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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 1200x1200, roasted-brussels-sprouts-10-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13299586 No.13299586 [Reply] [Original]

Are they as disgusting as popular culture makes them out to be? What can you do with brussel sprouts to make them appetizing, or how would you utilize them in a meal?

>> No.13299600

>american pop culture makes vegetables out to be disgusting
Not surprised

>> No.13299601

They are tasty af

>> No.13299605

brussels sprouts autism just derives from loomers goomers soomers and boomers boiling them for fucking hours
roasted, at high temp like picrel with olive oil, S&P and lemon juice (I like speck as well) they are great

>> No.13299613

They're delicious when they're cut in half and roasted. I like to cook them with bacon and onions, but they're also good plain with some basic seasoning like salt, pepper, and garlic.

The main problem is that they're a pain in the ass to prepare. I hate cutting up each individual little sprout. Surely there's a better way.

>> No.13299636

I like them.

>> No.13299641

Fuck this shit. Okra master race.

>> No.13299645

Fucking based. Too many people grew up on boiled brussel sprouts that it basically made it a primordial meme to hate them. Even just tossed in oil, salt, and pepper, they're fucking amazing when oven-roasted. They can even be cooked from frozen for convenience, but fresh is great. A bit of paprika or garlic can add some variety, but their natural flavour is very rich.

>> No.13299662
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>> No.13299665

Boiled is good too though. People who don't like them are just dumbfucks who should be exterminated.

>> No.13299669

>outside of /pol/

>> No.13299679
File: 125 KB, 551x858, Screenshot_2019-12-01 Brussels sprout - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heating your vegetables in a manner that leeches nutrients
Okrafags reeling.

>> No.13299699

>I hate cutting up each individual little sprout
How many are you eating? From what distance are your farts audible?

>> No.13299705

Any food is disgusting if you prepare it wrong.

>> No.13299710

>being a fucking NPC who cares more about numbers than flavor

>> No.13299713

The only way to make steak disgusting is to burn it to a solid block of char.

>> No.13299719

>caring more about flavour than mouthfeel
Cooked okra is literally mucous. Brussel sprouts have a better taste and texture.

>> No.13299893


At xmas I make them like the OP pic, but add a little maple syrup to offset the bitterness.

Funny that my brothers and I used to hate these growing up, but since I started making sprouts everyone loves them.

>> No.13299976

they are fine
taste like slighty bitter cabage farts

>> No.13299980

Cooked a bunch in the roasting pan with the turkey the last hour. A good roast with char is best but even over cooking them to a super soft state with some animal fat is delicious. Only type of brussel sprouts people hate are steamed.

>> No.13299992

Roast them. Never boil. Anything else is up to you.

>> No.13299995

They're essentially tiny cabbages with a little bit of a broccoli stem flavor. Not bad but they're best with other things added. I wouldn't just eat it like steamed broccoli. As other people said, roasted to the point where they're very slight charring. Needs some kind of fat like oil or bacon grease. Then the rest is up to you. Can't go wrong with typical seasonings. Pretty much anything that goes with broccoli, cauli, asparagus, and cabbage will suit sprouts.

>> No.13299996

cut them in half and either roast them or stir fry them. i stir fry them with bacon and onions. like most things, they are terrible when cooked wrong.

>> No.13300237

Brussel sprouts are so healthy and easy to prepare you'd have to be an idiot not to eat them. Roasted, steamed, flavored, they're ridiculously healthy. I like roasting them with garlic mash and like >>13299605 said with some salt and pepper

>> No.13300249

How do I quickly prepare these for cooking? Do I really have to cut off each stem and slice every little fucker in half? It takes ages, especially when I forget to cook them and I have to pick off the wilted leaves.

>> No.13300312

you git gud at prep and stop being a big baby

>> No.13300406

I just eat the stems.

>> No.13300413

I only buy pre cleaned sprouts now.
I get only a third of a kilo for the same price but it saves me half an hour, which is more than my time is worth.

>> No.13300643

"ages" huh? What's "ages" to you, buddy?
I can slay up to 9 sprouts per minute when it has to be done. You need to get your shit together.

>> No.13300658

half them, toss them with olive oil and maple syrup, salt, pepper, roast at 400 till they brown

>> No.13300661

Prepare...? Just leave them whole, or cut them in half. They're small enough that they cook through in just about any dish. I can't imagine what you'd need to "prepare" them for.

>> No.13300678

>maple syrup
I tried this once and immediately lost my last bit of self-respect.

>> No.13300686

ew imagine not washing produce yourself

>> No.13300701

you probably used way too much

>> No.13300702
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y it's good
maybe some bacon, shallot, and a little balsamic sprinkled on at the end
or is maple syrup "soi" now?

>> No.13300721
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just pretend you are a giant and you're eating a big bowl of cabbages sliced in half

>> No.13300734

It was at my vegan friend's party. I didn't witness much of the cooking but everything there tasted like dog shit. So you may have a point but I'll just stick to putting it on pancakes where it belongs, thank you.

>> No.13300744

Okay weirdo. Let vegans ruin your life and I'll keep putting maple syrup wherever I want

>> No.13300899

What temp? How long?

>> No.13301094

>Are they as disgusting as popular culture makes them out to be?
They're actually worse.
>What can you do with brussel sprouts to make them appetizing
Throw that shit away, replace with red cabbage (raw, shredded, with good olive oil + vinegar).

>> No.13302022

They’re amazing when you get them stir fried just right. Almost as good as asparagus.

>> No.13302040

i used to hate them because my boomer gramma served them from canned or frozen i don't remember but they were mushy and farty
then i learned they're just cabbage broccolis and i cooked them for myself and now they're one of my faves

>> No.13302104
File: 63 KB, 564x540, KqDJ2mJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it made me laugh

>> No.13302140

Not him, but my attention span is so shot that I can spend an hour on the cleaning and prepping of brussel sprouts.
It usually takes me 5+ hours to make brussel sprouts and sausage over mashed potatoes. Without distractions.

Unsurprisingly, I accomplish very little and every day is a struggle.

>> No.13302142

>bringing up /pol/ outside of /pol/

>> No.13302143

It’s an American things.
>grew up my whole life never eating Brussels sprouts
>mom never cooked them although she always cooked
>friends would always tell me how nasty they were
>circa sometime I’m 20 I tell my mom if she’s every had them
>says no her family never cooked them because they were nasty
>she decides to make them one day
>shit was cash 10/10

Yeah they are the bees knees

>> No.13302214

Lop off the stem, slice in half, and pickle them in brine for at least a few days, makes them delicious raw

>> No.13302224
File: 91 KB, 720x456, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had deep fried brussel's sprouts the other day. Holy mother of god it was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. Didn't even give a fuck about the ribeye steak I ordered with it, those sprouts blew my mind.

>> No.13302366

Chop them into halves or quarters. Fry them untill soft and a little charred. Then pour some sweet chili sauce into the pan, toss them a little. That shit is unbeatable

>> No.13302388

I love them, and these look mighty fine

>> No.13302428

Used not to like them much, recently got a bunch, blanched them, boiled them for fifteen minutes and paned them with a bit of margarine and they were quite delicious. Granted, using margarine or butter is essentially cheating.

>> No.13302508

If memory serves his timing/proportions are off (pretty typical of TF), but something like this is a tremendous way to enjoy brussels:


>> No.13302521

you have to bake them after heavily drowning them with oil, herbs and spices.
the issue with brussel's sprouts though is most people's boomer parents/grandparents used to just boil them in water and serve with ketchup, which is fucking disgusting and only brings out the bitterness more.


>> No.13302664

americans gag at everything, they even gag when they eat tofu
so don't trust anything they say regarding healthy food

>> No.13302685

Just olive oil and salt on them and roast them in the oven. They're fantastic.

>> No.13303323

>Cut bottom quarter inch off
>Remove top layer or two of leaves
>Boil in water with a bit of stock, a little butter and some pepper
>Drain when soft

Not hard to make them delicious

>> No.13303342


Fried with garlic and butter, they're really nice, but the gas I get a few hours later make me want to throw up. Like burping up sulphur.