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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 555x370, entomophagy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13356942 No.13356942 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the entomophagy thread. Here we discuss entomophagy and try to figure out what is and isn't any good.
If you're not interested in the practice yourself, feel free to ask questions.

>> No.13356981
File: 34 KB, 720x480, golden-rod-larvae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with most bugs is they're chitinous which is unappealing to many people. Also with almost all the other animals we use as food, we only eat the good bits, not the digestive tracts and shit. So on the whole you can see why world over it tends to be not that popular.

That said, I really want to try the ant soup that's supposed to taste like peanuts. And the larvae you can get out of galls on goldenrod stems are surprisingly sweet and tasty.

>> No.13356992

go bacc to reddit you vocabufaggot asshole

>> No.13356993
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 129043-01_amber-scorpion-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novelty scorpion candy from the museum giftshop: not good.

>> No.13357007

I bet you're the type of person that makes threads entitled "EAT THE BUGS" with a picture of that monster child.
Only bugs I have ever eaten were salt and vinegar covered ants. They were very dry and tasted nutty. Pretty good.

>> No.13357015
File: 463 KB, 1200x911, 1544984755679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck is talking about eating bugs faggot that shits for soyboys

>> No.13357021

I wish there was a way to efficiently get large amounts of just bug meat. The other day I was talking with a friend about the idea of making some sort of rice mill that cracks open bulk grasshopper legs to extract the meat from inside. They're easy enough to farm-raise that you could actually gather the legs relatively cheap and I imagine the meat could be used in place of shrimp in many recipes, especially ones that use it as a flavoring and not whole.
That said the whole bug isn't nearly as bad as people seem to believe it is, it's just an acquired taste.
>goldenrod larvae
I've never had those but I'm all for a sweeter mealworm equivalent
I used that word and never the words "bugs" or "insects" in the OP to attract as few mouthbreathers like you as possible. Only time will tell if it makes a significant difference.

>> No.13357030

terrible post
feel ashamed and frig off

>> No.13357037

I really wish the asshats pedaling dried crickets would cut it out. Everyone who tries a dried cricket decides bugs aren't any good when in reality it's just kibble-fed, farm-raised crickets that suck. They taste like the dog food they're fed!
If anyone reading this is interested in trying bugs but not yet tried one, DO NOT go for crickets. Mealworms are a much better first try - they're crispy and nutty and don't pick up the taste of whatever they're fed in farms. They make for a good peanut substitute in dessert recipes.

>> No.13357041

He's probably going to stay the rest of the thread. Please try to ignore him, he feeds off of (You)s, a life several steps below eating the bugs he almost certainly shitposts against reguarly.

>> No.13357042
File: 197 KB, 1200x900, 1560322755018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>willingly advocating for eating vermin
the absolute state of 4chan in 2020-1
theres literally a planet thats a fucking edible garden and youre eating bugs. i hope you die soon and quite painfully

>> No.13357045

Is there an advantage to using them in place of peanuts?

>> No.13357048

I bought a big batch of queen leafcutter ants from some website a few years back. Burnt the whole batch trying to fry em up. Still haven't had the balls to buy another batch with their current price

>> No.13357055

There might be a difference in protein but my main reasoning would be for people with nut allergies. I also just enjoy the texture, it's like a really thin waffle cone.

>> No.13357083

What a wild world we live in where people can buy queen leafcutter ants. Also, what did it smell like when you burned them?

>> No.13357086

It depends where you live, but goldenrod is pretty ubiquitous and will often get bulbous galls which if you get to it before a bird does will have a tasty little fly larva. A friend's daughter says she thinks it tastes like ice cream. They are nice, but only a nibble and it would be a royal pain to collect any real amount.

I imagine you could make an automatic grasshopper leg remover as well. Which all sounds a bit horrific, but that's life and death I guess.

>> No.13357094
File: 349 KB, 800x1067, Solidago_altissima_9A_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13357120

i was talking with a neighbour about this last night
if you make it presentable, it's fine and a good source of protein
instead we get articles with a hamburger filled with mealworms asking "WUD U EAT DA BUGS???"

>> No.13357142

Here's the ones I've tried:
>mealworms - light, crispy and nutty. would go great with chocolate
>superworms - just bigger mealworms
>grasshoppers - mild and crunchy. like crickets but not kibble-flavored
>Asian forest scorpion - chitin way too strong to eat whole, but the pincer and legmeat tasted like a weird beefy lobster taste. would be great in larger quantities
>Chinese scorpion - had no flavor of its own. Would go well with most things because it adds next to nothing. Not bad but nothing noteworthy
>mole cricket - not sure what they feed these things where I bought them but they were milder than the normal crickets leaving a satisfying crunch and a very vague shrimpiness.
>giant water scorpion - leathery and chewy after boiling with some old bay. the wings could've been pulled off before eating but ah well. it's like extremely tough, leathery beef. makes for a good snack for long walks since the wings can be chewed on like gum after the bug is finished
>feeder crickets - as I've already whined about before, these things taste like kibble the way they're currently raised. might try a wild field cricket in the spring to verify they're not all bad but until then they just have no redeeming qualities in my mind
>junebugs - incredibly earthy. had them dried, rehydrated and also boiled with old bay. tasted like a mixture of dirt and the smell of an unwashed snake
>rhinoceros beetle - same issues as junebug but with a chitin so thick you have to scoop the innards out of the carapace. missing the vague floral tones but otherwise smelled and tasted just like junebug. Presumably all beetles taste somewhat similar, maybe diving beetles will be different due to their diet?
If anyone else has tried any of these or any other bugs for that matter feel free to dump your thoughts

>> No.13357154

>what did it smell like when you burned them?
One moment it had no scent at all, the next my entire kitchen smelled like smoke. It was my fault, dumb younger me decided it wasn't important to rehydrate them before frying since they'd be in oil anyway.
>instead we get articles with a hamburger filled with mealworms asking "WUD U EAT DA BUGS???"
Right? It's fucking infuriating, like they're trying their best to make the whole experience look awful. You don't even have to hide the bugs to make it look good, you just have to stop being that crazy with them.

>> No.13357169
File: 56 KB, 450x338, dragonfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here try dragonfly before? I hear they taste like fish. Gonna try and catch some over a pond this summer using a stick covered in sap like the Thai apparently do. They're so pretty I imagine it'd be easy to make a presentable meal using them, if not as a main protein then at the very least as a pretty edible garnish.

>> No.13357220
File: 92 KB, 588x360, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bug do you want to try, /ck/?

>> No.13357264
File: 58 KB, 794x810, 1564974389665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT pic
look faggot fuck shitfucks
bugs are and should always be a complete last resort for a food replacement. now fuck yourself bugs are disgusting as fuck and no one except for the most freakish loserish societal retards would willingly eat this over even the worst of foods.

>> No.13357297

>saving the planet is bad
ok boomer

>> No.13357299

Reminder not to reply to shitposts. I'd rather see this thread die than watch it get bumped repeatedly by low-quality garbage.

>> No.13357307

>bugs are and should always be a complete last resort for a food replacement.
Maybe if we had stuck to environmental reform in the 70s we would not need a last resort, but here we are.
Keep kowtowing to Big Oil, cuck.

>> No.13357317

Well I'm interested in tarantula. If scorpion turned out to be delicious, I can't imagine tarantula legs are any worse. I want to get a bunch of fresh tarantulas, parboil the legs, extract the legmeat, skewer them horizontally and then grill them with some lemon pepper. The legs of a tarantula have to be one of the largest whole pieces of meat in a terrestrial arthropod, I really wanna try a whole piece.

>> No.13357349

>eat bugs to save planet
millennials will believe anything theyre fucking told holy shit.
imagine being this brain dead.
holy shit.

>> No.13357366

What a great thread!


>> No.13357394
File: 276 KB, 1280x1280, taran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear the abdomen is mostly guts and poop but the pics of Thai people eating them often show the whole thing, not separated like pic related. Personally all I really care about are the legs

>> No.13357533

What are your ideas for saving ourselves and the health of the planet?

>> No.13357570

Boomers say let it burn because they won't be here when most of it becomes uninhabitable. Support Greta, she's the awakened conscience of humanity.

>> No.13357593

Working in my garden I noticed a species of ant that were milking aphids and I ate a few. They were incredibly sweet I guess from eating aphid nectar. They're very interesting as they'll tenderly carry the aphids to other plants when they think a plant is overpopulated.

>> No.13357606

It's really just assholes with no kids or other family to think about. Thankfully many of them say stuff like this on real social media so we'll be able to weed them out when the shit really hits the fan.

>> No.13357628

I'm an asshole with no kids and little family to worry about, and I'm pretty high on the tree-hugger scale...

>> No.13357663

Nah, that doesn't hold water. Just look at the US rightwingers, many of them have kids (Lisping Lindsey Graham being a notable exception) and are global warming denying sycophants for carbon dumping industries.

>> No.13357705

Those ones are just colossal idiots.

>> No.13357853

first theres no proof of climate change. period. "FULL STOP"
you fuckin cunts are bent outta shape over a fucking degree.
also nasa tied climate change to a natural cycle of the fucking sun so fuck off you stupid asshole gullible retards.

>> No.13357863

>also nasa tied climate change
i mean they made a correlation between temps and sun cycles

>> No.13357882

planet earth: *raises one degree*
every millennial on the plant: "HOLY SHIT WE'LL ALL BE DEAD IN 12 YEARS UNLESS I EAT CRICKETS WORMS AND COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*starts literally crying, literally*
*full blown panic attack insues*
*grabs dirt and starts munching*
*earlobe gauges magically grow larger*
*another UNEEK tattoo appears on torearm*
i...i..think its working, WHERES THE LARVAE!!!

>> No.13358270

There is massive abundant evidence of it. Literally every competent person who looks at the evidence can see it. People like you are the reason voting booths should have intelligence tests.

>> No.13358273

This is what they're like in Thailand no joke

>> No.13359658

>make thread about entomophagy
>half of /ck/ gets triggered to hell
It must be really easy to let memes guide your entire worldview like you do. Never having to think critically and decide things for yourself. Oh yeah, the Jews want all the meat for themselves, thus bugs aren't even worth looking into as a food choice. How convenient that your beliefs always end with the conclusion that you shouldn't change yourself whatsoever.
I don't even care about the moral/ecological impact, I've been practicing entomophagy for years now and just wanted to exchange opinions and maybe find a recipe or something. Clearly /ck/ isn't capable of handling themselves that long though, not with all these 2016 political squatters. Fucking shameful.
I'm going to make this thread again in a year just to see how much worse we get. I expect to be upset by the results.