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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 347 KB, 1000x1000, 5KSM185PSEER_Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13333382 No.13333382 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: shit you bought but only used a few times

pic related--wasted $500+, im too lazy to actually use it

>> No.13333401

I didnt buy it but I was gifted a brand new deep fryer that I never used.

>> No.13333455

i was given a deep fryer with a non removable oil tub..................................................

same, never used

>> No.13334212

>sausage maker
>pasta laminator & cutter
I would buy a Kitchenaid because it has all of the fancy attachments. Sounds fun. But I'm cheap so I'd probably never buy one for myself.

>> No.13334272

>non removable oil tub

>> No.13334297
File: 104 KB, 815x643, marketing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of marketing

>> No.13334301
File: 186 KB, 1600x1200, pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought a Kitchenaid. You should make pasta, simple white bread loaves and buns. You can set the machine to knead and walk away and watch tv. This is a very old picture but I don't bother instagraming food.


Very simple, perfect daily bread recipe. Let it proof for a long time and cook it for almost 40 minutes in your oven/toaster oven to get a very hard thick crust. If you like crunchy crust.

>> No.13334303

what are you even trying to say

>> No.13334310

I wouldn't buy it, since it's all cheap plastic and I hate plastic stuff on my kitchen.

>> No.13334312

>ou can set the machine to knead and walk away and watch tv.
Why be involved in a physical activity when a robot can make your food while you get indoctrinated into hating yourself by the (((tv)))?

>> No.13334353


Dude, I've broken my forearms kneading every type of bread for decades. Go fuck yourself. Want me to teach you have to knead and throw a pizza dough? Do it by tradition a hundred times, then do it differently.

You fucking kids are all opinion and no knowledge.

>> No.13334368

>Nudelvorsatz (3 Walzen)
I love your language. It's so romantic.

>> No.13334378

stupid people buy overpriced shit because they're easy victims of marketing, just like OP.

>> No.13334439
File: 48 KB, 285x361, 1491152487039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13334445

I bought a casserole dish for a tenner and put it on the hob that I had just turned off and the coating on the bottom cracked. Good shit.

>> No.13334448

Well, sorry about your forearm. I think you're smart enough to understand my comment and although it may not apply to you, it does apply to a lot of people who haven't broken their forearms kneading breads.

>> No.13334455

You were being a stupid cunt for cunt's sake and you added in the jewish shit just to provoke. You're a dumb kid sitting behind a keyboard acting like a child.

>> No.13334463

Buy an old one from a goodwill or something. They almost never break, when they do they're extremely easy to repair, and the design hasn't been substantially changed since something like the 1930s.

>> No.13334476

I bought a new Kitchenaid mixer less than a year ago and it's entirely made of metal.

>> No.13334503

fine, be a child

>> No.13334512

Good goy

>> No.13334521

Pasta roller.

>> No.13334549

Yeah, people who don't regularly cook like /ck/ wouldn't have much use for it

>> No.13334632

I love people like you.

>> No.13334648

fun fact, the EU version of the kitchenaid also has a steel shield on the attachment cylinder, so you can't use some of the US attachments with it, you have to buy the overpriced EU version. This goes for all the expensive ones like ice cream one.

>> No.13334653

Yikes, genx-boomer alert. You thin-skinned old sharts stick out like sore thumb.

>> No.13334659

>separate market has separate demand and pricing
>inbred mutt interprets this as 'euros dumm bcus marketing'
Holy shit are Americans really even people at this point?

>> No.13336004

I use my artisan all the time but I'm considering upgrading to the pro 600 so it doesn't struggle as much with stiffer doughs and so I can do larger batches without the dough climbing the hook.

>> No.13336278

It's definitely worth the upgrade if you use it a lot. I used to have to babysit the artisan while kneading otherwise it would walk off the counter but I can walk away from the Pro and it stays in one place.

>> No.13336290

its some super cheap model where the frying container is totally attached to the rest of the unit

it would be a nightmare to clean while trying not to get electronics wet or whatever

>> No.13336317


The best part of life is being a dumb cunt and realizing it later when you suffer your from your own stupidity. It's advanced childhood.

>> No.13336322

Yeah I am almost always holding my artisan when using it.

>> No.13336327

just use some blu-tack? its not hard

>> No.13336332
File: 357 KB, 800x600, KMX754RD_800x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one of these cunts and it's great. Powerful and stays put.

>> No.13336392

its the difference of buying something with aspirational hopes of doing something you don't currently do and buying something to assist in something you are already doing.

>> No.13336399

>The same Product costs more in the EU than it does in the US
>yuroshit seethes, because the EU doesn't accomplish what it's own purpose
Enjoy your open borders though, faggot.

>> No.13336412
File: 77 KB, 950x950, AKM6230BC_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used an Ankarsrum mixer?

>> No.13336417

>imported products cost more than domestic alternatives
Shocking, Paul, absolutely shocking. What else do we have coming up on the morning news?

>> No.13336418

There is some stuff that I didn't use initially but after a while I started using it almost everyday.

Try to find at least one recipe you like that uses it like this guy>>13334301

>> No.13336430

Best comment here. Are the attachments equally marked up?

>> No.13336436

Is that the android vs the kitchenaid walled garden?

>> No.13336538

I see different prices on the pro via amazon, is it just the 6 and 7qt bowls?

>> No.13336549

I have an older Electrolux model that was hauled back from a trip to Sweden many years ago. Thing is a beast and would definitely break your forearm if caught in the bowl. Had to run a 220 outlet into the kitchen

>> No.13336584

Yea. It is pretty shocking.
>What else do we have coming up on the morning news?
The European economic union is doing fuck all to make shit cheaper even though it has all that purchasing power, but at least they get to pass laws that no one could vote for, or against.

>> No.13336600

i made that image like one year ago, noice

>> No.13336603

kitchenaid is quite hyped over here in europe due to youtube channels, influencers and cooking shows on TV

people buy that shit like it was made from pure gold, they still retail between 400 and 600€ in middle europe

>> No.13336609
File: 37 KB, 300x302, redditpean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The European economic union is doing fuck all to make shit cheaper even though it has all that purchasing power, but at least they get to pass laws that no one could vote for, or against.

>> No.13336696

I bought a stand mixer for baking, mainly bread. However, lately I've been making high hydration ratio doughs that don't even need the dough hook. It really is overkill when I use it to make cookies. The way I see it is that is a very sturdy, substantial piece of equipment that I will use for years to come. Same thing with the refurb Vitamix I bought. Do I need it every day? No. But when I need to make a sauce or a smoothie or a salsa and want to LIQUEFY that bitch, I am glad I have it.

>> No.13336751

got the same, works fine and was 300 eurodollars less than a kitchenaid

>> No.13336815

I use my grandparents old one, back in the day before people were poor thanks to immigration and feminism every american family had these as normal kitchen appliances.

>> No.13336937

>kitchenaid is quite hyped over here in europe due to
I didn't know this. Well at least kitchen aid isn't horrible. Too bad that it has a huge premium over there though.

>> No.13337080

Bought too many cast iron pans when I moved out of my parents house. I ended up buying a bunch of All Clad and a nonstick. Now I almost never use cast iron.

>> No.13337090

bruh use that shit

>> No.13337145

Actually part of the reason why the price of EU model seems so high is because the 18% VAT, which is a system brought to Germany by EU.

>> No.13337152

Seems like demand caused the price fluctuation though.

>> No.13337154

> The European economic union is doing fuck all to make shit cheaper
Consumer electronics are cheaper in Europe nowadays than ever, mate.

>> No.13337161

>Consumer electronics are cheaper in Europe nowadays than ever, mate.

>> No.13337181

Ehh, I doubt the demand for kitchen aid is that high in the end. Europe for the most part lacks the counterpart to American well off middle class - there just isn't a massive class of university educated people making over, say, 75k annually in Europe. That in turn turns down the demand for luxury cars, large houses, luxury appliances like KitchenAid etc.

The most popular car brand in Finland is Skoda. Despite having the highest wages in Eurozone.

>> No.13337196

>I doubt the demand for kitchen aid is that high in the end.
>luxury appliances like KitchenAid etc.
The fact that it's considered a luxury in Europe, and the high price premium suggests otherwise.

>> No.13337220

shit has nothing to do with economics or europe being cheaper or more expensive than other continents

people over here are just buying kitchenaid machines for inflated prices because they
1. simply dont know what the real price of the machine is in the US
2. its heavily overmarketed on social media and TV, its basically "you are not a full woman if you dont own a kitchenaid,... NOW IN PINK!"

>> No.13337221

It's called price discrimination ya dummy

>> No.13337229

what the fuck are you even talking about
there are well established middle class families all over germany, austria, france and the UK

>> No.13337237

Euros can't decide how to defend the EU.

>> No.13337241

no its just brand value.
i estimate the total production cost of one kitchenaid unit somewhere below 40$, its archaic technology after all and the design hasn't been changed in decades, except the available colors maybe.

so even americans pay a huge premium for the brand name only

>> No.13337249

Euros just pay more for it, and everything else. This is the power of the EU.

>> No.13337250
File: 76 KB, 267x182, 1575804934371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand the value of lifetime warranty do you? Retarded fucking kids

>> No.13337251

That's the literal definition of price discrimination.

>> No.13337252

The bar for something to be considered a luxury in Europe compared to US is a lower one. We consider en-suite bathroom a luxury, not a normal feature, for example.

But yeah, as a luxury there is a certain demand - but also, the high price deters purchases. The relatively low demand allows for price imperfections - e.g a large amount of air in the prices, as it is not a product stores compete with.

>> No.13337258

I live in the UK and we consider not being beheaded/reaped as a luxury. It's all about perspective I guess

>> No.13337261

Squirm yuros, squirm.

>> No.13337263


>> No.13337266

Are you guys still EU, or do you guys have to keep voting until you vote the right way?

>> No.13337275

thats right, my bad

sometimes i forget this is a satire mongolese basket weaving forum

>> No.13337276

Not sure. We're not allowed to question authority like that anymore unless we have a question license or we aren't in a sharia law zone. Just try to keep to meself

>> No.13337281

Well Godspeed anon. The board has room for more
>Do Americans really
threads if your feeling down about it.