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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 810x500, deliciousgaycake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13392071 No.13392071 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some trick? I feel like most home bakers can't get this level. Is it even worth trying?

>> No.13392073

What? Just stop being bad at cooking, it's really not that hard

>> No.13392076

Steam in the oven during baking

>> No.13392077

dont they bake each layer separately and then assemble them after?

>> No.13392078


>> No.13392081

I support full gay civil rights.

Wanting a custom item or being religious isn't an excuse to discriminate because of sexual orientation. We don't control being gay and shouldn't be singled out for it in social settings. It's humiliating and you know it.

>> No.13392084

They're not even, that's why the back of the slice is sagging. Look at the cake in the background. In each layer the middle is thicker than the edges. This implies they baked each layer in a normal cake pan and did no trimming. When they stacked, this left slack on the edges and they drooped. Because they're thinner than the middle.

Study the picture before asking. Learn some self-reliance. Learn to see and notice detail rather than hopelessly imagining a perfect cake when one isn't pictured.

>> No.13392086

Excuse me, tell me how to cook it or get out of the thread.

>> No.13392088

I just told you, they're not even. Your question is flawed. Bake each layer in a normal cakepan ya dingus.

>> No.13392098

fuck fags, glad my cunt has gay free zones

>> No.13392101

not really a rational argument

u don't have a right to bully people for being different than you and cause social disorder

>> No.13392109

bake the cake and then cut the dome off
make sure theyre flat and level and then layer them

>> No.13392111

any tips for doing that without fucking it up?

equipment, movements?

>> No.13392131

the cakes in the pic are really thin, so itll be hard
get a lazy susan/turntable or whatever the fuck its called.
hold the knife at the spot you wanna cut it and turn the cake, scoring it. don't move the knife
if its done properly you should have a cut that's even, now cut across, keeping the knife flat and inside the score line
cold cakes are easier, they don't stick to the knife and rip chunks out

that's how we do it at our bakery, but like I said we also don't do layers that thin

we also have a spirit level cause eyeballing it will fuck it up
if its still not level use extra cream filling inbetween layers so you don't get that drooping effect that >>13392084 is talking about

ill ask my boss tomorrow how she does it and ill come back in like 20 hours

>> No.13392252

I have a plastic turntable. Do I need to upgrade it?

What sort of knife?

>ill ask my boss tomorrow how she does it and ill come back in like 20 hours

much obliged

>> No.13392264


>> No.13392269

still um not an argument doe

>> No.13392304

you're still a faggot "doe"

>> No.13392326

>What sort of knife?
a long serrated knife, like a bread knife

cake strips wrapped around your pan can prevent doming

>> No.13392327

oh no a mean word wtf im straight now

>> No.13392348

i hope your benefits cover psychiatric aid

>> No.13392356

actual scientists disagree with you that being gay inherently, in and of itself produces emotional stress beyond that imposed by others who bully us for it:


>> No.13392383

Just playing by numbers, your study has a 70% chance of not being verified in subsequent analysis, so i don't think I'll believe you.

>> No.13392393

desu dude im pretty sure those are just pancakes

>> No.13392403

There are multiple studies showing that treating gays badly reduces our emotional health. That finding has been well replicated actually.

>> No.13392432

not based
ultra hyper not based
extremely based. red pilled too
fags trannies and jannies btfo eternally

>> No.13392443

You need a cast iron turntable for cakes like these

>> No.13392454

>It's humiliating and you know it.
If it's so humiliating then stop sucking dick.

>> No.13392458

Discrimination is trying to coerce others into changing their behavior because you hold negative opinions about them. You are causing social disorder and we are just trying to live our lives.

>> No.13392464

maybe consider moving to a gay friendly place like san francisco or hell. degenerate scum

>> No.13392465

Faggots reproduce by molesting and raping children.

>> No.13392468

Few groups cause more social disorder and misery than fags.

>> No.13392477
File: 35 KB, 650x366, gayhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does treating gay people worse fix that?

>> No.13392492

>How does treating gay people worse fix that?
Making them seek to change their ways or suicide (preferrably the first one).
Fags are a walking biological hazard, in addition to making up half of pedophiles despite being only 5% of the general population.