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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13329523 No.13329523 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your /ck/ sins.

I don't think anyone is going to top my own unbearable guilt.
Today, I made a soup based on chicken noodle, but instead of chicken, I cubbed up expensive authentic parmiggiano reggiano rind because I only just learned how to use them.
Alright, fine I added sour cream.
Also, maybe.. I mean I added ketchup.
And lettuce. I added a little bit of a wilting romaine lettuce leaf.

Another thing just to get this out of the way. I enjoy Hawaiian pizza.

>> No.13329528

I think Kraft parmesan is really good.

>> No.13329556

I can tell the difference but I can't justify the price difference. Plus you don't need to dirty up a microplane to us it

>> No.13329558
File: 42 KB, 512x480, 1466093260773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEVER salt my pasta water and I have no idea why anyone does. It's a fucking meme

>> No.13329567

You type like a reddit user who thinks they're funny and quirky

>> No.13329575

You don't have to use a microplane to grate real parmesan....

>> No.13329600

>I have no idea why anyone does. It's a fucking meme
That's not /ck/ blasphemy. That's just wrong and your pasta sucks because the salt isn't getting absorbed into the pasta.
What the fuck?
Even the cold sauce faggots would at least know to salt the noodles. You never add noodles to a bland broth.

>> No.13329601

Putting too much salt in pasta dough makes it crumbly and brittle. Pasta needs salt to overcome the inherent sweetness of the flour, and the only stage it can absorb salt is during the boiling. Covering it with a sauce that has salt doesn't make the pasta taste less sweet.
You're welcome to cook however you want, but it's not a meme. The meme part is when people start making up shit about how it boils faster with the salt, which it does by an absolutely insignificant amount.

>> No.13329608

Oh, fuck. Hivemind.

>> No.13329919

I pee in the shower every morning and I've done so since I switched from baths to showers around 10 years old.

>> No.13330567

I put a bit of salt in my desserts.

/ck/ hates that.

>> No.13330572

I like kraft singles and velveeta

>> No.13330607

god is /ck/ plebby or something. How could anyone hate that, esp if you are a 1%er making full use of dat Maldon goodness

>> No.13330611

sometimes a play it fast and loose with food safety
ill wash my hands after handling chicken, but occasionally use a mildly contaminated cloth to wipe something without realising

and so far I haven't gotten sick

>> No.13330613

I started putting a light sprinkle of salt on plain icecream
and frankly it tastes awesome

>> No.13330637

you should though

>> No.13330794

I looked that up and found it seems to just be sea salt. I was thinking I'd post some snarky comment about it being some unnecessarily fancy meme salt brand until I realized it's apparently only one of four manufacturers Brits can even get sea salt from (somehow...) and they have smoked salt which I didn't even know was a thing.
So now I don't know what to think.

>> No.13331053

yeah okay hate to be that guy but if you needed to look up Maldon and yet are happy to make that big ass judgment call I'm not sure there's really anything I can add to this, buddy

>> No.13331633

I bought a really nice prime rib for Christmas last year and cooked the everloving shit out of it. It tasted more like chewy roast beef than prime rib.