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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 750x563, chef-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13376172 No.13376172 [Reply] [Original]

Starting off with this classic, got so much respect for Favreau when i heard he only learnt to cook to do this movie

>> No.13376182

For me, it's WHITES

>> No.13376183 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13376184
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The cooking scenes are awesome. The rest of the movie is trash. I keep
meaning to make an edit of the movie to only cooking / food scenes.

>> No.13376197

i want to connect with my son with sophia vegara while cooking and also banging scarlett johanson

>> No.13376323

Tampopo, absolute cozy classic

>> No.13376354

Yikes buddy, this movie sucks and Favreau is a typical fat retard. Get a grip lol.

>> No.13376355

Agree, this movie seems like a chef having a superhero dream

>> No.13376360
File: 76 KB, 400x600, large_yGeAsltUI7BmrESiGJVjDvRUarO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Night is the best /ck/ related movie

>> No.13376381

Waiting is a classic

>> No.13376667

You are not on that one.

>> No.13376679

Imagine being such a massive faggot, you like watching movies and shows about cooking.

>> No.13376687

Reminder that Tampopo is the official movie of /ck/.

>> No.13376689


>> No.13376696

*You are not wrong
on that one.

>> No.13376756

Yeah we should watch anime porn instead like you

>> No.13376767

Not movies but I really like gourmet samurai series and midnight diner : Tokyo stories series

>> No.13376800

the fallacy of these things is that you guys never post the ones when they're not jewish. so only the jewish ones get posted, creating the illusion that everyone is jewish. poor is the man who believes his own lies.

>> No.13376818
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>butter again
jfc favreau

>> No.13376831 [DELETED] 

Yes I’m sure if you went through the entire US entertainment industry, you would find only 2% of the actors, producers and directors are Jewish. You would totally not find a massive overrepresentation.

>> No.13376837

good thing you guys don't worry about representation and all that SJW type stuff then.

>> No.13376843


>> No.13376846

globohomo say what

>> No.13376849

nothing, go back to sleep

>> No.13376851
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>> No.13376977

It was okay. I thought it was better than Burnt. I really liked Julie and Julia. And I think I've seen a bunch of older ones like Tortilla Soup and Babette's feast in foreign language classes and middle/high school substitute teacher days. Also I guess Chocolat counts, and I thought it was a nice movie.

>> No.13377001
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>> No.13377033

Stormer magatards literally BTFO!

>> No.13377046

those things don’t go together

>> No.13377056

#imwithher too anon

>> No.13377057
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>another thread ruined by a retard who literally cannot stop seething about jews

>> No.13377058

Based and checked

>> No.13377059

have sex

>> No.13377060


>> No.13377067

nah just mildly annoyed
whereas i can literally whisper "jews" under my breath and you'll flip the fuck out and cry about Hollywood as if i give a shit about the latest Marvel movie

>> No.13377070

>heh, I don’t give a shit about the society I live in. I only care about my own asshole

>> No.13377080

>wtf why do you care about yourself and family instead of shit that literally doesn't affect you? WTF CARE ABOUT ME AND MY ISSUES
try being less obssessed and maybe you'll taste success

>> No.13377083

yeah i don't carw

>> No.13377087

>society and culture doesn’t affect me
maybe because you don’t leave your trailer park. the rest of us have to live with this shit

>> No.13377090

you will when your daughter starts twerking at 12 years old

>> No.13377106

>I'm a poor piece of shit so that means everyone else is
I'm literally on vacation in Jamaica right now, do not project the misery you live on to me

>falling for the Having Kids meme
>not being a DINK
peak dumbo

>> No.13377118

>bragging about vacationing in Jamaica which is so cheap even college kids can afford it
>bragging about being a nihilistic genetic dead end
Yep, dimwitted trailer trash suspicions confirmed

>> No.13377133

That's fine man, you can make whatever assumptions you want. I can't imagine obsessing over having kids to leave some sort of legacy, that's retarded. Dunno why you'd call another person a 'genetic dead end' with a face like yours though

>> No.13377136

>children are objects i need to live vicariously through

>> No.13377145

Seething dead end

>> No.13377149

nice argument
I'll be having fun while you desperately try to find a roastie to lock down and impregnate
Enjoy your garbage life that is obsessed with jews

>> No.13377150

Based. Really great movie.

>> No.13377163

absolutely seeeeeeeething dead end. Thousands of generations all culminated in YOU. little old YOU is the endpoint. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.13377176
File: 74 KB, 526x451, bueno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep! And I'm going to have a fun, great life while you fuck yourself over with a child and wife who hate you
Not sure how I lose here buddy
You'll either still be single and crying about jews on your deathbed, full of regret, or alone anyway because your family cannot stand you

>> No.13377180

Fuck yeah.

>> No.13377181

hahaha look how MAD you are. you’re fucking PISSED because you know you failed at life. you failed to fulfill a basic biological imperative that even a goldfish can fulfill.
I’m glad your genetic line will perish from the earth, never to be seen again. Pathetic vermin

>> No.13377194
File: 98 KB, 500x567, 4d94b21e-486a-48f6-8195-5172ae2933bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just sounds like you're projecting
i obviously do not care, so where is the hostility coming from? was i not at all off-base with the fact that you're in the exact same boat as me -- except I'm actually married and have enough money to support a kid?
the best part is that my sister is going to have a kid and a female friend of mine wants my sperm for her own kid
I'm not even gonna be a genetic dead end at the end of the day, whereas you will, and are seething about it

>> No.13377198

i mean you don't have sex anyway but if you did I'm sure it wouldn't solely be for procreation you sperg

>> No.13377201

seethe, cope, and have sex

>> No.13377204

I will
Have sex, virgin

>> No.13377208

procreate, virgin

>> No.13377210 [DELETED] 

“Your” wife doesn’t have sex with you and we all know it. She wants a stronger man like me that knows how to impregnate a woman

>> No.13377221 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 750x744, 1568322444643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'm already giving my sperm to a friend. I am legitimately passing on my genes. You are not. People would rather have sperm from a homosexual like me than have ACTUAL SEX WITH YOU

>> No.13377228

holy shit you’re a homosexual fucking faggot? Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.13377241

And despite that and not even wanting kids, I'm STILL less of a genetic dead end than you
How does that make you feel? That a literal faggot beat you?

>> No.13377242

Can both of you fuck off back to Discord or something?

>> No.13377260

nah it's fun to remind procreationist /pol/fags they're always worse off than me
but you're right this is in no way /ck/ material

>> No.13377262

Shut the fuck up and get off the board faggot, no one wants your shit covered dick and AIDS infested blood on this website

>> No.13377269

you should try brining your chicken in pickle juice, pickles are dick shaped and also make the chicken taste better

>> No.13377285

you should try blasting your fucking brains out with a .45

>> No.13377335

you should try using vegeta cooking seasoning
it makes literally everything taste better

>> No.13377360

burnt was the biggest disappointment
loved Bradley cooper, but whoever wrote his dialogue needs to be shot

>> No.13377829
File: 159 KB, 1600x2240, Manhattan-Cocktail-LEAD-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I highly reckoned making that pork shoulder and cuban sandwiches form the movie. I made Jon's recipe and it made me shed a tear it tasted so good.


Babish made something kind of close too:


>> No.13377838
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>> No.13377888

>Me at Whataburger after an 18 hour drive to San Antonio because road trip.
It was damn good.

>> No.13377907 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 426x597, image1-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie will make you want fast food like you would not believe.

>> No.13377910

Isn't he dead or a homeless crackhead?

>> No.13377927

not to mention that half pound of cheese

>> No.13377954 [DELETED] 

No Kel just didn't have a career like Kenan did with SNL.

>> No.13377964

Gonna watch this.

>> No.13378125

italians are subhuman
why would anyone watch a movie about shitty people doing shitty things to other shitty people and pretend they're the heroes

>> No.13378136

so he gets to reap all the rewards? you're making his life sound good man lol

>> No.13378228

You have obviously not seen the movie since you are talking about italians lol. There is literally one single scene where he cooks some spaghetti, the rest is top-tier south american food

>> No.13378405

not talking about jon favreau you fucking moron

>> No.13378412



>> No.13378419

Cuba isn't south american you dogpoobrain

>> No.13378426

illiterate fucking retard

>> No.13378451

Who gives a shit?

>> No.13378462

He's been on a few reality (think dancing with the stars) tv shows, and he's a youth pastor.

>> No.13378809

Fuck jews.

>> No.13378817

Then what is it?

>> No.13378824

>sliced cheese instead of grated

what a fucking pleb

>> No.13378825

Be better

>> No.13378835


>> No.13378903

I never knew about white castle until this movie came out. The first time I tried it I was blown away. I still like it every now and again but it really fucking tears you up the next day.

>> No.13379113
File: 205 KB, 300x400, Ratatouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody's posted the GOAT yet

>> No.13379136

Then might be an idea to specify what post you are replying to, otherwise people think you are replying to OP...

You fucking moron

>> No.13379146

>animated numale bullshit
Go. You know where you belong, and it's not here.

>> No.13379223 [DELETED] 

Anyone who had been to a White Castle previously I assume. I always thought the movie was even funnier because they were actually going out of their way to get fucking White Castle. The entire premise is one big punch line because WC is and always has been dog food

>> No.13379226

I always thought the movie was even funnier because they were actually going out of their way to get fucking White Castle. The entire premise is one big punch line because WC is and always has been dog food

>> No.13379259
File: 106 KB, 710x1066, D16071F7-2D5C-4DC8-B2D6-866F2BCB3284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember Dinner & a Movie on TBS?
Pretty kino and they had a good banter going while cooking.

>> No.13379361

>i want to connect with my son with sophia vegara while cooking and also banging scarlett johanson
All the ugly Jews in Hollywood do this, maybe to normalize their weird Neanderthal looks.
You'll see the pattern.
Notice Favreau plays opposite Jamie Presley as well.

Also Cubans are nothing to write home about. Good film though.

>> No.13379365

B-grade unwatchable shit. Tucci is either great or he's annoying. Guess what he is in this.

>> No.13379380


>> No.13379400

he's paying more attention to that cheese sandwich than he has ever given to his kid

>> No.13379538

Why be so rude towards him? Couldnt you come up with a non-autistic response?

>> No.13380687


>> No.13382082
File: 74 KB, 992x630, ralphieboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every time this guy is cooking something

>> No.13382121

I saw her a bunch of years ago on a cruise. Fantastic body. Pretty funny, for a chick. She was getting a massage at the spa the same time my wife was there.

>> No.13383276

>pretty funny, for a chick
fuck off loser

>> No.13383298


>> No.13384132

great movie

>> No.13384168

comfy cooking kino, got me into food but almost got me fat

>> No.13384240


>> No.13384528
File: 21 KB, 271x366, L'aile_ou_la_cuisse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13385966

Tampopo is kino

>> No.13385983

little italy
the 100ft journey
the god of cookery

>> No.13385987

Tampopo is the official film of /ck/. It should go without mentioning.

>> No.13385995

Look for the movie "The Van" it has Star Tracks Chief Miles O'brien in it and its about a food truck. Can't post pictures because of silly antiquated rule on hardcore child pornography.

>> No.13385996


>> No.13386028

My name a chef

>> No.13386034

I remember this too vividly, but can't recall why I was watching TBS in the 90s. Ir always came on after a show I was watching.. what was it?

>> No.13386047

Um, sweetie... that's a rat

>> No.13386049

>reddit the scene
I hate this bloated soyman.

>> No.13386053
File: 125 KB, 600x766, A-491799-1500316066-3624.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. and only this.

>> No.13386176

The fact he puts the sandwich on a plate to slide it on the board to cut it just to put it on a plate annoys the hell out of me

>> No.13386270

Like water for chocolate.

>> No.13386536
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>> No.13387680


>> No.13388265

he hired some new york head chef to show him how he would make a grilled cheese "high class but at home" and this is just him copying another retard.

>> No.13388399
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, MasterChef.The.Professionals.S12E20.1080p.HDTV.H264-LiNKLE.mkv_snapshot_07.01.742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cooking" board
>Zero threads about the best cooking tv show
Masterchef the Professionals is the only cooking tv show worth watching,professional chefs cooking high level food and being judged only by how good their food is.

>> No.13388547


>> No.13388571

As someone who's both on the spectrum and works in a kitchen, I think autism is a really good thing when it comes to cooking. It's a lot of repetition and finding your own routine is a huge part of being good on the line.

>> No.13388674

No they aren't. You both spend your free time shit posting on 4chan. That means you're both bottom of the barrel.
Fucking crabs thinking they're not all in the same damn bucket.

>> No.13388759

there are no non-Jewish ones you retard

>> No.13390459


>> No.13390502

wait he made fucking scarlet his wife instead of sofia? what a fucking virgin lmao

>> No.13390506

jesus christ favreau

>> No.13391109


>> No.13391117

Sour Cream, that's the secret.

>> No.13391567

Roy Choi. His food truck is mediocre but I've heard good things about whatever Vegas restaurant he opened up.

>> No.13391646


>> No.13391649

Do it
Post it on youtube pls!

>> No.13391653

That's the point of the scene, genius

>> No.13391654

>leave the guns
>Take the cannolies
How is Godfather not a food movie

>> No.13391680

Go watch Estômago

Its a brazillian movie about a guy that the only good thing he knows how to do is cooking
Woman fuck him only to eat his food afterwards, people respect him in jail only because of his cooking