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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13324816 No.13324816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Tip? Why would I tip? They already get a paycheck"

>> No.13324830
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>> No.13324835

this is very sad

>> No.13324839
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If he's tall, he still has a chance at not dying alone.

>> No.13324842

>americans think it's ok to underpay employees so that they try to gouge the missing payment from the customers instead
>god bless 'murica

>> No.13324850

this guy has a decent jaw and chin though. OP's pic jaw and chin are fucked

>> No.13324854

they aren’t underpaid

>> No.13324857
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He would look 10x better if he got a mid fade haircut, grew a beard, wore contacts and started lifting. We as men have the option to be the best versions of ourselves. We are kings. Women/whores can only cover their flaws with caked on makeup and plastic injections, we forge our own bodies and make our own way.

>> No.13324865

They're actually paid a little bit less than minimum wage. I think it's about $1 or so

>> No.13324869

Have sex

>> No.13324870

why do dudes walk around and live like this, u can fix this for litereally like 15k. jsut wage for a year and u can look like chad

>> No.13324872

Inb4 roasties start raging

>> No.13324891
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>> No.13324910

no they aren’t

>> No.13324970

Yes they are

>> No.13325016

>Don't tip in places where you just order and pick up food, or when I am picking food up in other places
>or if the service is crap
>Go to a burrito place, ask for their secret extra fuck huge burrito, and fill that bitch up
>it can't wrap even with two now sauce and bean soaked tortillas
>they get three new ones, and stuff the former two inside on request
>End up with a toddler sized burrito for like 20 bucks after the laughing burrito maker manages to roll it into an edible shape and cover it in foil. has to be three pounds at least
>leave a 5 dollar tip cause the guy deserved it
>leave with my burrito and eat it over the night

>> No.13325019

It's illegal to pay under minimum wage, but the pay is dependent on the place.

>> No.13325152

Server min wage is less than 5 bucks an hour

>> No.13325165

Typically tipped wages are less than $5/hr, being paid on top of tips received. If your tips weren't enough to reach an average equaling minimum wage in your area over the pay period, your employer is required to make up the difference. You will still never receive less than minimum wage.

>> No.13325166


>> No.13325181

Unlikely since federal minimum wage is $7.25, and $7.25 an hour will not attract any employees.

>> No.13325184

Are tips income tax free in the us?

>> No.13325189

In America dumbass. I made 3.50 an hour when I was a server. It's allowed because it is assumed they will make money from tips. Servers are entitled as fuck but not tipping at all is a real dick move

>> No.13325224

>those thick disgusting subhuman glasses
>Myopia greater than >-2.5


Like how the dumb prescription retards always end up getting Lasik but those with high genetic intelligence know better to settle on that.

>> No.13325228

You're supposed to "pay tax" on cash tips but nobody does, and if they do, they deserve to be fed to the hogs.

>> No.13325237

>that giant hook nose
>that recessed weak chin/jaw
>that huge gross Adams apple
>that skinny weak build
God Jews have the worst genetics

>> No.13325245

Talk to your union rep, dipping is unamerican and promotes rich people bankrolling their way through life.
See: Bloom((burg))

>> No.13325246

Every time I eat at a restaurant, I tell the maître d' that I would prefer to bring my own order to the kitchen, pick up my own food and drinks, and provide my plates to the dishwashers when I have finished. They always refuse me, and so I do not tip, as I will not support their forced service extortion racket.

>> No.13325259

Honestly, a lot of these guys just have really fucking poor posture, which prompts the ridiculous overbite. Genetics is a huge factor, but some people have just fucked their jaw muscles over the years.
I'm a fatfu/ck/, though, so it's not a problem for me.

I'm Canadian, and I hate tipping culture. It's annoying, as it basically asks you 'do you want to donate money to a poor starving franchise'? Only some of the money goes to the server in most cases. In BC, servers only make 85 cents less per hour than the standard minimum wage, and only if they primarily serve alcohol.
The caveat for servers serving alcohol also exists in Quebec and Ontario. Otherwise, the only legal justification for paying below minimum wage are for trainees in Nova Scotia and student workers in Ontario.

I travel quite a bit, and I can't tell you how nice it is to not be bothered with the "How much would you like to tip?" when using my credit card. I also prefer restaurants that charge before serving food, but that's just me. I've never noticed any difference in service between these restaurants and restaurants that ask for or require tips.
I think tipping is weird, but I still do it for social reasons. If anything, I blame the Americans. Just last spring, the credit card reader at a restaurant in the UK popular with US tourists asked me what tip I'd give.
I put zero. This needs to stop.

>> No.13325276

>In America dumbass. I made 3.50 an hour when I was a server. It's allowed because it is assumed they will make money from tips.
It's not allowed hence the minimum in the term
>minimum wage
Paying less than minimum wage is illegal, and minimum wage attracts zero employees wether it's a tipping position, or not.
Where you a server 50 years ago?

>> No.13325279

money obtained illegally technically needs to be declared on your taxes, or you could not

>> No.13325282

You can pay less than the federal minimum wage if the employee agrees and signs a contract stating that the difference in pay will be made up via tips. These contracts also normally include a clause that if you won't make at least minimum wage AFTER tips the restaurant is required to make up the difference.

Now, if a server isn't making enough in tips to make at least minimum wage and the restaurant has to pay the difference frequently, they will normally let the server go because they're clearly doing something wrong.

>> No.13325283

I used to be a server, and nobody pays that low.

>> No.13325284

That was The Admiralty at Trafalgar Square, for anyone wondering. My co-workers nagged me into having breakfast and a beer there before my flight back. It was one of the few times I had London Pride, which was sweet, sudsy, and disappointingly mild: perfect brekkie-beer.

>> No.13325286

>poor posture
Its mouth breathing that fucks your jawline.

>> No.13325288

zoom zoom faggot not everyone on this board is 19

>> No.13325291

This is bullshit. You're confusing commission based jobs, and hourly based positions.

>> No.13325292

Here's a tip: Get a better job!

>> No.13325298

>zoom zoom faggot not everyone on this board is 19
You're the faggot, and you're probably an illegal if your accepting that low of a wage.

>> No.13325314

They refuse you not just for the obvious, but also because of insurance, and food safety laws.
>do not tip
You're not obligated to. It's not like the rest of the world where the tip is pre included in the bill.

>> No.13325315

Not him, but companies often try to misinform workers regarding labour laws. I work where overtime is required for any hours worked after 40 hours in a business week, and once had and employer try to convince me that it was only required after 8 hours in a work day (partly true, bar the "only"). I jumped ship fucking fast.

A lot of shit fucks that up. Having a childhood resting pose that's either hunched or recoiled can develop an overbite like that.

This, tentatively. Problem is that most service positions get filled with "I'll do anything!" immigrants. It's a multi-tiered problem.

>> No.13325319

>Not him, but companies often try to misinform workers regarding labour laws. I work where overtime is required for any hours worked after 40 hours in a business week, and once had and employer try to convince me that it was only required after 8 hours in a work day (partly true, bar the "only"). I jumped ship fucking fast.
It's pretty fucking hard to fool employees since every business has to put the labor laws in plain sight at all times.

>> No.13325336

>itt: foreigners larp as employed Americans without knowing the laws

>> No.13325339

Has to, but often doesn't. The company I'm with now will not automatically give overtime payment unless the specific hours are marked clearly as overtime hours. It's an odd sort of balance, but the company owner is over 70 and his daughter is the secretary. I understand the whole "give-and-take" and "little sacrifices means long-term gain", and as much as I hate it, you'll be hard pressed to find a single company that doesn't try to scam its employees.
I'm basically praying for the year that the owner croaks, but he's probably going to sell before then.

I'm Canadian, and as I've said, despite wage concessions made for tipping in only 3 out of 13 provinces and territories, tipping culture exists across the board. Fuck you guys.

>> No.13325349

>Has to, but often doesn't.
Bullshit. The punishments aren't worth not posting the posters, and people do check if they are posted.

>> No.13325351

yes but they make triple minimum wage on a good night with tips.

>> No.13325370

I feel like you underestimate the lowest common denominator. Yes, there are numerous policing groups that try to make sure that all works are treated equal, but the number of businesses, both legally registered and illegal, far outnumber them. I wouldn't mind a world where labour law is taken at its word, but that's far from the case. Even many of the people who know they are being scammed would much rather work for less than risk a prolonged and costly legal battle.

It sucks, but what can we do?"

>> No.13325421
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>It sucks, but what can we do?"

You organize labor for collective bargaining.

>> No.13325454

Best laid plans...
This is a cultural institution, engrained into the North American mindset.

>> No.13325458

>It sucks, but what can we do
Call the number on the labor law poster and collect the reward you fucking retard.
>inb4 no poster so sad
Find the number from somewhere else you dumb mong.

>> No.13325472

he fact i>>13325458
I'm Canadian. The best we have is a couple of memes our project manager has stapled to his office wall. The facts is, many employees don't investigate or litigate for the sake of their own rights for fear of loosing their job. By reporting your employer, you often lose a reference, especially if you reapply for a job quickly.

>> No.13325476

I'm also drunk, in case you can't tell. Take this woth a salty grain.

>> No.13325477

>he stores ammo in his neck

>> No.13325481


>> No.13325485


Prior to the 1980s, it really wasn't. People organized HARD when it came to industrial jobs.

If the supply of labor is roughly fixed, or growing at the natural birth rate of the country, one's labor becomes more valuable.

Or shit just doesn't get done.

The tipping culture was only ever meant to apply to kiddies with their first job and didn't have to support themselves because they were at home.

When your economy becomes 70% services though, those jobs aren't for kiddies anymore. They are for people who are trying to get through college or support a small family.

We should index the minimum wage in the USA to the inflation adjusted 1970 figure

>> No.13325519

Implication? I'm not one of those idiots who deny their heritage.
Minimum wage is a strange thing, especially in systems that allow for concessions of lower wages. The fact of the matter is, even in systems that allow for employees to make below minimum wage, there's often a deception, such as 'You'll be paid standard wage up until you volunteer to work additional hours, as required by "law".'
Shit's super-rigged, and it's no wonder that most illegals try to end up in development or civil jobs."

>> No.13325544
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>dad orders $80 worth of pizzas from a restaurant
>boomer man decides to tip like 10 bucks
>for fucking carryout

>they screw up the order anyway, forget toppings entirely, don't put extra even though extra was paid for

why did you fucking tip man
you didn't even see the food yet

>> No.13325562

what was this useleess story supposed to illustrate

>> No.13325577

It's not bullshit, this is how restaurants operate. They pay an hourly wage under minimum with the expectation that tips will make up for the difference. Arguing about it is futile because most waitstaff will make up the difference plus some through tips, and they don't even pay taxes on it unless it's declared. So never feel bad for your waiter, they are most likely making 20+/hour. t. former waiter

>> No.13325593

It is bullshit if you're talking about the US.
Anon described pure commission based employment position, and not hourly wagies. Server positions are still hourly wagies, and need to be paid at least minimum wage up front.

>> No.13325601

>They pay an hourly wage under minimum with the expectation that tips will make up for the difference.
Actually illegal in the USA.

>> No.13325649

>be delivery boy at local pizza place
>one guy nearby orders to the 30th floor of his apt building every now and then
>he never tips, but looks like what I imagine the average /ck/ poster looks like
>think "based" to myself every time I leave his apt building

>> No.13325651
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fuck you and other waiters and waitress.

I tip 1-2 dollars. Fucking want a tip? GET A BETTER JOB you lazy PIEce of shit.

DOnt bitch and moan to me, i been cleaning bars, and working at restaraunts since i was 13-16 I learned quick how fucking pathetic it is to do that shit past the age of 17.

>> No.13325655
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huh? federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13/hr. The info is there for you to see. Fact is people works for tips because it can be lucrative and off the books. Pic related, from the US department of labor website

>> No.13325661
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Nobody pays that low.

>> No.13325667

Show me an emitter who pays that low

>> No.13325668


>> No.13325671

Right, and that amount depends on the state.
>Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.
my state has a minimum tipped wage nearly 4x higher than the federal minimum, yet it still is lower than non tipped wages.

>> No.13325679
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You’re all idiots. Tipping is situational, here are some examples.
>elderly blacks
They should be tipped generously as they are generally pleasant.
>gays, women in college, Indians
Never tip under any circumstances. These are subhumans and have no need for money. Would you give money to a squirrel? I think you would not.
This is not an exhaustive list but gives the general philosophy.

>> No.13325684

Read the part that says that if the tips do not make that total at least minimum wage, the employer needs to make up the rest.

>> No.13325686

based and boomerbait pilled

>> No.13325689

tipping is cucked in the US, as it is near-enough an obligation, it is just some bizarre mass delusion that prices are lower than they actually are.

>> No.13325695

No we're not kings, most of us can't even live without letting our desire for women ovveride our minds in daily life. Fuck off, cunt. The OP guy needs to rope himself, he's just fucked.

>> No.13325723

He needs a beard and a nosejob, done and done.

>> No.13325793

>suddenly the "SERVERS ARE UNDERPAID AND STARVING" poster is nowhere to be found