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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 969 KB, 1500x1552, Microwave dings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13380809 No.13380809 [Reply] [Original]

Using a microwave causes cancer. Throw your microwave out!

>> No.13380815

I threw mine out a few years ago when I realized I hadn’t used it in a few years.

>> No.13380819

I've completely stopped using a microwave, but my girlfriend won't let me throw it out because she heats up her god awful microwaveable meals in it.

>> No.13380821

It kills the chi or ki or prana in food. And at best it contributes to poor cookery.

In my experience the only people who own a microwave are the very old, or the very poor.

>> No.13380828

I use the microwave to reheat pizza, chili and soups.

>> No.13380829

>In my experience the only people who own a microwave are the very old, or the very poor.
Literally everyone owns a microwave for reheating food you retard.

>> No.13380843

People who split infinitives will be first against the wall when the boogaloo starts.

>> No.13380844

>I use the microwave to reheat pizza
Big cringe my dude.

>> No.13380850

t. american who thinks he's "middleclass"

>> No.13380852

>In my experience the only people who own a microwave are the very old, or the very poor.
t. third worlder
Microwaves are standard everywhere in real countries like the US.

>> No.13380853

I’ve learned that you can make popcorn by tearing out the packets and putting them in a pan. LID ON. I no longer need a microwave.

>> No.13380858

I've never bothered getting a pan. I feel like I should because my oven and stove have just been sitting there all these years doing nothing, but it never became anything I had a reason to want.

>> No.13380860

Judging from the statistical demographics relating to income, yes that is correct.

>> No.13380865

The very old and / or the very poor detected.

>> No.13380866

Start using a microwave and you won't cringe like a teenager.

>> No.13380868

You do realize that Americans on average are MUCH wealthier than literally every European country, right? Our upper middle class is literally your upper class.

>> No.13380870

Been using a microwave my whole life, no cancer, fake news.

>> No.13380875

>t. third world Eastern European
Do they even have electricity in your country? Or do you all still use generators? lmao

>> No.13380878

Pizza is reheated in the toaster oven, or it is eaten cold. Microwaved pizza is cringe.

>> No.13380881

Why would you use a microwave to reheat a pizza?

That’s fucking retarded.




Madamen und herren.

Has anybody else here ever noticed the consumption shills? There are literal, actual shills who try to just get you to buy anything. Everything. Microwaves, Doritos, anything worthless and stupid.

Do they work for the banks? Are they employed by SECOM like the big grain and big pharma shills? They’re pretty obvious but they should be pointed out whenever possible.

>> No.13380883

Take a look at the per capita income sometime, retard. There are like 6 european countries ahead of lardistan.

>> No.13380893

>eaten cold.
Pleb detected.

>> No.13380900

life causes cancer.....stopping using a microwave oven for fear of a few stray microwaves will do shit all for your health

>> No.13380902

He probably doesn't have air conditioning, no joke. It's surprisingly uncommon outside the US. Also I put him at 50/50 odds for living in one of those countried where everyone puts shit covered toilet paper in trash cans instead of flushing them because the paper will clog their sloppily repurposed squat toilets posing as regular flush toilets.

>> No.13380904

Literally a single US state (pick any one, it doesn't matter) is vastly more wealthy than any country in Europe. Texas has a higher GDP than the highest European GDP (Germany). You are pathetic, and would willingly suck the shit from America's ass just to taste the decadent meal we ate the night previously.

>> No.13380909

wow that's so sad... and they really live like this?

>> No.13380914

Why would a shill tell you to get a microwave? Wouldn't you need to buy his company's brand for it to even have a chance at working as shilling? That's like being a telemarketer and refusing to tell the guy you called which brand of cable you want him to enroll with because you just wanted him to get cable in general.

>> No.13380916
File: 486 KB, 300x168, miranda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on average

>> No.13380917

Look at average income. Not GDP per capita.

Everything is 2-5x cheaper in the US as well.

>> No.13380927

Yes. But remember, they're better than you, because they don't own a microwave.

>> No.13380929

I know, right?

I think these are more strategic shills, not hired by any one company but like industry groups. They want you out buying appliances, soda, etc. They are thick though, this thread has a few obvious ones. They become more obvious the more you see them.

There are well over a hundred thousand full time shills just in the DC beltway.

>> No.13380937

Are you just pretending to be retarded as a joke? I can't tell.

>> No.13380938
File: 31 KB, 564x564, 1548182120941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Europeans do anything besides seethe at how superior America is to their worthless shit country? Jealousy is literally their hobby.

>> No.13380942

Microwaved potatos have twice the flavor and 1/5 the cooking time of boiled potatos for making mashed.

>> No.13380954


>> No.13380959

I forgot about nuking potatoes. You're 100% spot on.

>> No.13380964

American education at work

>> No.13380982

Ah I see you’re actually a shill and you’re a little bit peevish that your shill game is getting outed here.

The goyim are noticing. Just remember that.

>> No.13381095

Each European is a citizen of a European country, yes.

>> No.13381153

Are you one of those anons who believes "for me it's the mcchicken" posters and that jollibees troll were paid advertisers? Ironically I'm pretty sure these people are making those posts primarily because they get pleasure out of triggering your schizophrenia.

>> No.13381451

>have to go through the hassle of reheating food on stove like a fucking animal

>> No.13381516

Actually, looking at all the cancer warning labels it seems that California itself is the largest cause of cancer.

>> No.13381642

>Texas has a higher GDP than the highest European GDP (Germany)
it's not even half, but ok.

>> No.13382252

Most of what happens here is paid shilling. Now take your meds schizo, and don’t forget We’re With Her and SystemD is the best!

>> No.13382261
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Hillary Clinton is paying people to convince you to buy a microwave?

>> No.13382265

How will I heat my meal prep at work?

>> No.13382290

No, but the beltway shill farm AECOM has all purpose shills, who are dispatched using kibological technologies to the places which need timely intervention. You can summon them at will, shit they will even create new accounts on long dead fora just to argue that Sandy Hook wasn’t fake, for example.

And we know all about iDRAMA and oilab now too. And the FBI was actually busted shilling infinity before it went down, same poster(s) are here now too.

The shill game is wearing thin. People aren’t buying it and it’s making them resentful.

This has all been extensively tested. So take your meds.

>> No.13382297

That’s autistic

>> No.13382311

I'm so sorry for your brain.

>> No.13382319

>xhe thinks massive Internet shilling isn’t a confirmed, and measurable phenomenon
Even boomers are noticing how much AstroTurf and bot posting is currently blasted onto the Internet. Pretending it’s not pervasive is just making me think we need to up your dosages again. I’ll call the doctor.