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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13392396 No.13392396 [Reply] [Original]

Gauloises blue edition

should i switch to gold coast blue?

>> No.13392400

Not food idiot.

>> No.13392404

smoking is for degenerate retards
can’t imagine smoking when snus, cigars, and vapes all exist with zero health risks

>> No.13392413

>he doesnt eat his butts once hes done smoking
waste of money tbdesu

>> No.13392417

Shut up nigger what board should i use then?

>> No.13392441

probably >>>/lgbt/

>> No.13392445

based retard

>> No.13392447

use for what? screaming for attention? seek a therapist shitskin

>> No.13392451

I vape now

>> No.13392452

ok soimutts

>> No.13392459

trump told me vaping was killing kids so hes banning it. was this a lie??? did big tobacco tell him to do this?

>> No.13392463 [DELETED] 
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>I vape now

>> No.13392473 [DELETED] 


Trump also said he wouldn't be impeached

>> No.13392476 [DELETED] 

well he hasnt yet. nancy won't deliver the articles to the senate

>> No.13392480

unless you're smoking unfiltered (ugh) then wouldn't that be 90% filter that you're eating?

>> No.13392481 [DELETED] 


That's for his removal from office. He's already been impeached.

>> No.13392484 [DELETED] 

false. she has yet to complete the process of impeachment. even that liberal college professor who they called to be an expert witness at the circus wrote an article stating this

>> No.13392485 [DELETED] 

Why should she?

At least two of the republican senators, including the senate majority leader who has to take an oath saying he'll be an impartial juror, said publicly he would NOT be an impartial juror, that's literally against the fucking constitution, so why would she send the impeachment to the senate that CLEARLY just wants to brush it away without even looking at it seriously?

>> No.13392486

yeah but the filter catches so much good stuff (thats why they're yellow). eating the filter is pretty much the same as smoking a whole 2nd cig

>> No.13392489 [DELETED] 


hmmm. Should I believe some random anonymous person on 4chan saying he isn't? or the multiple reputable websites on the internet that say he is?.

>> No.13392496 [DELETED] 

here you go champ

>> No.13392499 [DELETED] 

>or the multiple reputable websites on the internet that say he is?
this is the problem with getting your news from reddit

>> No.13392502 [DELETED] 


good goy

>> No.13392504 [DELETED] 

>Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.

funny, when it's a liberal opinion piece it's just pure lies and bullshit, but when it supports your point of view, it's literal fact handed down from god himself.

>> No.13392506

why are you black

>> No.13392507 [DELETED] 

He's splitting hairs and has no legal basis for his opinion.

I doubt his interpretation would hold up in court.

>> No.13392514 [DELETED] 

noah feldman was the expert witness at the house hearing 2 weeks ago with the 3 legal professors. why the hell would he be defending trump? lmao you people are ridiculous

>> No.13392518 [DELETED] 

It's true, retard. Trump has not yet been impeached. He will be impeached when the articles of impeachment are sent to the Senate. Until then, the House has merely voted to impeach him. Not the same thing.

>> No.13392521 [DELETED] 

He's not defending trump, he's writing an opinion piece saying the house technically hasn't impeached trump until they present the articles for impeachment to the senate, which is a stupid argument.

The impeachment happened when ONE of the two articles of impeachment got it's required 215 votes.

He's being SUPER pedantic by saying it MUST be presented to the senate for it to be "real".

There is nothing I can find that backs up his point of view besides his own conjecture, which again, isn't based on anything official.

>> No.13392523 [DELETED] 

The only one saying that is feldman, find me where it says that in the actual rules and regulations regarding impeachment, go ahead and quote that part that SPECIFICALLY says impeachment occurs the moment the senate receives the articles and not before.

>> No.13392528 [DELETED] 

>which is a stupid argument.
because you say so? the guy writing the article gets paid to interpret the constitution, and was apparently one of 3 top people in the country who do so. i'm inclined to believe him given the fact that he hates trump and this article is "good" for trump.

>> No.13392531 [DELETED] 


Piers Morgan, is that you?

>> No.13392533

Hahahha smoking thread


arabs everywhere
what the fuck is with achmed loving cigs

>> No.13392534 [DELETED] 

see >>13392504
You're inclined to agree because it fits your point of view and you don't want him to be impeached.

You're not basing your stance on reality or what the actual rules are regarding impeachment.

Again, I can find pretty much nothing which backs up feldman's interpretation, which even in the BEST case scenario, he's splitting hairs with it. The ONLY reason you want this to be the case is because you know if the dems send it to the senate today, it'll be shot down instantly, likely with a summary judgment from mcconnell without hearing any testimony or inviting any witnesses.

>> No.13392543 [DELETED] 

>I can find pretty much nothing which backs up feldman's interpretation
are there many articles written by people with his credentials on the subject?

he was a witness hand picked by the demoshits to back them up, not a republican who's spinning this to make trump look good

>> No.13392552 [DELETED] 

I'm not asking for other people's articles, i'm asking for the ACTUAL rules of impeachment that say it HAS to be handed to the senate for it to count as REAL impeachment.

Literally the only thing that backs this up, is feldman claiming that's how it is, despite him providing NO material evidence that the rules say this anywhere.

>> No.13392585 [DELETED] 

because the constitution doesn't list the step by step process and point out at which step he's actually impeached. therefore, a rational human being, might take someone's word for it when it's literally their job to interpret a 200+ year old document. I'm not qualified to interpret it, neither are you.
if it were a trump supporter i'd still be skeptical. but it's not. its a 100% lefty hand picked by the democrats to support their opinions.
if this isn't enough proof for you, the only thing that would be is thomas jefferson himself coming back from the grave to say it

>> No.13392625 [DELETED] 


Show the piece of the 200+ year old document he interpreted it from then

>> No.13392633 [DELETED] 

trump is impeached and republicucks are gonna lose to a supermajority in 2020

>> No.13392681 [DELETED] 

best i could do is direct you to the constitution. im not qualified to pick out the part he's interpreting.

maybe this concept is too hard for you, here's a simpler example... you seem to have a sever case of butthurt. i'd direct you to a doctor. i'm not qualified to tell you if you have ass cancer.

>> No.13392756 [DELETED] 

Where in the constitution does it say impeachment doesn't happen until the speaker sends the articles to the senate? I'm waiting.

>> No.13392821
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Excellent post anon

>> No.13392831

benson and hedges

everyone in this thread is a queer

>> No.13392836

Not a board for food and cooking. It's not our responsibility to tell you were to post a thread that doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.13392837

>tfw on my last good flavor juul pod
>local gas stations only have tobacco
might have to switch back to smoking bros, it tastes better than that garbage

>> No.13392852

I don't know. I don't use drugs. Other people can tell you what the other people like consuming as far as these. I have no idea. I am truly of no help at this time on this topic. lol What are your thoughts on drugs? The best thing there ever was? Nothing to even consider comparing anything else to because they're clearly the best? lol

>> No.13392870

okay newfag. if you can't describe sceak's nipples, you don't belong here

>> No.13392877


>> No.13392878
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i think i will go have a smoke since i saw a picture of a cigarette. join me smoke anons!

>> No.13392959

dark and three feet from the floor.

>> No.13392960


>> No.13392972

>I don't use drugs

caffeine is a drug too, you know

>> No.13393001 [DELETED] 

>Article 1, Section 3, Subsection 6:
>The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

>> No.13393020

Who else here loves to smoke through their nose (french inhale)?
I love smoking winston reds this way.

>> No.13393025
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I switched from Newport Lights to Pall Mall menthol lights as they’re $6-7 less per carton ($68.78 here in Michigan… God damn, I’m a moron) but I’d be willing to try something else that tastes the same and is even cheeper.

>> No.13393029

i retrohale everything

>> No.13393032
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>Not food idiot.

Neither are discussions about knives and frying pans but tobacco is still a “consumable” and on par with beer, whisky and such.

>> No.13393069
File: 144 KB, 773x952, 4666059540_8e35712976_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was only one true Gauloises, not those faggy Blondes.

>> No.13393309

fuck off then. do it already. youll be back to juuling with in a puff or two of a dart

>> No.13394149
File: 99 KB, 512x512, pmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke the Pall Mall reds. Sweet and smoky taste, great with a bitter black coffee. Really good after a meal and/or a fuck

>> No.13394193

Got a pack of these in my desk at work. For the price these are some really good smokes.

>> No.13394377

so where's the drug threads on /ck/ then? why the fuck do these not get deleted?

>> No.13394487

For me it is dying to lung cancer, because I had to inhale someones smoke second hand. I can't believe smokers don't have to wear a helmet to contain their smoke or get fined for blowing the smoke. Do all us non-smokers a favor and swallow your smoke.

>> No.13394492

post a study where they created cancer in a living thing using cigarette smoke ill wait

>> No.13394500
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>> No.13394509

thats nice now post a study where they used cigarette smoke to cause cancer in a living thing

>> No.13394516

Enjoy killing yourself and others around you.

>> No.13394521

dont care the state pays for medical treatment anyway

>> No.13394533
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>> No.13394537

and my dental care you can thank obama

>> No.13394542
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>> No.13394584

>/ck/ - Food & COOKING

>> No.13394945
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>Smoking tobacco as opposed to cannabis


>> No.13395034

>knives and frying pans aren't related to cooking
based retard

>> No.13395089

I stopped smoking some years ago and desu I still get cravings. Like right now.

>> No.13395113

they are absolutely not fashion related either but the retard jannies sometimes let cig threads through

>> No.13395126
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smoke up bros life's short

>> No.13395135

I try not to do it much since it's really bad for your nose. The french have giant noses covered with mustaches.

>> No.13395139

I miss trying new packs here and there. Lately I have stuck with camels, used to love turkish and golde royale camel but for some reason I stopped asking for them.

>> No.13395144
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>> No.13395182

I remember liking their MCD's. I haven't had a Nat Sherman in a long time.

>> No.13395217
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Switch to the cigs that dad was going out to get many years ago... Ben Solo joins the light side and dies for Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter, Rey.

>> No.13395354

Just get a rig and you can rip fat clouds of whatever meme flavor you want

>> No.13395518

Thread's still up. You fucken MAD, faggot?

>> No.13395658

>trying to spoiler a movie nobody cares about
Aww. That's actually sad for Disney and you.

>> No.13395662

why would you care what an IMPEACHED president says?

>> No.13395700

Don't forget the part where Luke reincarnates as a transgender ewok and drink a super sizing elixir that turns him not enough to literally fuck the work the world with lightsaber penis transplant

>> No.13395736

If he gets acquitted and runs, I'm voting for him just to piss everyone off. These last few years have been about nothing but sabotaging the office, and I'd love to see it go longer as a form of punishment.

>> No.13395760

Gitanes are the best cigarettes
having said that
>tfw can't find them anywhere (europe)

>> No.13395908
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Went to visit a who's Chinese and just came back from China. Gave me a pack of these. Pretty fucking great honestly

>> No.13396539

One of my buddies just put me onto Turkish Royals, they taste pretty good. I miss being able to get japanese filtered lucky strikes, but these are close substitute.

>> No.13396618
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lmao plens

>> No.13397436

nice mouth fedora

>> No.13397477

kekd never heard that one before

>> No.13397482

how about you grow some balls and smoke perique you weak ass bitch?

>> No.13397620
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Bros, I tried cooking a cigarette but just got brown mush and melted plastic, what gives?

>> No.13398434

What are you smoking now?

>> No.13398889
File: 217 KB, 560x560, bali shag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I roll my own and buy loose filters. It's cheaper than paying for packs and you can get superior tobacco. My choice is Bali Shag halfzware cut rolling tobacco.

>> No.13399209
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Uhh anon you do know smoking is bad for you?

>> No.13399238

Nice fat hands small dick.

>> No.13399257

do you also sell your pussy and drive a white dodge challenger?

>> No.13399296

>reported this off topic bullshit thread literally two full days ago
>come to ceekay
>/sg/ smoking general
What is the point of jannies honestly

>> No.13399309

>smoking anything
Neck yourself.

>> No.13399312

for me, its newports

>> No.13399313

Why would you admit you're literally seething?

>> No.13399320


>> No.13399329

>t. 20-year-old nicbrain retard who has no idea how case studies or experimental ethics work

>> No.13399353

Like ten guys have those anymore.

>> No.13399364

You're cooking the tobacco when you light it. Now fuck off.

>> No.13399380
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My favorite is Southern Cuts. I also like Camel Turkish Royal or N27s. Anyone here who smokes pall malls should end yourself

>> No.13399614

I keep a pack around my desk so I can sniff it
smoking it for retards

>> No.13399616

Now this is the thread we were missing. Canadian here, Belmonts.

>> No.13399653
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I smoke Luckies because they're addictive free so you can't get hooked on them.

>> No.13399666

>black american spirits
>lucky strikes
>nat sherman's

>> No.13400330
File: 3.51 MB, 4608x3456, 20191222_135922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, bought a pack of gold coast blues, smoked about 7, quite good honestly, maybe I'll switch to them permanently.

>> No.13400428

Yeah, why would anyone care what Bill Clinton says anymore?

>> No.13400431
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No U.

>> No.13400446
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will my hair always smell like smoek

>> No.13400450


O I am laffin

>> No.13401652

damn you got deep pockets. or nothing else but cigarettes.

>> No.13401944

holy digits based

>> No.13402014

/r9k/ probably
this isnt the first smoke thread ive seen on /ck/ though.

>> No.13402315
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don't do it frens

>> No.13402412

Why does tobacco cause so much irrational rage in these sensitive lads? No one gets so bent out of shape over alcohol, weed, fast food etc.

>> No.13402507

Smoking isn’t bad in moderation just like fast food

When you over indulge in either of these you’ll feel the effects

Simply don’t over indulge and you’ll be fine

>> No.13402599
File: 8 KB, 177x284, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking these I got 1200 from the duty free in Thailand

Taste pretty good.

>> No.13402709

Board culture isn't something newfags can grasp anymore since lurking is dead.
They're not content with just report-hide-move on either, if it bothers them it must be deleted.

>> No.13402723

>Smoking isn’t bad in moderation just like fast food
Utter nonsense. Particulate matter nestled into your lung tissues for life, and toxins added to tobacco, and when you inhale literal smoke, are all reasons to never even once inhale anything that isn't pure clean air. It's like you never went to school, nor taken one single science class, like ever. Were your parents coal miners?

>> No.13402853
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>smoking isn't actually that bad
>it's bad for your health so you should never ever do it
You're right to call "smoking isn't bad in moderation" utter nonsense, but you're just another side of the idiot coin.

>> No.13403638

I switched to vaping. Making your own flavored juices is a lot like cooking. You need to sample flavors to determine what would mix well and how powerful you want each flavor with top notes, bottom notes, and supporting flavors. You can get great tasting results from simple or complex recipes. Cheap as fuck, too.

When I smoked it was a variety of American spirits.

>> No.13403671
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>> No.13403681


>> No.13403697

What variety? They’re not flavors they are levels of nicotine.

>> No.13403712

Menthol and the black ones taste very different m8

>> No.13403722

>work in a canadian convenience store
>40% of our sale were in cigarette
>People are starting to switch to vape because the new laws made their brand taste like Indian bootleg shit now

Remember kids, never listen to big anti-tobacco, they make your smoker life miserable.
(I don't actually smoke myself but I fucking hate the new packaging since it makes my job harder)
(Also if you're reading this fuck you ITC, if you're going to glue your double pack at least make sure I don't have to tape them so they stick together, Jamal doesn't care if he's selling 25 cigs for the price of 50)

>> No.13403737

Perfect. I love Kelly.

>> No.13403860
File: 140 KB, 293x300, golden-harvest-loose-pipe-tobacco-1-oz-6-oz-16-oz-bags-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm poor so i hand roll this shit. it's not great, but it gets the job done. i pick up a pack of pall mall reds once in a while.

>> No.13403866

Unfiltered lucky strike or you’re a pussy

>> No.13403872

Anti-tobacco kind of pisses me off, it’s so not erudite. The native americans used it for healing, why can’t we get any info on the possible health benefits of tobacco? They probably exist.

>> No.13403876

The smoking isn’t really the bad part of it, that’s why alternatives to smoking are such a joke, nicotine is just an extremely toxic substance, you only need like 3 grams in your system to overdose.

>> No.13404004

Caffeine is only ten grams. Stimulants can kill you, nothing new there

>> No.13404131

not poor not rich but going back to this shit tomorrow because the cost hasnt went up at all from the time i was poor and needed to while cigs have a ton. save like $6 per 20 here and takes 5 minutes. even if you're making $200k/year for the little labor time involved it still makes economical sense to make them yourself at this point vs. buying them commercially

>> No.13404138

Look up alzheimers and nicotine.

>> No.13404144

You literally have it the wrong way around.

>> No.13404155

That's part of why I switched to vaping. That and cardio, since it was hell to try to ride my bike fast. After buying nicotine, pg, vg, and flavors, I was set for months. A tank and a mod plus some batteries and a battery charger. All for around 200 bucks. Find a couple of recipes of diy ejuice that sound good, get the flavors, mix and you're done. Takes hardly 5 minutes. I don't spend money on smoking any more. I'm fine for years. By far the cheapest.

>> No.13404193

No I don’t lmao you fucking retard vaper

>> No.13404198

/b/ cuz cancer

>> No.13404200

Caffeine is 70+ grams

>> No.13404203


>> No.13404205

pls i need an answer

>> No.13404207

Well you can be retardo enough to inhale smoke directly. With the wealth of information out there it blows my mind to see someone be willfully tarded.

>> No.13404211

Yes you gay furry socially retarded faggot. You will smell like stanky ciggy smoke. It seeps into things deep.

>> No.13404222

even if i shampoo

>> No.13404228

I bet you fell for the whole “vaping makes you cough because it cleans out your lungs” ba, so lucky I had experience in sales before vaping became a thing.

>> No.13404247

Oh no, you really are willfully retarded. It makes you cough in the beginning because vg absorbs water very rapidly and pg is an irritant that gives you "throat hit" like cigarettes. But hey, must feel safe knowing you can always be correct if you ignore the wealth of information out there and say any data that disagrees with you is disinformation.

>> No.13404291


>> No.13405653

i miss the times when cig boxes looked fancy

>> No.13405699

Nope, 5-10. Go ahead and check all the poisoning websites, they'll tell you the same

>> No.13405915
File: 33 KB, 600x816, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only possible benefit for tobacco is that for some reason pipe smokers have a higher than average life expectancy, and even then it's in all likelyhood more up to the fact that the kind of person who sits down to relax for half an hour every day to go through the whole little ritual of lighting and smoking a pipe is just the sort of low-stress person who lives a more relaxed and contemplative lifestyle in general than anything to do with the tobacco itself.

>> No.13405972

Can you still get it in the states? Haven't seen it in years.

>> No.13406074

Recent bought a caliburn vape, it comes with a couple of pods to fill, but it feels like it's running a little wet. I'll get flecks of juice on the rim pretty often. Does anyone know if that's an issue with the pods or if it's just not running hot enough?

>> No.13406978

You are cooking the tobacco with a lighter.

>> No.13407029

I have the same issue, I just make a lil stick out of a paper towel and shove it down there every once in a while.

>> No.13407976

It's annoying because one of the reasons I switched from juuling is that all the off brand pods would do that, and I hate getting straight juice in my mouth

>> No.13408042
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How much is too much? I smoke around 4-5/day

>> No.13408073

I think it's something like one every couple of days you can do without any negative long term effects

>> No.13408091
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Guess that's my goal then. Thx anon

>> No.13408179

i only smoke when i go out. alcohol, nicotine buzz and 50-90mg of ketamine is the best feeling in the world save solvents or heroin

>> No.13408213

future hobo spotted

>> No.13408225

I like to roll cigarettes from actual pipe tobacco. Sir Walter Raleigh makes a good cigarette, imo.

>> No.13409108

Do you filter? Pipe tobacco has a much harsher burn imo

>> No.13409129

Why not just smoke cigarillos?

>> No.13410873

Did you get anyone some nice tobacco for Christmas, /ck/?