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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 1200x900, nm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13310022 No.13310022 [Reply] [Original]

Mexican food

>> No.13310023


>> No.13310028
File: 33 KB, 338x450, europoormeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat your dinner, Ivan.

>> No.13310083


>> No.13310095

what's with all muricans barking on this board at every nation about their biggest insecurity?

inability to cook anything properly, and inability to eat something else other than attractive for babies food with lots of sugar (fast(((food))))

i see around 15 trash bait posts like this a day; this is not pol, get your beef somewhere else, tasteless sugar-addict fat fuck

>> No.13310101

>mexican food
>meat (bbq, smoked, roast, steak, burger, ribs, all of it)
>comfort food (meatloaf, roast, mac&cheese, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes with all the fixins, etc)
>Most Italian food better in US
>soon cheese
>our liquor is only now reaching parity but we may pass soon except for some holdouts like Scottish Scotch (jap scotch will never stack up sorry pewds)
I could go on
US is the food capital of the planet hands down.

>> No.13310115

Things America does better? Oversaturate every single food with an extremely unhealthy level of processed sugar?

>> No.13310121

>chinese food (americanized chinese food is better hands down, we've all seen the chinese slop now so there's no hiding it.)
>bread (many euros still don't know this kek)
>game including gamefish (largest hunting nation on earth we dominate game cooking, no one is even close)
>burgers (we're burgers we invented it and we dominate it)
>fried foods in general (foreigners secretly crave our fried foods, they buy it by the shipload when our chains open there and that's our worst stuff)
>fast food in general

Travel once, you'll see how bad everything is and lose weight, not even kidding. Go to Europe and see what those Morlocks consider good food. And what they pay for it.

>> No.13310129

It's a damn shame most foreigners' only experience with American food is McDonalds and other shitty junk food. They will never taste the nectar of the gods that is true American cooking.

>> No.13310137

>>bread (many euros still don't know this kek)
You've clearly never eaten German bread.
>>fast food in general
It's all disgusting slop that gives you cancer

>> No.13310139

dum dum, you read?

putting suger on stuff doesn't make it better, that includes chinese food, burgers, bread (mostly east euro eat bread). wtf is wrong in your head? got suger stuck in your grey matter?

also, did travel. not (and never) to murica; I've seen sugar & grease & deepfried factories and trump in videos. had enough of just by looking. you make the worst assumptions and actually attempt to base facts on them? with sugar on top? pls trade sugar for some ropes

>> No.13310143

ok, calm down people. he's not baiting. he's clearly just rambling, possible high levels of autism or psychosis.

>> No.13310148

> soon cheese
most american cheese is fake, except from a couple of states, which started adopting fake cheese too

>> No.13310153

bad larp. is microwave your only kitchen appliance?

>> No.13310170
File: 65 KB, 1200x630, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the world really does hate America, huh?
Is it a power dynamic kind of thing?

>hings America does better than anywhere else in the world

>> No.13310178

yes, we're envious on you guys trading your real honey rights for.. military?

you're not even the best at sugar (lack of honey-sugar) which you put on your sandwiches.

* guzzling fat bubbles coming out of throat in attempts to reply *

>> No.13310189

when you grow up a little you'll realize ad-homs aren't an effective rhetorical strategy.
your childishness stemming from your poor European upbringing only fuels my pride.

>> No.13310192
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>> No.13310271

literally everything

>> No.13310273

t.nopassport fox news retard

>> No.13310279

oh I've traveled, it's just that I'm not stupid enough to extrapolate my individual experiences to all human beings.
I'm 6'2, white, and handsome so I get treated pretty well overseas

>> No.13310283

you're a weird one. remind me of my trashy aunt. she kept bragging how she's scamming people. one would counter her telling that that's not right and demands fewer skills than earning without scamming and she would call them (((envious)))

the same way, anyone supplying you proper arguments why and how much shit you are (((fuels))) your pride.

oh well.. guess it's true what they say: give shit to stupid and he'll feel smart and proud of his sheer stupidity.

ay, that all you can? fattyMcFatfat? talk about how all envy you without defending at all? did sugars infect your brains? you in the army and missed the plain to cp?

i personally enjoy fueling morons like you, because you'll keep being stupid and feed on your sugars. we don't need that much of that, you may have it. so just.. carry on. you may reinvent any cuisine with sugar on top, no problemio. heck, if you boast in front of me, I'll fuel you, screeching til you grab your sugar jar and eatit whole in front of me.

>> No.13310285

close to oldest milennial in the world. anything older gets you too close to boomer mentality. unsure i can grow there tho, lost the coal train

>> No.13310288
File: 198 KB, 1024x695, McDsFrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've clearly never eaten German bread.
You can't make good bread anywhere but Germany? Huh, that's an amazing concept.
Is that like how only Germany could do beer kek?
Or maybe we have to weigh your statements against your apparent ignorance.
Most Euros only travel to a couple of cities, and if you failed to find good food there, that's your fault.
>imagine travelling to America and only eating the fast food that's already dominating in your home country.
When you stop eating it we'll stop exporting it.

>> No.13310292

ESL retard, shouldn't have slept through those english classes

>> No.13310300

> not stupid enough to extrapolate
your greentext comparison list up there's based on you extrapolating your dumb experiences outside US. heard you guys are good at ignoring arguments & contradicting yourselves.

> white
like lots of other people. why do you feel the need to display it? it doesn't prove anything in this context. you obsessed? oh sorry, meant to say obese but that's not a question anymore

>> No.13310307

not my mother tongue. pls stay on point, don't derail. oh.. sorry, that's actually physically hard for fatties to do because they roll too often. my bad, carry on with your weirdass delusion

>> No.13310310
File: 216 KB, 1200x800, very_handsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mother says I'm the handsomest boy in the whole wide world
Imagine being so confident that you randomly bring up your race when strangers are discussing the best sandwich

>> No.13310313

what's esl? that like ounces or miles? reinvented-words that are used only in US.

>> No.13310318

context matters anon, that's all :)

>> No.13310320

I assume it's some army word. People from the economically blighted parts of the US often get their "big break" by getting accepted into military service (many of their peers having been disqualified by meth addiction, criminal history, or incest-related medical conditions).

So they burst out into the world and wow they saw Korea, they saw the Philippine Islands, they saw Okiee-nawa, they saw Rammstein. So that makes them very very sophisticated world travelers (btw these people automatically assume that anyone who has ever left their home town must be either in the military or LARPing).

Needless to say they constantly drop their obscure military acronyms in the hopes of hearing "thank you for your service".

>> No.13310323

again: bases all arguments on stupid assumptions. been to a friend's place in US, not some fastfoods. I'm more than not curious to go to your toxin sugar-power-houses fast(((food)))s things. can you base your arguments on non-variable assumptions at least?

you shouldn't have slept in your mathematical induction classes (doubt you do advanced stuff tho, so maybe there isn't a class like that for you to skip.. good thing you have engrish tho)

>> No.13310330

heh, good thing he knows english

wow, that's just pathetic. i wouldn't be surprised if that's totally true. it's usually the lowest of the low who keep polluting boards with their idea of barking at someone else's try, while theirs is burning.

>> No.13310334

now this is some prime-time projection going on... ESL = enlgish second language.
I really want to hear the story about how you got cucked my someone in the US military though anon

>> No.13310381
File: 998 KB, 1600x1200, FrenchDiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's esl?
>I assume it's some army word.
Holy moly, it's real! He went off on some frothing tangent.
The seethe is remarkable.
Now you're trying to insult American education. It'd be fine with me if all of you quit coming here and driving up tuition.
Your anger and hate acceleration is surely not just the jerk, but the actual 4th anti-derivative of hate.
I loved most people I met overseas, but you lot are insufferable. Secretly eating our cuisine then growing angry because your eels are disgusting.
His grandfather was born out of wedlock when his grandmother found out the American GI wasn't taking her back home but the other one. Sad for him, take it easy on the guy.

>> No.13310400

thank you for your service

>> No.13310404

ay cuck. it's what you did too. just scroll above a bit. you can read too :)

>> No.13310407

thank you for your service

>> No.13310420

buddy, I hate the military and the retards in it, it just has literally nothing to do with what "ESL" means.
You're digging yourself further and further, I can't wait to see how far you go

>> No.13310426

I'm not coming... wtf is wrong with you? you have no real honey + lots of other NK-lile (((rights))). why would anyone sane wanna go there? it's only kebab failure 3rd tier cleaning jobs people that go there. + i feel it's just about right to insult your education. seriously, one that makes general truths out of unfixed assumptions is dumb as a trash can and deserves no compliments to education system. you need basics, trashhead. you needs basics and you need to learn how to get your head outta your fat butt and be aware of surroundings. unaware fucks are probably worst type of people nowadays even tho "ignorance is bliss" saying exists (made by boomers, so why do i even..). but no man, not planning to come to United States of Arabia as i don't like halal sugar on everything.

as for tangent arguments.. you're quite the hypocrite.

>> No.13310431

>The welfare queen is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a murderer, war criminal, rapist, uneducated, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a welfare queen and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
thank you for your service

>> No.13310439

well i didn't. our countries are not at war, nor will be. muricans cuck orphan children at hotels though.. that's a bit of a disgrace. I'd humble myself to share a country with monsters like that, especially nowadays. good thing you speak english

>> No.13310446

poster count isn't going up... We got a serious European schizo on our hands

>> No.13310458

America does Mexican food, Chinese food, and hamburgers better than the rest of the world.
For fast food, I'd give America points because American franchises are the best fast food always, but they're almost always better in other countries, especially Asian countries. If you go to a McDonalds in Japan, it's clean, the staff are polite and professional, they don't mess up your order, and the food is nice and orderly and looks like it's ripped straight out of a commercial. In America, McDonalds is much shittier because the people who work there -- and let's be honest, it's mostly blacks -- have a bad attitude and give zero fucks about their jobs, and as a result, the restaurants are always filthy, the staff treats you like shit, they're constantly getting shit wrong, and everything comes out looking slobbed together with burgers barely staying together. So, no, I can't say America has the best fast food because that's not entirely true.
I'll give America one more thing, though: America makes the best American pizza. It's not "real" pizza, not even close, but American pizza is the most popular style of pizza worldwide, and they do it the best.

>> No.13310466
File: 96 KB, 565x400, dryageroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeezus, man. I feel bad for you, you're literally frothing at the mouth.
You need to take a chill pill, as us Amerifats say.
Enjoy your $50 non-meat Whopper, poor Euro. Or Chinese guy. Or Muslim guy.
It's truly a mental illness.
Imagine not having our cuinary depth though, you'd have brain degeneration too.

>> No.13310471

calling me a schizo

>copies food recipes from all over world
>adds a bucket of sugar
>muh gastronomy
>muh originality
>bark bark

you're a schizo

>> No.13310480
File: 34 KB, 400x264, BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't say America has the best fast food because that's not entirely true.
It's another symptom of visiting only our culturally enriched big cities, as you've noticed.
If you get out into the boonies and find and old BK, I'd strongly recommend it. They really used to be the best.

>> No.13310484

no thank you. keep pills for your army men. I'm fine without them. why are you putting culinary in the same context as amerifoods with sugar?

and where's that conspiracy fished from? i've seen the pig I ate move before grandpa stabbed him and prepared the exact same meat. apply tinfoil to your burn, and keep your pills for your grandpa, or esl, or miles, or whoppers, or whatever word you wanna reinvent for no reason.

>> No.13310487

based on dumb, unconfirmed assumptions. dismissed

>> No.13310715

>used to be
I think that's the key word. America used to be the best at fast food. But comparing an American Burger King to a Burger King in Korea, the Burger King in Korea wins every time.

>> No.13310759

Based. This thread should have a sticky

>> No.13310760

English as a second language
Idk if you're just baiting or retarded. You sound so angry. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets me a wall of text from you.

>> No.13310804

no wall. i was angry. esl, ounce, miles, oz or whatever else <- acronyms that you use deliberately in international context. it's obvious we don't know those shit words dum dum. why'd you use it in the first place?

you know what? ASA retard (got you here)

>> No.13310818

>it's obvious we don't know those shit words dum dum
try lurking newfag. Where the fuck did you come from?

>> No.13310836

esl is from pol or int. where did YOU come from?

>> No.13310842

I didn't use it. Only just popped in. Thanks for the wall of text just as expected. I'm guessing youre Muslim or something not understanding the culture of the board and getting mad at the place instead of >>13310818

>> No.13310855

How is it from pol? First time I >>13310842 saw it was I think in diy. The guy just mentioned he was esl and apologized for not knowing the names of certain parts in English.

>> No.13310893

poor assumption again. i was looking for culture, but keep finding these shitty baits & about 10-15 post a day only about shit fastfood. also.. where's the wall? i see bigger ones in this thread

>> No.13310904

dunno. seen it in pol first time. didn't see it as a chan acronym though. at least i learned something new

>> No.13310912

you on phone by any chance, mr wall? also.. thought you like walls more than whamen. it's why you voted for trump, isn't it? don't complain..

>> No.13310919
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>esl is from pol or int.
what? English as a Second Language is a common acronym in education for newly landed immigrants. I remember as a wee lad in elementary school they had us come chat with the adult ESL students to help them with their language skills.

And someone who doesn't know how board directories work has no business opining on what memes come from where in the first place.

>> No.13310943

>>bread (many euros still don't know this kek)
How? America has literally no bread culture whatever.

>> No.13310973

ok so it is an acronym originated in the US. what's with the "lurk more" then, since i was right in the first place?

was not opining. i said where I've seen it first. then forgotten what it means. now seeing the above, found out it's an official US started acronym, as i thought earlier today (can read above).

>> No.13310977

americas? culture? fast food doesn't count; has to be eatable first..

>> No.13310981

You need to lurk more because you keep fucking up board directories.

>> No.13310995

how? I'm not. rusty memories don't count

>> No.13311004

you gonna hang to this tho? is this your argument alone? no answer from your side on the other questions will not take my attention that you lost and you're just a hopping empty-worded self-contradicting little prick

>> No.13311009


If you look at that post and see nothing wrong then you need to stop posting and lurk more.

>> No.13311018
File: 68 KB, 500x375, 20120423-205474-Cloverleaf-detroit-pepperoni-garlic-onion-whole-cc_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13311071

Vermont cheese is god tier wtf are you on about

>> No.13311078

t. doesn't have a passport

>> No.13311140

Nothing. Mexican food is street food so it doesn't matter if its better and tbqh its just tacos that are better.

>> No.13311203
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, 1574357028552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do. I've been all over Western Europe and North Africa.
Missed the Middle East and Greece, though, and never been to Asia (and not real eager to go except as a Sexpat).
US is food capital of the planet hands down.
Could even be within 5 years our cheeses will definitively outrank European cheese like our wines do.
Legit Stilton... damned hard to be I admit.

>> No.13311222

You're a deluded crackhead if you think American wine is worth a shit. Even Chilean or Argentinian wines are better.

You must be a troll

>> No.13311276

>makes the best "two buns and meat" of the world

>> No.13311305

Okay, boomer.

>> No.13311470

Idk either I was just wondering if you did. I don't really go on pol less there's a happening
This guy's seems most reasonable to me>>13310919

Bruh calm down I really don't care about you at all. No I didn't vote at all

>> No.13311525



>> No.13311680

for now. they're gonna stop producing it soon

>> No.13311714

you're next level stupid. you just posted that esl is an actual acronym and was not invented on chan. how does that prove that i need to lurk more? do you know what lurk means?

>> No.13311801

The issue with American wine is that the majority of it is garbage that comes out of the Central Valley of California. Once you escape that shitheap the wine starts to get real fuckin good.

>> No.13311820

ESL is an abbreviation not an achronym.
It has been commonly used by the education system for many decades.
It was not invented on 4chan.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.13311833
File: 8 KB, 317x209, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of idiots...

>> No.13311928

well then there you go. why lurk to learn what esl means?

>> No.13311935

you still got what i said, nuttsack

>> No.13311939

I love curry, its just so damn expensive in the USA. Anon.. where is BBQ? We have the best regional BBQ on Earth hands down!

>> No.13311940

nvm this

>> No.13311948

Fuck, no. I have been in Texas and Cali and it honestly sucks.

>> No.13311950

You tried to correct someone by telling them an acronym is not an acronym.
It's not about "getting what you said", you're just being a retarded know-it-all who doesn't actually know anything.

>> No.13311960

> ESL is an abbreviation not an ac"h"ronym

looks a but weird coming from a (((fsl))), don't you think? google acronym and weep, loser

>> No.13311980

Me baking sourdough in San Francisco... Pleb. Joking aside, Germans and French have good bread. But here in freedomland you have to go to a small baker for good stuff or just bake at home like I do.

>> No.13311988

he misspelled it too

hahahahahh YOUR so stupid. i wrote your on purpose, cause apparently you'll call anyone whom you don't understand an "esl retard" even though they were right. probably now that i misspelled YOUR, you'll understand the henglesa languagio

>> No.13312035

>US is food capital of the planet hands down.
With a decent budget in a place like NYC it seems like that. Rich people can eat very well just about anywhere. But then you go to Tokyo and they just do everything a little better. Or you go to France and notice the standards are set a little higher. And not just at the high end. Across the board. The US is getting better and better at high end products - wine, cheese and the like - but the standard stuff the average person here eats is pretty grim. Poor quality meat, sliced bread, supermarket level vegetables.... That same profit motive that makes the high end stuff here so good really degrades the lower end. And the average Joe is so used to it he doesn't mind or even notice.

>> No.13312836

this thread is a good argument for why all ESL should be banned off 4chan

>> No.13312862

A prize won more than 40 years ago...

I don't know what do you expect me to say...

>> No.13312871

A lot of English as a Primary Language can barely communicate their ideas, so........

>> No.13312872

Hmm, I don't know, I've been to France outside of Paris and it's awfully chain-storey. Their meat was the most conspicuous shortcoming, I have better, cheaper meat available from my mid-level chain butcher than I can get in France. Lot of mass-produced, expensive minced meat when in the US I get store-ground chuck for cheap.
The US has a full gamut, and I don't know if you've been out of NYC recently, but virtually everywhere in the US has access to Local, Organic, Grass-Fed, Grain Fattened meats and produce. I haven't lived in a town w/o a farmer's market in 20 years, and I live in flyover land.
You may need to get out some and away from Trader Joe's. There's a LOT of shit going on in the US. Maybe I should start a show like Guy Fierri.
My town has <10,000 people. I live over a store with high quality local products, and you may scoff, but I have local wines, grapes, jams, honey, beef, pork, produce. There are many cheeses here and some of them are getting up there (I live near wisconsin as well as local).
The most conspicuous shortcoming I face is in the Tropical Fruit department. I'll admit my oranges, bananas, pineapples and such are shipped green and gas-ripened. If I want fresh Tropical produce I have to travel 40 miles to a town with a pop of 25,000 and pay out the nose. But I live on the back end of BFE.
There's not a Michelin Star within hundreds of miles of here, but my tiny town has 4 new-gastro type restaurants with Chefs that have a great CV. Plus a brew-pub with brewery that's good.
Anon I strongly suggest you get out of the coast and see what's going on, there is a revolution happening.

>> No.13312880

>I don't know what do you expect me to say...
We was kangs 'n shite would be most appropriate.

>> No.13312917

>Their meat was the most conspicuous shortcoming
Yeah, I don't eat much beef to begin with but I certainly wouldn't bother with it in Europe. Their chicken, pork and lamb is generally better quality than ours though.
>I don't know if you've been out of NYC recently
Been out to the Midwest, down to NOLA and across Texas by car recently. Easy to find good stuff in most major cities. Small towns more hit or miss. But there are places that still seem to have nothing. West Virginia struck me like that. But in terms of knowing I can eat well regardless of what I want to spend NYC and LA are still the safest bets in my book.

>> No.13312977

Why do Europeans seethe about americans at every given opportunity

>> No.13313699

"chinese" food

>> No.13313731

Frozen/processed foods

>> No.13313778
File: 196 KB, 409x331, 14335780763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make this the laptop background on the public no-sign in compies around my uni

>> No.13313962

are you actually schizophrenic

>> No.13314027
File: 1.36 MB, 2988x3616, munchie box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America will never reach this level of fatfuck.

>> No.13314175

thank you for your service

>> No.13314389


>> No.13314399

That's pretty tame. Us 56%ers have exceeded that level of fatfuckery in numerous dishes. Hell, the murican version wouldn't even bother with the veggies and instead make that a pool of ranch dressing.

>> No.13315965

banned from*; i know you were wrong and I'm ESL. ban yourself, dumb moron

>> No.13315979

Most jap scotch like Suntory comes from scotland as well you downie. Just the label and marketing is jap

>> No.13315987

no. checked & fine. got an argument to.. make that assumption?

>> No.13316592

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.13316605

pizza is better in italy and all places around with itialian immigrants.
comfort food is better in central europe like germany austria hungary and czech rep.
beer is best in austria and czech rep.
wine is best in france italy hungary and austria depending on what kind of whine ur looking for.
cheese is best in italy and france

just be proud of the stuff that is actually better in the US like BBQ, breakfast, Burgers and Fast Food in general