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File: 130 KB, 810x445, Cows doing moo stuff over here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13338356 No.13338356 [Reply] [Original]

>Should i go vegan?

Everyone is telling me that im a monster for killing livestock to gain tasty food, and maybe they are right.
If techinacly i can survive eating vegies, fruits and shit like that why should i be eating animals?, they are telling me that all the ``exclusive`` proteins that meat gives can be found in other places, i dont know if its true but holy fuck they are making me question my livestyle.

>> No.13338362

vegans are gay LOL cope

>> No.13338375
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You should totally do it anon. If you're the sort one person to whom "technically surviving" sounds like a dream lifestyle, then you're the sort of self-loathing person that the vegan cult is looking for.

>> No.13338378

Actual vegan and not an falseflagging incel here. Fuck you op.

>> No.13338379

you must be weak OP to believe what some veggie fags tell you. have you tried eating more meat?

>> No.13338385

Just buy local meat. Animals are not worth thinking about, they would kill and eat you if they could.

>> No.13338618

Fuck what everyone wants you to do. You've got one life, have fun.

>> No.13338649

>Should i go vegan?
Yes, also donate all the money you spend on luxuries to charity instead and spend your free time volunteering.
>they are telling me that all the ``exclusive`` proteins that meat gives can be found in other places, i dont know if its true but holy fuck they are making me question my livestyle.
Billions of infants have been raised on soy formula, the stage of life with the strictest nutrient requirements ... so obviously we can replace every animal sourced nutrient.

>> No.13338716

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

>> No.13338742

unless you're eating nothing but meat constantly there is no benefit from reducing the amount of meat you eat, a varied diet is best despite what fad diets tell you.
and as far as morality goes, fact is, those animals being farmed only exist because we are creating them for consumption.
we're not abducting innocent cows with futures from their villages and torturing them, we're growing them in the same way we grow plants.

>> No.13338743
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>another vegan thread

>> No.13338747

tranny vegan communists run this whole web site now and it's all that and a serving of quorn

>> No.13338761

should you do it for ethical reasons? nah
should you do it for health reasons? maybe. just dont be a faggot and go on a high sodium vegan diet because then what is literally the point

>> No.13338773

it is very hard to stay healthy on an unnatural forced diet like vegan

not saying its impossible but you have to log to make sure you get every nutrient you need

there is also the option of eating less, but ethicaly sourced meat and eating fish

>> No.13338782

it's not, really. I eat 90% of my meals completely vegan, because i like pulses and lentils and shit. Once in a while, when i catch a fish worth keeping, i'll eat the fish with some veg. I've been doing this for years now, and my blood values are great. so nah, it's not such a big deal.

>> No.13338800

This. Buying meat from small farms isn’t nearly as bad as buying it from industrial slaughterhouses.

>> No.13338811

It's not "bad" at all, it's "good." Even a salty irrational vegan asshole can concede this.

>> No.13338965

Nah, murder is murder even if the animal didn't suffer in life, it doesn't mitigate the facts of the case of murder. Sorry carnist, you just can't win.

>> No.13338981

>not an falseflagging incel here
Sure you’re not an incel, we all believe you

>> No.13338990

We've discussed this, you have to grow up and have a better relationship with food. Cows and chickens are born to die and be eaten.

>> No.13339000

>Everyone is telling me that im a monster for killing livestock to gain tasty food
Fuck off, nobody is telling you that.

>> No.13339018
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>We’ve been over this.
Yeah, we've been over how you're wrong about this. Stop being a dishonest faggot and just accept you're not being morally forced to eat meat. It would be super-convenient if eating meat were actually the least harmful thing you could do since everyone knows meat is great for food and most vegans are malnourished and near death but obviously it isn't.
>The effects of corn and wheat harvest on abundance, movement, disappearance, sex ratio and age structure of Akodon azarae were studied in cropfield–border systems. Sampling occurred both before and after harvest, in crops, in their weedy margins (borders) and in surrounding areas. The abundance of A. azarae decreased in fields between before and after harvest and increased along borders. Rodents moved among habitat patches, movement being higher as a consequence of harvest. There was no difference among habitats in terms of disappearance and sex ratio but changes occurred in age structure because of harvest. In response to harvest A. azarae was able to move from crops to borders, decreasing the mortality effects. The ability to respond to habitat changes allows A. azarae to maximize fitness in periodically disturbed habitats.
tl;dr mice don't just sit there and let themselves get murdered by grain harvesters. They, believe it or not, MOVE to safer locations. Population of rodents decreases in the harvested area and increases along the borders of that area, resulting in a net population without significant change.

>> No.13339194

Not to mention animals have to eat plants one way or another, and those need to be harvested too. Except the cows need to eat between 7-15 lbs of plants to grow 1lb (depending on the plant matter used as feed), meaning many times more harvesting deaths.

>> No.13339270
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It also has lots of health benefits.

>> No.13339294
File: 18 KB, 225x350, 1f713bccd18ace7a0101eca7e8a68cb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mechanical harvesting
I was just wondering about the impact of vitamin and amino acid deficiencies on the brain. Thanks based retardanon!

>> No.13339309

Don't be a full retard and adopt a vegetarian or Mediterranean diet. Eat a majority of fresh leafy greens, grains, olive oil, then small amounts of dairy, eggs and lean red meat. Literally the healthiest diet available apart from maybe some Japanese diets.

>> No.13339341
File: 129 KB, 1200x630, W-M11093-00-cow-cattle-cornstalks-grazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference is the types of fodder used, it's far more sustainable to grow hay for cattle than it is to grow most vegetables
soybeans have their own page on WWF's site because they are hilariously unsustainable even with all the research on improvements https://www.worldwildlife.org/industries/soy
even if you try to make the argument about corn, corn is hilariously efficient fodder, and continue to become more and more efficient.
cattle can eat the leaves and the stalks of corn in addition to being finished with the corn itself, which can be stored for massive amounts of time dried, leading to no spoilage or waste.
the remaining stalks are even be left in the fields to provide cattle with easy grazing when the snow hits
when you consider that the cattle produce fertilizer to replenish these fields as well as others, it's easy to say that veganism is dangerous on large scale, we rely on the meat industry to produce all those 'organic' crops vegans are all over

>> No.13339345

You know they need to harvest grass to make hay for the winter months, right? Or did you think cows graze year around? Dumbass.

>> No.13339359

needs a faces of meth watermark

>> No.13339362

see >>13339341

>> No.13339379

Not the point I was making. You gotta harvest that corn too. The original argument was an appreal to futility at best.

As for the environmental aspect, I'd suggest looking into this from a more critical aspect rather than just accepting what the industry says. Look up stuff like groundwater depletion, topsoil erosion, overgrazing and pasture overuse, eutrophication, methane emissions, deforrestation, etc. These are not radical or fringe views anymore and there's a reason most climate science experts are leaning towards vegan diets rather than declaring them "dangerous", and that reason is that pretty much every single think you said (except for efficiency of corn) was false. Now accusse the experts of being part of a jewish conspiracy and be done with it, I'm off to bed.

>> No.13339397

sweet dreams retard

>> No.13339417
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>waves hands furiously
Stupid vegan can't even see how badly hes been btfo

>> No.13339465

Look, I've tried spoonfeeding people info about the environmental issues involved before and it always gets just dismissed out of hand by people like toothless over here >>13339417, and then three or four messages in I realise they're a climate science denialist and I was wasting my time. Not taking the chance.

So, didn't mean to come off as lazy, but if you actually want to learn these things, I suggested some topics to research. Google each followed by "animal agriculture" and look for credible sources of information. "Credible" means "supported by most of the science", btw, and not "what I want to believe" or "what the industry and their research says". Or you can just call strangers "retard" on the internet and declare victory whilst remaining ignorant, that honestly works too since few people are ever going to bother calling you out on it and everyone loves their bacon and steak too much to bother questioning animal ag orthodoxy. Even climate scientists get dismissed by most people so it's not like I expect anyone to give a crap about 4chan posts.

In case you are the actual toothless and not just someone posting his pics: nobody, NOBODY, thinks you are funny or likes you. You are a fucking joke even to omnivores. You post antivegan crap 18 hours per day. It's sad. Get a fucking life.

>> No.13339540
File: 1.87 MB, 2704x3452, waste vs meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for the reduction of production of meat, but veganism outright is a plague.
removing animal husbandry is a foolish half hearted bandaid solution that only serves to hurt the people.

Do you really believe countries that eat less meat are doing more for the environment than the majority of europe and north america are?

production should be tailored to waste, all the spoiled meat and foods being over produced are an absolute atrocity, but to blame production of meats as the cause of the world going to shit is simply foolish

>> No.13339570

Industry and waste is outsourced to those developing countries by Europe and US. But sure blame the vegetarian Indian farmer for the American beef industry waste and ghg emissions. The animal agriculture industry consistently one of the top and most easily mitigated leaders in emissions and leader in habitat destruction, the leading cause of species extinction

>> No.13339593

we export food to them depleting our own soil while they pollute everyones ocean
but sure
blame the countries having responsible birthrates sustainable by their own country

>> No.13339601
File: 318 KB, 1280x800, 1554718927694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow something really touched a nerve. Were you really unaware how much vegans actually look like corpses?

>> No.13339607

You can't murder an animal, only a fellow full human.

>> No.13339631

OP go vegan if you want positive health benefits
Here is a compendium of leading "healthy and fit" vegans, by their definition....


>> No.13339651

So inspiring. Imma vegan today.

>> No.13339668

do you get paid to post? why the fuck are you correlating people who already had obvious mental health issues long before diet came into play. Oh right its to polarize your enemy to make eating nothing but raw meat seem less crazy. Partisan diet fads.. who'd of thunk

>> No.13339678

American corporations pollute, they again export it to other countries. Much like how we pollute lower income and minority communities with waste and dont give them potable water
>blame the countries having responsible birthrates sustainable by their own country
Huh? Is it okay to have 300 million people that make up the 2nd highest ghg emissions because we send some of our shit elsewhere?

>> No.13339680

Humans are animals. You're quite a filthy one at that.

>> No.13339689

No vegans are gay, but if you want to source your meats more humanely I think you're in the right. Find local butchers/farms, learn to hunt.
I'm never going to stop eating meat but factory farms are pretty gross, I'd like my food raised in healthier conditions so the meat is of high quality.

>> No.13339703

Placebo virtue signaling. Coolio.

>> No.13339706

You post like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.13339708

You're human. Top of the food chain. Your ancestors learned to farm and kill, and do science, so you could jack off to anime porn and eat whatever the fuck you want. If you decide to be a vegan, chop off your dick and cut a slit while you're at it, because we don't need you to breed.

>> No.13339721

Did you re-read your post before posting it. (Protip your post made no sense) if it was complimentary I apologise.


>> No.13339731

i'm talking about the whole planet here and you're fixated on 'the only country in the world'
it's not canadas or mexicos fault flint drinks gasoline thats all on countries to shit on themselves

the landlocked countries arent even on the diagram I posted because they only shit on themselves

brazil somehow still manages to be more responsible than myanmar and thailand somehow despite having many times more people and being a developing nation

>> No.13339732


Who the fuck is "we?" Do I participate in polluting lower class neighborhoods? Go feed your body to a lower class neighborhood I heard they're hungry.

>> No.13339801

American is in North America, the overwhelmingly most prominent in the West hemisphere in general. They are the 2nd biggest ghg emitter, and one of the biggest polluters. Why wouldnt it matter?

>> No.13339812

Learned it from your dad.

Straw grasping. But yeah if you endorse the policies that create then yeah you shoulder a share but obviously you're not the main perpetrator. Was that so hard to grasp?

>> No.13339833

The decision is very simple. Do you care at all about animal suffering, or the perceived suffering of animals? Furthermore, do you believe climate and other ecosystem issues would be improved by not consuming animals? Is any of that important to you?

If you answer no to any of those, veganism isn't for you. Nor should you care.

I don't give a single fuck about any of it. Not because I take an opposite stance, or really any stance at all. Because I have too much other shit in my life that causes me stress, anxiety and forces me into self preservation. I don't have a single second to give a fuck about any of that. And I don't give a fuck if that's immoral. Truly don't. I'll be dead within a few decades. It doesn't matter at all to me. I eat what I feel like eating, regardless of consequence. If that's selfish, fine by me. I'll be the first to admit I am.

>> No.13339845

All I "participate" in is my taxes being stolen from me by people like you and "minority communities" all get free food on my labor. Let me know how I would love to unparticipate.

They should all be forced to be vegans.

>> No.13339850

A very natural attitude held by many. I think you can still lend the compassion but its blatant other immediate maladies need to be resolved for you and many others.

>> No.13339855

Your so called question implies that vegans do care about Animals, which is beyond retarded to Imply or suggest.


>> No.13339856

So you endorse the policies of other people being in disrepair and then complain when they want justice.

>> No.13339860

Something if done forth the blatant.

>> No.13339866

>Talking to a communist.

Can I have my five IQ points back?

>> No.13339914

you're changing the subject, but sure, I'll bite.
Americans have a lot of cars, they're terrible horrible machines designed for 4 people but yet americans insist on driving a block to the store.
They also insist on having the most developed airline industry of any country, which certainly would never contribute to those numbers
china#1, usa #2 india is #3, russia #4
per capita, luxemburg is #1, but you can't blame such a small nation for the whole worlds problems of course

as much as a Canadian, boy would I like to further blame the USA for our planets problems, they are simply not the biggest offenders and are the only ones of those top 3, that even make a token attempt towards reduction of consumption, even though china would benefit immensely economically by researching better technologies for their production efforts, more efficient coal generators means less coal burned means more money to import better food for their elites.

>> No.13339926

>why should i be eating animals?
you probably enjoy it, that's a pretty good reason

>> No.13339973

that's not really vegan then is it, the whole argument is that going the whole way presents some difficulty, obviously half-assing it won't be hard

>> No.13339976

murder is illegal killing, it's not homicide either, stay mad

>> No.13339985
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>> No.13339992

Nobody has a right to somebody else's money.

>> No.13340013

>incel here
yes you are

>> No.13340046

i have no idea why vegans (or their arch nemesis the ketoers) are so extreme while most healthy diets are a fair balance of this and that.... No need to go insane and not use paintbrush that have horse bristle on em.... You are a minority of extremist and your weight on the meat industries laughable.

>> No.13340097
File: 3.24 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190303_043430434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feed this horse small amounts of rat poison every other night, vets cannot figure out what's wrong with it. Been doing it for ages. It's lead the farmers wife to depression. Serves her fucking right for ignoring me all these years. Lol.

>> No.13341191


What the actual fuck. This is psychotic, the horse has done nothing wrong

Poison the farmers and yourself

>> No.13341297
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Calm down Jessy, it's just a little stomach ache and it's not psychotic at all. Psychotic would be baiting Badgers with English Bull Terriers, twating them unconscious with a shovel by one of the exit tunnels and asphyxiating them by hand. Don't worry mind you I was paid per badger and it was easier to move the badger around into different positions and locations and take a photo each time instead of baiting loads out. I only did one per session but got paid for 4-6.
Ironic thing is he thought the badgers gave his cattle TB from suckling the milking herd when any intelligent being would knows the cows would just stamp them to death. I got my money either way and had fun with the dog doing it.

>> No.13341321

Obviously the best solution is to hunt your own meat.
Kill a moose, revere the animal you just killed to sustain your own life and eat it from top to bottom.

>> No.13341336
File: 1.11 MB, 2805x3120, IMG_20191130_153329137~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I poison myself?
Why would I poison the farmer, a source of income and my gateway to his adorable wife?

Pic related, view from her bedroom!

>> No.13341684

Based sociopath calling out meatcucks for their hypocrisy.

>> No.13341689

You might be an animal but I was created by God in His image.

>> No.13341731

God's a sexless being, doesn't have a Penis and is therefore a virgin. Your the personification alright.

>> No.13342131

>tfw you've had more poon than god himself

>> No.13342163

underrated post

>> No.13342178

>coming in days later to give himself a pity-you because nobody liked his "epic burn" of vegans

>> No.13342190

>have you tried eating more meat?
Only valid answer to OP's problem

>> No.13342192

God has sex with your mom every day

t. God

>> No.13342318

Lol, your Son was a faggot Jew chair builder who took after his dad, an incel fag who's only conquest was an 11yo Mary. Well done.

>> No.13343978


Typically, it is something like alfalfa or stubble from grain sorghum. It's not like they are harvesting someone's lawn.

>> No.13344061

They do when they take it ;) Welcome to the corporate fascist world kid!

>> No.13344179

>Everyone is telling me that im a monster for killing livestock to gain tasty food, and maybe they are right.
Where do you live that 'everyone' is telling you this?

>> No.13344304

In my area the ranchers also feed the cows the sugar cane and sorghum after they've been crushed to extract the juice. The cows go nuts for that shit.

>> No.13344488

Of course not, but they do have to harvest something to make hay, which involves the same mechanical process and kills any rodents not smart enough to run the fuck away.

Which, you know, also needs to be harvested in some form. I think the original point was that you're gonna kill critters whenever you harvest something no matter what. Where do you live that they give sugar cane, never heard of that? US South?