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13356255 No.13356255 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the secret for the perfect mashed potatoes

>> No.13356260

>mash until desired consistency
wa la

>> No.13356265

Add semen for creamy mashed potatoes.

>> No.13356270

Have 2 pots. 1 where you mash the potatoes. 1 where you preheat the milk and add the butter. Leave so junks in the potatoe mash (I like the texture more when it's not completely smooth).
When milk/butter mix is ready and hot add it slowly to the mash.
Mix well.
Add spices or herbs of your desire.
Serve hot out of the pot.

If it's well done you don't even need gravy or any kind of sauce. Just delicious creamy potatoes

>> No.13356273

this. add butter and milk too. if you like being fancy maybe garlic/onion (powder or browned)

>> No.13356292

clarify butter. peel and quarter potatoes. cook potatoes on low heat in enough clarified butter to almost cover, stirring, until falling apart tender. mix potatoes in just enough of the cooking butter on max speed for the shortest possible time until smooth. stir in hot, salted milk until desired consistency is reached. salt to taste. pass through fine sieve.


>> No.13356298

Lots of milk/butter/pepper

>> No.13356302

Don't eat that shit, it's poison. Nightshades, not even once.

>> No.13356363

>eat tasty food
what's the downside?

>> No.13356374

Sous vide

>> No.13356389

Lots of butter, salt, and cream.

>> No.13356412

If eating a potato kills you, maybe this is nature's way of culling the weak

>> No.13356423

Nightshades are the source of countless life-saving medications that modern medicine literally could not function without.
Atropine (found naturally in deadly nightshade) saves way more people from cardiac death every year than it kills.

>> No.13356451

My moms recipe was always butter, milk, salt, pepper, garlic powder and mayonnaise.
I was worried about the mayo at first but it gives it a nice flavor.

>> No.13356464

Parsley is a good herb to add.

>> No.13356475

Parsley, white pepper, nutmeg, and tons of butter. I also like to replace milk with cream so that it is extra fatty.

>> No.13356477

Would half milk and half half and half make it even more creamy?

>> No.13356479

op here, don't tell me what to do you're not the boss of me

>> No.13356506


Select the correct potato. A white or golden waxy potato such as Yukon Gold is best.

Boil until tender through with skins on in lots of salted water. Classically a mint bunch is added to the water.

remove potatoes from the water, dry, and peel the skins.

Place potatoes in a separate pan over medium heat until dried.

Remove pan from heat and mash swiftly and sparingly. Stirring results in gooey potatoes. Salt and white pepper to taste are required. Milk cream, cheese, or other flavorings are added at this point but not strictly required. A small amount of cream, Asiago or Parmesan cheese, and a whole egg produce an excellent dish.

>> No.13356585


>> No.13356710

I make the world's greatest mashed potatoes so listen up.
Mix of 2/3 Yukon golds, 1/3 baby reds half and boil with skins on. I add some salt to the boiling water but I'm not sure if it actually does anything. Meanwhile, microplane and saute 2-3 cloves of garlic in Kerrygold Irish butter unsalted (adjust for salt without adding a bunch through butter!) Finely chop a bunch of fresh rosemary too. Mash potatoes and add as much whole milk as you think it needs, then add as much unsalted Kerrygold Irish butter as you think it needs, then double that amount. Add in the garlic and finely chopped rosemary while mashing. Oh and leave the skins on, both of those taters have good skins.
Wa la

>> No.13356718

oops also forgot to grate in a ton of parmesan

>> No.13356721


>> No.13356771

Red potato is best potato.

>> No.13356779

Put some mashed potato in your hot dog.

>> No.13356805

This is the only real answer, I do 1 stick of butter per 2 lbs of potatoes

>> No.13356814

>skin potatoes
>dice so that all potatoe pieces are similar size
>put in pot of water
>add a tablespoon of salt
>boil until potato pieces are easily crushed against side of pot with spoon
>empty pot into strainer
>empty strainer into mixing bowl
>mix and mash the fuck out of them
>add a lot of butter (more than you think you should, seriously) (don't add the butter before the potoatoes are thoroughly mashed or you'll get clumps)
>add heavy whipping cream to get desire consistency
>add salt and pepper to get desired taste

>> No.13356836

Cream cheese mashed in with it. Also, use a ricer not a fucking mixer.

>> No.13356879

Don't over mash

>> No.13356939

People that add sour cream to mashed potatoes are fucking retards

>> No.13356965

I've seen some french recipes that do 1:1 potatoes to butter weight.

>> No.13356972
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Does anyone else keep leftover mashed potatoes? People always told me you shouldn't do that since they turn unpleasant, but I find that heating them up again in the stove and (usually) adding some milk makes them perfect. Pic related.

>> No.13356973

>no salt

>> No.13356976

>would adding cream make it creamer?

>> No.13356983

I've used whole cream and half and half, both are acceptable replacements for milk.

>> No.13357027

Mix of red potatoes and yukon

>> No.13357035

I personally prefer pure Yukon gold potatoes, but finding them in a decent size lately has become problematic, only a local co-op regularly carries them.

>> No.13357039
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Used 2 bags of these guys last time, the blue potatoes gave it an interesting look once it was all mashed together

>> No.13357201

chopped chives
loads of butter
english mustard

>> No.13357208

also keep the peels

>> No.13357263

cook them in a zwilling forte

>> No.13357265


>> No.13357268

A mixture of good advice and bad advice here.
Use a shitload of butter. Probably twice as much as you are used to putting. 3:1 ratio of potatoes to butter. Yes that is a whole pound of butter for every three pounds of potato. If you're going all out, make sure its the best quality butter you can find, it should be naturally deep yellow, low moisture, and flavorful. Also it costs at least double the cheap shit you buy.
Use russets, the most perfect ones you can find. They are the best. Peel them, cut into equal chunks, boil them for the CORRECT amount of time, season thoroughly (seasoning meaning SALT). Undersalted potatoes suck a dick. DO NOT overmix, or else you have glue.
Cream, sour cream, cheeses, spices like garlic, etc. Yes. The dairy is a must, but preferences. I dont know yours.
In short: STOP making obvious mistakes. This is not hard, you just need to follow the rules.

>> No.13357269

250g of butter for 500g of potatoes
Salt and pepper
Also don't forget to peel your potatoes when they're piping hot so the starch doesn't build up.
You'll have Joel Robuchon's mashed potatoes for little to no effort.

>> No.13357274

nonstick wonderfulness

>> No.13357276
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Roasted garlic

>> No.13357282

what the fuck are you doing to your potatoes that they stick...?

I make mashed potatoes all the time in a stainless pot and have zero issue with sticking, just move the potatoes around while they are cooking so they don't stick to the bottom.

You should also be moving your potatoes around so you don't burn the starch on the potatoes at the bottom of your pot.

>> No.13357285

You don’t need a nonstick pan for boiling shit dude...

>> No.13357287

>Use russets
You've got good advice here, but you lost me at this.

Sorry but no, if you're spending $8+ on butter, you're retarded if you use russets, unless that's all you've got available to you.

I personally use Yukon gold's for my mashed and wouldn't look back to russets for any reason, unless I simply can't buy Yukon gold for whatever reason.

>> No.13357290

it doesn't matter just buy the fucking zwilling forte

>> No.13357291

Sorry, I don't own any non-stick cookware, and i'm not gonna start now.

>> No.13357292

>Give me the secret for the perfect mashed potatoes
put taters in hot water with some chicken broth and seasoning, try to get the water at 210-211 degrees, no joke, you dont want it to boil
when potato will break in two with a fork pull and drain.
now this next step is important
state out loud that jews did 911 and Hitler did nothing wrong.
also note the holocaust was a lie and theres no way you can burn 6 million bodies in that little amount of time
realize the jews perpetuate this lie to maintain victim status and perpetual income
know to even question this lie is a jailable offence in some countries
mash the potatoes, slowly adding in warm milk and melted butter
know there were no death camps, and the ones that claimed to be were all debunked by inspections, the ones that remain were never inspected.

>> No.13357301

dumbo thinks a $1500 set of cookware is gonna act like a $100 one and stop being nonstick
you are a huge dumbo

>> No.13357306

Lmao, no. I know that high quality non-stick isn't gonna fail in 3 months like the $20 shit non-stick most retards buy.

But at the same time, I still don't own any non-stick and I see ZERO reason why I should start.

You couldn't even provide a single reason why i'd need it.

>> No.13357310

oy vay shut dis bupkis down yeh schmuck

>> No.13357323
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>> No.13357332

Sorry my Dehillerin and Mauviel cookware wont allow inferior cookware into my kitchen.

>> No.13357334

How much are you paid for this? I might apply to this job

>> No.13357335

your cookware is gay and dumb like you
buy the zwilling

>> No.13357339

Taste as you go. Have plenty of butter, milk, salt, and pepper. Add just enough milk to be able to mash, then keep adding butter, salt and pepper until it tastes good on its own. Unless you're weighing your peeled potatoes the mix is always eyeballing and tasting. They taste good enough that you don't need to add salt pepper or gravy at the table. Though gravy is always good.

>> No.13357343
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>> No.13357346
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hard pass

>> No.13357351
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fuck you buy the zwilling

>> No.13357356
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Not happening

>> No.13357367

You fucking cook them in a microwave then mash them with milk and butter so you don't lose flavor in water.

>> No.13357369
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>lose flavor in water

>> No.13357371

Ok boomer

>> No.13357373

Nah, i'm only 28, most of my copper collection comes from my grandmother though.

>> No.13357378

Sorry, so you don't water down the flavor.

>> No.13357577

BASED POST IS BASTED...also roasted garlic and try colcannon is based version of mash.

>> No.13357585

Like with pasta, you save a bit of water.

>> No.13357635

you have to use a lot of butter
more than you think
way more than you think
about 2 pounds of butter per pound of potato

>> No.13357642

butter, salt, heavy cream, salt, garlic+/onion powder, salt

>> No.13357647

that was a cute brainfart

>> No.13357805

You should try inhaling some pure oxygen, retardo

>> No.13357819

Butter, milk, potatoes, salt.

>> No.13359413

I use them to make potato soup or potato pancakes.

>> No.13359464

egg and corn meal

>> No.13359489

I add mustard to mine. My roomates hate it but i do all the cooking so fuck 'em.

>> No.13359533

I made thesr for thanks giving and people wouldn't shut olup about them

>like five pounds Gold potatoes
>Boil with skin on until butter knife slides in and out easily
>Mash with skins
>Add milk and sour cream until desired consitancy
>Add a ton of butter like two sticks or more
>Season with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, chives, and pepper if you like.

Its all to taste. Little by little until they taste right. The real thing making your potatoes good is having good taste and knowing what good potatoes taste like.

>> No.13359536
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>> No.13359576


As I am bringing the water to a boil and prior to adding the potatoes, I dissolve a chicken stock cube or two into the water. This won't make the potatoes taste like chicken, it'll just help with a nice, round savory flavor. After they're cooked and easily mashed against the side of the pot with a spoon, I drain them and add a bunch each of butter (And when it comes to the butter, I mean a BUNCH), salt, black pepper and some whole milk. If you want, you can also cook up some garlic and add that to the potatoes during mashing. Also, don't leave your mashed all uncovered, they can become dry.

Sorry I can't be more specific, but when it comes to making mashed, I sort of just eyeball everything and have very small tastes of it as I adjust, until I'm satisfied with the texture and flavor. Everyone I feed them to loved them, though.

Somebody was somewhat disappointed after I told them that the mashed they just enjoyed had all that butter and milk, but I said the fact is that you can either have absolutely delicious mashed potatoes OR you can have healthy, low fat, low salt ones. You cannot have both.

>> No.13359582

Keep some of the peels, pan seer the peels with butter, add peels to mashed tatos mix in

>> No.13359586


That sounds delicious but I find that most of the people I make food for prefer skinless mashed. Next time I make them for myself though, I'll try the cooked peel idea with butter like you said, but maybe also some minced up garlic.

>> No.13359616

If you are making mashies with the skin off you are cucked, and letting plebs pollute your kitchen with their shit taste.

>> No.13359624
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>> No.13359674

Chicken stock, heavy cream, and butter.

>> No.13359867

Make sure you crisp them anon do not let them be soggy

>> No.13359872

Forgot chives and garlic

>> No.13359875

-Use fingerlings or some such small potatoes with a higher sugar content
-Boil with the skin on, start the potatoes in cold water and bring to temperature
-Try not to boil the potatoes so hard that the skins break. We're trying to avoid having the actual flesh become water logged because this releases the starches that make potatoes become gluey
-Use a potato grainer or a cheese grater to break down your potatoes so you don't overwork them. Contrary to the name, actually mashing potatoes can make them overworked which ruins the texture. If you have to mash them, make sure they're literally fall apart tender.
-Use a 2:1:1 ratio of milk to cream to butter. Usually for 5 pounds I do 1/2 cup milk to 1/4 cups cream and butter respectively
-Fold in your wet ingredients, avoid over mixing

>> No.13359896

Just look for biological instant potato mush. There's usually one that has zero additives and is just potato flakes. Mixing that with milk, butter, salt and muscat makes it really tasty and it's really convenient.

Mushing yourself is either really work intensive or you end up with an inferior product with unmushed bits and pieces.

It's not like the industrial processing can lose you any vitamins here, it's fucking peeled potatoes either way.

>> No.13359909

1. Boil em
2. Mash em
3. Stick em in a stew
4. Profit

>> No.13359936

saute garlic
add mash
heat off
chives (and pepper if you like)

>> No.13359977

>what are red potatoes

>> No.13359985


if you overmix it, it turns to glue

lots of cream and butter, like it should be half cream and butter

>> No.13360221

The parameters to mashed potato are mostly:
* skin on/off (personal preference)
* texture - ricing/mashing
* amount of butter/milk
* spices
* additions - cheese/truffle oil/crushed garlic

I use a kind of garlic salt&pepper mix in a grinder, sometimes some truffle salt. I don't bother with cheese, I think it's wasted and you barely taste it. Sometimes onion powder or garlic powder.
Sometimes I mash it, sometimes I rice it, they're both good. Skin is usually left on for texture.

>Does anyone else keep leftover mashed potatoes?
I mix them with eggs, maybe some other rough chopped leftover vegetables, a couple of eggs and fry it into a fritatta sort-of thing, put some sauce of some kind on it and eat for breakfast.

>> No.13360229

50% butter

>> No.13360357

Unironically this with whole milk instead of water fuck mashing your own potatoes more work worse texture worse flavor

>> No.13360361

Half 'n half, butter, and cottage cheese. Salt and pepper.

>> No.13360364

A half stick of butter per potato

>> No.13360413

butter and salt, if you want different texture, use cream.
just don't use a food processor.

>> No.13360490

Like vodka.

>> No.13360533
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>> No.13361721

No milk. No cream. No pepper. No fucking garlic powder or whatever shit you flyovers use. Certainly no potato skins. Just boiled potatoes, salt, butter and cooking water to adjust for consistency. A tiny amount of nutmeg is okay, if you're that kind of a person.

You want about 20% of cultured butter by weight of raw potatoes. Peel and cube potatoes and boil in heavily salted water until just starting to fall apart. Drain the water and add the cubed butter to the pot. Stir it around until the butter melts, then switch to a masher and mash it up. Switch to a whisk and whisk until no lumps, but don't overwork. Add reserved cooking water a little at a time to get to a desired consistency. You should not need very much, maybe a tablespoon per portion. Add more salt if necessary.

>> No.13361726

>whisk until no lumps
just pass it through a sieve like a normal person