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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 1280x720, It-is-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13365650 No.13365650 [Reply] [Original]

We love caffeine, but seem to go out of our way to not have to taste coffee. We'll dump loads of cream, sugar, and whatever else will completely obfuscate any trace of actual coffee flavor. Most cafes these days don't even serve a pour-over. A FUCKING POUR-OVER! When they do, it's almost unheard of that a so-called barista even knows how to let the grounds bloom first. Never mind the average retard who thinks coffee should come in a plastic cup that you pop into a machine that immediately drowns it with hot water. It's strange to be surrounded by coffee products and know that most people will never experience the actual flavor of a well brewed cup of coffee. Can you blame me for my smug sense of disdain towards you? I'm basically living in an entirely different reality. With every sweet sip I am further removed from your life of settling to call bitter shitwater "coffee". Extrapolate this to apply to all of the other shitty things in life that you settle for; things that are a mere matter of choice. I pity you poor fools. Really, I do. If this post can pull just one poor wretch from the cess pool of sugar thatte brrrappucinos and bitter truck stop coffee then it will have been worth the minute I spent typing this as I myself am waiting while applying this very tip that will forever change your life: Let your grounds bloom.

>> No.13365660
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weak bait, also...dude you are a massive faggot

>> No.13365721

"Do American really?"

>> No.13365755

It's true. Prove me wrong.
I'm not familiar with the coffee situation in Europe or other places that aren't relevant to me, but this is the way things are here. Deny it all you want, but it's true.

>> No.13365784
File: 445 KB, 474x379, 1555392487468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed you are the "vinegary shits" nigglet with a 89 IQ, the only thing worse then a autistic faggot that over obsesses about bullshit like a "pour-over" is a retard pretending to be one as some quasi form of bait.

>> No.13365802

Gotta agree with the first post. Weak bait, shit thread.

>> No.13365810

Way to over-analyze, you spergs. Enjoy your shitty coffee. For everyone else, you're welcome.

>> No.13365818

>t. wasted money on expensive coffee machine
letting it bloom before a pour over is unironically the best way to make coffee

>> No.13365822

i’ll TAKE A COFFEE. black. No sugar, no cream, no fucking room
that’s how you sound

>> No.13365826

Except I actually make it because I don't need my mommy to do everything for me like you.

>> No.13365836
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this board are drinking coffee right now without letting it bloom first. Pathetic.

>> No.13365844

What's this "we" shit, faggot?

>> No.13365845
File: 274 KB, 1480x634, Screenshot_2019-12-14 Mainstays 5 Cup Black Coffee Maker with Removable Filter Basket - Walmart com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted money on expensive coffee machine
no, i really didn't

>> No.13365871

Oh my dear smoothbrained friend, I understand it is popular to sperg out when OP uses the word "we" so as to attempt to set some sort of standard or speak on behalf of the board, but try to recognize in this case that it was in reference to the people pf the United States of America who objectively consume a disproportional amount of coffee products that are shit. Have sex.

>> No.13365880

>the translucence of that coffee
Can smell the stench of Folgers

>> No.13365894

That's how coffee looks when you don't dump cream and sugar in it, anon.

>> No.13365896
File: 29 KB, 240x320, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a reflection

>> No.13365912

You're so miserable

>> No.13365920

Yeah real miserable enjoying well brewed coffee. A flavor you've never even tasted.

>> No.13366684

What does blooming actually do though?
I bet you also prerinse your filter paper and prewarm your mug, pretentious retard.

>> No.13366691

Went to Starbucks and I asked for black coffee. I didn’t really understand the sizing because it doesn’t make sense, so it seemed like I had never been there before. “Are you sure?” “Yes?”

>> No.13366699

Can you specify what you mean when you say the word “we”

>> No.13366756

I am a green tea drinker. A being so superior to you that you couldn't comprehend a taste so refined. While you scoff at the plastic cups I sit in a state of pure ascension looking down on you.

>> No.13366781

^ This niggs takes condoms off by farting.

>> No.13366805

I drink my coffee black every morning, and I make it in a French press. Nice thread though, you're a real comedian.

>> No.13367086
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1547919828162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interdesting , check

>> No.13367205

You spent several hours in a thread attempting to feel superior to strangers based on what you think others drink.

>> No.13367219

>'Austin Powers drinking feces' scene
I hate you scat faggots so much.

>> No.13369099


>> No.13369127

Are you serious

>> No.13369137

unquestioningly (not what i intended to spell but that is what spell check is recommending and i am too drunk to fight it )

>> No.13369179

A friend of mine in Arizona grows his own coffee beans and sells them. Just bought some Mr. Peabody or Peaberry or something off him. I grind them up and put 'em in the machine, tastes great black.

>> No.13369186

i grow my own beans, they taste just like Folgers.. not sure if thats a good or bad thing but i heard FL is not good for growing coffee so the fact that its not inedible is good enough for me.

>> No.13369189

It's Florida, you're lucky it doesn't just taste like semen and bath water.

>> No.13369190

I think it's more that people's tastebuds are fucked up from having too much sugar all the time, so anything without sugar becomes unpalatable, especially something bitter. It's not specific to coffee though, there are people who drink a lot of soda and say even water is gross to drink.

>> No.13369272
File: 357 KB, 653x1024, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13369322


>most people

>> No.13369408

hot tub water has a unique taste unlike "semen and bath water" although containing much of the same ingredients

>> No.13369741


>> No.13369763

The biggest import to the United States is coffee.