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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 159 KB, 800x395, mcdonalds-vs-burger-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13383225 No.13383225 [Reply] [Original]

between these two restaraunts, which would /ck/ recommend ordering from?
>t. broke faggot with 14 bucks to burn

>> No.13383237

Retard, just buy real food and have enough to eat for at least 2 days.

>> No.13383239

why the fuck would you spend $14 on one meal that will fill you up with salt for an hour or maybe two? god i fucking hate poor people.

>> No.13383252

that's why they're poor anon

>> No.13383257
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>> No.13383258

Burger King has better fresh fries.

>> No.13383268

just go with a whopper and fries anon, 7-something bucks isn’t too bad
>t. LARPing as a richfag

>> No.13383273
File: 46 KB, 705x907, IMG_20191217_185155_266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to be rich to go to a grocery store and buy some vegetables and meat

>> No.13383277

Burger King is more economical. McDonald's is better. As for the people bitching, you probably can't get 140 nuggets in any grocery store for $14, unlike Burger King.

I guess it all just depends on how poor you are. I've been "poor" in the past, but not so poor that one night I couldn't treat myself to some shit fast food and hang out.

>> No.13383297

>implying I have even an ass-hairs worth of money to spend
>implying you have to be rich to know how to spend money
I could eat for days on $14. buy bread, sandwich meat, veggies, milk. and that’s if i only have $14. Im glad you’ll die early.

>> No.13383310


Mcdonalds has better little burgers
Burger king has better big burgers
Mcdonalds burfers are generally hit and somewhat fresh because corporates been cracking down lately
Burger king chefs dont give a single fuck, 50/50 if you get a common order it'll come out old

>> No.13383319

don't cut yourself on all that edge, little Timmy.

>> No.13383321


Celery is $6 here

>> No.13383326

>go to the store
>lettuce is 10 dollars a head

>> No.13383341

Where do you live that lettuce is $10? That should be the first thing you address.

>> No.13383368

Anon, for fourteen bucks you could buy real food. Do yourself a favor, buy something that'll last you for days not an hour. For your sake.

>> No.13383419

burger king because at least it tastes like an actual grilled burger, also the burgers themselves are bigger.

>> No.13383424

depends on what you want

>> No.13383436
File: 725 KB, 492x549, Confused Timmerian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they fucking don't you god forsaken fucking heretic. They have better boigahs, sure, but fries... Mac Donad's is the king.

>> No.13383493
File: 191 KB, 367x407, 1566734163364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american
>have never seen lettuce priced over 99c

>> No.13383502

13 McChickens from McDonalds.

>> No.13383523

Download the BK app and get full meals from 4 bucks and up.

>> No.13383554

Burger King has absolute shit fries but their burger game is way ahead of McDonalds. despite this fact if I were you I'd spend the 14 bucks on a bunch of burgers at McDonalds and spare the fries and drinks to get further with your dollar. I think you can get like 5 or 6 double cheeseburgers with $14.

>> No.13383571

Burger King is only more economical if you're getting nugs because they're 1.50 for 10. I had their nugs for the first time in 2 years the other day and they've gotten better but are still a far cry from the glory of the crown and lightning bolt shaped nugs of yesteryear. If you want anything else it's cheaper to go to McDonald's but BKs burgers absolutely shit on McDs. Get a fucking Bacon stacker, that sauce is next fucking level even though I'm pretty sure it's just ketchup and mayo

>> No.13383645

Good BK > McDonalds > Bad BK

>> No.13383662

buy carrots, potatoes, and onions quit being a shit. turkey is fuck all this time of year I just made a 12 lb bird that was $8. Add in a $2 sack of potatoes and a couple of onions couple carrots and you've got a big ass meal.

>> No.13383693

A chicken bowl at Chipotle is $7 and large enough to make two lighter meals out of.

>> No.13383933
File: 1.55 MB, 2944x2392, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you buy a jar of marinara and bagels with cheese $14 will feed you for a week no joke

>> No.13384280

I think this depends on the location. The fries I had in BK were crunchy and really nice while the mcdonalds ones were soggy.

>> No.13384287
File: 78 KB, 1192x976, B18142DF-9239-452E-A2F6-9051B8F41DCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this qt?

>> No.13384347

the absolute state of ck newfags

>> No.13384380
File: 1.54 MB, 4032x3024, kRjHk58AI-u6dsJzENbadhfZmNnSuZ7abcrNfR-Komg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only McDonalds has Mario 64

>> No.13384390

The reason you're broke is cus you keep buying food faggot

>> No.13384411

what happened to the joysticks? also i don't know if i'd want to actually touch those controllers

>> No.13384634

Yoooo get pizza sauce, bologna, and shredded cheese and toss it in the food processor and put it on whatever bread and toast it. My poor ass family would call it pizza burger cuz it was always on a pizza bun.