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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 645x712, 1573104797794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13348661 No.13348661 [Reply] [Original]

been dating an Asian girl because I can't get a regular one.

is it common amongst Asians to leave the butter on the counter or in the pantry as opposed to the fridge?

cos that literally what she does and I find it kind of weird

>> No.13348665

Well maybe try asking her why she leaves it out then? Fucking mong

>> No.13348677

Everyone does that. I can't believe I'm responding to this bait.

>> No.13348687

never gonna make it
10 to 1 you break up within two weeks

>> No.13348691

I do it. I always have a stick of butter on the counter. It'll be fine for a week or two depending on the temperature of your house.

>> No.13348726

>eating cold butter

>> No.13348755
File: 40 KB, 800x640, butter dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, I...

>> No.13348769

No one but boomers and third worlders do that. That shit is disgusting and unsanitary

>> No.13348788

No I don’t do that but my girlfriend and her family does. It’s fucking stupid and subculture. Just keep it in the damn fridge

>> No.13348798


>> No.13348814

How the fuck do you guys spread your butter if it's from straight out of the fridge?

>> No.13348820

>tfw dating an asian boy because I can't even get an asian girl
count your blessings you have someone who uses butter for cooking rather than lubricant

>> No.13348828

you put it in the microwave to heat it up a little

>> No.13348849
File: 127 KB, 532x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving butter out
if it's out in the open then that's disgusting
if it's at least in something like pic related then it's reasonable assuming that you go through the thing in a relatively decent amount of time and you wash the damn container. Being able to go through a stick in a decent amount of time is good too so it isn't just sitting out for ages

It isn't really an Asian thing either though since plenty of other people do it

>> No.13348860

This isn't unreasonable because the biological process by which butter goes bad is different from and takes much longer than the process that breaks down other foods

>> No.13348873

butter is shelf stable, there's no need to keep it in the fridge unless it gets really hot inside where you live, or it's gonna take you three weeks to get through a stick of butter.
It's almost entirely fat. would you keep a bottle of vegetable oil in the fridge?

>> No.13348874

Do you never spread butter? Or are you just low iq? Cause it's one of those two.

>> No.13348876

you do this EVERY time? the whole block? wtf that's so fucking stupid. Spreading butter stays on the counter (a smaller amount ideally in a covered butter dish thingee). Cooking butter stays in the fridge (or freezer if you have a lot and want to keep it long)

>> No.13348879


>> No.13348894

that isn't a real Asian -- you've been gypped

>> No.13348931

>is it common amongst Asians to leave the butter on the counter or in the pantry as opposed to the fridge?
Covered or uncovered? Uncovered is basically a petri dish, and just someone who has never had any microbiology class.

It's common among people who finish a whole stick of butter in a day, and from any culture that isn't American. There are people who takeit out of the fridge for a while because they simply can't spread it on the toast hard and cold. It's impossible for them.

But, I live in Florida, and no I don't leave it out, even though I keep my A/C on 74F, it can be melted in the dish like a puddle within 2 hours. And, I sorry dairy can spoil, and optimum freshness is in the fridge. I don't have a daily toast mood, and I don't go through sticks daily. I have zero issues shaving off nice slices with my knife work, but nothing is preventing you from warming the butter a few minutes on the counter, or some quick microwave at 50% power for like 10 seconds.

>> No.13349035
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>been dating an Asian girl because I can't get a regular one.
nice LARP
go back to crystal.cafe, you miserable roastie.

>> No.13349291

Well gay retard. everyone does that.. well I dont but its super common to butter toast people. Also a thread was killed for this stupid question you gay retard.

>> No.13349308

There is literally no response. Leaving butter out is fine. It's either retards or bait.

>> No.13349569

Swing a lot of answers about people don't putting butter in the fridge.
I don't know if I am being memed, because I always assumed everyone out bitter in the fridge

>> No.13349599

Look at the way he used the word subculture, it's obviously the latter

>> No.13349601

I’m Irish and people do that here too especially big families. Because a) people eat so much of it that it will all be gone before it goes bad and b) keeps it spreadable.

I live alone though so I cut each block into thirds and have only part of it out at any given time.

>> No.13349638

You guys like mexicans? I'm looking for a honeymoon spot and the emerald isle seems choice.

>> No.13349652

I have a butter dish and leave in on the counter, one stick at a time. Never had a problem.

>> No.13350243


>> No.13350277

>would you keep a bottle of vegetable oil in the fridge?
...yes? Is this weird or something?

>> No.13350285

take it out before you need it are you lacking executive functions?

>> No.13350293

Definitely weird.

>> No.13350849

>been dating an Asian girl because I can't get a regular one
The absolute state of rice burners

>> No.13350959
File: 16 KB, 600x395, 02BURNER-DISH-articleLarge-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it common amongst Asians to leave the butter on the counter or in the pantry as opposed to the fridge?
It's common for English to do it, who wants to rip a hole in their bread trying to spread cold butter?

>> No.13351135

>can't get a regular one
Why would you even want to?

>> No.13351140

Nigga, if she leaves it in a butter holder it's fine. Fat doesn't really go bad unless you let spores get on it. Leaving butter in the fridge that is only partially covered is disgusting and will pick up all the smells of your fridge.

>> No.13351143

Yes, that is weird. Your oil must be so slow and hard to pour

>> No.13351186

>can't get a regular one
what does this racist nigga mean by this?

please don't tell me he is literally implying white/non-ethnic girls are the standard

>> No.13351234

Its because americans wash their butter so it removes the protecive outer lining.

>> No.13351317
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1503005483184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live in a hot shithole and im trying to spread refrigerated butter because if I left it out it would melt in literally 10 minutes

>> No.13351323


Look it up, butter will get poisonous when you leave it out. Some temperature induced chemical reaction.

>Amerilards don't learn this is chemistry class in middle school

>> No.13351493

how's the sex?

>> No.13351506

I use to leave butter in the fridge until I seriously started cooking.
Microwaving works but its a hassle imo.

>> No.13351518

Nice bait

>> No.13351547

Butter is made of milk, it is not going to soften in a few minutes unless you live in some hell scape.
I could literally leave butter on the counter for an hour and it wouldn't be ready.

It's fat and salt, butter is literally used to preserve meat for use without refrigeration. Potted beef.

>> No.13351576

>Why yes! I do enjoy the taste of vomit on my morning toast!
Fucking americans I swear to god.

>> No.13351603

>Yuro butter tastes like vomit
My condolences.

>> No.13351605

Asians don't use butter

>> No.13351612

...Do you seriously not know?
If you leave it out you get butyric acid forming.
Aka the same stuff that you find in American chocolate (and vomit).
Then again. Hershes is popular over there so maybe you enjoy that taste.

>> No.13351661

>butyric acid
Today I learned that yuropoors buy butter that's on the verge of going rancid. Yikes!

>> No.13351668

Butter left out is normal, why the fuck do threads like these even exist? I love how you can get banned for the cutest shitpost but these mentally retarded OPs exist

>> No.13351680


Venezuelans and Guyanese do that shit too. They eat butter from a metal tin and leave it out. They swear by it but it tastes like shit.

>> No.13351691

Asians do shit that is so much weirder
Keep butter in a butter bell, it stays room temp and the water shields it from bacteria

Room temp butter is vastly superior

>> No.13351698

Buy her a butter bell.

>> No.13351892
File: 15 KB, 467x312, vajtarto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard as fuck butter
it is counter productive not to keep it out on the counter :^)

>> No.13351901
File: 1.13 MB, 779x870, 1553516726199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cut cold butter into little slices and then throw it into the fridge in a container. then when i need some, it's easy to grab one or two pieces and didnt need to dirty a knife

>> No.13352347

Better than leaving it in the stick, but you can't spread cold butter.

>> No.13352353

my mom's second generation irish american white trash and she leaves butter out open on the table. it's a retard thing.

>> No.13352377

My wife is Chinese. She doesn’t use butter but she does leave cooking ingredients on the counter after taking them from the fridge to use them. Also she’s very superstitious and forces me to eat weird herbal remedies every time I tell her I don’t feel well

>> No.13352391

keeping it on the counter is 'counter' productive

>> No.13352619

i used a spreadable lower fat butter. the cold butter is for cooking.

>> No.13352865

I thought it was a European thing. Also I didn't read the thread yet and you guys probably came to this consensus already.

>> No.13352917

>spreadable butter

I got some bad news for you, chief.
They just add vegetable oil or rapeseed oil to make it softer. That's not butter, it's just amalgamated fats and additives. It's called Butter "Spread".

>> No.13352953
File: 92 KB, 189x190, 1559921006487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't whip his own butter

>> No.13352957

She's trying to get you to throw it out. Dairy makes Asian girls' tummys feel funny, but you'd know that if you'd ever had sex.

>> No.13353052
File: 52 KB, 529x579, itt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been dating an Asian girl because I can't get a regular one.

>> No.13353177
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 6D02F2EE-CC7B-4AF7-9857-486C6A175E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been dating an Asian girl because I can't get a regular one.

>> No.13353303
File: 889 KB, 1852x912, butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grew up white
senpai always had a butter tray
low effort b8

>> No.13353310

wtf I said senpai not senpai

>> No.13353325

What the fuck is a senpai? Go back to Plebbit immediately

>> No.13353373

baka desu senpai

>> No.13353600
File: 53 KB, 800x498, 1551758902333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13354036

>Just keep it in the damn fridge

>> No.13354040

It's normal actually. Cold butter is useless for some things and useful for others.

>> No.13354051

>be australian
>leave butter out
>it melts

>> No.13354057

I'm a white Chad and my current gf is Chinese. We've been together a year and she's way better than any white girl I ever dated. She was a virgin when I met her, cooks for me, is feminine and reliant, and respects traditional gender norms. Idgaf if it's considered dating down to boomers and roasties, I'd never date another dumb white bitch after seeing what Asian women are like.

>> No.13354105

>She was a virgin when I met her
>he actually believes this

>> No.13354116

My family is white and we fucking do that. Why should I fucking wait for butter to thaw for my fucking toast or english muffin?

>> No.13354146

>blood during the first time and couldn't walk the next day

Yes, I do.

>> No.13355740

"Beating your meat" is supposed to be metaphorical

>> No.13355805

>inb4 triggered white roasties and stormers throw a bitchfit

>> No.13355811

yeah don't they used minimal if at all any dairy?

>> No.13355850

Butter in the fridge is a meme just like tomatoes or eggs in the fridge.

What is it with the disproportionately high influx of retards on /ck/ all of a sudden? This board was still perfectly fine just a year ago, with only the McChicken meme and Jack-posting being around. Now there are certified low IQ retards making mind-numbing threads left and right.

Seriously, I want to know. Was 4chink raided, did some major site go down and all those retards flooded this place?

>> No.13355916

>choosing the most inferior brand of mongoloid to be your gf
At least you could have settled for a nip, gook, or lbfm

>> No.13356900

Koreans are too plastic. I agree that Japanese are cuter but their culture is disturbing. And Chinese are definitely superior to any jungle Asians

>> No.13356995


>> No.13357038
File: 19 KB, 306x346, 33E4495E00000578-3576790-image-a-32_1462533583176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's common among people who finish a whole stick of butter in a day

>> No.13357132

how do you eat brick butter?

>> No.13357151

>is it common amongst Asians to leave the butter on the counter or in the pantry as opposed to the fridge?

butter is fine being left out you sperg

>> No.13357171

>I can't get a regular one.
Kek is Asian poon like the budget version of a car?
>ming Lee has cloth seats and no backup cameras, but you'll still coooom

>> No.13357273
File: 20 KB, 400x400, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I freeze my butter but am 6'8

>> No.13358142

>Japanese are cuter but their culture is disturbing
>Japanese culture is more disturbing than Chinese culture

>> No.13358216

thats a step up for someone like yourself, don't act like its a step down

>> No.13358224

My family is from Normandy, land of the butter and they don’t always put in fridge. We also have this little glass jar specifically made for butter.

>> No.13358229

Third worlders have more reasons to keep it in a fridge, retard.

>> No.13358233

don't you have some escalator to go die onto?

>> No.13358425

Nigga, third worlders don’t have access to a fridge.

>> No.13358478

Not sure why there are replies past these posts

>> No.13358510

One of them only has one reply and that's you you fucking gypsy

>> No.13358516

you don't refrigerate butter, you fucking mong.

>> No.13358552

>muh one /b/ gore thread webm
You go girl! :XDDD!

>> No.13358808
File: 132 KB, 600x600, Utena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third worlders

>> No.13358913

>Eggs not in the fridge
What the actual fuck

>> No.13359984

ah he’s already been lobotomized by a stray tire I can see

>> No.13360055


>> No.13360073

>leave butter on the counter
Aren't they worried about butter flies?

>> No.13360091

Butter is fine if you leave it out, it's just fat. As long as it's used up before it goes rancid.

>> No.13360118
File: 301 KB, 923x346, bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter bell my dude.

>> No.13360142

if that was the case then why do almost every american have access to fridges

>> No.13360157

If you make toast for breakfast for the family, then sandwiches for both kids for school and maybe another for a work lunch, then that stick gets used up very quickly.

>> No.13360163

>why do almost every american

>> No.13360171
File: 131 KB, 793x645, 1506817400146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh sweetie, everyone does that....

i leave mine out for over a month and its still fine...how do you americans spread cold butter??

>> No.13360179
File: 17 KB, 400x198, Byford_Dolphin_Accident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not falling for that again.

>> No.13360242

Umm you are a subhuman or sheltered dude.
How do you like smooshing hard butter blocks into your toast? Do you smoosh blocks into all foods you eat? Or do you just not use butter for anything other than to melt into pans......?

>> No.13360248

I guess you better keep your canola oil in there too right? What about syrup? How about that peanut butter? Do you refrigerate your salt and pepper too?

Ok ok ok. On a real note, you all SHOULD be refrigerating your stale chips/cereal coz it'll make it crunchy n good again.

>> No.13360253

Holy shit you know how a microwave works right? So your admiting your not a cook then right? Coz you don't understand how butter melted from the inside out is way less helpful or usefull than a consistent soft butter? So you just don't bake then right? Maybe you don't know how to bake and your whining about how you don't like soft butter in your Mac n cheese pack.

>> No.13360256

It's an American thing. Like corn syrup. You won't find that outside of America.

>> No.13360382

Seconding that "Nigger", nigger.

>> No.13360440

There's no need to refrigerate butter.

>> No.13361640

t. had no idea of how real life asian societies work

>> No.13361910

>leave butter out
>10min later it's a puddle of yellow liquid infested with maggots.

>> No.13361915

that's Chinese you're thinking of.
Korean cuisine is literally just pork, kimchi and mountains of cheese covered in hot sauce.
Japanese fucking love cheese, butter and milk. Every Japanese child is required to drink a carton of milk a day at school. When I was a teacher there I only ever met 2 kids who couldn't drink milk out of the thousands of kids I taught.

>> No.13361992

it gets too hard to spread/mix and goes moldy if you leave it in the fridge you fucking double nigger

>> No.13362000

How is it weird?
Salted butter was basically invented so you can store butter at room temp for longer periods.

>> No.13362216

that's fourth worlders. Third worlders have fridges and Iphone7+ these days

>> No.13362251

do you literally live in the sahara

>> No.13362385

I actually don't spread butter on anything. I think I might use a lot less butter than everyone else.

>> No.13362447

maggots dont live in the sahara i swear

>> No.13362509

Australia, my dude.
cant even leave a pizza out for 5min or it gets infested with maggots

>> No.13362939

>No ur wrong

>> No.13362967

>because I can't get a regular one.
I feel bad for your girlfriend

>> No.13362994

If you're gonna use the butter soon/fast it's much easier to cut it if it's at room temperature.

It'll take a little longer to spoil than most foods because it's just a step away from oil

>> No.13362996

All those peoples are lactose intolerant but the thing is, it hits you at adult-hood.
Very few children are lactose intolerant.
The milk box meme is alive and well in China too.

>> No.13363004

I feel much worse for OP 2bh but at least he knows he has to improve. We're all gonna make it someday

>> No.13363015

If you're going to be racist towards Asians why date an Asian girl to begin with? What good could possibly come out of it for either partner?

>> No.13363092

for sex fucking retards itt

>> No.13363095

what is wrong with you

>> No.13363097

Why do you refrigerate your butter? I don’t leave an entire pound out but I do leave a quarter pound out.

>> No.13363120

This + blowjobs

>> No.13363145

Then buy a prostitute. You don't need a "girlfriend" who you genetically look down on for that.

>> No.13363160

Not all Asians are short you racist

>> No.13363448

Leaving block butter out is common enough. It's more spreadable when it's warm. Be sure to eat lots of butter though, it probably won't keep long

>> No.13364041

Yeah but if they keep drinking milk they’re going to grow taller and eventually that lactose intolerance thing will go away. Just look at the Dinkas of Sudan. They’re tall as shit because they have herds of cattle and none of them are lactose intolerant

>> No.13364485

That is actually pretty smart. I think I'll try that.

>> No.13364731

They're the golden standard anon