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File: 92 KB, 720x960, 1502505266710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13334671 No.13334671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, don't forget to buy more giant Powerade while you're out!

>> No.13334685

Ok, mom

>> No.13334690

>spend all day staring at your folder of women without make up convincing yourself they’re just like you
>come up with a fictional scenario you’ll never get to experience
>post it here

>> No.13334695

Get a job you stoner bitch

>> No.13334699

I would but I'm too busy being a seething armchair psychologist that takes shitposting way too seriously.

>> No.13334703

Found the triggered normie

>> No.13334704
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>> No.13334707

Absolutely blown the fuck out by dubs

>> No.13334711

Found the butthurt dumbass.

>> No.13334731

you just KNOW

>> No.13334737

How can you even tell whether she has makeup in that lighting?

>> No.13334743

How about you get a fucking job you loser deadbeat retard. How do you expect to buy a house, raise a family, and live a meaningful live when all you do is sit in your pajamas reading obscure twitter threads and browsing deviantart. It’s no surprise why you have difficulty connecting with your family considering you can’t put your phone down for two god damn seconds and listen. Why are all your clothes stuff purchased by your mom? Gtfo. Go buy your own Powerade.

>> No.13334746
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>> No.13334763
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>> No.13334782

Girls have adam's apples too, ya know? They just aren't as pronounced. Dumb conspiritard zoomers don't even into basic anatomy.

>> No.13334790

keep lying to yourself

>> No.13334792

Keep not even knowing how to do a simple internet search.

>> No.13334798

Internet searches are for losers. Have fun letting Google steal your data, retard.

>> No.13334802

>google is the only option for internet searches

>> No.13334805

that's a dude anon

>> No.13334809

traps are gay and so are (You)

>> No.13334811

I really hope so. I'm not a lesbian (or so I tell myself).

>> No.13334812

Google manages to reap data no matter what you use.

>> No.13334814

>One guy argues with himself on two devices hoping to kick off a large post count thread

>> No.13334818

>upset about google reaping peoples data
>knows that gookmoot sells 4chan user data to google
>still posts on 4chan

>> No.13334821

The world will never know that I'm replying to myself rn

>> No.13334825
File: 904 KB, 500x281, rc_an (69).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No two people could possibly be this buttblasted and autistic

>> No.13334828

That's what I said

>> No.13334831

I use my neighbor's wifi for 4chan, but nothing else because he might notice.

>> No.13334832

Do you really have 69+ reaction gifs?

>> No.13334837
File: 1.31 MB, 500x281, rc_an (258).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

304 and counting.

>> No.13334845

I think that's nice. I'm sure they're all fun to use.

>> No.13334854

It's more interesting than the newfags who only have frogs and wojaks.

>> No.13334856
File: 1.98 MB, 490x524, rc_an (268).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's entirely unsorted, so some of them get more use than others.

>> No.13334863

Which is your favorite?

>> No.13334875

Is this an artificial post-count inflation technique? Because I've been using sage this whole time.

>> No.13334876

I'm genuinely interested but never mind.

>> No.13334890

lmao same

>> No.13334897

I don't have a favourite. That's the point of having more reaction images than Spartans who fought against Xerxes.

>> No.13334907

Spartans had zero reaction images. Apart from carrying paintings around just to demonstrate reactions being kind of inconvenient, austerity was kind of their jive.

>> No.13334927

The Greek alliance against the Persian army of Xerxes I was noted for containing 300 Spartans, plus some thousand Thespians, Thebans, and Helots.

>> No.13334951

>because you're gonna need to rehyrdrate after I'm done with you

>> No.13334978

I see what you meant now. Ambiguity in writing is not ideal, but I don't blame you for not paying much attention to your phrasing in this context.

>> No.13335109

none of you have ever left the house or met another human being