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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 340x229, F829A026-1DD6-496D-9CBB-F4F80214BB7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13387049 No.13387049 [Reply] [Original]

They have Cool Whip in their fridge

>> No.13387066

When they start putting ketchup on their burger/hot dog/fries/whatever.

>> No.13387071

I thought cool whip was kept in the freezer.

>> No.13387127


>> No.13387390
File: 59 KB, 658x662, pepe retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were too poor to afford cool whip when I was a kid. we only had store brand "non-dairy whipped topping"

>> No.13387572


i eat no name whipped topping sometimes

>> No.13387578

they're OP

>> No.13387962
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When they are overweight.

>> No.13387964
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>eats it with everything

>> No.13387984
File: 142 KB, 854x1500, sickeningly sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never seen this in anyones fridge tbqh. it's always sweet baby rays or some other shit

>> No.13387991

What else is it for dipshit

>> No.13387999

For throwing away

>> No.13388005

Woah, high IQ guy alert

>> No.13388006


>> No.13388172

Piss off, frog poster.

>> No.13388174

>Ranch sauce on anything.
Throw that shit straight in the trash and never buy it again.
Not trying to bait, but it is seriously bottom-feeder fare.

>> No.13388179

sticky fingers sweet carolina or mustard bbq is what i buy. that or maybe rufus teague.

>> No.13388627

i’m not an american, what is cool whip?
it looks like it should be sweet or cream but i see american use it in savoury cooking recipes.

>> No.13388633

if any of you have $3 to spare and really want to disgust yourselves go buy sugar free cool whip

>> No.13388642

They have a loaf of regular budget brand white bread

It is literally just emulsified sugar, contents are topped with corn syrup and canola oil. It does taste good with stuff like pumpkin pie, but ultimately it is something no human being should ever consume or buy.

>> No.13388648

Its whipped vegetable fat. Usaully sweeted and with artificial vanilla added. Its not to bad.

>> No.13388654

And it leaves a cloying taste and film in your mouth. I'm generally a lazy sack of shit, but I don't even keep this stuff around. Making whipped cream isn't hard, and you can sweeten to taste.

>> No.13389633

>if any of you have $3 to spare and really want to disgust yourselves go buy sugar free anything


>> No.13389680


>> No.13389710

sugar free tea is fine.
sugar free haribo gummy bears are the opposite of fine.

>> No.13389717

Sugar free tea?

>> No.13389720

sugar free desserts are atrocious in general. Some sugar free beverages can be ok, but honestly you're just better off having sugar in moderation so you won't have to deal with any of it.

>> No.13389723

Yes, tea without sugar. Otherwise known as unsweetened.

>> No.13389725

>Sugar free tea?
when the american decides to comment

>> No.13389731

Sure. I just call that tea. I think I've seen peace tea use sucralose though.

>> No.13389741
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>> No.13389744

cool whip literally is non-dairy whipped topping. you just didn’t get the kraft branding along with it.

>> No.13389757

>100% grated
>not 100% parmesan
>or 100% cheese


>> No.13389804


>> No.13389826

That garbage barely melts.

>> No.13389932

They dip pizza in ranch.

>> No.13389967

You forgot, 40% sawdust!

>> No.13389984

I gotta be honest, I love those hideous mid-century recipes, like coolwhip crab dip.

>> No.13389992

thats just the leftovers man

>> No.13390139

>Most of their food is manufactured as opposed to grown/raised.
>They don’t own any seasoning save for salt and pepper.
>Grilled vegetables and steak are “fancy” to them.
>Their cheese is in the form of bright orange rubber sheets.
>All their coffee is instant (bonus points if they own some kind of flavoured creamer for it)
>If they drink, most of their alcohol is swill that high schoolers drink to get fucked up on (wine/vodka coolers being a textbook example), as opposed to proper wine or decent beer.
>They own fewer than 4 non-cutlery knives.

>> No.13390379

>Making whipped cream isn't hard
Nor is it effortless like Cool Whip.

>> No.13390394

But they make good cereal bowls:

>> No.13390411

I had an American friend who used Cool Whip instead of mayo and said that CW is basically mayo. Is that true? The fat dumb retard also put ketchup on his tacos so it wouldn't surprise me if he was full of shit.

>> No.13390412

i fuck w/ cool whip desu

>> No.13390414

You get what you put in. It doesn't take long to make. I'd understand if it were a long drawn out process, but it's not. It only takes ten minutes.

>> No.13390419

No, not at all. It has no eggs, full of sugar, and contains no acidic ingredients. I don't even think it has the same texture, but it's been a while since I've eaten cool whip.

>> No.13390473
File: 263 KB, 1500x2100, Pistachio Fluff-Watergate Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pistachio Fluff or Watergate Salad is fucking great, you don’t know WTF you’re talking about.

>> No.13390507
File: 55 KB, 800x450, jello-poke cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for bragging rights to an authentic Jell-O cake, then it has to be topped with Cool Whip

sorry, that's just the way it is

>> No.13390514

I'm eating them right now for the first time, they taste pretty standard.

>> No.13390663

maybe you're thinking of miracle whip, which isn't much better

>> No.13390696

I gotta admit. OP is a faggot, but he has a point

>> No.13390944 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 45D3E65F-BB6E-48CB-9124-AA4FF06E1532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy melts
Absolute scum uses these

>> No.13390948
File: 43 KB, 617x291, 5C945D55-6AFB-40CB-ABCB-94098754D372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy melts
Absolute scum uses these

>> No.13390950

People who don't like ketchup are tastlets.

>> No.13390955

What the fuck is cool whip? We dont have that shit in australia, whats the analogue?

>> No.13390958

it’s trying to imitate whipped cream.
it’s just whipped vegetable oil and sugar and has no dairy. it tastes fake and oily, strictly for retarded food plebs.

>> No.13390960

That sounds fucking gross.

>> No.13390964

Growing up there was an eternal bag of these in the cupboard I'd resort to eating if I couldn't find anything else sweet. Don't remember my mom using them once but for some reason there was still always a bag in there

>> No.13390970

It tastes good in its own way similar to margarine.

>> No.13390984

Ranch dressing is good. Not an accident how popular it got. I could see like other things instead, like using blue cheese for wings and not ranch, but what I think is ridiculous is when people try to pretend ranch is actually bad tasting.

>> No.13391069

what even are they?

>> No.13391286

something about putting giant globs of buttermilk on anything grosses me the fuck out. I like ranch flavored things (where the seasoning is used) but I can't stand the texture of pure buttermilk.

>> No.13391295

fuck off already

>> No.13391300

>miracle whip
my stomach just hurked a little
fucking texans love this shit

>> No.13391314

sriracha anywhere in the house

>> No.13391829

>no pepper grinder
>keeps butter refrigerated
>is scared of raw eggs or is a hypochondriac about raw or unclean food generally
>would "get bored" if they had to eat the same food multiple days in a row
>can't eat simple foods, everything flavored with a dozen extra ingredients or covered with sauces
>sugar substitutes
>frozen pizzas
>flavored coffee creamer
>picante sauce
>would rather eat fast food than supermarket deli food
>their go-to idea of "good" food is Italian cuisine
>thinks something being Americanized makes it bad
>thinks authenticity makes food inherently good, or thinks dishes have a single correct way to be made
>drinks soda with meals
>follows any kind of diet trends

>> No.13391842
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>> No.13391868

It's hygrogentated vegetable oil, HFCS, emulsifyers, and artificial flavorings, whipped into a whipped cream-like consistency. It has the texture and feel of shaving cream. It is sickeningly sweet and the fat coats your tongue like wax. It is classified as an edible product.

>> No.13391872

I have never once completely agreed with a 4chan post. Good job anon.

>> No.13391906
File: 3.75 MB, 540x498, 1572298669627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time you shit talk Aunt Myrna bruv

>> No.13391982

Southerners are every bad american stereotype mixed into one mixed raced package.

>> No.13392010
File: 20 KB, 378x382, 1521999971718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mommy used to melt them into little santa molds ;_; I liked them

>> No.13392167


>> No.13392191

steak on a paper plate

>> No.13392193

Coo hwip

>> No.13392195

I hope you are joking. Otherwise, enjoy your weekend:

>> No.13392198

Aww that’s sweet of her

>> No.13392201

Bro you're the first person outside of my family to mention Watergate Salad.

>> No.13392651

It’s only for hot dogs. Rednecks ruin their food with putting it on every food they eat.

>> No.13392663

Kc Joe's sauce or bust. Everything else is trash and inauthentic

>> No.13392737

You're buying the wrong cool whip man. Get the can. The compressed gas is the best part.

>> No.13392897

Why not just buy whipped cream at that point

>> No.13393014
File: 128 KB, 600x1000, Pistachio-Fluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We’ve always called it Pistachio Fluff and have it for Thanksgiving and Christmas, though without the mini-marshmallows.

>> No.13393227

wowee you are super cool and so tough and manly

>> No.13393301

what if i only have beer and pickles in my fridge?

>> No.13393310

It is boring to ear the same food every day you fucking faggot

>> No.13393336

....I like sweet baby Ray's...

>> No.13393348

Anything other than bullseye is shit

>> No.13393353

You're thinking miracle whip which is similar to mayo but tangy

>> No.13393377

Sweet or dill?

>> No.13393401

>Eating fast food makes you a pleb.
>Getting bored eating the same thing several days in a row is a bad thing.
>Also not allowed to eat plain stuff without seasoning or youre a tastelet.
Lemme just eat potatoes and soy for the rest of the week so im allowed to post here. Maybe ill write a book on the intricacies of russet potatoes.

Also substitute sugars are used by diabetic people yo posh pretentious faggot.

>> No.13393410

Absolutely patrician

>> No.13393414

I used to love sweet baby ray's until I decided to check the nutrition and found out why it's sweet baby and not just baby.

>> No.13393419

> ITT: Signs that someone has a shit palate and trash taste


>> No.13393421
File: 782 KB, 600x795, ee3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking ketchup on burgers/fries

I agree that it should not go on anything else whatsoever but wtf

>> No.13393439

This is a condiment I will never understand the appeal of

>> No.13393445

Dilate hon

>> No.13393509

>"only" ten minutes
>for a condiment

>> No.13393521

You don’t understand the appeal of Parmesan cheese as a topping?

Of course this product is garbage but you don’t like the thing it’s trying to emulste

>> No.13393528

>would "get bored" if they had to eat the same food multiple days in a row
Lol faggot.

>> No.13393536

No, I don't

>> No.13393788

It helps clean up the vomit afterwards!

>> No.13393814

how many people do you think they need to grate all that parmesan?

>> No.13393836

Mayo mavens are so disgusting. I have even seen them desecrate burgers with their gloppy satanic goo

>> No.13393865

they were saying that ketchup is never in the fridge. sweet baby rays is the shit

>> No.13393869

imagine being this overweight

>> No.13393881

what i find ridiculous is whenever someone puts ranch on a salad. it's good for other stuff but there are tons of better salad dressings. I think my whole life I've never seen anyone venture out of the staple dressings. I feel like it's just ranch, vinaigrette, and thousand island for so many people. I love vinaigrette and know that there are hundreds of different ways to make it.

>> No.13393885

at least 4 trees worth

>> No.13395439

>kraft parmesean
>cool whip
>half bag of wonderbread in the fridge
>hillshire farm deli meats
>opened jar of great value tomato sauce 6 months past it's sell by date
>country crock
>not a fruit or vegetable in sight

>> No.13395459

>i see american use it in savoury cooking recipes
That's miracle whip, which is a shitty version of mayonnaise.