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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13336312 No.13336312 [Reply] [Original]

Post ramen, post rare-men, review ramen, basically anything ramen or rare-men related.

Pic related is my haul today. Rate it.

>> No.13336357

I personally prefer Sapporo Ichiban.
Anything cheaper is trash tier.
Anything more expensive is meme tier.

>> No.13336366
File: 150 KB, 550x550, erg23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best instant ramen.

>> No.13336624


I see Sapporo Ichiban in the supermarket some times, but I've never tried it.I will try next time.

>> No.13336632

Don't. It's just maruchan ramen with even more plasticky green flakes that get stuck in your teeth.

>> No.13336638
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this. the chow mein is pretty good though.

>> No.13336700
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You're all tastelets

>> No.13336703

Buying instant ramen is a waste of your money. Look at the back of the package. It has low calories and low nutrients. It's cheaper and better if you buy rice noodles and some chicken stock.

>> No.13336708

Imagine being so poor financial considerations come into the decision to buy ramen.

>> No.13336711

>meme ramen
Nobody eats that.

>> No.13336715

Some instant ramen costs more than actually just making good ramen.

>> No.13336935

You're very consistent. What flavor is this and where can I obtain it reliably?

>> No.13336942


>> No.13337053
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Just polished off a little a pack of Bul Nak (top right of OP pic). For anyone who have been to Singapore or Malaysia, Bul Nak tastes like Mee Pok. It's quite spicy but still delicious. I added minced beef and mushrooms. Not bad at all.

>> No.13337690
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I had some spicy beef curry ramen that I bought ages ago and forgot about it, made it into pic related. Pretty good

>> No.13337705
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You've got yourself some treasure in the upper right

>> No.13337715

Any ramen that has a package written in Chinese, Korean, or English is going to be categorically bad.

>> No.13337716
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If you're into spicy, this is by far the most intense

>> No.13337960

That looks delicious. Tips for getting the egg just right?

>> No.13338100

Put the egg in and turn the heat off with the lid on. Let it cook slowly.

>> No.13338167

>hot & sour broad noodles
those are quite good, but only if you don't overdo it

>> No.13338178

When boiling, put the egg in and have it in exactly for 6 minutes, dropping it directly in cold water

>> No.13339361
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>not even the spiciest version
wew lad

I just bought those shitty indonesian noodles and will let you guys know after dinner what it is like.
Pic Related

Samyang will always be the best though, especially the black bean version with some cut up chicken breast that is juicy and some scallions and seasame seeds on top. Absolute kino.

>> No.13339666

Honestly these noodles weren't that bad, threw out most of the seasonings they added, but the noodles themselves with the sauce I made is pretty damn bomb.

>> No.13339798

well that's bc even the shittiest Indomie is still miles better than any other instant noodles

fuck son, that looks good. minced beef got it looking like some street food not instant ramen

>> No.13340175

Looking for better deals than what I'm currently getting.

I'm a bowl guy, but I have one of those microwave ramen things where I can do bricks at work without looking like an ape.

My current ramens:

Bowl: Nissin Hot & Spicy Chicken. I add some frozen vegetables before pouring the water in. Price: $2 for 3.
Brick: Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Stir Fry Noodles. I don't stir fry em, I just toss water on them. Price: Box of 30 for $18.

Does anyone have other poorfag-tier suggestions for cheap ramen that don't take like Styrofoam?

>> No.13340231

I got that after watching that eater YouTuber. That shit is tasty as fuck. Burns like a motherfucker, though.

>> No.13340242

When did /ck/ become too good for top ramen

>> No.13340361

fuk yeiiii

>> No.13340379

u faggot weebs are dumb as fuck, koreans instant shit is better than most shit

>> No.13340478

That feel when you live in an igloo and the ice jew only has 2 brands of ramen to sell so you cant join the banther.

I personally like to crack an egg in my ramen

>> No.13340487
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>> No.13340615

I bought buljjajang because I can't find spicy zha wang any more. they taste ok but I don't like the whole beans in the sauce.

>> No.13340635

Oh fuck how close to actual meepok we talking?

>> No.13340643
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dilate weeb tranny

>> No.13340750


Best in show.

I crave these but never buy them because $13+shipping is ridiculous when I can get the Samyang chicken for $1 locally. But fucking hell my mouth is watering just looking at that dumb octopus

>> No.13342212
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It's called "yukgaejang sabalmyeon" in Korean, which is a type of korean beef stew. It looks like pic related in some western countries.

>> No.13342352
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These are pretty great

>> No.13342447
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>> No.13342485


>> No.13342568

I talked to a Japanese person in an airport recently and she talked about how the only thing she wanted her parents to bring her from Japan was instant ramen because she couldn't get good instant ramen in southern California. I find this hard to believe when there are plenty of Japanese supermarkets around.

>> No.13342586
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>> No.13342870


>> No.13344018

For me its Mr noodles

>> No.13344074
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This is my pick, a Nepali brand

>> No.13344092

most ramen in america sucks anyways.

>> No.13344389
File: 51 KB, 500x340, 51yDekgnJDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does instant yakisoba count as ramen? for me its myojo ippeichan, comes with a complimentary packet of mustardayonnaise

>> No.13344419

Is there a Korean store in your area? I'm in Utah of all places and that's where I get mine. They're about $2 and some change

>> No.13344519
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im close to crying eating this, but it's so good. careful with the red powder, or not.

creamy and spicy. Nongshim truly best brand.

>> No.13344524
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Most ramen in America is imported from Asia.

>> No.13344547
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I’m from the Tri State and we have a bunch of H Marts which sell all kinds of Asian stuff including huge varieties of Ramen. Is that just a local thing because I assumed any state with a large amount of Asians would have it.

Anyways to join in I got this shit a few weeks ago off a recommendation here. It was alright. I also dropped an egg in of course.

>> No.13344553

Shin Ramyun Black

is it a meme?

>> No.13344556

Yes. The red is just objectively better. Im not saying its bad but the red is way better.

>> No.13344719

What do I do with the left over soup?

>> No.13344905

600 calories for a quarter is not a lot, anon.

>> No.13345510
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>> No.13345531

You don't have electric kettles there providing 24/7 supply of hot water, so that already eliminates most of the japanese brands since they don't use microwave-safe bowls.

>> No.13345801

found a Asian market near me that carry theses god tier little thing

>> No.13346434

I'm going to try again and then give an opinion. It's like spicy mee pok but not as sweet.

>> No.13346438

This is pleb tier.

>> No.13347979

post your best hacks to make shitty ramen packs good

my shitty chicken ramen save: cook the noodles as usual but with only the oil, strain and transfer noodles to bowl, add 1 tblsp of honey(acasia), half the pack of chicken stock, some chopped cillantro and the fresh juice from an orange slice, add a tiny bit of the hot soup to help mix

>> No.13348005

the thing is, ramen comes from several places. Commonly, ramen is imported from Thailand or Hong Kong. Both of those are garbage since the skimp on ingredients, you can test this yourself with Pocky since its easier to find JP boxes next to Thai ones. You have to hunt around for anything labelled Made in Japan. Even in JP stores because even THEY will import from Thailand to save money

>> No.13348012

I do but they dont have much selection. Im stuck ordering from Amazon unfortunately

>> No.13348068
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Just got a 24 pack of these as a gift, ama.

>> No.13348131

that one isnt my favorite of those but its good, i like the blue and white pack my white whale noodle

>> No.13348144

the red one is just slightly too spicy for me to enjoy the whole bowl most of the time. i like the slightly less spicy and way more garlic taste of the black packet

>> No.13348193


do americans really

>> No.13348207

but muh garlic

>> No.13348220

what are you going to do with the 24 hot powder sachets?

>> No.13348237

now I want this, too

>> No.13348258

>pho fags unironically think this is what ramen fags are talking about
Jesus now I know why pho-fags think ramen sucks, all you autists posting instant ramen and drooling over literal children food

>> No.13348627
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This is bul jjajang. 2 packs tho. It's my favourite jjajangmen. It's probably the best instant jjajangmen I've eaten.

>> No.13348724

what does jjajangmen taste like? I've had a pack once but didn't like it.
Isn't it like one of the most liked foods in south korea? I watched Running Man and i remember most of them saying it was their favorite

>> No.13348756

get fucked

>> No.13348841

>put noodles and spices on plate
>pour hot water on it and wait a few minutes
the end result? always terrible
>mix spices in water
>put noodles in the spice water and boil in a pot for a few minutes
always kino

>> No.13349312

have you had spicy zha wang? I liked it more but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.13350475

i ate chapagetti and it tasted like mud and ash.

>> No.13350479

you should, it's real tasty

>> No.13350628

Chapagetti is one of the worst version.

>> No.13352339
File: 191 KB, 1693x1270, 1576089942058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cheese ramen in the OP. Surprisingly good. 7/10. Slightly cheesy and comes with cheese powder. The broth had a touch of spice, and it's sweetish cheeseish.

>> No.13352345


everyday we stray further from Gods path

>> No.13352359
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yeah cheese ramen is an abomination to me

>> No.13352387
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>Bought some of these
>they were on sale
>next day (yesterday) make one for lunch
>meh desu
>2 hours later
>feels like a racoon is trying to burrow out of my stomach
>sprint to the toilet
>squirt red hot liquid shit all over the inside of the toilet bowl
>severe stabbing pains
>literally sat on the toilet squirting my ass for 45 solid minutes
>by the time I'm done I can barely walk
>stunk up the entire house
>just go to my room and fall into bed
>sleep until midnight
>wake up
>house still smells like shit
go grab the other two I bought and throw them into the trash
Seriously, don't ever buy these fucking things

>> No.13352401

wtf. the Koreans are still bitter about the occupation and are doing everything they can to ruin ramen with such abominations

>> No.13352981


exact same fucking experience, i used to eat these with no problems but never again

>> No.13353322

>poach an egg
>takes ages
>decide to add egg to noodles
>yolk is solid after 1 blink

I just wanted runny egg