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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 2000x1505, DDB03DCE-58AF-47D5-98D3-89B89921308B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13323117 No.13323117 [Reply] [Original]

>sir this receipt says my total is $18.34, all I got was a burger and fries with a drink
>yes ma’am
>I guess what I’m asking is why it’s $18 for only three items
>well ma’am here at Five Guys™ We take pride in our brand
Seriously fuck this place and their overpriced shitty hamburgers

>> No.13323122

wow another blog post straight from an iphone

>> No.13323128

The only time I ever felt this way was with a Johnny Rockets. Was over $50 for a simple meal for three people.

>> No.13323131

I went there but couldn’t get anything because my credit score was too low.

>> No.13323229
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she looks like a sloth

>> No.13323231

>being too poor to afford a burger
big yikes. get a job and you won't have to nickel and dime mommy's allowance.

>> No.13323234

Whats wrong with iphones

>> No.13323249

Let me piss in your mouth and ill charge you $5000

>> No.13323270

so don't go there. they're pretty upfront about it, they buy ingredients they think taste good and don't worry too much about how much they'll have to charge for it. it's a fast food joint, i doubt their profit margins are significantly better than their competitors

>> No.13323283

>$18.34, all I got was a burger and fries with a drink
So you see nothing wrong with this?

>> No.13323295
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damn she's cute. i love emo looking bitches, zoomers don't know how fun scene girls were to fuck

>> No.13323297

Stfu virgin

>> No.13323299

Restaurants usually try to keep their cost of ingredients at 20% of the dish price. I do not think it would be hard for me to make a nice burger that cost me $5 in raw ingredients. Then you add labor, rent, utilities, and basically you get to keep like 20% in profit. So no, I don't think it's insane that a restaurant could exist that would charge that much for it. I think it's insane that mcdonald's manages to sell food for as cheap as they do.

>> No.13323309
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anon ive had sex with 3 different girls in the past month

>> No.13323344

It's not a restaurant, is it? Do they serve the food on plates and give you cutlery and condiments? They serve hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, fries and milk shakes and Coke. They are a fast food joint.

>> No.13323356

Resaurant? How many waiters/waitresses work at your local 5 Guys?

>> No.13323367

a fast food restaurant is also a restaurant, are you guys being retarded on purpose?. Regardless, my point is that they don't use hyper efficient supply lines, they don't have their own factories for production, and they consistently choose more expensive raw ingredients than most burger places. All of these things drive up cost. Given their relative success, it seems that it was worth it for a lot of people.

>> No.13323387

So if I go to a burger van that has a couple of plastic seats outside, I am experiencing a full-on American restaurant?

>> No.13323394

To be honest with you, I don't care. Use whatever word you like, it is irrelevant to the point I made.

>> No.13323408

I believe you but you came off like kind of a lying faggot earlier. Sorry for being mean.

>> No.13323427

Anime dolls don't count, virgin.

>> No.13323429

If I go to a restaurant I expect a waiter to take my order and bring me my food to my table. On a plate. And my cutlery already laid out. Americans are just dumb disgusting plebs.

>> No.13323433

That is an abnormally precise definition to use for the word, but, again, irrelevant.

>> No.13323438

What? Expensive ingredients turns a fast food joint into a restaurant?

>> No.13323449

The formal definition of restaurant is any place that serves meals to the public, but that has nothing to do with the argument at hand. The question is is it reasonable for Five Guys to charge as much as they do, and I think the answer is that their process for arriving at that price is not absurd, and their success in the field answers for the market side of the question.

>> No.13323450

I bought a hamburger for me and chicken tenders for my friend it was 34 dollars. I never knew theme parks were that expensive. Wasn't very good. Burger tasted like corned beef.

>> No.13323461

ITT: poorfags

>> No.13323463

If you're gonna serve a burger and fries with a drink for just under 20 bucks, the least you could do is give them a numbered table to sit at with waiting staff.

>> No.13323465

Would you pay 10k for a pack of gum?

>> No.13323474

>The formal definition of restaurant is any place that serves meals to the public,
see >>13323387

>> No.13323477

I will say yes if it will get you back on topic. I don't care how you categorize Five Guys, it doesn't matter.

>> No.13323496

If Mom, Dad and 2 kids order burger and fries and a drink, it costs $73.36. For fast food. You think that is acceptable or normal? How often do you "dine" at 5 Guys? Not often I bet.

>> No.13323512

no, but I enjoy Five Guy's every once in a while because it's par for the course in terms of pricing when compared to most casual dining.

>> No.13323516

I don't live near a Five Guys, so you are correct. I think their prices are on the upper end you would expect to pay for a burger, but not outside of the range. Clearly it is acceptable, or they wouldn't have succeeded and turned it into something normal, which it now is.

>> No.13323529

>Five Guy's every once in a while
Because it's so fucking expensive.
>casual dining
Fast food joint.
Sort yourself out and stop pretending to be a hipster.

>> No.13323542

literally looks like a scenegirl I got oneitis for in high school

>> No.13323545

I think what you and people like you don’t understand when you call people poor who complain that five guys is too expensive isnt that we cant afford it, its that we dont think its better than any other fast food restaurant. Just like you wouldnt pay more than market rate for gum, i wouldnt pay more than market rate for a run of the mill fast food burger. I paid five guys price on a burger today at lunch, but i got a bigger better tasting burger.

>> No.13323549

no, I eat every once in a while because I don't need to be pounding a bag full of fries and a thick ass burger with a cola down on a regular basis. It's not fast food, they don't label themselves as such.

>> No.13323550

What a fucking muppet. So you would willing pay nearly 20 bucks for a burger, fries and coke? From a fast food joint? What if it was a van? Would you pay that much then?

>> No.13323562

Ahhh, can you imagine a cute sloth gf that just hangs on you all the time?

>> No.13323566

Hardee's charges $12 for the same thing at a much lower quality. I don't like burgers enough to regularly pay $18 for them, but it wouldn't be something I swore off for life. I don't think it's weird that young, single people with lots of disposable income spend a big chunk of it eating out, and I don't think it's weird that they would be willing to pay 50% more if the experience was notably better.

>> No.13323567

cringe, manchildren fail at humor just like they fail at everything else

>> No.13323576

you're entitle to your own opinion but Five Guy's charges a fair and equitable price for their product, if they didn't they wouldn't still be in business. You may feel you get a better deal elsewhere and that's cool.

>> No.13323580

these retarded fucking threads are so overinflated. I can get a single burger with cheese and a regular fry for $9 and get a cup for water.

>waaahhhh I have to scrimp with my neetbux so I'll make up some bullshit

>> No.13323586

>It's not fast food, they don't label themselves as such.
Where are the plates and cutlery and condiments? Where are the waiting staff? Who takes my order? Do they have a sommelier?

>> No.13323588

I wasnt trying to be funny you faggot

>> No.13323594

There are more than two levels of formality in dining.

>> No.13323599

offensive then? yikes, I remember better insults from the playground. grow up.

>> No.13323600

That's just throwing your money away and being wasteful.

>> No.13323610

I wasnt trying to be funny or offensive i was trying to parallel an experience that would be similarly overpriced

>> No.13323611

Many people can afford to choose to be wasteful, and often enjoy themselves when they do.

>> No.13323615

>Fast food.
Pick one

>> No.13323617

then you're as delusional as you are stupid. get out of the basement once in a while.

>> No.13323620

So walking down the street shoving a burger in your face is dining?

>> No.13323626

And you admit that people are wasting their money buying 5 Guys burgers.

>> No.13323629
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>> No.13323640

All forms of eating out are wasteful. Purchasing any amount of food beyond what you need to survive is wasteful. Luxuries are wasteful. The question is not is it a waste of money, it's is the increased enjoyment commensurate with the money wasted. Given that question, no I would not say that five guys is a bad deal.

>> No.13323644

What am i deluded about? Ive had five guys a few times, i just dont think its better than jack in the box

>> No.13323655

See this is what the real argument should be, comparative quality and price. I think Jack in the box is garbage tier food that isn't worth the pocket change I pay for it, but I'd still get a burger at five guys every now and then.

>> No.13323656

You think nearly 20 bucks is a good deal for burger, fries and coke? You obviously have no kids, no life, no girlfriend/wife, live in Mom's basement and Vitamin D deficient.

>> No.13323667

So how the fuck to 5 Guys justify their prices compared to McDonalds? They can't.

>> No.13323675 [DELETED] 

Because McDonald's is also garbage tier. Truly the bottom tier of ingredients possible. Also, there's the fact that keeping prices a little higher filters out the niggers. I pretty much only see white people at five guys.

>> No.13323677

Fair enough i guess, youre entitled to your own opinion. >>13323656

>> No.13323679

>being married
LMAOing @ ur lyfe
the single has time AND money for all of life's luxuries-like Five Guy's.

>> No.13323683

That's less than the price of 1 ticket for disneyland excluding the overpriced food that makes 5 guys look cheap and you don't see that being a hindrance to the middleclass already drowning in debt. Grow up, people in the US are so fucked over with massive debt, housing and medical costs they simply don't give a shit anymore.

>> No.13323686

So you're saying 5 Guys charges extortionate prices to keep the black people away?

>> No.13323689 [DELETED] 

I don't think that's their intent, but I think it happens and is part of what makes the experience of eating there better.

>> No.13323705

They sell you real burgers, better than red robin. I see red robin packed all time, and they use sysco. Are you telling me $18 is alot, even though people go to red robin and spend $20 up for shitty frozen food plus tip

>> No.13323708


>> No.13323711

Red Robin is so bad, I can't comprehend how they have customers so often

>> No.13323720

This is restaurant-tier pricing for mediocre 'food'.

>> No.13323722

>Europeans complain about everything.
If you don't like it then go somewhere else. The end.

>> No.13323726

Apart from the cost. 15 minutes being black free for just under $20 seems expensive. I could just go to any fast food joint, get my burger, fries and drink and walk out.

>> No.13323737

The prices are in dollars you mentally deficient retard.

>> No.13323739

It's just one additional reason their experience is better. I think it's fair to say that their burgers are better than a traditional fast food place. This is in comparison to fucking Shake Shack which is literally the same quality as going to steak n shake

>> No.13323750

>The prices are in dollars you mentally deficient retard.
The complaints are all always foreign. Now fuck off, and eat somewhere else you whiny faggot.

>> No.13323752

You're still not justifying the cost compared to McDonalds, or other places. You're just bigging it up because it's expensive.

>> No.13323760

You make no sense. Seek help.

>> No.13323765

Mcdonald's is so terrible in quality I wouldn't eat there if it were free. I would enjoy eating a five guys burger, and I have enough extra income that $18 is not a particularly notable charge for something I enjoy. I spend more than that on two drinks at a bar.

>> No.13323768

You're just stupid, and you need to end your own life.

>> No.13323777

Itt: liberals trying to convince people how to spend their own money.

>> No.13323784

>still not justifying the cost compared to McDonalds

>> No.13323789
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>> No.13323796

red robin is the same price as carls jr, and roughly the same quality, 5 gays is too fucking salty and underwhelming for 9 fucking dollars. the only good thing they have is the fuckhuge large seasoned frys

>> No.13323797

You're just a silly kid in the basement.

>> No.13323807

Hey faggot. Have you tried just not going to a place that you can not afford to eat at instead of crying about it online?

>> No.13323810

But I am justifying the cost. An increase in quality, and an increase in experiential enjoyment is worth more money. Mcdonald's is terrible in both, so of course it's dirt cheap, no one would pay even $10 for their food. But there is a range of quality that you can expect to pay for now in the burger industry, and five guys is at the higher end.

>> No.13323818

Wow. How sad. You're too poor to afford his piss?
What a loser!

>> No.13323822

I hate Stockholm syndrome from which you obviously suffer. You know it can apply to you're own stupidity? Why don't you just stop going? You really should. You can heal. It's like an alcoholic that thinks they can't stop. Then they meet others that did stop and help each other out. Maybe try to find a group like that. That way, you can give 0 fucks about 5 guys like a normal person instead of revolving your whole life around it making thread after thread about your own stupid addiction to overspending on stuff you don't even like.

>> No.13323827

No. If I go to a "restaurant", I order decent food and expect a waiter, plates, cutlery, condiments, and the food served to me at the table. If I want a shitty burger, I go to a cheap burger joint that doesn't call themselves a restaurant.

>> No.13323836

not op but only c u m b r a i n s care about having sex, if you do it great but don't respond to the b8 on fucking /ck/

>> No.13323838

Look at the price of burger, fries and drink in McDonalds. Compare that to 5 Guys. There is no way you can justify that price increase.

>> No.13323852

So are you admitting that you don't go to five guys, because it doesn't fit into your expectations as either fast food, or "restaurant"?
Then why the fuck are you even here complaining against it you retarded whiny tranny. My guess is that your complaints are more political based since it's not even a business that you warrant purchasing from.
Kys you disgusting mentally ill tranny.

>> No.13323889

Fuck me. Are burgers, fries and a drink left or right wing? What the fuck are you on about? You can't justify nearly 20 bucks for burger, fries and a drink, so you go all political? Your not stable in the head, are you? I think you really should go see a head doctor.

>> No.13323907

No, but complaining about businesses that you don't even buy from is literal lefty faggotry. Most people just go somewhere else without crying about it.

>> No.13323913

Also I'm done corresponding with you, you massive faggot, so don't bother replying to my post.

>> No.13323928

Who said I have never bought from there? You. That's who. I have been to 5 guys and found it mediocre and not worth the price. That is why I'm commenting about it. As for calling me a leftist, you couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.13323944


>> No.13324054

If true, right winger here. You're making us look bad. Go complain to a friend if you have any, if not kys you failed at life. Breath helium for a painless death but really you deserve far worse for wanting us to regulate how much a business charges for their services. As a right winger though, choose the painless method and let God judge you for your mommy daddy government ideas.
Let FREEDOM ring faggot. That includes economic you useless pawn

>> No.13324139

1xLittle Hamburger $6.09

1xLittle Cajun Fries $3.89

1xRegular Drink $2.49

TOTAL $13.34

You dont need to eat over 1k calories in on sitting anyways fatty

>> No.13324945

Get some paycheques, you broke fuck

>> No.13325041

>Who said I have never bought from there?
It's implied in your previous posts.
Five Guys doesn't fall into the realm of what you consider to be worthy food establishments, so you either went there knowing this, and complained about it, or you have not been there, and are complaining about it.
Both makes you retarded btw.

>> No.13325053

Is laser cheese

>> No.13325090
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only fedora wearing faggots eat here anyway

>> No.13325164

>You can't justify nearly 20 bucks for burger, fries and a drink,
I've paid $300 for a single burger before.

>> No.13325222
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>> No.13325520
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>Whats wrong with iphones

>> No.13325522

Itoddlers btfo

>> No.13325525

Based satania poster

>> No.13325659


>> No.13325721

t. we too low

>> No.13325730

That is some high-tier chan, Anon.

>> No.13326604

Why are you guys so assmad about five guys prices? Nobody is forcing you to eat there lmao.

>> No.13326639


>> No.13326644

>hurr durr why are people talking about food on a food board?
the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.13326655

>Waaahhh this fast food joint that we had the *freedom* to visit costs too much! Better keep going there.
Amerifats, ladies and gentlemen.
Inb4 obsessed, no u

>> No.13326658

Poorfag cope: The Thread

>> No.13326669

>I ordered food off the menu but it's your fault I didn't look at the price
>Also I didn't complain before paying, only after

>> No.13326756

What I would do for just one hour with creepy-chan

>> No.13326923

That's a trilby.

>> No.13327046


>> No.13327373
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>and get a cup for water

>> No.13327428

I agree w/ >>13323461
Value is relative to income. I'm a grad student who works a low-paying part-time job and my parents make about 30x, to them $18 for a fast food meal would be the equivalent of me paying $0.60. They have 4 younger kids and eat out at least 3x/week w/o batting an eye (usually something like 1 fine dining night, 1 casual dining night, 1 fast food night every week). Not to mention the hundreds they spend weekly on groceries and fucking snacks for the kids. To me it seems wasteful because they probably spend more on food annually than my income, but I can understand their mentality taking into account their financial situation

>> No.13327532
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>Whats wrong with iphones

>> No.13327536

>the OP
>a blogpost
It’s time to stop browsing the /chinz/ m8

>> No.13329321

that fedora guy looks cool as fuck like hes about to pull a card out of her tits

>> No.13329345
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>actually getting on your computer for this shithole of a site
enjoy my phonepost lmao

>> No.13329439

My favorite local burger spot that happens to be a literal hole in the wall inside of a brewery is basically the same amount of cash as 5 guys and it's delicious. I don't go to/ order 5 guys as much as I used to but it was never bad. If you have that much of a problem paying under 20$ for a meal regardless of what the fuck it is, you shouldn't be eating out in the first place.

>> No.13330042

People retarded.
If you don't think the food is worth the price then don't go.
Good burgers for 20$
Shitty burgers for 2$

>> No.13330157

WhErE aRe ThE pLaTeS aNd CuTlErY aNd CoNdImEnTs??? WhErE aRe ThE wAiTiNg StAfF??? wHo TaKeS mY oRdEr??? Do ThEy HaVe A sOmMeLiEr????????

>> No.13330398

15/3 = $16

What are you bitching about you homo? That's normal. If you want to pinch pennies don't fucking go to restaurants.

>> No.13330419

You're just an obsessed contrarian

>> No.13330460

i always get 2 burgers and its like 12 bucks. and thats 4 big ass patties its effectively my calorie intake for the day

>> No.13330485

t. Jurked it to three different toths

>> No.13330605

My local Red Robin lasted >3 years, which definitely says something.

>> No.13330733
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This is for collection from Charing Cross, London, as of today.
You get a cheeseburger, a milkshake, and a *small* fries.

>> No.13330870

Where the fuck did you go to school to learn math that shit?

>> No.13330874


I understand that reference.

>> No.13330897

>But what if you were ordering in a shitty socialist country?
Thanks for the implicit admission that your argument is invalid.

>> No.13330915

damn pervs needs to be strapped to the floor and eat whatever burger squatting hot ladies serve them!

>> No.13330933

>1/3 < 1/4

>> No.13330934

wow do you sound poor

>> No.13330962

>calling a burger stand a "restaurant"
The absolute state of amerilards.

>> No.13331045

Why does everyone in the background look like a school shooter incel type who would show up at a protest in a Dodge product?
>I have had the sex
Poor thing

>> No.13331062

Does every 5 guys have the same layout? Looks exactly the same as my local.

>> No.13331172
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I don't think these count Anon but nice try

>> No.13331523

It's popular, what else do you think you fucking retard

>> No.13332840
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The SPF500 and DOW are at an all time high so I'm optimistic about your portfolio. So according to my projections if we refinance your mortgage and business loan and liquidate your assets, you maybe able to afford one meal at Five Guys.

>> No.13332853

Wow! Details??????

>> No.13332861
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the spurdo makes it funnier

>> No.13332868
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>Phone posting

Some of us did our make up, put on perfume, put on the fanciest dress, white velvet gloves to post on our ELITE professional workstations and gaming desktops.

>> No.13332891

Your sister, mom and grandma don't count. They gave you charity fucks.

>> No.13332981

:XDD, le ebic meme! Ubvote +1!

>> No.13332996

Like 10 of the scene girls I knew are single mothers now lol

>> No.13333168

>coming to a shithole of a site of your own volition
pretty fucking based not gonna lie famigliolio

>> No.13333281

>getting on your computer
Anon if you arent here all the time then I dont know what to tell you

>> No.13333425

No not at all, fuck of to McDonalds they are a private business and can charge what they like, just like your free not to buy there product

>> No.13334911
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Do you go into an actual sushi house and complain it's more expensive than 7/11 sushi?
Of course you wouldn't, it's fine it's more expensive because it tastes better.

Also it's realistically not that more expensive than the average fast food meal, let's not pretend mcdonalds and others aren't expensive
For better tasting food, better quality ingredients, and bigger portions, the extra price is worth it.

>> No.13334936

I payed like ten bucks for a burger a drink and fries a few years ago. Guess the price went up.

It was okay, but I like this place called Freddy's Steakburgers, or Whataburger for fast food burgers.

Honestly I'd pay more for some tacos because they're tastier, but you know how it is.

>> No.13334991

It's just a burger. Unless it's made of smoked brisket or prime rib it shouldn't cost what it does. And we know it doesn't contain those things because they would plaster advertisement of it everywhere so in the end it's just a matter of quantity. You pay more because you get more. Big deal. Stack a couple whoppers together and you got the same thing.

>> No.13335003

I don't know where you guys are pulling these prices. I go there with my wife and get burgers, drinks and fries for ~$20

>> No.13335012

You're an idiot. Maybe if you did your research and learned whose the supplier for stores and what cuts and grade meat they use you would be onto something, but you aren't.
The freezing method for fast food patties has them filled with chemicals that they cook faster from frozen state.
Five guys and other similar places actually have to form the meat and cook it, unlike the other chains that have them pre cut.

My brother is a trucker too so he delivers from their suppliers when he gets trips to those food places.

>> No.13335022

freezing meat is an effective way of preventing spoilage
makes one wonder what they're pumping into the beef at 5 guys if they aren't freezing it to keep it from going bad

>> No.13335026

>what do you mean prices are right there? Noo I do not read them before ordering and I do not expect to pay 18 dollars for a meal!!

>> No.13335033

I'll fuck your mouth for free, or I will charge you $5000 for me not to do so.

>> No.13335038

Why would I involve myself in my mother's sex life? Go ahead if you're that desperate.

>> No.13335039


nothing they just get new shipments of fresh meat more frequently

>> No.13335044
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>The freezing method for fast food patties has them filled with chemicals that they cook faster from frozen state.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.13335061

Fast food, fast casual, casual dining, fine dining. Any chef knows this shit. Because you actually learn it. It is actual specification.

>> No.13335091

> No worthwhile customization
> Sells data to advertisers
> More fragile than a anti-vegan poster
> User interface for babies and retards

Whats wrong with iphones

>> No.13335107

The fuck? You sharing a meal for one with 3 other people?

>> No.13335134

I live in a high cost of living area and a little hamburger with a shitton of toppings and small cajun fries will more than fill me up and cost me less than $10. It’s still not cheap, but it’s not as outrageous as people make them out to be.

Some of you lardasses need to either double check what you’re really ordering or cut back on what you order. A hamburger there is a double burger and a small fries is equivalent to that of a large fries anywhere else, probably even more. You can definitely share a small fries with 2 or 3 people.

>> No.13335145

you could fuck her before she could say no...

>> No.13335362

that's exactly what a virgin would say.

>> No.13335872

It is overpriced. The quality isn't even that good. Mine is exclusively staffed by ex felons.

>> No.13335879

Their fries are shit. They're soggy and limp. They give you a lot of them, though, so great, I end up paying for a bunch of soggy, nasty ass fries I don't want.

>> No.13335971

You think spending 20 bucks on a some food is a big problem? You obviously have a shitty job and not a successful life. I easily throw 20 bucks around for a light snack if I feel like it, because I'm not some kind of pathetic loser eating cup ramen every night because he can't afford more.

>> No.13335975

>15/3 = 16
my god

>> No.13336011

You're stupid and you don't know the value of a dollar. If you overpay for things, you are simply a moron, whether it's a cheeseburger or a car.

>> No.13336055

dunno what hellhole you live in but its only 10 bucks where im at