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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13319567 No.13319567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will the scam of Chipotle-style fast casual restaurants finally fucking die?

It's always a goddamn bowl/wrap of 75% cheap-as-dirt rice (and possibly beans) with cheap-as-dirt condiments of whatever ethnic spin the restaurant is chipotlifying and the tiniest goddamn scoop of meat unless you want muh DOUBLE SERVING for a $4+ upcharge. Don't forget about the PREMIUM TOPPINGS, GOYIM :^))))

Just fuck off already.

>> No.13319575

oh look a /pol/tard doesnt understand the convenience of fast casual restaurants

>> No.13319579


What are you on about, schizo?

>> No.13319580

Fuck I love Chipotle. So good. I wish we had one in my town.

>> No.13319585

fast casual will never die, it is usually just better than boomer fast food chains like Burger King it is killing

>> No.13319589

why are you crying about jews?

>> No.13319590

Chipotle has plenty of meat, why would you possibly need a double serving. Who the fuck leaves Chipotle still hungry?

>> No.13319592

quit being a poorfag :^)

>> No.13319593

Saying “goyim” doesn’t make you /pol/. That’s just what (((they))) want you to think.

>> No.13319598

Imagine being this angry that a restaurant exists

>> No.13319600

>it's a SCAM
you don't have to pay f-
is this even about food anymore

>> No.13319608

I beg to differ. With the increasing ubiquity of apps like doordash and uber eats allowing sit down restaurants to get some skin in the convenient eats game, all of a sudden the upcharge for this chipotle places is going to seem that much less attractive. I'm much more willing to spend the same or slightly more for a bigger, higher quality restaurant meal.

Where did you see the jews mentioned once in my post, you psychopath?

>plenty of meat

For an emaciated 7 year old. Yeah, you'll leave stuffed. Full of rice and other filler.

I'm not a poorfag. I simply value purchases well spent. I will happily spend $80+ on a fine dining experience. Mass cooked rice and beans with a third of a chicken breast isn't worth $9+ dollars.

>> No.13319617
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>> No.13319628

since you're going to mass reply until your thread post caps since you're an autistic tourist faggot, i'll just end the thread here:
chipotle is a fast food, fast casual restaurant. barely anyone goes to chipotle compared to the dozens of various fast casual restaurants in manhattan. guess what? almost every single restaurant here operates in the same fashion. it's incredibly convenient to run into a fast casual restaurant, grab something from their premade cooler, or have a full meal ready in five minutes
eating at fast casual restaurants gets you out of the office and keeps you from looking like an autistic faggot sperg eating a $30 ubereats order at your desk because you don't want to interact with others
on average i spend about $15 on breakfast and lunch combined. i'd spend a lot more and wait a lot longer having someone deliver lower quality food to me
you can cry and pretend that the ingredients are subpar and rant about some jewish soy conspiracy, but a majority of the ingredients are sourced locally and are certified organic
kill yourself flyover

>> No.13319629

I used to eat at a Halal Guys for lunch from time to time, as they were pretty generous with the chicken. One time I rolled up and some cunt from corporate was there weighing out every platter on a scale, publicly humiliating the employees, and I got maybe half the serving of chicken I was getting before then. Told the corporate dick to his face I'd never be back again. Cunts.

>> No.13319637

and yes i can tell you're a flyover because
1) you think $80 is a lot of money to spend on fine dining
2) you referenced doordash over any other food delivery service and doordash is primarily used by suburban retards

>> No.13319642

/pol/ stopped hating Jews after based Trump got elected

>> No.13319649

I, too, enjoy a good $300 sliced tomato with a side of delicately poached twig. A twenty percent gratuity will be included after taxes and tip.

>> No.13319654
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>> No.13319656

>mass reply

My post wasn't a mass reply, shit for brains. I've been coming to this shithole for over a decade now, but maybe I'm out of the loop if the hot new etiquette is wasting your time filling out a captcha to reply to each fucking comment in an individual post.

I work in NYC. A typical price fix multi-course meal at a fine dining establishment typically starts around $75-80+, hence the plus. That was the bottom end. I'd say past the $150 range starts dipping into diminishing returns.

>> No.13319669

>I work in NYC
if you worked or lived in manhattan you wouldn't mention chipotle in the first place
>A typical price fix multi-course meal at a fine dining establishment typically starts around $75-80+,

>> No.13319674

How fat are you?

>> No.13319678

ok retard

I'm lean and muscular because I don't stuff my face with overpriced bowls of salsa, sour cream rice.

>> No.13319680
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You guys don’t have freebirds sucks for y’all

>> No.13319683

>My post wasn't a mass reply, shit for brains.

>> No.13319701

go back to /pol/

>> No.13319707

>all of a sudden the upcharge for this chipotle places
What upcharge? Chipotle is cheap as shit compared to getting a sit down place delivered, what are you talking about?

>> No.13319734

everything in food service is upcharged.
i can buy enough food a 3 days (9 meals) for the same price as one shitpotle's fully loaded burritos or toilet bowls.

>> No.13319738

>cooking at home is cheaper than eating out

>> No.13319757

believe it or not, some people don't realize this,
especially where i'm from, everyone who is incredibly poor always eats out, but after working in food service, and seeing the horrific things that happen in the kitchen, i would never consider eating out unless i was on the verge of starving.

>> No.13319793

Bowls are popular in NYC because everyone here is obsessed first with their career and second with their health. Bowls can be eaten at your desk while doing more work and the small amount of food is some nod to portion control.

That said, fuck you, Num Pang’s grain bowls are awesome as are the rice bowls at Mighty Quinn’s

>> No.13319801

I didnt realize auschwhitz had a chipotle

>> No.13319816

he clearly said chipotle-style and wasn't referring to chipotle directly

>> No.13319834

Naw I agree though. Fast casual like Newk’s is one thing. Chipotle is a rip off

>> No.13319847

NYC is flyover as fuck

>> No.13319854

i went to a freebirds once and there were bugs festering in literally every single ingredient

>> No.13319856

I agree. At the very least until you make contact with the skyscraper.

>> No.13319876

Chipotle and the like are soimen hangouts. They hardly need to put any effort into scamming those poor sois.

>> No.13319903

The economy is shitting itself and it's unsustainable to give each customer 5lbs of meat, even it's cheap soy-infused meat, for a few bucks. It's not going to get better, it's not going to change. If you want more meat, start supporting people who are going to fix the economy rather than just dabbing on mexicans.

>> No.13319909

the pizza ones I've known seem to have a "cheese, one topping, all toppings" type of setup, and a cafeteriastyle all-you-can-pick toppins (like a subway) is actually pretty righton to me.

>> No.13319910

The economy is stronger than its ever been in history.

>> No.13319918

the stock market is measured higher, and has been ascending for a decade. the stock market is not the economy. gdp growth is not up to projections. employment numbers are a sham. wake the fuck up.

>> No.13319926

you faggots spamming this stupid bullshit for absolutely no reason should be a bamnable office

>> No.13319948
File: 70 KB, 462x462, chipotle logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your food poisoning

>> No.13320024

that sticc boi looks like he's having an allergic reaction, just look at the color of his wrists, like they are breaking out in hives.

>> No.13320070
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Jesus christ.

>> No.13320075

as if OP is any better, fuck you fag

>> No.13320088

Panda express > Chipotle

>> No.13320200
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I like them. Sometimes I save up money then I'll put on some nice clothes and treat myself to a meal at a fast casual restaurant just to get a taste of what it is like to be middle class.

>> No.13320212

ITT: a bunch of fat, retarded, losers who can’t do simple math argue that a complete and total rip-off isn’t a complete and total rip-off because they don’t understand the value of the money their mommy gives them

>> No.13320217

>not one single mention of Jews in his post
Lol, got me good, for a second I almost thought you WEREN’T insane and possibly mentally handicapped

>> No.13320227

>mass reply
It wasn’t a mass reply newfag
>all this autism about delivery and convenience
You are aware that there are more options than
A) “fast casual”
B) “delivery”
You seething retard tranny
>you can cry and pretend that the ingredients are subpar and rant about some jewish soy conspiracy, but a majority of the ingredients are sourced locally and are certified organic
Cringe, absolutely cringe. Just because it’s “organic” and whatever doesn’t mean it’s a rip off (you can make the same meal for a dollar) and it doesn’t mean those restaurants don’t serve shit quality, bad tasting food.

>> No.13320239

>5lbs of meat
Where the fuck are you going that you get anywhere close to that much meat you fucking retard vegan cuckold? At places like OP is talking about, you’re lucky if you even get 4oz

>> No.13321207

>go to sprouts
>get 5 pounds of 100% grass fed beef for like 15 bux
>can turn it into tacos, hamburgers, meatballs
>a dozen + dinners

>go to numale bugman hive with guys in skinny jeans and fat high school girls pretending they will get skinny eating at chipotle like places
>9 dollars, small portions, loaded up with fillers or shitty vegetables

I just dont get it. I guess the experience of watching someone make your shit in front of you is cool but the value is just never there. You get tiny amounts of meat and just a bunch of starches and vegetables.

>> No.13321323

Kek, relax fag

>> No.13321330

>being this much of a toasty coastie

>> No.13321341

The economy isn't shitting itself at all. It's very good in the US; and even if it wasn't, meat is cheap as fuck at the moment, especially pork and such.

>> No.13321369

Say soy you retard

>> No.13321376

>all the SEETHE itt
based op blessed op

>> No.13321389
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>when will this thing i don't like die so i can stop doing it and move onto the next one like the mindless npc i am

>> No.13321654

>Obama's employment numbers are a sham
>I think DRUMPFLSTILTSKIN'S employment numbers aren't real...
Shut up dumb leftie.

>> No.13321664

>>get 5 pounds of 100% grass fed beef for like 15 bux
Okay but you can't eat 5 lbs of raw beef for lunch, idiot. Eating out once in a while is a treat.

>> No.13321687

Not true. Trump understands the economy more than any other president and is worth more than all other presidents combined.

>> No.13321690
