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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13366827 No.13366827 [Reply] [Original]

heres my subjective taste when it comes to the food i tried
make your own tier list: https://tiermaker.com/create/countries-27686

>> No.13366868
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>> No.13366884
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Not familiar with many others.

>> No.13366893

America is definitely an A tier, America has spent decades perfecting food sciences, regional cuisines, brining in chefs from all over the world to learn different styles and makes of dishes. There's a big reason why America is beating most countries in contest with their own cuisines.

>> No.13366900

Switch Brazil and Argentina

>> No.13366905

i thought peru was the "chef country" thats winning all competitions.
they have an interesting fusion food mix of japanese and peruvian food, since a lot of japs live there for some reason

>> No.13366908

>greek on same tier as french and italian
>brazilian two tiers above turkish and chinese
>indian below everything
This is perhaps the worst ranking I’ve ever seen.

>> No.13366910

>Argentinian cuisine
i like the brazilian food i've had, feijoada is great and the seasoning they do on meat is really well done

>> No.13366918
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Where does Colombian stand?

>> No.13366919

having skilled chefs is not the same as having developed a quality cuisine. not the same thing AT ALL
america has made bastardized variations of other cuisines and dishes
that being said, I really enjoy eating out in the US. great people, proper portions and overall decent food quality. not a big fan of the standardized tipping system though but that doesnt really matter in the grand scheme of things

>> No.13366920

Greece has absolutely delicious food.

>> No.13366944

Not too interested in ranking certain cuisines, but if you deem Norwegian cuisine to be shite I would love to have you as a guest and show you what we might offer. Its not as bad as you might think.

>> No.13366967

>french fries with meat skewer
Wa la

>> No.13366973

Norwegian food is pretty shit tho.
Swedish and Danish cuisine are decent.

>> No.13366979

anything specific you'd recommend? im not saying danish food is bad im just saying its not the greatest, nor the worst

>> No.13367041

>>Argentinian cuisine
You're a clueless retard. Just to name one aspect of Argentinian cuisine, the array of pasta dishes that overshadows every country but Italy.

>> No.13367054

>Japan that high

>> No.13367062

Argentine food is trash. It's just inferior pasta, empanadas, sausages, meat and milanese.

>> No.13367063

I'm from Argentina and that's so false it hurts. You don't know enough about world cuisine.

>> No.13367075

I would happily recommend you a ton of dishes, but a problem is that often it is difficult to distinguish a Norwegian dish from i.e. Swedish or Danish. Take for example norwegian rakfisk. the only (significant) difference in preparation from swedish surstrømming is the curing time (it is of course another type of fish but the method is being key). essentially it is the same method, but imo rakfisk is amazing if done right. Other dishes? naming from the top of my head smoked salmon, lutefisk, ribbe, pinnekjøtt, brown cheese (preferably on waffles), norwegian style meat balls, lefser with cured meat and mustard

Its obviously not the greatest food in the world, but bretty good if done right.

>> No.13367083

>let me tell you about your country
Why are chicanos like this?

>> No.13367104

Would you care to elaborate how exactly these two are different from the other?

>> No.13367106
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>> No.13367144

Peru and Brazil>Argentine cuisine

>> No.13367189
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Norwegian (and Finnish) food is very bland compared to Danish and Swedish cuisine. The only good food like smörrebröd and meatballs are borrowed from Denmark and Sweden.

>> No.13367233
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My tier list based on flavors. Only exception is France but put them high because they're always relevant.

>> No.13367245

The head looks good but they boiled the fucking shit out of those potatoes.
If you do that by accident you should just make mash.

>> No.13367329
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>> No.13367331

I absolutely love everything about japanese food

>> No.13367341
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>american cuisine

>> No.13367350

what dishes are you talking about? what norwegian dishes do you deem bland and what danish/swedish dishes are less bland than the norwegian ones? not beiing a contrarian, just genuinely curious how you ended up at this conclusion. imo all three are very similar

>> No.13367355

It tastes the same

>> No.13367362

>sushi taste the same as ramen
>ramen taste the same as curry
>curry taste the same as unagi rice
nigger please

>> No.13367365

Everything besides curry(indian dish with british influence) uses about the same ingredients. Stop acting it doesn't

>> No.13367374

Sushi use the same ingredients than ramen, really ?

>> No.13367384

90% of Japanese ingredients are a mix of mirin, sake, soy and dashi. some will have all of these some will have less

>> No.13367392

And yet the flavor is magically different when it's mixed with other ingredients

>> No.13367398

based anon with basic proficiency in asian food

>> No.13367399

Tastes the same. There's a reason why Japan loves curry more than any other dish from their cuisine. The majority of it tastes the same

>> No.13367412

Colombia is S+ tier

>> No.13367430

What is French food?

>> No.13367461

Google it, there's too much to write

>> No.13367463

Cassoulet, snails and Caille en sarcophage.

>> No.13367466

Får i kål, smalahove, lapskaus, pinnekött. Examples of shit food you eat. Yes, all the Nordic cuisines are similar. Yet Norwegian and Finnish food are a lot worse. Norwegian food is known to be bad here in Sweden. Don’t know why you’re so butthurt about it. Grandiosa is your national dish. Wa la.

>> No.13367478

I eat frozen pizza several times a week
T. Finland

>> No.13367482

America is Gigantic and we have cusines from literally every region and state, unlike small europoor countries who have a couple of poverty family dishes.

>> No.13367483


>> No.13367502

does it really count as your own cuisine when it's all just stolen from europe?

>> No.13367506
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>> No.13367732
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Prove me wrong, protip: you cant

>> No.13367784
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>> No.13367923

ive been to france, they are definatelly not this bad
its fine if you consider indian cuisine bad but its still objectivelly better than british cuisine 100%

>> No.13368182


>> No.13368189

pretty fucking based

>> No.13368192

Colombia has S grade shemales

>> No.13368195

>german and brazilian that high

>> No.13368208

Everybody thinks Mexico is overrated. But it is in fact underrated.
We start what Mexican cousine stands.
with these, few ingredients, it's already won the top 10.

Lets remember that there is cooked food and complex cousine.
>cooked food
Japan, Europe without France and Italy
>complex couosine
Chinese, U.S.A, India and Mexico.

>> No.13368214

Do you want us to call ICE, Paco?

>> No.13368216

Nah Pedro

>> No.13368222

define cooked food and complex cuisine
all i know about mexican cuisine is the fast food i tried here in europe
>without france and italy
the nordic countries have the worst cuisine in europe btw

>> No.13368228

Wrong. Scandi cuisine is infinitely better than what's served on the British isles.

>> No.13368239

yeah british is the worst by far
but the average scandi/finn food is still pretty bland compared to the rest of europe

>> No.13368282

I forgot to mention France and Italy in the complex food territory. Both countries belong there.
you cna throw a potato and an egg in boiling water, and that's food for some countries. In fact, they think grilling is part of a fine cousine just like eating raw stuf or medium rare stuf which will cause you tapeworms and other pretty weird illnesses.
>complex food
Cooked food it's is base.
For example; You cook a sauce( cook food). Then you you cook a chicken (cook food). Chicken goes into the frying pan mixed with that sauce === complex cousine

>> No.13368295

This is an extremely retarded post anon.

You hope you’re aware of this.

>> No.13368322

It's a fact anon, you can't call fine cousine a boiled potato and an egg. You can't call raw food fine cousine if you aren't cooking it. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

>> No.13368368

>w-what?! its actually the british version i like???? how could this be????

>> No.13368391 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13368393

>eats popcorn

>> No.13368411

dumb post
everyone likes butter chicken

>> No.13368506


>> No.13368514
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>> No.13369367

I'd say my top 5 are italian, greek, mexican, indian, and that german/english/irish blend that became generic american

>> No.13369393

Because you're a weeb

>> No.13369411


>> No.13369419

Last or second-to-last place in the world tops

>> No.13369460
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>irish food

>> No.13369471

Hot take: America + Britain, poor countries like china, india, etc, all have the poorest median and average quality of food (not cuisine, just food available).

France, Italy, Spain, and Japan have higher average quality, as their cultures take food more seriously and deliver a better product most of the time.

However, if you know where to look or how to make it, America, Britain, India, China, etc; you will get just as good quality as anywhere else.

>> No.13369505

its hard af to find european food in USA tho, unless if its british/german or stereotypical stuff. i couldnt find any spanish curated ham

>> No.13369751

But that's not AMERICAN cuisine, its foreign cuisine cooked in America. American cuisine would be, without resorting to insulting fastfood memery, best exemplified by your southern barbeques, Cajun, chowders and gumbos, etc. Which is all definitely high tier.

>> No.13369824
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I'm not the world's most traveled person, and some of these can go up or down a tier depending on who makes it. Except Mongolia. R8/ama


The only thing I know about Colombian is their shitty acrid coffee

>> No.13369826

Colombia is better known for its drugs than its cuisine, unironically.

>> No.13369864

>brazil A tier
fucking cringe, where is mexico or peru? i'm latino i know when i say brazilian cousine sucks or are you amaze by meat on a sword?you retard

>> No.13369869

i havent tried mexican or peruvian food yet.
the brazilian food i tried was excellent.

>> No.13370739

yeah could we stop pretending like spanish food is any good just because they're geographically close to italy and france? that'd be great

>> No.13370788

How can you miss out on the SS rank?

>> No.13370831


Spanish food is excellent. Just overshadowed by french and italian cusines.

>> No.13370845

>France and India in S tier

>> No.13370858

you ain't never had no cocoa puffs?

>> No.13371299
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>> No.13372035

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do americans really think this?

>> No.13372043

>America is beating most countries in contest with their own cuisines.
Yeah... only when the judges are american.

>> No.13372054
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This is your brain while mutt'd

>> No.13372733
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American food encompasses everything from texan barbequeue to californian experimentalism to cajun to borgar to old timey colonial fare.

>> No.13372771

>Spain above China.
>Spain above D tier

>> No.13372780

>take foreign cuisine
>use garbage tier produce
>add random shit that overpowers the flavor of the original dish
>call it an improvement
wa la

>> No.13372782

The Vatican..?
>National dish: The innocence of youth

>> No.13372804
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>> No.13373868

shut up american

>> No.13374192
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>> No.13374623
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Patrician ranking coming through

>> No.13374630

Maybe Mexico should jump down to B tho

>> No.13374711

I haven't through this thread yet to save myself from anger...... But I will soon.... And I just want to issue a warning....... If ANYBODY so much as fucking dares to place Japanese food as S Rank I am going to absolutely fucking LOSE IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! Let me just tell you all right fucking now. Japanese food fucking sucks. No fucking varfiety. NO FLAVOR> ITS ALL THE SAME BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you ""LIKE" Japanese food, you are wrong. You have tricked yourself. You are just a a dumb fucking piece of shit weeb idiot piece of shit fucker who has no worth in this world and is also an INCEL. Japanese food fucking sucks, Fuck you.,

>> No.13374715

who hurt you

>> No.13374719


Fucking based my bros. Kek. We here on the 4cahn HATE weebs amiright!??? hahaha fuck weebs!!! I have no real identity or worth in life and everybody hates me and I have no redeeming features but I hate Japan so that makes me cool!!!!

>> No.13374741

Americans take the best that any given 3'rd world (read non-American) country has to offer and makes it better in every way while selling it for half the cost. We also take meme food like Wagyu and sushi and sell it to the less intelligent Americans for 4 times the price that it is sold in the native "country."

>> No.13374764

Let us know when you can afford some meat for your epic dishes Gustav.

>> No.13374806


>> No.13374821
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All nordic countries are pretty trash. In the UK all that was good were the fish and chips. Chinese food is the best of the Asian countries. Thai is nice but basic. Japanese is good but not as great as chinese. Italian pasta and pizza is good but that's it.

>> No.13374827

Fucking idiot

>> No.13374828

>poo cuisine
>s rank
unless s stands for shart, you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.13374831

>same ingredients
I can't tell if this is bait, or if you're that fucking retarded.

>> No.13374865

You can just disregard the entire post if French cuisine is below tier A. Stick with your tendies.

>> No.13374869

French cuisine is only good outside of France.

>> No.13374879

That's only because France isn't populated by French people anymore.

>> No.13374889

>t. double digit iq amermutt
France have 632 Michelin star restaurants, 27 of them being three-star. Not saying that the Guide Michelin is gospel, but still a good indication.

>> No.13374891

and the award for the retarded ameridumb post of the day goes to.... >>13374869

>> No.13374958

>French tire company gives French restaurants in France stars...
The French do not have to be competitive to remain open for business, and the French have been known to lie to everyone just to save face.

>> No.13374983

Hang yourself McFatty

>> No.13374997

Not an argument.

>> No.13375009

have you even been to france?
im spanish and i visited several times. the food is AT LEAST on par with spanish food. theres a lot of overlapping obviously since a lot of food and ingredients are similar. they might be too cocky over their wine but the food is great.

>> No.13375024

>have you even been to france?
Yes. A few times, but the last time was 4 years ago. No longer worth going IMO.
>im spanish and i visited several times.
I've been to Spain too, and its also no longer worth visiting.
>the food is AT LEAST on par with spanish food.
French restaurants aren't worth dining at, and the only saving grace are eating someone's home cooked meals when invited to them.
>theres a lot of overlapping obviously since a lot of food and ingredients are similar. they might be too cocky over their wine but the food is great.
I prefer Italy to both your disgusting shitholes, and French food is actually better outside of France.

>> No.13375027

Don’t need one. Can’t argue with a retard.

>> No.13375032

>no argument
>firmly stands with that as an argument
You're the retard here anon. Go off yourself you emotional faggot.

>> No.13375091

>opinion on the topic of food

>> No.13375104

American opinions are actually worth more than yours you retarded yurospic.
Your whole country us a mess btw.

>> No.13375107


>> No.13375113
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>> No.13375166

Any counterarguments?
So shareblue is in /ck/ now.

>> No.13375206

You’ve obviously never been to France. Quit larping as travelled, Cleetus.

>> No.13375326

American cuisine does not exist. It's a made up term like "American history" or "American culture".

>> No.13375351

>have never left the states
>pretends he has visited europe
shut the fuck up already retard lmao

>> No.13375359

>If you don't like a European shithole then you've never been there, and you're /pol/
Keep crying retards.

>> No.13375361

you sound exactly like the game that makes shit up in all your posts and have probably never left your parents basement

>> No.13375380

Unrelated but you know what’s worse? Idiots who “did” France by going to to Paris for 5 days
>yea I did France I wasn’t that impressed
True idiocy of the highest level

>> No.13375392

>you sound exactly like the game that makes shit up in all your posts
You sound like you're just trying to find ways to discredit anon.
>Unrelated but you know what’s worse? Idiots who “did” France by going to to Paris for 5 days
I'm guessing that you're going to start accusing anon of doing France wrong.

>> No.13375397

>inb4 incel, seeth, cope, no u, and etc

>> No.13375407

>no longer worth visiting
Did you visit France and Spain in the 17th century or something?

>> No.13375421

High-end nordic food is supposed to be amazing. Beef wellington and black pudding kicks ass. Thai food is rather diverse for such a small country. It seems like you haven't properly explored Italian food either.

>> No.13375443

>India in S tier
>China above the absolute dumpster tier
>America that low
>Including literally who third world shitholes over actual countries with culinary scenes that arent the best way to stretch 3 potatoes and a 4 lb chicken into a weeks worth of food for your family of 7
OP do you even have a passport?

>> No.13375446

Post claims 4 years ago. Did France, and Spain improve, or get worse since then?

>> No.13375447

Not even Greek but you're an idiot

>> No.13375466

I don't know. Depends on what metric. I've only been to France in 2017 and I've never been to Spain.

>> No.13375478
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All the actual native flavors mind you, I'm talking bottom of the barrel street food.

>> No.13375482

So much this.
All eurofags have had are shitty prepackaged """'real'""" BBQ and not even any Cajun. It's a travesty.

>> No.13375490
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you realize BBQ is a thing in europe too and has been a thing for a while

>> No.13375519

Holy shit you're the plebiest pleb to ever step on this board.

>> No.13375587

Not even close

Obviously troll to put the Vatican on there. Roma is one thing the Vatican is 4 by 5 blocks.

>> No.13375602
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its not your ignorance that bothers me but your pride on knowing literally nothing about spanish food
theres a big meat tradition, specially pig meat with curated pork ham (jamon)
theres a lot of seafood dishes that italy doesnt have, theres many rice dishes that italy doesnt have, ofc italy was part of the spanish empire and is geographically close so the food can be kinda smilar just like portugal's and france's food are similar due to similar weather and cultures, but you have a total lack of knowledge of spanish food as a whole

>> No.13375642

Columbian women look like ogres with no necks.

>> No.13375707 [DELETED] 

It's like the Judgment of Paris is happening all over again.

>> No.13375726

why in gods name is finland on that list but sweden with it's far superior cuisine is not?

>> No.13375732 [DELETED] 

Sweden has explosion issues.

>> No.13375764

well at least ajiaco is godtier

>> No.13375794

stop eating at the shittiest restaurants then anon. also don't just go for the tourist spots.

>> No.13375807
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>> No.13375858

Pinnekjøtt is good Mohammed

>> No.13375898

sure but what does that have to do with the amazing cuisine?

>> No.13375923

Why Mongolia, anon?

>> No.13375927 [DELETED] 

>sure but what does that have to do with the amazing cuisine?
Sweden is not in any way relevant to that, so I came to post what Sweden Stan should be known for.
>pretending that bombs, and rape don't happen

>> No.13376029

>number of shootings in sweden yesterday: 0
>number of shootings in the US yesterday: 2351
Yeah, sweden sure looks bad, mutt!

>> No.13376136

please stop being retarded, and if you are, at least do it in /pol/ so we dont have to see you embarass yourself here

>> No.13376283 [DELETED] 
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한식 맛있다는 새끼들 다 구라임ㅇㅇ

>> No.13376293

based poo

>> No.13376578

your ignorance is amusing.

>> No.13377259

This is reeeeeeaally tryhard

>> No.13377307

greek food is good but not nearly as high as french and italian lol

>> No.13379110

yeah, that pushing it a bit. FRA and ITA are definitely S tier, GRE slots in A tier, along "Middle-European" (rather than calling it exclusively German) cuisine

>> No.13379178
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Mongolian "cuisine":

>Take your goat
>Carve up goat
>Throw goat in boiling water
>Boil until it could replace your tires
>Put goat on plate with potato
>Serve with hot salty goat milk
>Do not season anything

Voila. If you are lucky you get your goat in a dumpling or empanada. EVERYTHING is sour, EVERYTHING is salty, EVERYTHING is dry.


>> No.13379426

Reminder to all mutts, your french fries are Belgian cuisine. So why havent I seen Belgium in S tier so far >:( FRENCH FRIES RISE UP

>> No.13379494

mutts cant even locate europe's countries on a map what do you expect

>> No.13379670

Dude all of these are not real dishes. In other parts of the world we consider these snacks.

>> No.13379693

what danish food did you try and how dare you put us with americans

>> No.13379716
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they are eating beans, because of us! what we did!

>> No.13379718

>Brazil at A rank
Love you guys. I always thought that way as well, but I guessed it was a regional bias.

>> No.13379734

USA: years of development and regional cousine.
>Yo, what if we deep fry a whole thing of fucking butter?
Brazil: Slave culture and multiculturalism
>Let's take all the left over cuts of pig our masters don't want, mix with black beans and now it's a national treasure.
>Made coffee hip and cool.
>Sugar is a thing now.

I think we have a clear winner.

>> No.13379756

It's pretty good tho.
If I could I'd eat a whole thing of takoyaki in front of you. Because fuck you.

>> No.13380894

>dutch cuisine even having a tier
What the shit?

>> No.13380948

>Dutch being anything higher than C or D tier
what le fuc?

>> No.13380986

>le shareblue
No, /ck/ has always been /ck/. Just because /pol/dditors like yourself have finally found it doesn't mean we've changed on our end. Go back, newfag.

>> No.13381184

Eh, we have some okay stuff.
I'm confused why he seperated it from german cuisine tho, since it's mostly the same shit.

>> No.13381506
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you thank you for your service, soldier
50 cents have delivered your account

>> No.13382667
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>> No.13382976

>A tier
Nigga how are we A tier and China is B?At best we belong in C tier

>> No.13383020
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Just really not enough potatoes.

>> No.13383031

T. Lactose intolerant cuck

>> No.13383149
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in a world full of mediocrity and hfcs, good cuisine stands above all else

>> No.13383270


What even is Swiss food in comparison with German/Italian/French?

>> No.13383304

rosti and some cheese varieties are pretty good, as you mentioned though it draws heavily from neighbours though

>> No.13384459
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>> No.13384983

Aussie here. I'm expected to join a Russian friend for new years dinner. When I accepted, I was warned by this very friend against the food.
I flexed on her by threatening to bring fairy bread, but for reals what am I in for?

>> No.13385205

Tiananmen Square Protests
Tiananmen Square Massacre

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama

>> No.13385236
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Reminder that, if your list has:

>USA anything above C tier
>Japan above B tier
>Italy not atleast in B tier
>Any latin america country that is not argentina,or mexico

then its shit and your opinion is invalid.

France is a free slot. Its local cuisine its shit but invented many cooking techniques to deserve a mention

>> No.13385924
File: 140 KB, 1080x1081, 9BD630E0-B74D-41EC-A5E4-1CF0B91ABE0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s local cuisine is shit
This is how you spot a ”person” that knows absolutely nothing about food and cooking.

>> No.13386847

The thing is America doesn't really have a national cuisine. It's just too big. But some regional American cuisines are fantastic if you consider them on their own. I grew up in MN but moved to Tennessee recently and southern food truly is as good as they say it is. Pork ribs with the vinegar-based sauce, slaw, Mac and cheese, hot chicken. Everyone in this thread dismissing American food needs to come to the south,they do it right

>> No.13386871
File: 3.70 MB, 899x2088, Polish food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13386900

Half of those look like adaptations of german food and the other half are russian food.

>> No.13386922

You're like me but switch argentina for peru

>> No.13386929
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You mean half of it was stolen by the Krauts and the other half by the Russkies,

>> No.13386931

>season nothing

>> No.13386938

what is the one on the top left? I want to try that one.

>> No.13387010

Weird, I didn't realize mongolians were white ;)

>> No.13387794
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>> No.13387876


>> No.13387889

Everything is good outside Japan being so high.

>> No.13387944


>> No.13388266




WHOSE FUCKING WITH ME!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.13388269

>Ignoring Cajun which you probably never had
This is why Euros will always be rather ignorant and unintelligent

>> No.13388307

Cajun is shit

>> No.13388358
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>> No.13388751
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Based and latin-pilled, literally the only acceptable answer.

>> No.13389045

I think Ratatouille is from France but yeah idk

>> No.13389068

you want to know how I know that you're American?