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File: 226 KB, 1080x1858, rvzuiy4kcby31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13362929 No.13362929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't tattoo his dietary choices permanently on his skin


>> No.13362948

animals don't have will.

>> No.13362957

Thank god he felt the need to told us this, the virtue signalling was much needed.

This will ensure his fellow vegan cultists to buy more of his trash music.

>> No.13362961

you could be stumped by oldbee
you 32 year old bald headed fag, blow me.
nobody listens to techno!

>> No.13362966

Extreme ways are back again.

>> No.13362969

This would've looked better on his fingers or on his triceps. This is just lame and doesn't align well.

>> No.13362985
File: 62 KB, 512x480, Thieves'_Fort_894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13362988

We have to praise him like we should

>> No.13362993

>vegans look like this at 32

>> No.13363000

He is 54 years old. Meaning he became a vegan at the age of 22.

>> No.13363003

I'm all about calling vegans faggots, but he's clearly not 32... He's just saying it's been 32 years since he joined that cult

>> No.13363007
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>> No.13363011

That's fatboy slim

>> No.13363020

I have no problem with people eating less meat, treating animals better or veganism in general.

But this man is deeply sick. Uncle Ted was right about the psychological disposition of leftists.

>> No.13363024

Does his neck say "librarian for life"?

>> No.13363027

>5k years later
>"And this well-preserved specimen was found four centuries ago. Despite showing signs of malnourishment, their high consumption of processed consumer foods and synthetic dietary supplements have kept them intact to this day."
>"Um, teacher, what are those lines on his arms?"
>"Oh, good optical perception there! Yes, we believe this was a primitive tradition of attempting to display thoughts without verbalization. This easily predates modern telepathy by several thousand years."
>"So, what is it supposed to say?"
>"Well, a number of linguists have worked hard to figure that out, but the best guess is that it says something along the lines of 'lower lifeforms are correct'."
>children's laughter
>"Yes, it is quite funny, considering how underevolved he was and his subsequent death due to malnourishment."

>> No.13363058

Unironically this. They're practically automatons with fur. Anthropomorphizing them is retarded.

>> No.13363105

I know its from the Eminem song that came out in 1997, before you were born probably.. Eminem and him were feuding and as Eminem did back then he brought the feud into his lyrics, as was the style at the time.

>> No.13363129

>He is 54 years old.
Seriously? He looks at least 10 years older than that.

>> No.13363134
File: 5 KB, 388x413, 1566580340765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is common among vegans but more subtle.
>can't give into my cravings for animal products as I'm broadcasting on my body that I'm vegan

>> No.13363138

Saying you shouldn't murder and torture them because they're sentient beings isnt anthropomorphizing them you pseud retard. Do you suggest culling such one dimensional thought automatons like you and other retards?

>> No.13363143


this. it just looks fucking stupid and tryhard.

>> No.13363147


whats your point

>> No.13363153

>This would've looked better

There is no way to make this stupid crap look good.

>> No.13363163

At no point in the music video does he have an onion on his belt, though, which helps us more accurately identify when the incident took place by comparing relative styles at times.
Also, Eminem was talking about Obie Trice. I don't know who the fuck "oldbee" is.

>> No.13363174

Not to mention this...
>because I believe at the core of my being that every animal has the right to live their own life, according to their own will

Okay, then let me eat meat like a normal person and you can leave the people who's will it is to eat meat alone, hypocritical lefty fag.

>> No.13363175
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>> No.13363182

Is this a computer generated comment or angry ESL? And why is ESL so often angry?

>> No.13363185
File: 151 KB, 680x718, wen u got meat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sent from my Foxconn child suicide sweatshop front Apple iFone™

>> No.13363189

He's right the only reason you care about animals is you see them as "human" in a weird way. That's why vegans are always saying "meat is murder" because murder is reserved for people. Insects, bacteria and viruses are also alive and "conscious" but you don't see vegans pushing for their well being.

>> No.13363204

>pseud retard
so I'm not retarded? Thanks.

>> No.13363215

>He's right forget what you just said
Great argument, faggot.
>because murder is reserved for people
Do you think insects are not animals you retard? Or are you devised as many strawmen as possible
>bacteria and viruses
Yeah i wonder why? Non animals and they dont possess any capability of sentience.

Im truly befuddled as to why yo would need to invent talking points rather than address the ones at hand. Befuddled.

>> No.13363220

Think about the yeast. Slaughtered in the millions. Yeast lives matter.

>> No.13363221

Nice one, Moby.

>> No.13363225

You just proved you are EXTREMELY retarded there, mate.

>> No.13363454

Go ahead and prove there's any evidence of sentience or capability of sentience in yeast

>> No.13363505

There are non concious animals(oysters sea sponge ect) and bacteria ARE concious. I hope you think about how much suffering you inflict next time you take that antibiotic. https://www.astrobio.net/origin-and-evolution-of-life/bacterial-intelligence/amp/

>> No.13363521

Also I didn't realise people saw insects as animals I just thought they were their own category. You couldn't really tell vegans believed that though considering all the vegan propaganda I've seen never tries to make you feel bad for insects, the same way they do for animals. Why would this be if it isn't them trying to anthropomorphise animals?

>> No.13363531

lol what a cuck. nobody cares, you scrawny old faggot.

>> No.13363583

Oysters have the capability to experience reality and pain. They have preganglia. Bacteria are not conscious in the way you are implying. They respond to stimuli like any other organism. That would include mollusks by your own definition.

>> No.13363588

Yeah no, most people arent retarded like you. Insects are clearly animals and you are desperately strawmanning. Many vegans warn of hive and biodiversity collapse regarding animals

>> No.13363591

No it says "deliveries in the rear" .

>> No.13363598

Nigger what the fuck else would insects be if not animals? A plant? Are you retarded? Did you pass high school?

>> No.13363787



>> No.13363793

moby stopped being relevant in music 20 years ago

wrote a couple of catchy tunes in the 90s for edm and that is his only legacy

>> No.13363795

why do people willingly give themselves AIDS?

>> No.13363849

my brother's fiance unironically has vegan and the n turns into a shooting star on her wrist

>> No.13363860
File: 21 KB, 602x358, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me one piece of vegan advertising like pic related showing insects suffering then you can call my argument a strawman.

>> No.13363861

Time to get a new brother. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.13363868

lmao someone actually wrote this

>> No.13363873

Whether or not they feel pain is still inconclusive and being researched. There's a big chance that they don't. At the very least if they do it's in a fundamentally different eay that how we do.

>> No.13363889

i'm a vegan and i'm healthier than anyone in this thread. i don't take any supplements. i lift more than you. i am a vegan ubermensch

>> No.13363900

Insects are animals, have meat, are not vegan, nor served by McDonalds. Do you think veganism doesnt care about anteaters because your arbitrary standards and limited scope of seeing them advertised?

>> No.13363902

Its pretty much more set in stone than not. And they have preganglia, precursor neural systems to have the capability to do so and are animals

>> No.13363972

>tattooed onto his left

>> No.13363977

I would, but most ink isn't vegan. : (

>> No.13363979

I can't believe these faggots actually think chickens deserve more rights than unborn human children.

>> No.13363989

Maybe he's lysdexic.

>> No.13364018

it is on his right arm. look again. photos invert the real image

>> No.13364077

I don't care but remember when Natalie Portman made him deny he fucked her?

>> No.13364110

I think he's licksdickslick

>> No.13364112



>> No.13364115
File: 577 KB, 879x525, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go vegan
>Brain shrinks 1% every year

>> No.13364116

But you get all that protien swallowing semen.

>> No.13364125

I wish I were this stupid. That'd be fun.

>> No.13364158
File: 1.30 MB, 1112x737, 1575673037370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b12 deficient patients
Daily reminder that in 2019 every vegan knows to supplement b12 or eat b12 fortified foods, as such B12 deficiency is more common in carnies.

Daily reminder that vegans have an average 3 deficiencies and carnies have an average of 8.

>> No.13364169

I can never remember which generic white actress it was, but I think it was Natalie Portman who took such a monstrously sized shit that she clogged the toilet at my ex's cafe. Pretty sure it was NP, tho.

>> No.13364177

Are the Black Keys still bacon-core?

>> No.13364186

And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You 36-year-old baldheaded fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody listens to techno!

>> No.13364202

>That time he claimed to be in a relationship with Natalie Portman back in the nineties and she pointed out that they were never in a relationship and she was underage in the time he was referencing.

>> No.13364211


>> No.13364215


>> No.13364292

Stomped by Obie. Obie Trice, real name no gimmicks

>> No.13364310

Eternal fpbp

>> No.13364339

>This would've looked better on his fingers
He'd need six fucking fingers you retard

>> No.13364359


>> No.13364376

>every animal has the right to live their own lives
>domesticated animals cannot fend for themselves, immediately get eaten into extinction by wild predators

>> No.13364388

Lol dumb ass you could just write them vertically down two fingers

>> No.13364397

It’s always a good day when I get a fpbp on my first thread of the day.

>> No.13364401
File: 68 KB, 392x392, 1576296220659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fagazoid, made a few good tunes tho

>> No.13364443

All I really do is eat peanut butter sandwiches and drink Bang.

>> No.13364454

I seriously hope you guys don't think this

>> No.13364457

I appreciate posts like this
Dont let the city break u anon

>> No.13364474
File: 980 KB, 1256x748, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that vegans have B12 parties? Where they all inject themselves it?

>> No.13364494
File: 159 KB, 369x286, 1562968844230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell if someone walked into the tattoo shop I work at and asked for this we'd turn him away, what shitty ghetto shop did he go to for this one and why did nobody tell him this was a bad idea.

>> No.13364514

The faggot is rich and stupid enough to buy a fucking tattoo shop just to get his shit fucked up. And most likely surrounded by dweebs who praise him on his idiocy.

>> No.13364548

maybe a buddy did it. I know a guy who got "property of jail or prison" tattooed above his ass crack by a basehead, so who knows.

>> No.13364554

what a tard, he could've at least paid for some dope sleeves with some deers and cows and shit mixed with the letters. what a faggot.

>> No.13364598

How is this faggot counting his tattoos? I don't think a word counts as more than one tattoo. At most he has two. If he's counting connected lines, he has 15 tattoos because the "A" and "R" have two lines each.
Either way, shame on whatever tattoo shop let this aids riddled faggot bleed in their shop.

>> No.13364646

toxoplasmosis did this

>> No.13365187


Do vegans make exceptions for things like sea urchin or oysters, etc.?

>> No.13365192

Remember when diet wasn't a political statement?

>> No.13365196
File: 24 KB, 349x480, coolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am forgotten

>> No.13365224
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>Implying its not an attentionwhoring cult
Its like u want me to call u a fag.

>> No.13365288

You have the right to STFU Moby

>> No.13365327

>dudddddee cows can totally TALK LMAO

>> No.13365331

The only thing you achieved is joining a literal sect.

>> No.13365349

I thought he took some artistic licence to say O.D.B.