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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 727x409, Lavin-Eighteenth-Century-Custard-Recipe-Enraged-Trump-Supporters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13341450 No.13341450 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ watch Jon Townsend? He's one of my favorite youtubers, even though most of the recipes aren't that appealing now it's still fascinating to see how things were done.

>> No.13341452

I think the people of those times had horrid tastes, but the show is interesting

>> No.13341466

Yes. People here don't generally make threads about him, but sometimes he shows up in threads about youtubers in general.

>> No.13341468

>Does /ck/ watch Jon Townsend? He's one of my favorite youtubers, even though most of the recipes aren't that appealing now it's still fascinating to see how things were done.
Indeed it is fascinating.
I used to enjoy the Frugal Gourmet (I'm old) for his overzealous enjoyment of how other cultures did food, and the past too. He was part philosophical or theological, anthropological (Alton has some of that when Shirley Corrihor guested), and always just a way to make things seem simple and worth trying. He had "A Colonial Christmas with Friends" that was comfy gold. Whether you can imagine the first ice cream specialness, all soft and not even frozen through, peanut soup outrageousness, or Jefferson serving the first pasta in America, it's entertaining. When you go to Colonial Williamsburg (if you haven't), there's a lot of focus on the recipes in what is obviously a grueling, hard working or otherwise kind of boring tour of houses, farmsteads, and blacksmithery kind of things. It's amazing they got any time for celebrations given the hardships, that's for sure.

>> No.13341472
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>> No.13341473

There’s a reason for that.

>> No.13341480
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Ohh, found a good article

There's that enthusiasm! RIP Jeff.

>> No.13341494
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>> No.13341495

Why is that? I honestly dont pay much attention to youtuber threads on /ck/.

>> No.13341503

Bunch of tards here took his orange fool recipe as a slight against their waifu, and began spamming the shit out of this board. His YouTube channel too, since he made an episode saying that he's not wanting to make this about politics and will cancel the show if he keeps getting harassed. 4chan fags have ended people's YouTube channels in the past.

>> No.13341509

That’s not true, as usual it just the left spamming because they don’t have anything else

>> No.13341515

It was actually the leftists false flagging.

>> No.13341690

Leftists were too busy laughing. And everyone has seen how easily Turmp fans get upset.

All politics aside it's a really interesting channel even if the recipes are usually bland and have too much nutmeg.

>> No.13341941

I used to but I've really lost my interest and passion for history in the last three years.

>> No.13341952

Sometimes. It’s usually interesting to watch, but very rarely does he cook something I seriously want to try making myself.

>> No.13341965

I’ve personally only had a growing interest in history in the face of the left trying to destroy it.

>> No.13341989

Theres no way he didnt know

>> No.13341993

i wish i was his daughter uwu :3

>> No.13342012

I think my brain just switched from literature/history to maths at some point. History is still fun at times but it doesn't activate my almonds anymore

>> No.13342019

You sound like a brainlet desu

>> No.13342023

I was a die-hard fan and supporter until he saw fit to utilize his channel as a platform to advocate flagrant sedition. The man is clearly suffering from mental illness, and ought to be locked up before he or any of his lunatic followers feel emboldened to escalate their treasonous sentiment into acts of espionage.

>> No.13342032

Math majors are the highest iq of all graduates.

>> No.13342033

Sure but not you

>> No.13342036
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>> No.13342056

Then why would they major in math

>> No.13342316

In what way do you think the left is trying to destroy history?

>> No.13342430
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>you will never taste her dairy

>> No.13342436
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>she will never churn butter for you

>> No.13342442

What do you mean how, they are revising history to reflect political correctness and inclusivity/diversity

>> No.13342449

King George is a tyrant you damn loyalist! I’ll tar and feather you for that!

>> No.13342452

We wuz colonials an shit

>> No.13342604

>Townsend's and Wife's Son

>> No.13342620

looks like a boy. disgusting

>> No.13342718

High IQ doesn't mean you make good decisions.

>> No.13342738

This. The civil war was about States Rights and liberals have been trying to say for YEARS that slavery had something to do with it.

>> No.13342794

It happens to a lot of big education channels. They exhaust the surface level stuff that drags in those with a casual interest and the videos either become increasingly obscure or they rehash stuff they already covered in 2010. Seems like he's started to ration out his recipe videos.

>> No.13342826

even hotter

>> No.13343031

Have any examples to give?

>> No.13343042

It was the right to have slaves that was one of the main rights they were fighting for.

>> No.13343115

I made his union ring, fried chicken, and molasses barbecue sauce recipes and they were all good

>> No.13343143

It was the right to secede that they were fighting for. The main reason they wanted to secede was the campaign against slavery, but they would have been happy to simply secede and fight no war.

>> No.13343156
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Nothing is more satisfying than watching you idiot conservatards struggle to justify oppressing other people. You absolutely know people are just letting you get away with what you shouldn't and it won't last forever. Enjoy your power and control while it lasts.

I'd bet money irl Townsend is one of those soft anti-gay bigots who says he's fine with gay people but "believes marriage is between one man and a woman". He let the woman choose the anti-Trump dessert so he wouldn't draw suspicion that he's a far right fundie irl, which he definitely is. Why do you think he's so obsessed with the past? Because he supports progressive politics? Bullshit.

>> No.13343162

>t. drumfkins
sweaty it's 2019

>> No.13343206

>liberals have been trying to say for YEARS that slavery had something to do with it.
>the main reason they wanted to secede was the campaign against slavery
based liberal brainlet

>> No.13343460

you need to look up the definition of the word bigot.

>> No.13343484
File: 78 KB, 392x1024, 1564767389298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love is love
>We want to be treated equally!
but then
>Bake my cake bigot
>Wax my balls bigot
>If you say anything bad about me, you will be harassed, shunned, and fired
>Let me indoctrinate your kid bigot
>Let me molest your kid bigot

>> No.13343527

>Wax my balls bigot
Daily reminder that Yaniv lost the court cases, and has basically been flagged as a vexatious litigant for abusing the common law system of Canada and explicitly targeting minorities. Odds of him ever winning a frivolous court case in the future are near zero.
Ball status: unwaxed.

>> No.13343784

Yeah and keep their slaves, which is clearly amoral. It's still the same, a lot of people there think they should be able to use other humans as cattle just because they're coloured different. They deserved to have war waged on them fir such blatant amoral behavior.

>> No.13343794
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A channel fit for the Washingtons!

>> No.13343892

Comfiest channel desu

>> No.13343902

Haven’t tried the molasses bbq yet

>> No.13344164


I watch Townsends but I don't regard it as a cooking channel because frankly most of the recipes look disgusting. It's a history channel, and a pretty good one.

>> No.13344243

>h-heh, if I say historical facts are fake then they really never happened!
You magatard historical revisionists are always good for a laugh. Keep it up!

>> No.13344249

Didnt it also have something to do with the banking of the country as well? And the extension of the federal government across the US? I remember hearing some other big reasons for it but was never sure on how accurate they are

>> No.13344274

I can tell you're a leftist piece of shit

>> No.13344342

> frankly most of the recipes look disgusting
Name three.

>> No.13344367

roasted onion
orange fool
KFC or whatever the black guy made

>> No.13344672

>no way! Us redpilled magapedes never get upset when people make fun of Trump, ever! Anytime it looks like we are upset or anytime it seems like we are obnoxious killjoys you must know that it is just the left pretending to be us!
Lol imagine having no seld-awareness and blaming all your faults on others. This is why all politics should be banned from 4chan and contained on plebbit, where they belong. Even moot regretted making boards for whiney political circlejerks.

>> No.13344681

>food tastes bad because my cult buddies told me the name is making fun of my favorite president

>> No.13344735

>looks disgusting
>it tastes bad ...[faggoty shit]... president
you should try to work on your precision. it's unfair to everyone else for you to argue so clumsily, even on 4channel's food and cooking board

>> No.13344749

For me, it’s English Heritage


>> No.13344931

And I can tell you're a whiny snowflake.