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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13352360 No.13352360 [Reply] [Original]

indian food is the best in the world

change my mind

>> No.13352364

Most Indian food is heavily spiced porridge and old meat. You will find most "Indian" dishes you actually enjoy were invented by the British.

>> No.13352366 [DELETED] 

India doesn't respect gay people enough to offer them federal protections against discrimination in hiring, housing, and public accommodation, nor civil marriage, so I don't respect them enough to eat their food.

They only recently decriminalized gay sex altogether.

>> No.13352369

I would love to try it, but it all looks like shit to be honest. Where should I start?

>> No.13352373

Actually based

>> No.13352374 [DELETED] 



If you can read this all the way through without losing your appetite, you are a monster.

>> No.13352378 [DELETED] 

Being reminded that gays exist at all makes me lose my appetite

>> No.13352379


now I should give them a shot at their food

>> No.13352381

would you wanna fugg a spicy poo hole?

>> No.13352384 [DELETED] 

You should boycott their food until they can offer everyone equal treatment.

No, I only fuck other white/jewish men.

>> No.13352388 [DELETED] 

>(((Equal rights))), goy---I mean, guys!

>> No.13352392 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 873x1024, ReplaceJew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>> No.13352396

That looks like diarrhea and will give you it too because of the e. coli on the chef's hands.

>> No.13352399

I know flyovers are still terrified like little namby pamby girls of indian food, but I don't care. Indian food is great.

>> No.13352403

>lets put literally every spice we've found into this dish because it'd taste like shit with our low tier produce & meats
it tastes and looks like a mess

>> No.13352407 [DELETED] 

Bruh I got only through 3 paragraphs. Thank you, I am done with Indian food and this thread?

>> No.13352412 [DELETED] 

Then why are Jewish cities the most homogeneous and unicultural places in the world? What are you so afraid of?

>> No.13352417 [DELETED] 


they don't offer marriage, discrimination protections, and you will have a hell of a time trying to adopt or have kids via surrogacy with a same sex partner

actually a number of Israeli cities are quite diverse like Haifa and Acre.

Tel Aviv is extremely cultured.

>> No.13352439 [DELETED] 

Tourists don't count, Shlomo

>> No.13352444 [DELETED] 

No, there's plenty of Arabs living in Haifa and Acre. They are mixed cities.

The issue is that if Muslims controlled Israel politically, Jews would lose a lot of freedom.

>> No.13352458 [DELETED] 

>be gay
>don't act like a faggot, don't tell anyone you enjoy smelly arseholes
>no discrimination
Gays get rightfully discriminated because all of them are attention whores.

>> No.13352461 [DELETED] 

We have the right to tell you we are gay and discuss our relationships in social settings without fearing mistreatment.

>> No.13352469 [DELETED] 

I have the right to disagree with you and call you a homo.

>> No.13352478 [DELETED] 

Not in a professional setting. No more than you have the right to call Black people niggers and expect to keep your job.

We don't have to be closeted so you can pretend we don't exist.

>> No.13352589 [DELETED] 

You also don't have the right to express your homosexuality in a professional settings, buddy. If you can do that I will call you a homo and you will have to deal with it. Homo is not even a insult as it's merely a abbreviation for homosexual. You fags already reduce yourself to your sexuality so there's that,as you already have proven ITT.

>> No.13352603
File: 674 KB, 500x750, 2deb8329aed721231f840f67a8132bca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest food in the world

>> No.13352820

It's close, but the shit that passes for "food" in Africa is worse.

>> No.13352835

Wait, I read that as "Indian food is the worst in the world". Nevermind, OP is a mutant lacking tastebuds.

>> No.13352905

I like the food but I find Indian people revolting. They are nice for the most part but their appearance ruins my appetite. I can only eat Indian food prepared by white or Asians (other than Indians)

>> No.13352910

>I would love to try it
>it all looks like shit

>> No.13352942

They're scared of their own shadows because they're a little darker, let alone ethnic food.

>> No.13352955


I can eat indian once in 2 months or so without feeling like I'm eating perfume. But I kinda like Moroccan spicing. Best food is Malaysian/thai, worst is probably Swedish traditional?

>> No.13352958

t. Pajeet aka "Bill" from Microsoft Tech Support

>> No.13352979


That's fucking Dupinder aka Jerry from Client Protective Services.