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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13382873 No.13382873 [Reply] [Original]

I never see /ck/ discussing breakfast cereals
What is your favorite?

>> No.13382882

captain crunch is probably my favorite. whenever i see the donut captain crunch i get it

>> No.13382915
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>> No.13382918

I don't buy cereal

>> No.13382924

new ones just aren't the mouth rippin same anymore

>> No.13382925

I had cookie crisp, really not that great. The "chocolate chips" are so tiny you can't taste them, it's basically just sugar-cookie cereal.

Other than that, my favorite would probably be oatmeal (if you even consider that cereal). I like it because of how versatile; cold with fruit and honey or hot/warm with olive oil, salt, and meat

>> No.13382933

I almost never eat breakfast cereal but when I do, I like to enjoy a nice bowl of grape-nuts with whole milk, it has been my favorite since I was very young.

>> No.13382936

yeah, but taste and crunch retention is still fantastic though

>> No.13382947

I've been eating more because they fortify it with iron and I can't get enough. Love grapenuts while camping because surviving off of lake fish doesnt provide much fiber.

>> No.13382957

When i used to eat cereal it was fruity pebbles and berry crunch captn crunch

>> No.13382965

I don't either. I associate with being up dark and early in elementary school. It was cold. And I had to eat a bowl of cold cereal before I got on the bus to go to a place I didn't want to go. But if I have to choose, I like Life. Not too sweet.

>> No.13383010
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>I don't either. I associate with being up dark and early in elementary school. It was cold. And I had to eat a bowl of cold cereal before I got on the bus to go to a place I didn't want to go.
too relatable..

>> No.13383018

I thought this was an 18+ board.

>> No.13383083


>> No.13383091

All that and yet you're here

>> No.13383120
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For me some cereal is good, I can eat pic related relentlessly. I can't eat PB&J sandwiches because they remind me of going to fucking elementary school. The jam always made the bread soggy, and the ziplock bag imparted a chemical taste into the food. Shitty times.

>> No.13383128


>> No.13383192
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Don't let the welfare bag fool you. These were deluxe, and I hate that they were discontinued.

>> No.13383194

This, raisin bran may be boomer tier cereal but its still tasty as fuck

>> No.13383256

I don’t eat candy for breakfast

>> No.13383275

This, steel cut oats.
Bit to stay true to the thread, I will admit that corn flakes with a banana cut up into them is a guilty pleasure.

>> No.13383283


>> No.13383302


>> No.13383308
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no milk

>> No.13383322

I’ll eat honey nut cheerios with some banana slices every once in a while. When we were younger it was a daily thing, the ones we frequently ate

Apple jacks: great flavor, good crunch, somehow got sick of them quickly though 7/10
Fruit loops: just sugar bombs, apple jacks for plebs 5/10
Fruity pebbles: solid sugar overload option, eat it quick or its too soggy. Not good as a daily cereal 6/10
Frosted flakes: very average, wouldn’t turn em down but a boring choice 6/10
Cheerios: old people chow 4/10. With spoonfuls of sugar on top and some banana slices 7/10
Honey nut cheerios: see above but don’t put sugar on top doesn’t match. 8/10
Cookie crisp: reddit the cereal 3/10
Lucky charms: hard to beat their gimmick 8/10
Raisin bran: more old people chow, gets soggy way too quick but good raisins 6/10
Any whole grain, go lean, or other healthy shit with “real fruit”: tastes ok but I bet you throw out the box before finishing it. 5/10
Cocoa anything: kys/10

>> No.13383330

Probably Honey bunches of oats with almonds
I miss them. They were better than almost any other kind.

>> No.13383373

>Cocoa anything: kys/10
You said it yourself, pretty much all cereal is sugary shit. Might as well go all out and have some chocolate. Cocoa pebbles were one of my favorites as a kid, I'd wolf those down.

>> No.13383376

This is one of the few products that Aldi does better than Kellogg's. But yeah, there's nothing better than taking a solid raisin bran shit.

>> No.13383378

honeycomb is pretty based

>> No.13383406

Don't know if it's gonna be quite the same, but....


>> No.13383461
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Raisin Bran with sliced banana master race. Pic related is second best cereal product ever, even better than Rice Krispy squares.

>> No.13383512

Valid point, not a fan of chocolate anything so that’s probably it

>> No.13383516

isnt cereal just fucking sugar in a bowl? I can't stand the stuff once I got older and my palette shifted away from sweets

>> No.13383531

It's impossible to go wrong with fruit loops

I pretty much only ever eat cereals as if it were candy though. Like I don't wake up to a bowl of sugar I just get the feeling for something sweet at 8pm and I'll go have some fruit loops.

>> No.13383532

Sultana Bran is so fucking addicting, i cant imagine eating sugary shit nowdays

>> No.13383539
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All Bran is my favorite

>> No.13383545

I don't eat it in anymore, but there are adult cereals that are mainly fiber for good poopin'.

>> No.13384542


>> No.13385366

Did you all try the new Nilla's that taste like banana pudding? It's delicious.

>> No.13385387

Weetabix with Coco Pops

>> No.13385410

Probably because most people stop eating it around age 16.

if you like rock hard tear up the roof of your mouth "peanut butter" flavored cereal.

>> No.13385430

Not all cereal is sugary.

>> No.13385437

Cinnamon toast
Honey bunches
Raisin Bran

Anything else is for gays and women

>> No.13385439

>never see /ck/ discussing breakfast cereals
/ck/ is an adult board.

>> No.13385443

i cant even remember the last time i ate cereal

>> No.13385449

>calls others children
>"ceweal huwts the woof of my mouth owie owie"

>> No.13385455

defends a crap processed food
>pwees mistah downt make fun o' da capn he's muh hewo!

>> No.13385608
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best cereal coming through

>> No.13385666
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>> No.13385673

When I was a kid and up til I was 18 I loved Frosted Flakes. I didn’t eat cereal for ten years. The last five years I’ve enjoyed steel cut oats with fruit and a little bit of sweetened cream.

>> No.13386519
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based, now i hope they bring this one back too

>> No.13386526

cocoa puffs so i can drink the chocolate milk after i'm done eating.

>> No.13386535

the yogurt fruit stuff is mad tasty but i feel like the whole brand is marketed towards middle aged women who are trying to "improve themself"

>> No.13386545
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Now not for ants.

>> No.13386563

Which is hilarious since it is no healthier than any other cereal.

>> No.13386575

There is nothing more adult than waking up to a bowl of plain Kellogg's corn flakes in whole milk with a cup of black coffee.

>> No.13386589

This and Oatmeal Crisp Triple Berries are my favourites. Those damn dried berries taste so good in there.

Honorable mentions to Shreddies and Mini Wheats

>> No.13386591
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Ants have superior vision? What will they do next??

>> No.13386668

I said adult, not nursing home.

>> No.13386779
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The GOAT cereal

>> No.13386786

fruity pebbles or raisin bran

>> No.13386797

Op how did you manage to encapsulate 95% of the Reddit soyboy ck posters so perfectly?

>> No.13387028


>> No.13387053
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i eat this shit everyday

>> No.13387801
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the only correct choice

>> No.13387854

French Toast Crunch
Golden Grahams

>> No.13387875
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based post. I also preferred Life cereal as a kid before going out to actually freeze my ass off waiting for the bus in -300C in the Canadian prairies. Haven't bought cereal once as an adult, although I still have to get up while its completely dark out to go somewhere I'd rather not.

>> No.13388362

I started keeping a list of cereals and ratings cause I'm an autistic fuck. Best cereals I've eaten since starting it:

Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch (Peanut Butter)
Cheerios (Honey Nut)
Froot Loops (Marshmallow)
Frosted Flakes
Frosted Flakes (Honey Nut)
Frosted Mini-Wheats
Frosted Mini-Wheats (Strawberry)
Lucky Charms
Nilla Banana Pudding
Raisin Bran
Raisin Bran (Crunch)
Reese's Puffs

>> No.13388390
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cracklin' oat bran

>> No.13388395

This is a respectable entry, though the line between being
perfect and mush is thin.

>> No.13388672

lucky charms
rice krispies
frosted flakes
golden grahams
captain crunch

there is a special place in hell for all you sugar-hating homos

>> No.13390180
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everyone else can sit the fuck down, objectively no cereal is better than honey bun cereal

>> No.13390194

There are two threads up related to this retarded soi shit that has consumed boards like /tv/. It's this type of thing that let's it get a foot in the door on a new board.

>> No.13390203

We'll call it /fag/. You can be the janny.

>> No.13390213

>reading comprehension
Not a board that hasn't existed before, a board that stupid shit like soi-posting hasn't infested yet.

>> No.13390673
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>> No.13390690

You're on a cooking board. Works the same way on /int/ too.

>> No.13390691

Raisin bran with dried bananas is great

Slicing fresh banana on top is great too.

>> No.13390875

Fucking based

>> No.13391139
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Currently Cheerios, or Honey bunches of oats.
Once every few years, Cocoa Puffs and chocolate milk.
I do miss Croonchy Stars though.

>> No.13391593


>> No.13391610


>> No.13391636

Cheerios is the best. Been on corn flakes from Kroger lately but Goddamn I love Cheerios. Good with strawberries, bananas, even pineapple.

>> No.13391674

Cheerios with berries and honey in it

>> No.13391684


>> No.13391693

Reese’s Puffs

>> No.13391704

>hay guise whats your favorite loser kibbles?

>> No.13391723

1st place - corn chex
2nd place - rice chex
3rd place - corn flakes

i got cereal for the first time in years the other day. it was a giant value bag of corn flakes and it fucking owned. the main reason i stopped buying cereal was the cost. a typical box of Kellogg's corn flakes is $4 but a giant America-sized bag of the generic brand is $3. You get at least twice as much of the exact same thing for $1 less. Next time I'm going to see if they sell Chex in giant fuck-off generic brand bags.

>> No.13391731
