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File: 52 KB, 696x385, beyond_burger-696x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13376692 No.13376692 [Reply] [Original]

Are meatless burgers as good as real burgers?

I'd always take a meatless burger over a real one for the nutritional value if the taste was the same.

Please share if you have some experience.

>> No.13376705

They are alright. Not as good as the real thing. Fucking faggot soyboys will never admit it though.

>> No.13376721

I like black bean burgers. this frankenfood bullshit has to go though

>> No.13376724

I have no idea. Never eaten a real burger. I like veggie burgers, though.

>> No.13376743

They're different. Still taste good and have lesser environmental impact so there's that.

>> No.13376774


>> No.13376797

>I like black bean burgers
This, bean burgers are awesome.

>> No.13376802

Veggie burgers are terrible. These new meatless burgers have to be better and improved upon.

>> No.13376806

No, nothing can compare to the flavor and texture of a 100% all beef BIG MAC.

>> No.13376869
File: 55 KB, 960x630, falafelandhalloumiburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want a burger but I don't want meat, I'd take a spicy bean burger, falafel or some halloumi sooner than any fake meat.

Speaking as someone who eats meat but not very often (digestive issues), all of the fake-meat I've tried has ranged from completely bland, to an uncomfortable 'uncanny valley' of the food world. The more advanced ones with the fake meat juices and shit still taste a mile away from meat, but the texture and greasiness is getting there, which makes a sort of uncomfortable middle ground. It's like your brain recognizes you're eating 'meat' but your taste buds don't.

The fake meat shit isn't good enough to convince meat eaters, and I can't imagine why a true-blue vegan would want their burger to bleed. Fake burgers are a fad and the market for them is going to move on in a few years.

>> No.13376923

They're hyper-processed shit. I have a hard time believing they're any better environmentally than a dude with a hunk of beef and a hand-powered meat grinder.

>> No.13377233

There about 80% similar in my opinion, You can tell its not meat but it's not that big of a difference.
I don't eat them because of enviornmental reasons I sometimes crave them just like any other food.

>> No.13377270

it has a strong unpleasant aroma sort of like wet catfood, the texture is wrong, it tastes like slimjim filling

>> No.13377286

They taste fine. But the texture is really off putting. Lab grown meat when?

>> No.13377288

I tried the Impossible Whopper and it gave me horrific gas. Then later on I had the shits. I will never eat that thing again.

>> No.13377553
File: 730 KB, 1280x800, 1576325209692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd always take a meatless burger over a real one for the nutritional value if the taste was the same.

Pea protein isolate and Canola oil served in an ultra-processed chemical sludge?? Very nutritional I'm sure.

>> No.13377601

They are really hit or miss. Vegan sausage on the other hand literally tastes exactly like those cheap 1lb breakfast tubes of sausage because those are already 90% oats and shit anyway so if you like that sausage, you'll like the vegan ones. Doesn't even need meat, don't know why they bother with the meat version other than marketing because normies gotta have muh meat. I eat it occasionally as a not so healthy snack.

>> No.13377625

>muh bRoCeSSeD
Yeah and what retard? How much waste and GHGs do you think a fucking bean burger in a lab makes?