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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13320426 No.13320426 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/pill me on this movie

>> No.13320431

He eat alot of Micky ds

>> No.13320433

they stopped offering super size because of this movie fuck him. super size was a good deal

>> No.13320434

Anti capitalist propaganda from a communist sexpest

>> No.13320447

>Guy with shit metabolism and liver condition decides to force feed himself twice his tdee in shit food for a month
>Shocked when it turns out to be bad for his health

>> No.13320453

Alcoholic idiot whose results couldn't be replicated by anyone else, is amazed to find out that eating a lot makes you fat.

>> No.13320454

he has to this day refused to provide the dietary logs that prove he ate mcdonalds and only mcdonalds in the amounts he claims to have had

>> No.13320469

McDonalds is bland shitty food for midwesterners and that chode swallower decided to swoop in and get high school health teachers excited by throwing up a few quarter pounders on camera and other nonsensical shit. Also it's a shit movie.

>> No.13320476

I love the parts where he's just up in the middle of the night whining. doesn't he puke after having a normal mcdonalds meal too?

>> No.13320477

this pic was him the entire movie

>> No.13320898

used to have a bootleg copy of it and watched it as a kid without understanding what it's about

>> No.13320922

What a childhood

>> No.13320945

Why are virgins so paranoid with communism?

>> No.13321055

>liver condition
Is that what they're calling alcoholism these days?

>> No.13321124

Fuckin phony cunt made up a bunch of shit for no good reason. Fuck him and his faggot mustache. I'm glad every other movie he released after this bombed. Hack cocksucker.

>> No.13321166

He also quit exercising and walking to work during the experiment.

>> No.13321177

Watched it on Netflix in high school about a decade ago and I called my dad to bring me home some mcnugs cuz I was getting hungry watching, was extremely cash

>> No.13321381
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>I'm going to prove to the world that it isn't healthy to subsist off of fast food while also keeping my physical activity to a minimum

>> No.13321387

"Fit to Fat and Back" is the superior fatkino

>> No.13321397

No it wasn't. It was a stupid deal for stupid people. Even more fries and soda. Whoop dee fucking doo.

>> No.13321398

>Why are virgins so paranoid with communism?
As someone who lives next door to Venezuela, allow me to tell you to GO FUCK YOURSELF!

COMMUNISM KILLS! Anyone dumb enough not to be paranoid or scared of it deserves to be sent to one of these communist countries to experience first hand the horrors of living under a communist regime.

>> No.13321401

Because they need to create boogeymen to blame their virginity on and /pol/ taught them that everything they don't like is communism.

>> No.13321404

>he doesn't have room in his diet for 2000 kcal of soda and fries

>> No.13321417

Bruh, SA shitholes are always a nightmare whether they are rules by tankies or some US-backed dictator

>> No.13321421

>unironically thinking a movie about a guy eating mcdonalds to show how bad the unintelligent consumerist diet is pro-communist propaganda

It's borderline critical of some aspects of capitalism at it's worst. It's not suggesting abandoning free enterprise like /pol/dditors seem to believe.

Everything to the 2016 /pol/dditor is black or white. It must be one extreme or the other. Fucking idiots.

>> No.13321428

Inb4 somebody says "hurr reddit spacing". It's normal paragraph formatting, fucktards.

>> No.13321451

reddit spacing

>> No.13321483

Kike faggot takes a swing at McDonald's by lying about his health and eating to create clout. Later when called out doesn't admit he's a fucking lying kike

>> No.13321546

>gf was a anemic looking vegan
>spurlock cares so much about health he ended up an alcoholic
>the man who eats Big Macs every day isn’t unhealthy

What is boils down to is fast food dramatically effects people differently based on genes especially if they have inferior African American DNA

>> No.13321561

So the scene with the kids able to recognize Ronald over Jesus, what were they trying to convey?

>> No.13321562

It's total bullshit and Morgan Spurlock should be lynched for getting the Super Size taken away from us

>> No.13321567

Huh? It isn't 2018 anymore.

>> No.13321601

Dictatorship has nothing to do with communism.

>> No.13321603

Because it's a ridiculous ideology based on a false premise that stems from Hegelian thought (also shit) that has resulted in over a hundred million deaths globally (and ongoing) since 1917 and has directly led to other ridiculous ideologies being formed and attempted (Fascism, National Socialism, etc) that delivers no economic benefit, retards human progress and destroys the very concept of human freedom as its religious adherents refuse to abandon it and so must remove alternatives from academic and political thought because it cannot compete fairly with other ideologies and win.

>> No.13321606

Except that its the form of government that was implemented in literally every officially communist country.

>> No.13321614

This was my thought too.
>in this documentary I have uncovered that only eating mcdonalds for every meal is bad for you
really makes you think

>> No.13321622

Get fucked m8 I lived during communist era. Not fun.

>> No.13321624

Stalinism or Maoism is not communism.

>> No.13321627

Also caloric intake and level of exercise. eating a big mac a day is fine, eating 3 mcdoubles, a large fry and large soda with no exercise is less so.

>> No.13321633

>if he's not fat he must be healthy
Flyover state public schools, everyone

>> No.13321656

The man has had blood tests and physicals that prove he is healthy

>> No.13321905

He intentionally chose the largest portions every time and then was like "wtf I'm unhealthy how could this happen to me???"

>> No.13321920

Literally everything in this post is wrong.
>muh 100 gorillion
Just lmaoing at you. History books don't bite.

>> No.13321926

China pulled over 800 million out of poverty over the last few decades. Nice historically inaccurate and emotion-driven rant though.

>> No.13321941

No shit, that's why it's literally called SUPER SIZE ME

>> No.13321947

People who eat too much deserve their results. It doesn't mean that the suppliers of food are wrong for delivering their orders.

>> No.13321952

Ah yes. Who cares if 35% of the country is obese? It's their fault!

Tip top burger post.

>> No.13321956

Yes. Nobody forced you to shove food down your gullet until you turned into a pile of filth.

>> No.13321966

that wasn't helping before the "experiment" since he was already a fat fuck with liver failure.
tofu and vodka sandwiches was the backbone of his vegan lifestyle

>> No.13321967

Imagine not being able to think of the consequences of having such a large obese population.

>> No.13321968

It's all their own fault. Let them keel over.

>> No.13321972

Yes, China is a bastion of prosperity and freedom, and a model of what every country should aim to be.
That guy's post was stupid, but yours is just as.

>> No.13321980


>> No.13322041

Yes it is.

>> No.13322045

Yes. By abandoning communism and moving to a hyper unregulated free market system albeit one under the complete auspicious of corrupt party officials.

>> No.13322050

auspices rather.

>> No.13322054

If the means of production is not owned by the workers, it is not communism. Dictators take it all for themselves.

>> No.13322058

It is owned by the workers through the proletariat who are expressing their will through the state.

>> No.13322065


Watch this OP. Or anyone who wants to see how Super Size Me was bullshit. Not that eating McDonalds is great for you or anything but he clearly lied about how much he was eating and this guy gives a much more scientific understanding of weight loss and unhealthy eating.

>> No.13322160

you are thinking of dictatorship of the proletariat, which is not communism
read the manifesto nigger

>> No.13322302
File: 75 KB, 462x622, ancommemeball3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally all of my """commie""" friends are 30+ year old manchildren without girlfriends or wives. it's pathetic desu

>> No.13322321

"BuT ThAT waNst REal GomMUNISm"
every fucking time.

>> No.13322325

>thinks the Communist Manifesto is the true definition communism
lol come back when you grow up Billy

>> No.13322355

So you are saying people CAN'T decide what to eat and CAN'T go out for a walk or whatever?
Stop blaming other for individual failure.

>> No.13322361

I agree we shold put muslins in concentration camps and sterilize them.
China is what every single western country should be coping.

>> No.13322363

His rule was that if he was offered a super size meal by the wagies (which they almost always did) then he had to take it, as some kind of belief that Mcdonalds is trying to kill you by offering you a deal you can turn down.

>> No.13322636

>not virgins
Pick one.
Also, capitalism is a true Chad ideology.

>> No.13322645

Everyone in this thread needs to consider this. This is the point of the movie. Take for example this case story:

Barry, a convenience store clerk, goes a decade eating super sized MccyD's, putting on over 200+ pounds over his normal healthy weight. at the age of 50, he gets a heart attack on the job. A concerned customer calls 911, an ambulance comes and takes him to the hospital. At the hospital they resuscitate him and save him, thankfully. He's billed with tens of thousands of dollars of medical costs and fees. He's a fucking convenience store clerk so he can't pay that shit off. So he defaults on the bills, declares bankruptcy, and the state absorbs the cost.

In this case, we have an example of an obese person. This is the cost for having an obese population. The healthy have to prop up their disgusting lifestyle. And, in my opinion, we have to treat them like we treat any other addicts. Like children. We have to put in safeguards that keep them stable and away from their drug of choice. We have to stop them from gumming up the system and costing resources. Just like we do with drug addicts.

This is the point of the movie. To point out to the US that we have a population that is poisoning themselves, and corporations enabling this. The people who cannot control their shitty habits need to be treated like children, and we need to step in and stop places like MacDonalds from enabling this behavior.

>> No.13322689

When 1/3 of your country is obese it's more than just individual failure.

>> No.13322709

So there's a company grabbing people and force feeding them?
No? then fuck off!
Nobody if forcing anyone to eat. If you can't JUST EAT LESS you are to blame for fucks sake.

>> No.13322737

JUST EAT LESS is clearly not working.

>> No.13322742

Yeah, if you are a useless piece of shit with no self control then yeah.
There is not magic fat. You lose weight if you eat less and/ or exercise more.
Stop covering for people who clearly make bad decision and stop supporting their self destructive lifestyle.
You are part of the problem.

>> No.13322758


needs to read>>13322645

to understand

>> No.13322764

It's no 1/3 anymore, it's very very close to 2/5ths now as of 2017.

>> No.13322807

>Barry, a convenience store clerk, goes a decade eating super sized MccyD's, putting on over 200+ pounds over his normal healthy weight. at the age of 50, he gets a heart attack on the job.
That is one hundred percent his fault for not eating healthy.
Do you want to force him to "eat his veggies and go on a walk like a a good little boy"?
He is a fucking adult and needs to take care of his own ass by himself.

>A concerned customer calls 911, an ambulance comes and takes him to the hospital. At the hospital they resuscitate him and save him, thankfully. He's billed with tens of thousands of dollars of medical costs and fees. He's a fucking convenience store clerk so he can't pay that shit off. So he defaults on the bills, declares bankruptcy, and the state absorbs the cost.

What the fuck si this tangent about you nigger? this has nothing to do with why he is fat in the first place. You are trying to get some form of emotion because of his "oh so bad situation" that he put himself in.

>In this case, we have an example of an obese person. This is the cost for having an obese population. The healthy have to prop up their disgusting lifestyle. And, in my opinion, we have to treat them like we treat any other addicts. Like children. We have to put in safeguards that keep them stable and away from their drug of choice. We have to stop them from gumming up the system and costing resources. Just like we do with drug addicts.

So they should be shot on sight for being degenerates drag on society they are? I agree.

>Like children.
That is always the solution isn't it? treat them like children because they can't control themselves. Don't call them on their bullshit because they might be "emotionally damaged".

Fuck off you cunt, realize you are enabling this problem.

>> No.13322811

Great! I guess we can just tell them to eat less. Problem solved!

>> No.13322817

Are you literally 12?

>> No.13322839


>This is the point of the movie. To point out to the US that we have a population that is poisoning themselves, and corporations enabling this. The people who cannot control their shitty habits need to be treated like children, and we need to step in and stop places like MacDonalds from enabling this behavior.

So lest attack the ones selling the fucking food for being "bad for you"?
great idea you fucking moron lets also ban all alcohol manufacturing the Tabasco industry go even harder on the "war on drugs( because that worked wonders".
Lets also ptu an end to "addictive video games" and ban computer and television manufacturing because the people just can't control themselves and are becoming sedentary.
Not to mention porn that has to be outlawed this instant, and take that foul Netflix, that causes people to binge watch it, out with it.

and that is just the start Because, you know, "People just can't stop their "shitty habits."

WE can't let them have any freedom not can we hold them accountable for their action it's always society's fault.

>> No.13322841

Nope, that's what (>>13322045) is doing.

>> No.13322846

Seething obese mutt

>> No.13322847

Great argument. The one who is advocating for literally treating grown adults who eat to much as children tries to somehow make someone else seem immature.

>> No.13322868

You just made the argument they "should be shot on sight for being degenerates drag on society they are", so I don't think you should lecture anyone on being immature or making dumb arguments.

>> No.13322894

Why do small minded folks like you always rush to the strawman "he's suggesting we ban everything".

That is not what I said, and not what I implied. We regulate alcohol, tobacco, and firearms very heavily, for good reason, but we don't ban them. Why? Because some people can responsibly engage with these goods. However, some people cannot, so we have to establish boundaries and laws. This is exactly the scenario that I laid out for you, and your feeble minded brain couldn't comprehend the nuance of the argument.

>> No.13322949

Oh straw man right? I mean it's not like you are asking people to hold MCDs countable for people WHO DECIDE TO EAT THERE.
What kind of regulation would that be you stupid moron? Because as you very well know regulating alcohol barely does anything to stop people form over consuming it.
But I'm sure you know best. I'm sure it's just me being "feeble minded" for thinking government control over food consumption of it's citizen is not a good idea.

Lets do what you want. But lets start with with media shall we? we can't have people engaging in horrible acts that cause themselves harm after all. First porn then video games. AS there are several studies that prove how dangerous and addictive they are. After all people can't control themselves.

>> No.13322962

I'm not the one arguing for more over regulation of the commerce and the consumption off goods buck.

But I'm sure you would love for the war on drugs to be extended on the fats food business. Because that work wonders when it was done to alcohol right?

>> No.13323774

Not him and I very much agree we shouldn't regulate too much. But to be honest I don't know how much you'd have to regulate food products before a real black market popped up...
Also sage goes in all fields because this is an obvious troll thread that should die. Everything fast food related should really.

>> No.13323788

Based tankie

>> No.13323984


>> No.13323994

Like clockwork.

>> No.13324028

>China is communism except when it isn't
kys retard

>> No.13324069

It wasn’t scientific, he also doesn’t move. He limits his movement. How do we know that didn’t cause everything?

>> No.13324076

Well im gonna invent flying, to do so you have to jump from a cliff.

>inb4 youll die
That wasn't real flying, that was falling,

>> No.13324103

The only one who has done that itt is another braindead right wing subhuman like you. Since you're an idiot, I'll redirect you to the post in question: (>>13322045).

>> No.13324112


This. It was a good value format since going from medium to large isn't worth it. Med sized fries and large are the same in different cartons. Sure drinks cost nothing for them but you get a place with free refills it's worth it.

>> No.13324118
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>that was falling
On your head, right? Is that how you became a right wing idiot who doesn't know a single thing about the history of socialism? Pic very related.

>> No.13324158
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>family moved out of Communism country to America to get away from nutso commies
>Lazy white """"""people""""" want to bring Communism to America because they are fucking lazy and stupid and think that it will magicly make them not stupid and rich

>> No.13324173

They are retarded

>> No.13324210

Many Hungarians, former Yugoslavians and Russians miss their former socialist states. Why should I value your poor oppressed family's tears over those people's opinions?

>> No.13324212

Good job, you managed to trigger quite a few ignorant incels.

>> No.13324219

>History books don't bite.
then why do you refuse to read them?

>> No.13324230

He should have a price on his head for starting the low calorie trend. Only the Dave's Triple and BK Stacker King X3 surpass the 1200k mark. I need 4000 calories a day or else I lose weight and getting there isn't cheap. On the bright side, poverty forced me to subsist on much less which slowed the aging process down.

>> No.13324235

if it wasn't for the left, the obese couldn't afford healthcare and would die in the gutters like the garbage they are

>> No.13324243

why the fuck would i care what a stupid white """"""person"""""" thinks.
go suck off Mao's or Stalins dick you fucking trash excuse of a human trying to kill a whole country cause your ass blasted someone richer then you

>> No.13324288

Nobody cares about your family's opreshun by le evil commies, shitskin.

>> No.13324387

Cole did an experiment where he intermitent fasting and did all eating on one sitting once a day at McDonald's. He excercised as usual and he actually remained healthy.


>> No.13324476


>> No.13324483

That's his point. You're pointing to a retard who jumps off cliffs and using that to prove airplanes don't work.

>> No.13324574

why are so many gymfags manlet scum?

>> No.13324765
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>> No.13324788

it's easier to get shredded when you're short also they need to compensate somehow

>> No.13324792
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>> No.13324866

it's american fear mongering at it's finest
half truths and non-facts collected all in a single package to scare the shit out of retards for money

>> No.13324960

This is why the gubmint should step in and offer daily citizen rations so no man eats more than his share.

>> No.13324968

This is why the gubmint should step in and force daily citizen rations upon the populate so no man eats more than his share and no man goes hungry.

>> No.13324994

Nobody is arguing for any of that you you disingenuous fuck.

>> No.13325034

Most of the virgins I've dealt with were tankie faggots.

But for what it's worth, communism is a fucking garbage theory that's killed an untold number of people, yet is framed as 'okay'.

And a McChicken you wrapped in parchment paper yourself is suddenly some artisanal, locally-sourced chicken sandwich.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13325362


It's horseshit.

Went from 300 to 180 in a year only eating mcdonalds and pizza.

Eat under your basal metabolic rate and you lose weight.
Eat over and you gain weight.

>> No.13325381

No alcoholism miggt be the cause but liver condition is the problem like how overeating will get you morbidly obese and thus give you arthritis the cause of the fat body is overeating but its the obesity that matters when discussing causes for arthritis

>> No.13326221

Not a lefty here. That's not the left, it's medical practice in general. The ethics so far dictate that even if the patient can't afford it, the doctor will try to save them. Tbh, even as a righty I can't disagree with that.

>> No.13326229

But it's also not really true. Couple guys I work with are at least around 6' and work out. They just don't have to tell you about it. And they aren't confrontational like manlets. Plan to join them at the gym soon cause so far my life feels useless

>> No.13326251

Wtf type of weird shit, it’s no wonder everyone on this fuckin website is insane.

>> No.13328078
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>> No.13328103

Chinkshills are like locusts. They swarm and shit up the place with their autistic screeching about how China doesn't threaten NGOs into posting biased and fake stats, and then disappear once they've replied to everyone who hates China. I'm pretty certain they've got some WeChat thing where they plan out which threads on 4chan to shitpost in.

>> No.13328140

The movie was "relevant" for like two weeks only, more than a decade ago.
Why do people still talk about it?

>> No.13328168
File: 80 KB, 1278x670, 3aed8c84-c5ec-4967-82ae-46a80d65cd0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dabs on your vegan communist propaganda

>> No.13328179

I'm guessing it's still popular in elementary schools where they sent thousands of free copies for teachers who need a good smoke break.

>> No.13328409

Was he a vegan or vegetarian? I can't remember.

>> No.13328470

Can confirm I had to watch this piece of shit and write essays about it at least 10 times in school.

>> No.13329390

>biased and fake stats
Literal World Bank link was posted here. Cope harder, amerishart.

>> No.13329637

Not even that.
>turns out that eating until you puke three times per day and not exercising at all has adverse health effects
Fucking McChickens all day every day are healthy in moderation.

>> No.13329725

fucking faggy premise. no shit if you eat processed fast food for every meal, every day your health is gonna take a dive. eat pant, clowns are cool though

>> No.13329811

its dumb and bad, he forces himself to eat so much that he vomits multiple times a week, of course he wasn't gonna feel good by the end.

>> No.13329890

>the guy in this movie completely shit on Super Size Me
>Super Size Me guy never responds to anything Fathead debunks
Spurlock is a scumbag

>> No.13330379

Simpler times.

>> No.13330432 [DELETED] 

>but why isn't the government telling us what to do :(((

>> No.13330703

He replicated the standard American gym routine, which is nothing

>> No.13330776

Hitlerism is not national socialism

>> No.13330882

Gave me a good chuckle

>> No.13330924

he literally was a communist vegan sexpest you fucking cuck
stop calling other people virgins when you're the biggest one here, kid

>> No.13331070

>n-no u!!!!!!
Kek butthurt incel got a nerve struck

>> No.13331253

married but go off kiddo
he literally, literally was a commie vegan
it's in the first 10 minutes of the documentary

>> No.13331272

double your soda and fries for a dollar? It was a win win though. Sure that didn't add much to the bottom line, but on the consumer side, you'd have to buy 2 mediums to get the same amount which would have been like $3-4 more

>> No.13331306

>double your soda and fries for a dollar? It was a win win though.
Most American post today.

>> No.13331316

What, because we have enough discretionary budget to throw away on doubling the our food if the fandy strikes us to eat it all? Hell, I'd super size shit and throw away half of it, because fuck you. It's a different hobby, but I love watching some gamer eurofag bitch about game costs, GPU costs etc, with VAT and the anti-business eurozone policies jaking everything up while I pay nearly half for cutting edge parts (even with tariffs lol) and buying games for 1/3-1/4 the cost of you guys, but oh fucking no maybe Google will sell my info that I don't forbid them too, how fucking tragic.

>> No.13331522

Communism in a nutshell
You are evil if you don't care about everyone equally..... I don't care about you