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13303607 No.13303607 [Reply] [Original]

Ate about 120ml of pic related with a dish. Noticed while eating that it smelled kind of like crayons and tasted bitter but I didn't mind. Then I looked at the date and it had expired a little over a year ago. Stomach hurts, should I be concerned or will it pass?

>> No.13303614
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prepare thine angus

>> No.13303619

oily asspiss.

>> No.13304130

I shit all over my pants trying to make it to the toilet.

>> No.13304140

>120ml of olive oil
how fucking fat are you jesus christ

>> No.13304154

Not fat. It was just a lot of mashed potatoes so I had to use a lot of oil

>> No.13304162
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>mashed potatoes
tell me you left the peels on, they have antimicrobial properties.
if not, refer to >>13303614

>> No.13304678

>olive oil in mash

whats wrong with you

>> No.13304695

Oh it'll definitely pass

>> No.13305227

Please be fake.

>> No.13305546

It's bad even when fresh.

>> No.13306490

It's good. What?
No, it was just a lot of mashed potatoes. I was very hungry.
Figured it would be good because it was more expensive than some.

>> No.13306500

I think it just goes rancid but doesn't actually grow a lot of bacteria or anything because there's no moisture. You might have a bit of diarrhea but it shouldn't be serious.

>> No.13308030

Tbh mate there's a good chance the stomach pain is from the potatoes. I used to get terrible stomach pain after eating a lot of it and doctor told me it's very common

>> No.13308225

Olive Oil doesn't "expire".
No oil does.
I think something else fucked you up lad.

>> No.13308267

>Figured it would be good because it was more expensive than some.
You can get worse, sure.
All food oils expire eventually. Time depends on storage conditions and type of oil. Highly saturated oils (e.g. coconut) generally last longer, and highly unsaturated (e.g. fish) expire quickly. Olive oil is somewhere in between in terms of saturation, but it also contains lots of flavor chemicals that can decay before the oil itself goes rancid. For best flavor you should eat it fresh.

>> No.13308438
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>> No.13308449

Jesus. Why???

>> No.13308455

That much of completely fine condition olive oil would still give most people some of the worst diarrhea of their lives.

>> No.13308489

This. It's the potatoes OP.

>> No.13308544


You used olive oil in mashed potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why not use butter?

>> No.13308856

Using 120ml of the best quality olive oil in the world in one sitting will still probably wreck your GI tract. Your intestines don't know what to do with that much oil, and you'll just keep on having the feeling you need to shit when you don't for a couple hours until finally your bowels get so agitated that the diarrhea starts pouring out.
You could not pay me enough money to do that to myself.

>> No.13308867
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Just don't go to sleep Anon

>> No.13308871

my post was about olive oil "expiring" not about drinking 120ml could give you a case of the runs.

>> No.13309025

You said you thought something else fucked him up. That's what I'm disagreeing with. I think that much oil is enough on its own to fuck him up.

>> No.13309285

How much should I be spending for a good quality olive oil? Is it true that you should avoid Italian and Spanish because they use low quality olive oil and also cut it with vegetable oil?

>> No.13310247

Spanish oil is the best worlwide and I'm saying this because I became obsessed with olive oil for a while like 3 years ago. What you're looking for is Olive Oil from Sierra de Priego, which is a DOP (dunno what that means) from Spain, where consistently the best oil is produced. It is expensive as fuck for someone from outside of Spain though.

Even top tier italian oil is spanish oil (to be "italian oil" there's no need to produce it in Italy, just spend some time there).

>> No.13310299

Hello everyone,

My name is Carol, and I’m Daniel’s mom.Unfortunately Daniel did not make it despite the best medical treatment.. The doctors did a heroic job but our beloved Daniel was just too fag gone thanks to the expired olive oil. He left a note for us asking one of us to email this information to your forum. Since you were his best friends, I will email the memorial service information to this forum as well at the soonest opportunity.


Carol, Daniel’s mother

>> No.13310312

you can stop dilating now

>> No.13310315


>> No.13310325

you don’t have to dilate ne more smart fones have everybody on speed dial

>> No.13310380


Wasn't it Spain where a number of people died a few years ago from tainted olive oil?

>> No.13310389

unless something went wrong at the factory it was bottled, you can not die from "tainted" olive oil.

>> No.13310578

Every olive-growing country makes good olive oil. The real question is how likely are you to find the good stuff in shops. In the case of Spanish oil, not likely. You stand a much better chance of getting something non-shit if you buy Greek.

>> No.13310594

>1000 calories of straight oil in one sitting
Yer fucked

>> No.13310643

>too fag gone

>> No.13310768

Fuck off fake mom, I'm fine. I just shit my ass on the way to the bathroom a couple hours later.
It's good and I don't eat butter.

>> No.13310779

Enjoy the painful diarrhea, I did this once with rancid coconut oil

>> No.13310783

The olive oil industry is run by the Italian mob so basically all the standards of it aren’t real, probably includes cleanliness standards.

>> No.13310787

It was in the 80's. Some retard thought it would be a great idea to try and pass used and refined industrial rapeseed oil as food-reliable rapeseed oil.

Nothing to do with olive-oil, though.

>> No.13311432


If I remember correctly, it was some kind of cost saving move. I think that there was some other oil in there and it killed several hundred people.

>> No.13311449

Spain and Greece export more olive oil than Italy.
The mafia issue is over exaggerated.

>> No.13311462


I just looked it up. You are correct that it was a rapeseed oil, but it was marketed as olive oil.

>> No.13312030

>he fell for it


>> No.13312263
