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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13362405 No.13362405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: you say an interesting fact about yourself and other people try to guess what is your favorite food

i'll start
>i'm a heroin addict

>> No.13362411


My BMI is borderline underweight.

>> No.13362414

I'm openly gay and support full gay civil rights.

>> No.13362420

>chinese takeaway
I can draw ambidexteriously.

>> No.13362421

I've worked in education for 10 years and I still make £11,500 a year


>> No.13362431

Watching pornographic video is the closest I ever get to receiving human affection.

>> No.13362433
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I guess I do like doughnuts.

>> No.13362477

Definitely something sweet like >>13362411 said.

I am Danish and play the violin.

>> No.13362500

OP here. it's nothing sweet. it's cottage cheese. what a surprise, eh?

>> No.13362501


dog food

>> No.13362511

I like spiders more than dogs.
I do not appreciate people who call themselves fellow Christians and at the same time judge others and try to place their lives at a point of lesser value simply because of the choices they make. I cannot apologize on their behalf but I can say that I'm sorry for the fact that you have to deal with them. Every human being deserves the full rights that every other human has. I sympathize especially with the LGBTQ community in the Middle East who don't live in Israel.

>> No.13362536

Being gay is not a choice. Israeli gay people can't marry or adopt kids in country, let alone get access to surrogacy.

>> No.13362551

I wasn't thinking sweet chocolate, I meant the savory fatty part since I only eat dark these days. That is the more addictive portion than the sugar. But anyway cottage cheese wouldn't have been my first thought on form of dairy fat, so well played

>> No.13362560


>> No.13362565

israeli people are very supportive towards LGBTQ community

>> No.13362570

>Mashed potatoes.
I've spent over $600 on booze for myself in the past three weeks.

>> No.13362572

Clearly not enough to actually let gay people marry or adopt. Many Israelis are very homophobic. Not everyone is a secular person in Tel Aviv.

>> No.13362578

in solid food

>> No.13362589

I'm 5'10 and 500lbs

>> No.13362607

Being gay is a choice. That's been settled since twin-studies from decades ago.
No, but it's the Middle East. The uphill battle is way steeper and Israel is still in the lead for gay rights. Obviously it's still not good at all but they aren't murdered, and believe it or not that's not uncommon in Iran, Yemen, Iraq, etc. that's why I sympathize especially with those who are homosexual who do not live in Israel.

>> No.13362608

Since about a decade ago, Israel has recognized homosexual marriage (performed outside its borders), prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in law, allow same-sex couples to either adopt or share co-parenting rights as non-biological parents, and serve in the military while openly identifying as homosexual. True, there's some difference between how things are written in law and how things are in reality, but Tel Aviv is marketed as a popular destination for homosexual tourists and has a very prominent club scene.
Vodka and sausage rolls. Never had a scotch I liked, but actual sturgeon caviar is pretty awesome.

>> No.13362646

Gas station hotdogs?

>> No.13362657

wait but vodka is cheap unless you're buying mid//top shelf stuff as an alcoholic, which is unlikely. So $200 a week on cheap ~50%ABV bottles...you ok anon?

>> No.13362660


>> No.13362673
File: 42 KB, 626x479, imalreadydead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ok anon?
NOPE. Also, it's been mostly Ruskiy Standard and Stoli, or Silent Sam if the other two aren't on sale. Thank you for your concern, though.

>> No.13362683

>600 USD in vodka in 3 weeks
How much do you drink or do you only buy top shelf? Serious question, I spend around 60 a week in bourbon. 2-3 glasses a day.

>> No.13362696

600 CAD (estimate), and I can down a fifth in an evening without blacking out. Mind you, I'm 6'10" and 290lbs, so the metric's a little off.

>> No.13362717

Yeah that will do it. Still a lot but if you can afford it then that's fine. I'm guessing liqour is more expensive there like everything else from what I hear.

>> No.13362718

>I'm 6'10" and 290lbs
no homo but,
sounds like you were born to live as a warrior as master of your fate without a care in the world and are being crushed by a million small cuts from the society which has no use for someone of your latent and undeveloped talents

>> No.13362737

I’m left handed

>> No.13362740

Bottle of Silent Sam (bottom shelf 80 proof fifth) is $22 at the provincial store, so the scale is skewed. We don't get stuff like dirt-cheap Seagrams or overproof up here due to alcohol taxes.
It hurts how true that is. Military didn't want me because I have a medical history. I work construction as an electrician for now.

>> No.13362759

>I can’t die for Israel

It’s not a bad thing uh

>> No.13362773

BBQ pork rinds

>> No.13362774

>£11,500 in a year
Christ, they weren't joking when they called you guys europoors

>> No.13362777

I've killed a man and don't regret it.

>> No.13362784
File: 101 KB, 678x492, Screenshot_2019-11-19 Canada’s Foreign Aid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an American thing.

>> No.13362788

>Military didn't want me because I have a medical history
I thought the military had an upper height limit. Did you not reach that?

>> No.13362799

No I hate them, but I love low n slow bbq ribs

>> No.13362808

indubitably: burgers

>> No.13362822

Burgers are pretty good, why not.

>> No.13362825

Fillet mignon with red wine reduction and caramelised onions

>> No.13362853

Now that is magnificent, I'd say that's on the mark.

>> No.13362858

>Military didn't want me because I have a medical history.
Liar they dont care about medical history its ok you gave up

>> No.13362859
File: 217 KB, 1172x1484, 1552797012167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it

>> No.13362885

A burger is just a sandwich, invented by a German American. Surely they have mince meat sandwiches outside of the US of A.

>> No.13363127

Twin studies did not settle that being gay is a choice. Twin studies, if anything, prove a genetic component to homosexuality. With Diabetes type 1, only 1/3 of identical twins both have the condition. What it shows is that identical twins aren't actually 100% identical, as well as the potential issues with self reported data.

The lead is nothing if you cannot marry or raise kids without hassle. If you are being called faggot and shunned or pressured to marry a woman, the existence of gay rights is meaningless.

>they aren't murdered!

gratitude politics are garbage

people who are oppressed shouldn't simply have to rest on being happy they are not killed for being who they are

You cannot get gay married in Israel. Only religious marriage exists in Israel. You cannot adopt kids in your own country, hire a surrogate. This is a much more complex issue than just passing a few laws as if that fixes everything.

>club scene

sort of irrelevant to most over 30

I'd rather be treated with dignity, respect, and equality than have a nice club scene. And yes, I get that clubs in other countries in the area that are gay are often still raided and shut down, but that, again, doesn't make it right.

>> No.13363188

I'm not anyone you replied to but please stop reddit spacing.

>> No.13363194

Die in a fire after getting raped by a wild pack of transgender lesbian niggers hetshit scum.

>> No.13363199

Fair enough.

>> No.13363203

I studied ballet for a year, and paint as a hobby.

>> No.13363210

I'm responsible for the deaths of 3 people.

>> No.13363211

plz be gay

>> No.13363219

Im going to guess ops favorite food is a publix chicken tendie sub

>> No.13363526

Hang in there anon

>> No.13363538

It's funny the ones downing bottles of vodka a week are the ones telling me being gay is a choice and we should just be happy we aren't being killed.

>> No.13363543

Well... I mean they're right.

>> No.13363545

Yeah that's totally ironic?

>> No.13363547
File: 231 KB, 523x523, obscura1576287520212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an armpit fetish uwu

>> No.13363555

By right you mean the status quo opinion.

>> No.13363571

Ice cream. It's easy to eat, somewhat substantial, and tastes good. You don't even need to chew.

>> No.13363577

I'm a neet and a gamer, this one should be pretty easy.

>> No.13363589

I performed an 8-hour long operation on a pomeranian to remove a soccer-ball sized tumor that was beginning to close the windpipe two weeks ago. Was my first extensive surgery.

>> No.13363594

how many times u stop 2 pee during operation?

>> No.13363636

Not him, but in the OR you don't feel the need to pee. It's odd.

>> No.13363639

bullshit i pee every 45 min

>> No.13363665


congrats on your education and moving up in the world

>> No.13363672

do you do surgery professionally?

>> No.13363676

its 4chan, everyone here's a surgeon

>> No.13363704

>he actually wants pedofags to adopt children
who hurt you? why are you so dastardly?

>> No.13363710


>muh false equivalence

gay men are not any more attracted to pre-pubescent kids than straight men are

>> No.13363714

I don’t respect people who claim to support a religion but then are too much of pussies to support the tenets and morals set out by said religion

Bonus tip: I hate anyone who’s a posing ass faggot with no real morals or purpose in this world

>> No.13363717

hmmm, pretty fast on the draw there, homo.

>> No.13363722
File: 6 KB, 250x214, jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is a lie.

Jesus never existed.

Your belief in magical creatures doesn't justify causing real-life harm to others with mistreatment.

>> No.13363725

I don’t care whether the university your “research” comes from is liberally-biased or entirely communist-subverted, but when the link has “rainbow” in it, you can definitely bet I don’t give a fuck about your obvious meme-science propaganda

>> No.13363728

And you are immune to conservative propaganda?

>> No.13363732

pozzed af also dilate

>> No.13363735

transgenderism is a homophobic political movement to sterilize and erase gnc gay people

far-right christian bigotry and transgenderism are both threats to gay acceptance

>> No.13363738

You fucking faggot I literally explained my reasoning in the “bonus tip” part but you’re still such a seething, Fedora-tipping ball of toxicity you just had to make a euphoric post about “muh atheism”

All I fucking said was posers are pieces of shit and worthless to those around them because they use some gay “reason for existence” to pretend they have purpose while simultaneously shitting on others and praising themselves with absolutely no effort
It’s mental masturbation and it’s sick, dastardly, and selfish because the only one who knows it is the self, and the selves are lying to themselves

>> No.13363744

I am immune to neither, but I am aware of both. Can you say the same?

Also, I only assume it’s left-biased because it’s a UC and I attend a UC so I know what’s up

>> No.13363749

pozzed af also dilate

>> No.13363758

Everyone claiming faith in religion is being equally insincere because they all know it's a sham.

Why are you so personally invested in gay people?

tranny niggers have the most aids

>> No.13363766

I’m not invested in gay people, I came to the thread and immediately diverted my attention into the political shitposting that you created for (you)’a

I’m just saying, those who think they can “see” the propaganda are often the most blind, as anyone who sees how bad things really are knows that they have absolutely no ability to perceive things as they really are due to the insane layers of propaganda that have been set in place throughout our lives from birth

>> No.13363772

What exactly am I blind to? The fact that people use religion as a weapon to try to intimidate gay people into submission and letting ourselves be controlled by people who don't care about our happiness, only their ability to control us and have power over us?

>> No.13363797

No, that the fight between “religion and gay people” is between essentially people who don’t care and other people who don’t care, and the only people who do care are the ones getting your votes

It gets even worse though, because the people who want your votes are puppets, and literally any useful idiot can be put into office to get the job done (aka trump, Obama, bush) so long as someone powerful enough has them on a leash, and at the end of the day we have no idea where the origins of these powerful figures are or what their purpose is

We don’t even know the purpose of the propaganda, or what the propaganda really is, as far as we know everything is potentially propaganda, our fucking language and the slang of the times could be propaganda, education itself is more than obviously propagandized

Your entire LIFE is propagated by the stimuli around you which is largely decided by outside forces out of your own control

>> No.13363806

The fight is between gay people trying to live our lives and straight people using religion as an excuse to oppress us, control us, and make out lives harder. Also, I should add closeted gay people sometimes side with religion because they are uncle toms.

>> No.13363808

Your entire life is a meme buddy
Just lettin ya know

>> No.13363818
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At least I'm not ashamed of who I am and act with integrity.

>> No.13363829

Imagine the smell

>> No.13363831

>acting with integrity

>> No.13363851

People who claim religion as an excuse are dishonest charlatans preying on the vulnerable.

>> No.13363877

Twin studies did not prove there is a genetic component to homosexuality, they proved the opposite. That's the entire point of why the studies were done, and the conclusions showed overwhelmingly that homosexuality is not genetic.
When did I say they should rest on being happy they aren't killed? I never said that. They deserve better rights, even if its worse in other places. I'm simply mentioning that I sympathize especially with those who have to deal with the worst of such persecution and oppression. It's not that I don't think homosexual people who live in Israel don't also have a hard time, because they certainly do. Please don't put words in my mouth, even over the internet.
Jesus existed and His words were to "love thy neighbor as thyself."
Those who are judgmental of others, aren't real Christians.
>"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Also I'm guessing your favorite food is cake.

>> No.13363887

If homosexuality is a choice, why does the concordance rates in identical twins, in multiple studies, greatly exceed the rate of homosexuality found in the general population.

Why have multiple studies found that families with more older brothers have a higher likelihood of having younger brothers who are gay?

Diabetes type 1 shows a concordance rate in identical twins of about 33%. Does that mean diabetes type 1 is a choice?

You are a such a dishonest little shit.

>> No.13365639

I like to pick my nose hairs to make myself sneeze

>> No.13365761
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yep this deserves a check