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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13345850 No.13345850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do you take your tinder dates for dining /ck/?

>> No.13345854

I'd take her to White Castle, and then leave as she went to order.

>> No.13345858

Wow what a unique tattoo

>> No.13345870

These tattoos are like deli meat saying

>> No.13345871

have sex

>> No.13345886

Some men love tattoos. Usually ones that have them. I guarantee your an incel based on your comment however.

>> No.13345896

Tatted up whores detected. Learn how to better spend your money. Also, not even worth driving to White Castle to leave your asses there.

>> No.13345898

Oh sorry that chest piece is suuuuper original. No ones ever gotten birds around a heart on their chest

>> No.13345905

Please, for the safety of everyone around you, have sex ASAP.

>> No.13345916

>have sex
>Please, for the safety of everyone around you, have sex ASAP.
Sorry to disappoint you chosen ones, this goy is married with 3 kids. I don’t even want sex, it’s like a fucking burden. Good effort, though.

>> No.13345917
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Not interested. Tats are a huge turn off to more normal people. White Castle.

>> No.13345921

Look how fast God’s chosen spring into action

>> No.13345923

He has surpassed the incel stage
Everyone look out, we got a wizard in our midst

>> No.13345968

This is unsolicited, but if you are persistent with flawed women who believe they’re ugly and if you can make them believe you’re a powerful force in the world, a force who is inexplicably blind to the fact that they’re not 10/10, perhaps due to a brain defect or something, whatever, then you can probably snag one that way. You do have to look to be capable of winning a fight and show some fiery temper about once a month, though. So hit the gym and every now and again when some faggot pauses 5 seconds after the green turn arrow to start his left turn, give them a good 7 second horn and yell at them. If you don’t demonstrate from time to time you are kind of a world combatant, they will find one that is. Sounds gay but is true which is why I barely enjoy fucking them anymore, it’s just all so fake, even when it’s real.

>> No.13345973

Yeah but how do I get a tiny asian with big boobies

>> No.13345974

I'm greatly confused after trying to read that.

>> No.13345975

I take no dates anywhere because
1)I'm not into that and
2)because I'm already in a garbage marriage

>> No.13345976

Date? Is that what you call it? Just turn around and show her your purple rectum that has been abused and say "Up for some?"

>> No.13345979

This is the way
About what?

>> No.13345986

That just sounds like you're trying to avoid showing your frail masculinity by being an angry douche though.

>> No.13345996

It's like reading 160 random words in a dictionary and placing them in a crossword puzzle and trying to arrange a statement out of them.

>> No.13346008

I’m way outside my element right now but I’ll do my best. What is a tiny Asian with tiny boobs most afraid of? No, you’re not getting the big boobies ones, they’re taken. They’re afraid of just about everything and they have to fake it 24/7 and that shit is tiring as fuck. If they just had some person who
>for some fucking reason
thought they were 10/10 AND is unstable enough to defend them (they would never defend anybody, ever), so really the concept of defense and instability goes hand in hand, then maybe they could just
>relax, really relax
for just a bit of time here and there. Before you know it, that’s it, you’re together. The problem with the setup is you always have to act like you’re in the mob, forget about sharing work stress, or your life expectations, etc, you are stoic 24/7 or she feels like you’re having a mental breakdown. Sorry, lads, that’s how it works, Gods chosen in 3! 2, 1...

>> No.13346015

>That just sounds like
Fuck off faggot
Common core, everyone

>> No.13346024

Maybe instead of common core, it's just your piss-poor ability to speak english.

>> No.13346028

Perhaps, can you point out exactly what confused you?

>> No.13346040

>5 commas before the first period
>raging about traffic when who even mentioned being stuck behind a person at a green light?
Maybe I am retarded, but you have to be close.

>> No.13346044

Wine. Wine from a box. In a park near a train station.

>> No.13346050

>So hit the gym
Probably something you have never done, so I understand why you are confused.

>and every now and again when some faggot pauses 5 seconds after the green turn arrow to start his left turn, give them a good 7 second horn and yell at them.
This means when some faggot is being rude and it affects you, and therefore your companion as well, instead of being some pussy, you speak up, or in this case honk. HOW DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND

>> No.13346053

Tatts are pure cringe. We don't live in a tribal world anymore. Only ever acceptable if you're a gang member or part of the military which is just a national level gang.

>> No.13346057

Imagine just repeating things you’ve heard other people say

>> No.13346061

Based and extremely redpilled

>> No.13346078

Lay off the meth bro

>> No.13346080
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>tattooed women

>> No.13346081

>using tinder

>> No.13346083

So you're just an autist then, Thanks. No need for me to try to understand your mental diarrhea.

>> No.13346089

>whoa bro
>this thing you’re saying that I don’t like
>I don’t understand it
>but I do understand I don’t like it
good for you faggot, fuck off and never return

>> No.13346099

I can deal with tats and piercings and shitty makeup, but girls who vape are just not anything I'm interested in. I'd also never use tinder.

>> No.13346106

Imagine being so butthurt about someone not liking tattooed women. Did you marry a carnival freak or something?

>> No.13346119

Imagine being degenerate trash. Oh, right, you don't have to, and we all know it. Thanks for branding yourself so we all know, not that we couldn't tell in the first place.

>> No.13346136

She is the carnival daemon anon, it's an ugly mirror

>> No.13346141

Well it's only tuesday and I've already been banned once this week. So I'm going to take about 8 shots and forget about this thread.

>> No.13346172

post ruminations after six shots plz

>> No.13346182

Best places to go are bars that do small plates like tapas. That way you can easily get the girl drunk and not be too full to fuck later.

>> No.13346199

what the fuck is a tinder date?

>> No.13346223

It's an app that people use for casual dating followed by putting your erect penis into a woman's orifices. As long as you are not retarded or horribly unattractive 90% of dates result in coitus.

>> No.13346225

i am retarded and horribly unattractive, will my date result in coitus?

>> No.13346231

You might be better off with the caveman approach.

>> No.13346265

Not things I've heard people say. Just my own perception of the tattoo community in my country where 99% of the people who have them are turbo wageslaves with nothing going on in their life. I think tattoos are acceptable in a war-monging community but not when you're an accountant.

>> No.13346328


>> No.13346332

>tinder dates
You're doing it wrong. The only thing she should be feasting on is your dick.

>> No.13346337

A woman with tattoos is like an old abandoned building covered in graffiti:
>They look like shit
>They're far too easy to get inside
>They're usually full of hazardous materials.

>> No.13346365

Endless homophobia, racism and transphobia without a peep, but insult the eternal roastie and the roastie defense force is called to action within minutes. God I hate females and their enablers.

>> No.13346391

i only fuck other white dudes. fuck women and niggers. thank you.

>> No.13346394

If your date is her, fast food then back to your place for sex, you could prob even skip eating.

>> No.13346408

Ofcourse its fake, women are driven by their biology to find an intimidating man who has a soft spot for her, someone who has high status in their community, someone who can protect a future family, someone who can make her feel secure etc, etc. Different women go for different things, It might be money is the easiest indicator but some women find status in different things, it isnt always about money and protection. The fact that you are good at a certain game if she loves games could give you high status in her eyes.

>> No.13347101
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Because homophobia, racism and transphobia are normal responses to degeneracy. Failed males crying over pussy is unnatural and degenerate. You weaklings need to be shamed into silence.

>> No.13347216

>"Original" test tattoo


>> No.13347231

t. degenerate

>> No.13347236


big yikes