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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13349045 No.13349045 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Steel Reserve

>> No.13349055

Sir this is a Heineken board, we're gonna have to kindly ask you to leave.

>> No.13349060
File: 483 KB, 1162x850, 0B81229D-6515-4B18-A260-A55FA479A4E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s gold reserve

>> No.13349063

I accidentally smashed my tv while drunk yesterday FUUUCK

>> No.13349067

>having a tv
ok boomer

>> No.13349209

Thats the worst bear I've ever had.

>> No.13349231

watchu know bout dat?
prolly nuthin

>> No.13349238


>> No.13349257

Probably a whole lot.

>> No.13349267


>> No.13349300

Literally using it to chase vodka at the moment.

>> No.13349411

What medicine is that, I can't make it out.

>> No.13349440

Today marks my 12th day of being on the wagon. I know I’ll slip up eventually once I reunite with some old friends or whatever and you better believe it’s going to be with some steel reserve

>> No.13350148
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Hey eggy looking forward to your next stream

>> No.13350161

After watching my older alcoholic brother pound those things 24/7 for years, I just can't

>> No.13350346
File: 34 KB, 250x659, camo_silver_ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks the path* of the most limp-wristed pansy 'malt liquor' of all time. Try and become a man op.

>> No.13350363

good luck with the next 10 years of your life if you're going to drink that garbage everyday

>> No.13350385

that literally used to be my drink of choice on a day off because i could get it for like $1.64 a can but some wires got crossed and now even smelling it makes me want to vomit

>> No.13350543
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Drinking this atm, basically a steel reserve equivilant. 8 percent and tastes like ass. Btw, been here since 2011, i really miss /alc/ threads on ck, they were a great place to vent alcoholism related feels. fuck whoever decided they arent allowed anymore..it seems like more and more people are going out of there way to ban shit they dont like. imagine being someone who gets on the internet and removes speech because it hurts his feelings. if thats you, please catch aids and die faggot, you fucking faggots

>> No.13350569

Yep. Al/ck/ was a containment thread. The kike jannies that started banning them only made this board worse. Funny how they allow 20 fast food threads to be up at the same time, but a single thread about what alcoholic drink people are having gets nuked.

>> No.13350572
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>ok boomer

>> No.13350581
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This shit literally tastes like poison

>> No.13350591

Can't have a steel reserve post without that video. God bless.

>> No.13350596

Based. Stomachs fucked from drinking 8 tall boys of bud ice earlier tonight, woke up with my gut hurting, as per usual, having another one as we speak

>> No.13350656

>extra smooth taste

>> No.13350702

It is very sour and bitter in a gross way instead of hoppy. Feels kinda like when you swallow after throwing up.

>> No.13350822






>> No.13350867

For me it's Olde English > Colt45 > Cobra > Hurricane > Steel Reserve.

It's really the worst, intended to get homeless people drunk with street change so they can fall asleep in the cold and noisey parking lots, their only comfort the warmth of gasoline flavored alcohol in their tum tums.

For me I say get the extra 90 cents and get Olde English. It's delicious.

>> No.13351370
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BASED Frank!

>> No.13351416

That shit along with Natty daddys are literally poison, this is a dangerous meme. Drink literally anything else but these toxic brews and be kind to your body.

>> No.13351447
File: 113 KB, 1536x1536, 100122_St-Ides-40oz-1183L-82-Vol_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why if you're poor why you wouldn't just drink the ambrosia known as St. Ides if you choose malt liquor.

>> No.13351472

Steel reserve now comes in plastic bottles with a wide mouth. You can drink them quicker and if you drop one, the bottle won't shatter.

>> No.13351530

Sidewalk slammer

1 40oz steel reserve
1 sparks

Chug 40 down to the label, add sparks or other like beverage to top and drink.

>> No.13351548


>> No.13351549

Why would you want BPA plastic over a glass bottle anyway? Also Mr. advertising man, your product tastes like ass and makes me want to puke, rarely does any booze do that so I take it as a bad sign. I rather drink those cheap ass hurricane cans than force myself to drink your disgusting swill.

>> No.13353624
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for me it's french root beer

>> No.13354782

My store doesn't have em much anymore so now I'm mostly drinking St.Ides. sucks

>> No.13354861

I don't even know where to find this shit. Never seen it in Ohio.

>> No.13354887

Lmao, top lad, would drink steel reserve with

>> No.13354891

Does this taste better than a brass monkey?

>> No.13354897

I used to mix Oliet Bang's with Popov. I called it an Oliet Popov.

>> No.13354913

Heineken is garbage

>> No.13354918


>Olde English


>> No.13354973
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>> No.13354982

Excellent rankings. OE800 is the goat. Personally I would place hg hurricanes over cobras though. Just wish they would bring back the glass bottles!

>> No.13355015
File: 2.56 MB, 3024x4032, IMAG0444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's knee grow modelo

>> No.13355053

it's not beer it's malt liqour you retard

>> No.13355069

It is. The colder it is the better it tastes.

And then there's the based brass monkey, a combo so drinkable it should be illegal.

>> No.13355079

the worst headache I've had in the morning is after I smoked a few black and milds and drank a steel reserve. It sucks so fucking much.

>> No.13355084


I'll stick to Coors banquets and Budweisers. Olde English comes in shitty plastic bottles now.

>> No.13355113

I know exactly what you mean.

I think it's the black and milds. For some reason they encourage vicious hangovers that kick in before I even go to sleep.

>> No.13355273
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>> No.13355274


>> No.13355539
File: 21 KB, 350x350, RED-HORSE-BEER-CAN-500ML.jpg_350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its Red Horse Beer 8% alcohol by volume.

>> No.13355556

I'm not a shill. I just prefer these plastic wide mouth shits because I tend to drop and spill my brew after getting properly wasted while the wide mouth bottles are easier to chug. And both St. Ides and Steel Reserve taste equally disgusting but they will do the job.

>> No.13355593

Literally only seen Heineken on this board once.

>> No.13355619

it's basically wine at that point, wave goodbye to your liver

>> No.13357013

Incredibly kafkaesque

>> No.13357230

Earthquake is superior.

>> No.13357237
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For me? It's whomever's beer is in the fridge at the party

>> No.13357616

I wish I could find em but no one stocks them anymore :(

>> No.13357625

That sucks. In my area they sell for 1.30ish, while the Steel goes for almost 2.00.

>> No.13357683

You're that thieving trashfag who doesn't byob

I'm not inviting you to my next party cockbreath

>> No.13357731
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If i'm not there, then no one will be there, remember?

>> No.13357738

My liver is fine bro

>> No.13357855

Hell no, shit tastes like stomach acid.

>> No.13357899

11 months sober and i do not miss this shit

>> No.13358783
File: 10 KB, 142x400, micks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get stung, mutherfucker.

>> No.13358848
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itt: cringe

>> No.13358874
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For me, it's Banana Bread Beer by Eagle Brewery

>> No.13358891


>> No.13358906

*Stumbles and collapses unconscious*

>> No.13359642

If you mention the brewery the beer is gay

>> No.13360222
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>> No.13360393

>Malt liquor
What a fucking nigger..... but yeah...

>> No.13360911
File: 6 KB, 285x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just broke up with my GF, been drinking 3 42ozs of steelies a night. What should I graduate to next?

>> No.13360926

straight vodka

>> No.13360935

Should I just go down the plastic bottle route for vodka and stock up on Hungry Man dinners?

>> No.13361639

Get fucking members mark from Sam's

>> No.13361662

some1 drinking shit 8+ percent malt liquor doesn't give any fucks about bpa or their body, if they did they wouldn't be drinking that garbage.

>> No.13361679

it doesn't become true self loathing behavior until you're drinking gin straight from the plastic bottle

>> No.13361702
File: 7 KB, 225x225, twistedtea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like twisted tea. It's smooth, 5% alcohol, doesn't make you sleepy, a good day drinker or anytime drinker, and visibly can pass for non alcoholic tear by appearance to the uninformed.

>> No.13361724

Fuckin yesterday at 7:30 in the fucking morning some dude holding two open steel reserves approached me and said "Hey excuse me sir do you know where I can find some crack??"

>> No.13361880

and then everybody clapped