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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 920x1076, hipster coffee opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13302089 No.13302089 [Reply] [Original]

You can't dispute this.

>> No.13302094

I dispute this

>> No.13302102

You can't

>> No.13302135
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>> No.13302136

Interesting. In my country, the cup thing is used mostly by literal country bumpkins who live in small farms or similar assortment of pots in big cities. Most even lower-middle class have a basic coffee machine. I can’t imagine having some San Francisco cum guzzler telling about his cup and how good it is.

>> No.13302139

hipster coffee is piss. go buy a decent espresso machine and mill or if you don't have 2000 dollar to spend, buy a bialetti mokka.

>> No.13302182

Coffe enema once a year bruh

>> No.13302191

why the snobbery? Who da faq wants large grounds in their coffee?

>> No.13302201

If they wanted decent coffee, they'd make espresso shots and hand-steam the milk. Cowards.

>> No.13302221

This. Got an espresso machine at home and thinking of getting a moka for uni because I don't have space for an espresso machine here. Who the fuck has ever used one of those spirally cup cones? All the italian students I know use mokas, and they look a damn sight nicer than those retarded little teacups.

>> No.13302461

have you never opened a coffee thread here? most people, americans, spend $100+ on a pour over cup and the accessories
it takes them 30 minutes to pour a cup of coffee

>> No.13302471

paper filters in general are trash for lower class plebs
pour over just slightly less so

>> No.13302482
File: 25 KB, 560x600, F4CAC6B1-2090-451F-BAF1-E1C7FF652545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.13302691

No I have never opened a coffee thread here. I refused to.

>> No.13302707
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, 2019-07-18 14.06.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beast grinds fine.

>> No.13302714

Plastic is for fags. If your coffee brewing involves plastics, you are a pleb. You can't clean them properly, and over time your coffee will taste like trash. The end.

>> No.13302719


That thing on top is a stainless 1 serve coffee filter that will outlive me. It cost 20 bucks. My beans are Lavazza Oro because I'm not a pretentious cunt.

>> No.13303147

>$100+ on a pour over cup
wtf? mine cost me 7$ and I find it expensive

>> No.13303172

Folgers trailblazer roast kcup and a tbsp heavy whipping cream is all I need. Fuck the fag shit and coffee autism

>> No.13303317

For me, it's a French press. I like to pretend I'm a cowboy on the lone prairie

>> No.13303329

i always defend my walmart keurig machine, they day we pretend we're not drinking literal mud is the day we can go fuck ourselves

>> No.13303748

>he doesnt use a percolator

>> No.13303760

people love big useless machines

>> No.13303774
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Makes coffee just fine. Just throw some Folgers in and you're good to go.

>> No.13303779

I make coffee in my rice cooker. Saves me trouble of getting a dedicated appliance for just one single purpose.

>> No.13303839
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>spending more than $10 on coffee making implements

>> No.13303863

Drip is perfectly fine if you have a good machine. High end machines are often auto pour over anyway. Flat-bottom drip is better than most pour overs anyway, the coffee is hotter, extracted better and it's just a more consistent cup overall.

>> No.13304025

>go buy a decent espresso machine and mill or if you don't have 2000 dollar to spend, buy a bialetti mokka.
absolutely fucking based

>> No.13304040


>> No.13304352

I drink coffee because it's cheap, low calorie, high caffeine, and acts as a hunger suppressant. Dont really give a fuck about the taste honestly.

>> No.13304368

Cringe and bluepilled.

Coffee was put for us on earth entirely for our please not to make wagecucks more productive.

>> No.13304585

The only one drinking literal mud is you, because keurigs are fucking disgusting instant coffee bullshit. I can tell from your confused post that you don’t read english very well, at least not with how many drugs you’re on

>> No.13304590

Well, its done!

>> No.13304754
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>he doesn't make his own espresso

>> No.13304906

I'm an Australian, and I honestly love American style coffee. Not many places sell it though unfortunately. I used to live near a cafe that did bottomless tea and drip coffee, but mostly I either make espressos with the machine at work or just instant coffee when I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.13304929
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>hipster coffee is piss
>go spend $200 on a hipster coffee machine

>> No.13304965

Because I've had both and know that pour over is far superior if you have any idea what you're doing (i.e. can follow basic instructions).

>> No.13305010

I have yet to drink a better coffee than made with this method.

>> No.13305020

Everyone knows a perculator over an open flame is the only good coffee choice. Everything else is shit.

>> No.13305081

Is that Collin Mochrie? Poor guy.

>> No.13305144
File: 4 KB, 250x208, 1569435478429s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was just me. I bought into the 'pour over is le elite coffee brewing method' meme, invested in a gooseneck kettle and chemex, busted out my scale and practiced the technique over and over. The resulting coffee has ranged from undrinkable to mediocre, self-grinding a number of different beans to make sure that wasn't the issue either.

For way less time and effort, my moka pot brews a consistently delicious Americano. Fuck pour over.

>> No.13305165
File: 25 KB, 466x466, 81Xf6uqaP-L._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
honhonho, rien de personnel, gamin

>> No.13305178


>> No.13305187

It was retroactively indisputable.

>> No.13305188
File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, 81uahyT8u9L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck off and buy a French press niggers.

>> No.13305289

French press is Italian

>> No.13305388

Freshly roasted/freshly ground beans are 1000x more important to getting a good cup of coffee than method of brewing.

I doubt most people in this thread could tell the difference between good beans in a mr.coffee vs a v60.

The superiority complex from the pour over crowd probably has more to do with them being far more likely to use high quality coffee.

Espresso and moka pot are not "coffee" and shouldn't be part of this argument

>> No.13305431
File: 74 KB, 677x492, vkko2af9vjv0ripagvjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that philosophy degree coming along?

>> No.13305444

>Freshly roasted/freshly ground beans are 1000x more important to getting a good cup of coffee than method of brewing.

>> No.13305558

The basic design is French. Some Italians patented improvements to it in the 20s and 50s... in France. They then manufactured these improved designs... in France.

>> No.13305660

I'm actually a dirty maintenance worker, I just really like coffee.

>> No.13305663

What are you on about, fattie?

>> No.13305679

>The basic design is French.
Prove it.

>> No.13305802

>File name
You can't dispute OP sucks many cocks either.

>> No.13305807

Indeed it is.

>> No.13306000

I like my coffee like, I like my gratification... Instant!

>> No.13306011

>exclamation mark
Reddit-tier, you must head back immediately.

>> No.13306035

V60s cost less than 10 bucks, a little more if you're getting the paper and carafe with it. It doesn't take any longer than a machine. You wait to heat up the water and then you pour it.

>> No.13306040

I thought good coffee was a myth until a friend made me a decent Ethiopian pour over. Shit tasted like blueberries and chocolate.

>> No.13306045

What do you grind it with? Something that can grind turkish fine has to be pretty expensive.

>> No.13306055

>Espresso and moka pot are not "coffee" and shouldn't be part of this argument
How's that ignorance coming along?

>> No.13306073

just bought one the other day, based and press-pilled

>> No.13306076

What's the deal with these idiots thinking that caring for a drink's quality makes you "pretentious"? Are you even aware what board you are on?

>> No.13306080


>> No.13306734
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20191201_22_44_10_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought one of these, had so much suction that when i was pressing down, the boiling hot glass pot went flying and shattered everywhere. have fun cleaning that up.
I prefer the percolator now.

>> No.13306824
File: 46 KB, 1200x1200, AeroPress-Original-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta my way bitches!
make room for the American!

>eagle soars with an M16 while school kids are running away screaming

>> No.13306862
File: 23 KB, 480x456, 1473006399908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pleb. I can see by this pic you are poor and stupid. Let the coffee settle for a minute you absolute fucking mongol, it won't spray around then.

>> No.13307004
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20191202_13_28_37_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am below the poverty line yes. I Bet your bitch would suck me for a piece of licorice though

>> No.13307373

you can buy it preground and a nice grinder could range anywhere from 70-150 in the lower price segment. But brewing is usually the expensive part

>> No.13307389

dont fret it anon. Im sure he didnt mean it like that. Keep your head up

>> No.13307486

aint stressin, no question. thank you for the gem comment though pal you seem like a stand-up guy

>> No.13307492
