No.13400853

Over here we call it salami pizza. It's a funny thing cause it's a widely known fact American tourists won't even read the menu and order "pepperoni" at pizza places. But what they don't know is that a peperoni pizza has peperoni peppers.

>> No.13400859

They should, cause it's shit. - is there instead of a 0.

>> No.13400865


shouldn't that all be mexican food?

>> No.13400869

They have a seperate week

>> No.13400871

I wrote pepperoni as the spicy salame, not peperoni as bell peppers.
They’re two different words.

>> No.13400874
File: 179 KB, 1200x925, Alive+luxuriant+cassowary_fdab32_6578939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, for context: As you all probably know, Lidl is a discounter. Of course it sells trash food. And of course the american trash food is about as authentic as the chinese trash food, the indian trash food, the french trash food, etc.

>> No.13400877

I feel like Lidl have that every three weeks or so now. It ruins the magic.

>> No.13400883

No but I was expecting that if Germans were to offer the stereotypical American experience at least they could have been sure to carbon print things as they are in the US, therefore offering a Pepperoni pizza or at very least Salami pizza (not salame which is the singular Italian word that nobody uses over there since they indifferently use salami for both singular and plural).

>> No.13400886

Yes, they are. You're using them wrong. Peperoni are pepers, salami is salami. Thus what you call pepperoni pizza is called salami here.

>> No.13400887

"Pepperoni" is a German word, meaning "peperoni". The "pp" is because it's pronounced with a short e, not with a long e. peperoni is not a German word and would be pronounced pehh-peroni

>> No.13400892

it's strange from an american point of view since we always hear how "This isn't authentic [French/Italian/British/German/Swedish] food", but we never have to actually confront that feeling ourselves in seeing strange bastardizations of american food

>> No.13400895


>> No.13400899

Are you niggering me?

It’s a pepperoni pizza, these are pepperoni slices as pepperoni fucking sausage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepperoni

I don’t care if peperoni means peppers in Italian, Americans call pepperoni the spicy sausage/salame they eat and you stick to what they to when you’re copying them, no logic involved here.

>> No.13400906

To be fair, as a German I must say, not much of value is lost when you miss out authenic German cooking. Few good things that aren't street food are nicked from eastern, western or souther neighbors.

>> No.13400913

I know what you call them. Whenever I go to a new pizza place around tourist zones and chitchat with staff, I ask them about American tourists and peperoni pizzas and they'll give you the wildest and funniest stories.

>> No.13400918

Germans are cringe.

>> No.13400929
File: 183 KB, 1200x1200, 4D66F97B-730C-4068-96A0-CA2E9815FEA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see one of these products sold in Europe, and I mean everything American style or larping as American product it 110% comes from a specific part of Europe, mainly the subhuman one: Germany and Belgium. Sometimes Nederland too.

These things can be found everywhere like cancer, even though at least they’re very limited quantities, but still...

There’s a reason if they’re called nordniggers.

>> No.13400939
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>> No.13400946
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They even have the American flag on their logo

>> No.13400959

We know all that. It's just translated, though. A pepperoni sausage literally is a spiced salami. It's like, the first line of the wikipedia article. Doesn't make a difference when translated, like there is no distinguished word for squash, pumpkin and gourd. It's Kürbis all the same.

>> No.13400969

I feel like I’m talking to a wall...

>> No.13400985

It's a salami pizza.

>> No.13400986

I know, but there's nothing much to say other than the fact is that details are sometimes lost in translation. It is the way it is

>> No.13400995

Why is Toni spelled with an i and not a y? Toni is a girls name.

>> No.13401004

Really? Why would you have a theme unrelated to Christmas this week?

>> No.13401006

>hot dogs in a jar
>BBQ marshmallows
lol ok

>> No.13401007

Same reason Mario isn't spelled Maryo

>> No.13401011

We had that last week. Someone dun goofed

>> No.13401013

btw i'm gay if that matters

>> No.13401015

Why would you want to translate something like that? Why didn’t they translate Hotdog into Brötchenwurst?

>> No.13401024

Lidl has other weeks like Italian, Spanish and Greek week.

>> No.13401026

Because Toni is the diminutive of Antonio, the Italian name.

Anthony/Antony —> Tony is the Italo American version

>> No.13401030
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Sick burn.

>> No.13401033

Because Christmas and traditional holidays are an offensive and nazi custom in Germany, also they’re disrespectful for the refugees and the Muslim population

>> No.13401050

Noone assumes it's a real cooked dog. It's not asian week. No confusion.

>> No.13401130

okay but why would my hat use it

>> No.13401148

stop using my namefag

>> No.13401155

I've only seen Canadians talk about s'mores.

>> No.13401162

disregard that i suck cocks

>> No.13401193

>not much of value is lost when you miss out authenic German cooking. Few good things that aren't street food are nicked from eastern, western or souther neighbors.
Pretty much this, german cuisine (if it even exists anymore) is, except for handful of dishes, midwestern cuisine in potentially worse.

>> No.13401704

>Im always jealous of Europeans and their hot dogs in a jar. They seem so convenient.
>But then I think about all the third worlders raping their women and I'm not so jealous anymore.

Yeah niggers raping women definitely doesn't happen in the US

>> No.13401742

Nothing more American than some Hahnchenbrustfiletstucke

>> No.13401746

The thing that makes it worse is that American women want to fuck em.

>> No.13401763

It's American week in the universe where the Nazis won.

>> No.13401774

This thread is pure savage

>> No.13401821

Wtf we don't eat any of this

>> No.13401848

>But then I think about all the third worlders raping their women and I'm not so jealous anymore.
As opposed to the niggers and spics that rape your women

>> No.13401879

“Oh say can you see? Oooh say can you see?!! Betty Grable, nice gams! Fuck Hitla, fuck Hitla!!!”

>> No.13401908
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>United Tastes of America

>> No.13402114
File: 729 KB, 490x324, WAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres a booth where if you pay £30 they let you hold an (unloaded) gun for 10 mins

>> No.13402118

I don't eat those products in America you're being hyped to and lied to sold a promise that is empty lies.

>> No.13402172

Reeks of Globalism. Disgusting

>> No.13402196

Fucking Germans and their USA obsession

>> No.13402202

Salame is just saying hello to the Muslim customers.

>> No.13402211

regular marshmallow candies don't melt there.

>> No.13402221


>> No.13402239

It really is. American fast food also tripled in numbers around there now that governments are totally ok with them and the shit meal they provide. Only the evil local cheese and meat producers makes children fats, not the happy clown and old colonel. nope sir, that would be insensitive and RACIST you know.

>> No.13402278

Nice reference.

>> No.13402300
File: 146 KB, 808x722, 1552599259947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea for "american" based foods is that because the US has trade with nearly every other country on earth for low prices there isn't a food unique to the US that can be marketed outside of it properly. So it is all frozen or filled with chemicals that allow it to last whereas the foods the US gets are what the rest of the world eats.
Having everything here means we have no unique food, we have all food.

>> No.13402516

I'm a burger yet i have no idea what "burger style" chips are

>> No.13402518

Why is the meat sewage colored?

>> No.13402558

>we have all food
And we made it better.

>> No.13402567
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>Everything is mini or bite sized.
I want to indulge myself not simulate starvation.

>> No.13402577

>Gee Bill!

>> No.13402584

most of this looks terrible
Like random cheap shit with "MERICAN" slapped onto it

>> No.13402644
File: 63 KB, 318x955, canned_burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>germans in charge of "american" food

>> No.13402654

Yes, and?

>> No.13402674

>it's just the cheapest single chicken part to throw together in a box
sounds American

>> No.13402676

That looks exactly like a burger from American McDonald's

>> No.13402724

Looks can be deceiving.

>> No.13402738

Actually turned out better than expected to be honest.

>> No.13402755

This is simultaneously insulting and flattering at the same time.
Seriously though, never eat any of this, ever.

>> No.13402815

>That looks exactly like a burger from American McDonald's
Except for the fact the hand is white, lol!

>> No.13402818

I'm american, and this is weak.
Improve the pizza roll with better ingredients for not much more and I'm in like Flynn.

>> No.13402821

>BBQ marshmallows
Explain yourselves, euros.

>> No.13402833
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I choose to believe.

>> No.13402835

Errol Flynn. I haven't heard that in a while. You must be over 40.

>> No.13402858

>most adults throw out the chicken drumsticks when buying a whole box of fried chicken, or a whole rotisserie chicken
What? I know I'm replying to bait, but just, what?

>> No.13402863
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Knowing how much we routinely bastardize and ruin other cultures' cuisines, I actually find all this quite amusing. You couldn't pay me enough to east any of this crap though.

>> No.13402877

I'm only a boomer in spirit. But I'm getting there.

>> No.13402879

Americans wouldn't eat that crap.

>> No.13402884

Why is everyone so confused about this. Don't you put marshmallows on a stick and hold them over a fire or something? It's in every old time cartoon or western.

>> No.13402895

I’m 101% sure he was thinking of BBQ sauce flavoured marshmallows

>> No.13402896

Dude, you can't just go and ruin my day like that.

>> No.13402904

Pizza bagels are bite sized and probably responsible for 10% of American obesity in the 90s and onward. Those fuckers have no right to be as good as they are, at least baked in the oven.

>> No.13402910

BBQ means slow smoked. You don't slow smoke a marshmallow.

>> No.13402918

You're right. BBQ for us implies sauce or dry rub and smoking. Otherwise it's just grilling or cooking over an open flame.

>> No.13402957

Ahh I understand the confusion now, didn't know that BBQ was used in a much broader sense here

>> No.13402973

You wanna make something good from this, make mushroom soup and reserve like 16 oz, and make green bean casserole with freshly steamed green beans and top with those onion strings, almost to the point of being a crust.
Made right, it's one of the few casseroles called "casserole" that I like. Midwest wives in the 60s didn't fuck everything up, it turns out.

>> No.13403156

I’m pretty sure s’mores are a uniquely American thing.

>> No.13403185

I never heard Americans talk about smores. Just Canadians. But sure, whatever, Canada is your gayer brother anyways. Stays in the family line.

>> No.13403278

Americans don’t call anything cooked over flame BBQ. BBQ means smoked and grilled means cooked on a grate over flame. Marshmallows are referred to as roasted.

>> No.13403305

the mini pies look kind of nice desu

>> No.13403307

S’mores are a Boy Scout and Girl Scout thing originally. I didn’t think anyone but Americans made them, but it makes sense that it spread to Canada. I doubt the Wikipedia claim that they are popular in Mexico, but I haven’t spent enough time there to truly disprove it. The combination of marshmallow, milk chocolate, and graham crackers over campfire just doesn’t seem like a common place Mexican dessert.

>> No.13403315

So this is what the aussies feel when we bring up Fosters beer.

>> No.13403335

I'm American and never have seen a pre-packaged pancake, that sounds awful. Ever try to reheat a pancake? It's shit.

>> No.13403369

>I'm american
Being a part of one the most diverse cultures to ever exist doesn't tell anyone anything. The fact you have never seen something means nothing in a country like the US.

>> No.13403387

I'm American. I've been all over the country several times. Nobody pre packages pancakes and hotdogs. "American week" in Europe is a total scam.

>> No.13403400
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>Nobody pre packages pancakes
False. I've seen the fucking abominations, rare as hell thank god. Hot dogs is a lie though.

Americans eat pancakes all the time, so it's not surprising there's an off-brand that sells a cheap box of them that's probably bought by people with arthritis or for people with children that throw stuff into the microwave in the morning.

>> No.13403414

all hotdogs come prepackaged other than ones you buy at the butcher. pre packaged pancakes are a thing if you look in the breakfaster freezer section

holy shit who even are you? a fucking leaf?

>> No.13403418

You're imagining things. Stop.

>> No.13403423

Do americans really

>> No.13403427

A complete lie. We buy hot dogs then cook them. We don't find them packaged in a bun with toppings.

>> No.13403649

faggot with bad taste. Just like the Tim burton middle schoolers of yore.

>> No.13403653

It’s all so smoothe

>> No.13403690

>crunchy peanut butter
do americans really

>> No.13403693

The easiest way to understand it is that pepperoni is an American type of salami. Calling it salami pizza is just a silly pedantic thing. Pepperoni may have other meanings in other languages, sure. In American English it's a specific type of salami.

I am the anti-fun. Auch hallo deutscher Freund. Ich will Deutschland besuchen. Ich habe Babydeutsch für meinem College gelernt. Ich will österreichisches Bier!

>> No.13403701


>> No.13403702

The nazis abandoned Christmas for more traditional winter solstice holidays. What are you on about.

>> No.13403724

Any child that goes camping eats s'mores. Roasting marshmallows on an open fire is quintessential childhood summer for many Americans. Adding Graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate with a roasted marshmallow to melt it all together, that's classic camping stuff. Grocery stores in America will have a display with all three ingredients during the summer.

>> No.13403730

My grade school had premade pancakes they'd heat up for us early kids that were dropped off at 6am.

>> No.13404251

That cronchy texture though

>> No.13404269

We usually refer to them as toasted marshmallows.

>> No.13404363

Kroger sells pre cooked pancakes in tubs of 10 for like 4-5 bucks.

>> No.13404383

Never shopped at Aldi before have you?

>> No.13404392

I have no love for 'strayans, but from everything I've heard this is an apt analogy.

>> No.13404403

Are they imported from Lidl?

>> No.13404412

No Kroger brand and some other brand, I haven't had them since I was in middle school.

>> No.13404415

Can we have one of these sure-to-be-hilarious stories?

>> No.13404870


>> No.13404879

the sad part is that because health laws are stronger in europe, those things are better for you than the real deal, but taste absolutely horrible

>> No.13404884

in europe barbecue means grilling meat outside. nobody smoke shit there, so the whole smoke thing is unknown.

>> No.13404891

>maple syrup
wtf is this canadian bullshit?

>> No.13404900

>health laws are stronger in europe
Lmao source? You’re talking about the people who had a whole deformed generation because they failed to say no to a drug that would make pregnancy more comfortable

>> No.13404901

As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball. But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

>> No.13404925

the best maple syrup comes from Wisconsin

>> No.13404943

That’s a funny way of spelling vermont

>> No.13404963

Hamburger sauce is probably that thousand island dressing sauce places like putting on burgers. I've never heard of sandwich sauce though.

>> No.13404973


>> No.13404977


Yes, hamburger sauce is thousand island dressing.

>> No.13404978

Embrace it, you have no choice.

>> No.13404993

No gmos no msgs no food aids allowed, no feeding hormones etc etc. We learned from our mistakes.

>> No.13405014

>No gmos no msgs
Uhh still not sure how this argues that your regulatory system isn’t a joke

>> No.13405059

>lives in the 1990

>> No.13405071


>> No.13405077

>thinks msg is harmful and accuses others of being stuck in the 90’s
So europe confirmed as a joke then?

>> No.13405078

>not sharting your pants

>> No.13405089

>being this hostile
The same reason kinder eggs are banned in the US. You don't put potentially harmful stuff in your food

>> No.13405096

I’m being hostile? Do I come to your countries websites to shit on you guys? No I don’t even care, I just hate that you’re trying to ruin american internet because you come from such shitholes.

>> No.13405104

Dude, no one hurt you. You came in a Lidl thread where everyone loves America week and started making things up in desperate attempt to clear your name when no one smeared it. You need to relax.

>> No.13405121
File: 1.69 MB, 400x225, 1571451267719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american internet

>> No.13405161

I have literally never seen hot dogs in a jar here. You need to stop referring to Europe as a single country.

>> No.13405167

I just responded to someone saying europe cares more about regulation than america when traditionally they definitely don’t, and considering your leaders are now trying to literally replace you as a populace I think it’s confirmed that euro countries don’t care about europeans

>> No.13405245

>he's just making shit up now
You're trying to bait, this is not that kind of thread.

>> No.13405463

Seethe mutt seethe

>> No.13405822

this. I always buy out all the leberkase there is lol. also german cheese like limburger or herb lemonade is amazing

>> No.13406058
File: 118 KB, 754x1131, Green-Bean-Casserole-10-754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. This is a genuine traditional American food that you guys probably don't know about, not a done to death meme food like beezchurger. I like it with Chinese water chestnuts.

>> No.13406431

we're just jealous of your healthcare system.

>> No.13406494

What healthcare system?

>> No.13406549

>Your hat uses them as S'mores.
>okay but why would my hat use it
>I've only seen Canadians talk about s'mores.
Holy fuck that ("joke") was convoluted and it's not even true in any sense, it just can be possible. S'mores is sucha staple thing for the americans
I bet you are greek or some shit

>> No.13406595

The one where you are bankrupted and homeless if you break your pinky ;)

>> No.13406605

They cant garnish you wages over healthcare bills. Just dont pay them. All it does is hurt your credit.

>> No.13406662

Nope gudmnit the diabeetus made me blind!

>> No.13406683


>> No.13406696

>The same reason kinder eggs are banned in the US
They aren't, why do people keep thinking this?

>> No.13406703

>this is not that kind of thread
It was from post 1

>> No.13406807

It's 68% pork, so it's lighter in colour than an American 100% beef burger. We like pork in Italy.

>> No.13406850

Eggo makes and sells prepackaged pancakes.

>> No.13406968

Shut the fuck up, Sören. My Mama cooks some stews that´ll blow your faggot ass back to the faggy Berlin café you came from.

>> No.13407240
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>> No.13407271

Feed europeons anything and slap an American flag on it. They'll eat that shit up like it was going out of style.

>> No.13407272

this or just say your name is juan gonzalez

>> No.13407288

I've had green beans infrequently the last couple of months, but nobody around me made this. :^/

>> No.13407307

wtf I'm culturally enriched now

>> No.13407326

but we do though. eggo sells them. they are available nationwide in any major grocery chain frozen section right along with biscuits, french toast sticks and waffles. they're common institution food served in schools, hospitals, county jails and the army. and yes, theyre fucking garbage

>> No.13407335

It's a god send. Mid westerner here.

>> No.13407398

the one that has created essentially every medical advance of the last 125 years?

>> No.13407405

You are thinking of waffles

>> No.13407425

A lot, sure, but not even close to every.

>> No.13407444

Well "every" may be a bit hyperbolic, but the massive majority.
Essentially Americans fund the advancement of medicine around the world through their higher expenses

>> No.13407456

>not getting shot

Do you even freedom?

>> No.13407815

Yeah, the one ranked 36th in the world, 2 positions above fucking Cuba, lol!

>> No.13408077

Also pancakes.

>> No.13408136
File: 29 KB, 500x393, 41EgSm65CHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know your own cuisine, it's actually sad, but don't pretend that German cuisine is bad. You rather run to the Dönermann to get your "Einmal mit allem und scharf bitte" than to try some real German cuisine like pic related. But jokes aside, the only reason you think German cuisine is bad is because you are too exposed to it every day. If you moved to Malaysia for a year, you would come running back to eat Mamas Kost.
And of course there is a big overlap with our neighbor's cuisines, e.g. Switzerland or Poland. That's normal, and it's the same in the USA and any other country too.

>> No.13408356

>frosted flakes
Are they not fairly common in Europe anyway? I never thought of them as uniquely American and I live in Battle Creek.

>> No.13408402

>move to Malaysia for a year (from Germany) and you'll miss the food
Swiss here.
When I was 9 years old, we moved to Singapore for a year. I didn't really miss the food back home.

>> No.13408410
File: 104 KB, 574x960, GpmJ3Of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw European grocery stores worshiping America

>> No.13409402

we dont have lingonberries doofuses

>> No.13409432

Moreover it's that in America any food that says BBQ in front of it means it's BBQ flavored, as seen in the OP.

>> No.13409456

they have those in California too

>> No.13409470

is there not cranberries in Germany?

>> No.13409491

ah yes for me, it's the flesh balls

>> No.13409505
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>> No.13409507


>> No.13409509


>> No.13409517

because it's illegal in the US to have inedible parts inside something edible. You "kinder eggs" are either illegal imports from canada/mexico, or empty

>> No.13409521
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>> No.13409529

The prices always slays me. Also half of the products there are probably from European factories.

>> No.13409533

cranberries are literally only cultivated in north America. There's little need of it anywhere else where tastier berries are abundant.

>> No.13409536

>no artificial colors or flavors
>instead of "neither artificial colours nor flavours"
absolutely choking.

>> No.13409568

If you use "neither...nor" in this way, the adjective would only apply to the first noun, leading to a counter sense.

>> No.13409698

I think most americans don't know how these german discounters operate.
They have a regular and a changing product range.
The regular product range contains pretty much all everyday items like veggies, meat, toilet paper, drinks, cleaning supplies and whatever but usualy from their own brand and dirt cheap.
Then there is a product range that change changes every week.
These are often themed in one way or another and usually consist of stuff labeled as one of their in-store brands.
However often it comes from different brands and if you look closely you'll find out wich one.
As an example, my 12,99€ ratchet set labled as "workzone" was actualy made by Conmetall Meister.

While these discounters tend to not have everything all the time, the have everything at least once a year and the basics all the time

(also the company that operates Lidl also operates Kaufland wich is basicly like Walmart, just a little smaller and about 30% cheaper)

>> No.13409720

the milkshake unironically tastes based

t. german lidl shopper

>> No.13409740

You’re not even american are you?

>> No.13409787

What's the German word for longing for a time or place that you've never actually experienced?

>> No.13409801


>> No.13409818

Close but I'm thinking Sehnsucht is closer

>> No.13409824

Sehnsucht is more general

>> No.13409833

american versions are always superior you yuro cock slurping redditor

>> No.13409835

>when you try to sound smart but are actually retarded
big issue among the nonamerican posters

>> No.13409838

it's fun to laugh at amerilards and get back to our traditional German meals of kebab, falafel, and curry

>> No.13409942

>the adjective would only apply to the first noun
the fuck are you on?

>> No.13409952

I don’t know how someone could expect me to pay for products that are so free

>> No.13409962

>White meat
Must be the meat his daughters get

>> No.13409968

Try figuring it out yourself, ESL nigger.

>> No.13410153

>Österreichisches Bier
Nein, willst du nicht.
Trinke lieber fränkisches Helles oder, falls es kein anderes gibt, bayrisches Bier.

>> No.13410162

Nope, ist's Fernweh.
It is literally the craving of being somewhere else.
Sehnsucht is just desire or longing.

>> No.13410166
File: 200 KB, 750x742, C55E8E06-73A7-41B0-8BDE-ECC998F14D71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck talks like this?

>> No.13410168

Yeah, some people here just really want to be as american as they can.
And by american I mean "Reddit-Soyboy".

>> No.13410173

A good dish could be my dick with a bit of sugar
No biting just sucking thx.

>> No.13410217
File: 87 KB, 1036x835, Liberals Promoting Pedophelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans REALLY think that pedophelia is no big deal and just another "sexuality"?

>> No.13410220
File: 17 KB, 656x411, LGBTQP+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do Americans REALLY think that pedophelia is no big deal and just another "sexuality"?
yes. you don't choose your sexual preference, famnigger. you're born with it.

>> No.13410233

Do krauts really?

>> No.13410235

That guy looks like he wants to rape me right now.

>> No.13410243

Of all the people who tried to include pedo into the LGBT community I wonder how much of them were false flaggers trying to pass the community for degenerates because they reckoned other means wouldn't work. Although no doubt there must be quite a lot of genuine ones.

>> No.13410246

So whites get blacked and blacks get whited ?

>> No.13410442
File: 103 KB, 751x1200, Salon LGBTQP+ Article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't choose your sexual preference, famnigger. you're born with it.
Is this REALLY what disgusting white people tell themselves in order to fuck kids?

>> No.13410463

wtf? Aren't Salon & Vox like major American media outlets? These aren't just tabloid websites right?

>> No.13410482
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>> No.13410987


Okay, Trader Joe's is a chain of slightly upscale supermarkets in the US owned by Lidl. They sell pretty much none of what is in these two pictures.

>> No.13411054

I can't tell if you're being ironic, but if you are, I salute you.

>> No.13411066

>walk into supermarket
>get shot


>> No.13411077

Taste of britain in my toilet twice a day.
Limey nigger

>> No.13411079

This makes so much sense. Shit like this is the reason 3rd world retards know nothing amount America.

>> No.13411085

Who says it's no big deal? It is an inherent sexuality, but one that can never be morally consummated.