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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13330092 No.13330092 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13330121

wood burning is actually very dirty.
Should sanction this motherfucker.
Or even better, send a CIA SAD team and burn that shack to the ground, with the faggot in it.

>> No.13330130


>> No.13330133

The delusion is palpable.

>> No.13330143

Ur saying Melbourne doesn't have a reputation as trendy and alternative?

>> No.13330152

That's like saying Omaha is, "trendy and alternative" because Bright Eyes.

>> No.13330167

I mean in terms of 90s-2000s prestige alternative music I'd say it is. In terms of restaurants Australia has a reputation for being sophisticated and otherworldly.

>> No.13330175
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>puts beetroot [sic] on burger
>sophisticated and otherworldly

>> No.13330183

No. It sounds like good business sense. I used to drink in a bar with an open kitchen right next to the bar, you'd be drinking and smelling all the food coming out and start thinking, "I could really go for a plate of fries right now." Bam, another sale. Plus, open kitchens force otherwise sloppy cooks to work cleaner.

D'awww, prissy boo-boo is frightened by natural cooking! That's adorable!

>> No.13330288

>wood fired fries


>> No.13330296

>implying its not

>> No.13330323

That particular bar had a gas grill and fryers. but the point stands. You're sitting there drinking and smelling the food, seeing it get made, you get hungry and want to buy some. I've got to think seeing the fire would be a visual attraction, just like a bar display. Fuck, we need John Taffer in here to settle this.

>> No.13330327 [DELETED] 
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Nah, cast iron users are.

>> No.13330413

original memes, fren

>> No.13330435

>man cooks using just wood for thousands of years
>it's now hipster

Okay idiot

>> No.13330590
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>> No.13330592
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it's not the fuel, it's the people using it.

>> No.13331039

Sounds based and enjoyable.

>> No.13331042

The kitchen staff look like fags in closed kitchens, too. You just don't see them. They are doing legitimate wood fired grilling not filling avocados with lattes.

>> No.13331050

Ya no. I fucking hate non Americans, but this isn't condensed faggotry. It's actually tough to cook with wood, especially in something like a typical restaurant flow. Unless they have like Abo slaves manning the pits for them, then I admire the fact they can keep up with it. It's the difference between just growing a beard and wearing flannel to seem manly, and deciding to go out and learn outdoormanship even though you were raised by pussy ass accountants.

>> No.13331054

You realize most of them are just like prep chef's, right? Only 1-2 people are probably managing the fire, and menu and shit. The bulk of that picture looks like your typical faggot city line cook.

>> No.13331057

Imagine thinking that gauges and tattoos are only found in hipster restaurant kitchens. What's it like being a /pol/ crossboarder who is originally from reddit?

>> No.13331076

>It's actually tough to cook with wood, especially in something like a typical restaurant flow
Imagine cooking good food using only Bic lighters?...
I'd pay good dough to experience that!

>> No.13331079

Those fucking pineapples.

>> No.13331092

whhhyyyyy don't they cover their heads?

>> No.13331097
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It's more like american restauranteurs discovered that scared wh*teoids crave exoticism but will recoil if challenged too much. This is the foodie version of a dumpy fat housewife reading 'fifty shades of grey' to get off. In the fantasy australia is some sort of wild unexplored white paradise unlike america which was take over by scary minorities.

Used to be stuff like "brazilian steakhouse" or "argentine churrasqueria" would scratch the itch, but wh*tes have gotten so radicalized now that they'll immediately wonder "is it safe? spicy food gives me diarrhea". So fogo de chao and other boomer choices are failing as millennials flock to this aussie fantasy LARP.

>> No.13331101

That looks like a group of Scottish tourists.

>> No.13332011

It's just a cooking method. If the restaurant serves a lot of soy, avocado, gluten free shit, and those weird burgers on rainbow buns, then I'll judge it as hipster shit, but it looks normal.

>> No.13332186

There's no need for homophobic slurs here.

>> No.13332752


>> No.13332772

>die hard for left wing values
>while imprisoning more black natives than south africa ever did
If anything australia is peak hipster

>> No.13332824
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i cry about other people on the internet - you

>> No.13332995

The part of the article I can read without making an account (which I won't do) says the restaurants are in Australia. They're not LARPing being in Australia. They are physically in Australia. There is also one in Singapore for some reason, but that's contrary to your rant as well.

>> No.13333008
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were I live pretty much every "restaurant" uses firewood because it's cheaper than gas or electricity

>> No.13333110


archived version of article

>> No.13333137

Don't American BBQ places use wood as well? What's so weird about that?

>> No.13333167

There's a ton of Austrailan restaurants and cafes opening up in the US.

>> No.13333202

*cough, cough*
I love my job!

>> No.13333245

Have you never had wood-fired food?

Have you faggots never been comfy around a firepit and cooked yourself a meal? You make fun of this guy for being a cuck while you have never been 5 mins outside your cuckshack in your cuckcity.

>> No.13333256

Fogo De Chao isn't spicy, and it's a chain not some back ally Brazilian place that might not be safe. Maybe you live deep in a flyover area where you do witness people with irrational fear of anything too non-white, but I think this is bullshit. Young people love exploring all kinds of food, and only the most extreme /pol/ autist would avoid trying food with brown origins from a well regulated restaurant. People should be hesitant about dodgy immigrant run places for fear of the shits, but that has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with seeing that a place isn't quite operating by first world health codes.

>> No.13333277

>Would you stay this is "peak hipster"?


>Muh good boy cooking with wood
>Forgets how polluting burning wood is.
>Still does it because A E S T H E T I C S

Yes, OP.

>> No.13333309

Have you ever been to Sydney or Melbourne? We're fucking loaded to bear with hipsters.

>> No.13333346

t. triggered scared wh*teoid

>> No.13333371

Don't they use charcoal?

>> No.13333392

Why is it autistic to be against immigration, immigration is a bad thing for most people.

>> No.13333438

I'm not for immigration. I'm saying it's abnormal for people to fear an American chain Brazilian steakhouse, because the food origins are from Brazil or El Pollo Loco since it reminds you too much of Mexicans but to be okay with some Australian inspired restaurant in American just because Australia has lots of white people.

>> No.13334869


>> No.13334881

Oh yeah, I love hair in my food.

>> No.13335064

imagine the ashes all in your food and shit

>> No.13335073

>0 hairnets or gloves
>hipster beards but no net
yeah thats how you can tell a place is trash

>> No.13335128

why do people write/act like this and think the other person got dunked on when they look worse

>> No.13335131

>hipster beards but no net
Why don't men have to wear a hair net for their arms?

>> No.13335296
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or mexican women?

>> No.13335391


Why do you shitbags even post. Go to Argentina, you, person who should be shot on sight.

>> No.13335396

lmao we're the capital of hispters lad.

>> No.13335404


>> No.13335417

As someone with asthma and extreme allergic rhinitis problems, whose nose will actually become irritated enough that I will sneeze and have to repeatedly force air out through it when my mother used to smoke over 20 meters and 2 bends away from me:
Smoke from burning wood for cooking (and from most, if not all, cigars) is really not really hazardous for you, and is mostly pleasant.
The former will fucking sting your eyes though.

>> No.13335636

>putting that much effort into bait
brevity is the soul of wit

>> No.13335640

oopd, wrongquoted the second post

>> No.13335756

my grandma used to cook this way
best food ever

>> No.13337013

pathetic genelet

>> No.13337048

I mean if you want your entire restaurant to smell like a campfire I guess it's cool. But him using fire and not even considering using a fuckin stove top with wood as fuel is pretty hipster and retarded.
Lots of restaurants in Europe still use wood oven stoves that burn super hot all service long, you just need to know how to actually cook with sauce pots and pans. And they are efficient, just toss in a log maybe once or twice an hour.

>> No.13337081

Sounds more like a momlet

>> No.13337092

Hipster? no, it´s based but bad for your lungs too.

>> No.13338764

Yes there is, fag. If they look like homo fudgepackers, they should be called homo fudgepackers.

>> No.13340192

I hope you (and anon's grandma >>13335756
) get raped by a wild pack of niggers.

>> No.13340969
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>> No.13342059


>> No.13342080
File: 81 KB, 326x320, 1574372807249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how every good place in texas does barbecue though, so they're being authentic in my eyes