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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13290925 No.13290925 [Reply] [Original]

So kosher salt... gimme the sales pitch.

>> No.13290927

It's sea salt for people too stupid to buy sea salt

>> No.13290932

so it's just overpriced bullshit?

>> No.13290935

Use it if you want thyroid problems.

>> No.13290936


>> No.13290945

What's kosher about it anyway?

>> No.13290948

no iodine

>> No.13290977

You're not supposed to use kosher salt for flavoring food. You're supposed to use it for preparing meat.
No. It's kosher because it's used for koshering meat, not because it's kosher itself.

>> No.13290990

on BA why do they shove it everywhere?

>> No.13291019

I just bought 3lbs of kosher for $3.49 it's cheap and the reason why it's better than table salt is because it doesn't have that metallic taste that the iodine leaves behind.

We get enough iodine from the processed food we eat, calm down grandma.

>> No.13291023


Enjoy your goiter

>> No.13291031

Works with any kind of coarse salt. And you can in fact use coarse or kosher salt to flavor food. It'll dissolve in liquid just like any salt or be used directly on cooked feed in a few cases, usually a grilled piece of meat.

>> No.13291034

Reagan isn't the president anymore

>> No.13291035

Jews ripping off other Jews and you can join in on it too

>> No.13291040

Those tax cuts say otherwise

>> No.13291046

cooked food*
Fuck me.

>> No.13291064
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, MentalRetardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iodized bad
>Literally advocating for mental retardation.
>Over 1/3 of world population live in iodine deficient area; 1.6 billion are at risk of iodine deficiency; 655 million have goiter
>inb4 you're covered by tap water:
>The mean concentration of total iodine in drinking-water in the USA is 4 µg/litre and the maximum concentration is 18 µg/litre.
>How much iodine do I need?
>Adults - 150 mcg
>Am I getting enough iodine?
>Certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough iodine:
>People who do not use iodized salt.
>Adding iodine to salt is the most widely used strategy to control iodine deficiency.
>inb4 this is just some modern meme and not a problem ancient people had:
>Goiter has always been a disease of immense interest of the general population due to its widespread prevalence. It is one of the most common medical problems portrayed in ancient paintings.

>> No.13291069


>> No.13291074

>Over 1/3 of world population live in iodine deficient area; 1.6 billion are at risk of iodine deficiency; 655 million have goiter
The wording is excessively dishonest.

>> No.13291080

>eat tiny bit of konbu
>you are set

>> No.13291093

You probably shouldn't eat anything coming out of China to be fair.

>> No.13291346


>> No.13291354


Yes because the average westerner eats fucking konbu

>> No.13291358

Europoor here.
I was tricked into buying kosher salt by all the American recipes posted here but the one I get are salt flakes, not sea salt like grains like in the OP.

Did the merchant screw me? It’s diamond crystal brand

>> No.13291361


Kosher salt is just a thicker non-iodized salt used for meat prep. The only valid reason to use it over table salt in a recipe is if the taste of iodine would ruin the dish

>> No.13291397
File: 7 KB, 131x199, goiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


enjoy your goiter

>> No.13291398

>the taste of iodine would ruin the dish
How true is this /ck/?

>> No.13291402

Don't buy iodized table salt, problem solved.

>> No.13291410

You already get iodine from soil based food.

>> No.13291456
File: 263 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191129-103844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much iodine do I need?In your entire lifetime you will need less than a teaspoon of iodine to ensure good health, however, since it is dangerous to consume that much iodine at once, it is best to eat a little each day. You only need 150 micrograms (mcg, μg), or 20,000th of a teaspoon, to meet your daily requirement.

Suck it iodine-shills

>> No.13291472


>> No.13291608

What the fuck are you autists on about? Kosher salt is roughly the same price and salt is sort cheap anyways. We're talking a difference of less than $1 a month. People use kosher salt because the consistency makes it a lot easier to sprinkle precisely.

>> No.13291618

>People use kosher salt because the consistency makes it a lot easier to sprinkle precisely.
You must be joking.

>> No.13291722


Babby's first micronutrient, thanks for showing us you're retarded

>> No.13291874

Why would I be joking? That fine grain table salt is annoying to season meat evenly with as well as seasoning your finished dish to taste

>> No.13292215

Maybe if your father seasoned your moms snatch with iodine salt before shooting his autistic load in her, you would be less retarded.

>> No.13292228

>How true is this /ck/?
0% true. You can't taste the amount of iodine that's in iodized table salt. The anons trying desperately to avoid iodine in salt are literal schizophrenics.