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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 307x550, PeanutButter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13382856 No.13382856 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Interesting food trivia about other cultures

>Did you know peanut butter (and peanuts in general) are really only grown and eaten in America? When surveyed, 70% of Japanese people did not even know what a "peanut" was.

Interesting stuff. Everyone outside of America is missing out because peanut butter is delicious! What about you /ck/, any international facts or wisdom?

>> No.13382862

I’m gay btw if it matters

>> No.13382868

Yep, i'm British and I've never seen a jar of peanut butter in my life. It just doesn't exist here. What does it taste like?

>> No.13382870


The whole American continent eats it as well as South East Asia.

>> No.13382872

No pb&j sandwiches???? Outside the us??

>> No.13382876

European reporting in. It's sold here but it's not generally liked just like most American food.

>> No.13382881

Peanut Butter was made in Canada.

>> No.13382883
File: 230 KB, 496x667, pb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you know peanut butter (and peanuts in general) are really only grown and eaten in America?
Did you know Thailand exists?

>> No.13382884

It's really good, anon. It's very savory and slightly sweet. I hope one day you can travel outside Bongistan and see the world and try peanut butter in the greatest country in the world!


>> No.13382888

Yep, it's a purely American invention. Isn't that fucking crazy? You'd think they would be universal, but nope.

>> No.13382892

Canada is in North America

>> No.13382896

What's not to like?

>> No.13382897

No, they can have their own continent in my mind, because I'm not willingly sharing one with them.

>> No.13382903

North America, not America. Stop pretending modern people use an unqualified mention of "America" to refer to the continents.

>> No.13382912

Canada and Mexico basically belong to the United States. Why be so butthurt about it? Just accept that you're out little brothers, and you have to do what we tell you to, but ultimately have your best interests at heart in the end.

>> No.13382969

Our dogs eat lots of peanut butter here in Canada

>> No.13382984

I know your women aren't prizes anon, but that's no reason to call all Canadian women dogs!

>> No.13383009

Don't listen to this guy, he's pretending to be retarded. Peanut butter is easy to find here.

>> No.13383022

Argentina here, we have peanut butter. It's just that the good stuff is incredibly expensive.

>> No.13383094

Blacks invented it

>> No.13383116

Mayans invented it. Whites are responsible for modern peanut butter.

>> No.13383153

Peanuts are a major crop in Africa.

>> No.13383187

I eat peanut butter literally every single day. It’s probably 20% of my calorie intake. Can’t believe billions of people don’t know the joy of spreading some peanut butter on a sweet seed cracker

>> No.13383218

>I eat penis literally every single day. It's probably 20% of my calorie intake. Can't believe billions of people don't know the joy of spreading some penis on a sweet cracker like me.

>> No.13383454

It's a food that is the closest in texture and composition to human faeces.
That's why children love it, reminds them of eating shit.
Among adults most normal people stop eating peanut butter at maturity.
It appeals to an immature person with a juvenile palate.

>> No.13383471

>It's a food that is the closest in texture and composition to human faeces.
I'm sure you're an expert in that regard.

>> No.13383477

I like very crunchy peanut butter though.
Also I feel like you are making wild, unsubstantiated claims just to make those who like peanut butter feel bad for some reason.

>> No.13383482

He's just upset/jealous that he lives in a country where peanut butter is either unavailable or to expensive for his budget. Classic fox and sour grapes situation.

>> No.13383492

fuck your crunchy trash.

>> No.13383500
File: 32 KB, 298x500, 51o6GSouSOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try this since I never had it before but it has the second biggest presence in stores after Jiff. Well it tastes exactly like Jiff to me.

>> No.13383511

those are literally the two worst brands

>> No.13383520

>squeeze the skippy its the skippy you squeeze!

>> No.13383521

I personally like the "all natural/all organic" peanut butter that has the oil on top and has no sugar or food additives. It doesn't smooth well, but it tastes like pure peanuts.

>> No.13383525

I've had worse, like most of the organic shit is way too oily. I don't know what I want in peanut butter but I know I don't want it so watery it can't spread on anything without making a mess or so dense that it rips bread apart trying to spread either.

>> No.13383530

wasn't peter pan the brand that murdered several people since their shit was filled to the brim with salmonella? anyway, I always just get whatever brand has a jar that has just peanuts+salt as ingredients, I think smuckers is what I got most recently

>> No.13383567

>wasn't peter pan the brand that murdered several people since their shit was filled to the brim with salmonella?
I think so, I think its more likely the other companies would have a fuckup like that than PP having a second one since that'd be the end of them for sure.

>> No.13383586

>What does it taste like?
Do they really?

>> No.13383716

I know beastiality is legal in canada just dont bring it up ok?

>> No.13383999

oh i dont know the grease? how most of it is fried? the obesity rates?

>> No.13384022

What kind of peanut butter are you getting that's greasy and fried?

>> No.13384687

You ate shit when you were a child?

>> No.13384714

Straight up retarded and waste of a trips

>> No.13384735

I didn't know that. Makes sense though, peanut butter is disgusting and so are Am*ricans.

>> No.13385545

im buying whole peanuts and make my own peanutbutter

>> No.13385563

Pole from Poland here. Love some pb, I buy it for ~$5 for 1kg pack.

>> No.13386166

I wish I could eat peanut butter. Having an allergy to the stuff sucks. Has anyone tried alternatives? Is wow butter or sunflower seed butter any good?

>> No.13386171

peanut butter kangz n sheeit

>> No.13386178

I thought peanuts were common in East Asian food

>> No.13386189
File: 81 KB, 650x693, canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13386195

I eat peanut butter on toast every day are you saying I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast?

>> No.13386280

Sunflower seed butter, almond butter, and cashew butter are all very good.

>> No.13386302

How the hell is that pretending to be retarded? Or are YOU pretending to be retarded?

>> No.13386445


It should spread well if you mix it thoroughly.

>> No.13386488

Bongs don't eat pb&j

>> No.13386512

>why did the fag die after having gay sex?
He was allergic to *Pee-nuts*

>> No.13386527

Peanut butter is still very niche outside america. Personally I love it

>> No.13386551

I make my own peanut butter

>buy 3 sacks of raw, peeled peanuts
>roast them on the pan with peanut oil for peanut^2
>Puree 2 of the sacks
>lightly pulse the third sack
>mix all in
>adjust taste with a bit of honey and salt

Tastes amazeballs

>> No.13386665

'''Marcellus Gilmore Edson (1849 – 1940) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada obtained a patent for a method of producing peanut butter from roasted peanuts using heated surfaces in 1884.[5] Edson's cooled product had "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment" according to his patent application which described a process of milling roasted peanuts until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state'''

Once again Americans are trying to steal a Canadian invention.

>> No.13386741

im american and i hate peanut butter, its just so sweet and blegh. Terrible texture too.
I do like it in thai food though

>> No.13386974

Try the no-added-shit version.

>> No.13387002

Your opinion lacks significance.

>> No.13387018

How much weight/volume is a sack?

>> No.13387020

Oh yea, because Canada grows soooo many peanuts, right?

>> No.13387033

I'm German and you can get peanut butter at every decently sized grocery store.

>> No.13387050

That's more true for Nutella than proper peanut butter.

>> No.13387411

Peanuts are grown in the warm climates of Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. The United States grows 10% of the world’s crop. The rest of the world’s peanut production comes mainly from Argentina, Brazil, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Sudan.

World peanut production totals about 29 million metric tons per year.


>> No.13387418

You'd have to be pretty retarded not to notice peanut butter in every shop here if you lived in the UK you retard.

>> No.13387464

I've heard British people call pb&j gross.

>> No.13387470

Leafs kind of have a thing about being called Americans. Theres a song about it.

>> No.13387471

Because it's not called fiddly dandy and jam or some shit Britsvhate anything that a child didn't name

>> No.13387486

I had peanut butter all the time when I lived in Australia.

>> No.13387508

its called a nutty-gum and fruit-spleggings butty

>> No.13389248
File: 146 KB, 1152x2048, ECk1B8JW4AAIZAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes thank you for your bizarre unfounded psychoanalysis Mr Goldberg

>> No.13389261
File: 8 KB, 350x230, African American Obesity Out Of Control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Interesting food trivia about other cultures

I used to think your american niggers were all slave descendants and all had athlete genetics until I visited Atlanta once and realized all your niggers are morbidly obese to the point of being comical.

>> No.13389263

Why are amreican niggers so fucking fat? aren't they running from cops all day?

>> No.13389266

My Romanian SO thinks it's the grossest thing in the world and leaves the kitchen when I eat it

>> No.13389272

>I used to think your american niggers were all slave descendants and all had athlete genetics
They were. If you're geared towards staying fit and mobile on little to no food with nonstop backbreaking labor then what do you think happens when this sort of person is given cheap access to an endless variety of high calorie fast food and jobs that require zero physical exertion?

>> No.13389298

Blacks have very little self control nor discipline. They tend to eat shitty foods & drink liters of soda daily.

>> No.13389304

>jobs that require zero physical exertion?
this sounds like a sorry ass excuse. plenty of us have desk jobs. niggers can't work out like the rest of us or something?

>> No.13389353

Spread made out of peanuts and stone? Chalk that one up to cultural differences!