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File: 69 KB, 900x1200, irish_jam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13289313 No.13289313 [Reply] [Original]

I like this. I think I like the Tullamore D.E.W's lingering taste better, more sweet, but this is good. I'm thinking of getting a good scotch, what do you recommend? Laphroaig has been recommended to me, is it a good start?
>inb4 ostentatious alcoholics flood the thread like cancer in their livers.

>> No.13289321

only consider single malt
ice, cold glass, scotch that's it
thanks for coming to my ted talk

>> No.13289334

>I like Jame-o
Yikes and cringe-pilled

>> No.13289339

Not sure I follow here. Do you have previous experience with scotch? Irish whiskey has a completely different flavor profile.

If you want a scotch that is in the ballpark of Irish, try a mid-range unpeated "Ilse of Arran".

I'm not super knowledgeable on peated scotch, but if you want to try a sherried one give Tomatin12 a go. Great bang for your buck.

>> No.13289346


>> No.13289369
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Based and Gallantpilled.

>> No.13289391

Laphroaig is an Islay and has a really smokey, "peaty" flavor and might turn you off scotch if you're not ready for a really strong flavor but I like it a lot.

>> No.13289398

Someone needs to shop in some glasses and bottles

>> No.13289408

Laphroaig is a pretty steep introduction to Scotch, kek. Jameson is nice and smooth, Laphroaig is an Islay, salty, malted, peaty, it's pretty g-d strong. You may like it though but be aware it's heavy duty IMO.
An Arran or Highlands might be a better place to start, but if you want to dive in by all means Laphroaig is excellent.

>> No.13289415

But D.E.W. is better imo. I even said that. Unless...?

>> No.13289440

Who tf dillutes their shits? Chilling I guess but if it's there it's good.

>> No.13289459

many people add a little water to their scotch to dampen the alcohol burn and allow you to taste more flavors. From what I can tell the great scotch distillers/mixers add water, and not just people who can't tolerate the alcohol taste. I don't add water but I don't have enough of a palate to taste a lot of complexities anyways

>> No.13289517

I don't mean so much like in derision, but confusion. If it works hey why not, but I likewise ain't got much of a palate for complication.

>> No.13289522


>> No.13289556

Glenfarclas 12 is an ideal babby's first scotch.
Try a shot of Laphroaig, Ardbeg or Lagavulin in a bar before buying a whole bottle of a heavily peated scotch. Heavily peated scotches are a love 'em or hate 'em sort of thing and you can only know if you try 'em.

>> No.13290181

Auchentoshan 12. Very similar to irish in style...pretty sure the distillery was founded by irish immigrants to scotland, actually...maybe not though...cheers m8

>> No.13290265

Based but boring

>> No.13290300

I’d start with a blended scotch like Famous Grouse or Buchanan’s. They’re pretty accessible and easy to drink, like Irish whisky, single malt is kinda gross imo.

>> No.13290315

what about bullets?

>> No.13290341
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>flavour profile

>> No.13290405

My dad turns 70 next year. He likes a good scotch. I gave him a Springbank 15 a couple years ago, at /ck/'s recommendation, and he said it was the best scotch he's ever tasted.

I got my eye on a Springbank 18 as a christmas gift. Yes or no?

>> No.13290549

i did like the jamesons caskmates stout edition

>> No.13290554

if he liked springbank 15 there's absolutely no chance in hell that he will enjoy springback 18.

>> No.13290581

I don't know if you're being sarcastic

>> No.13291161
File: 151 KB, 269x599, JB_WHISKY_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people who say the like whisky don't actually like whisky. i've come to this conclusion after enduring probably one million bugmen, boomers and faggots who say that they love whisky only to one minute later admit that they put ice in it, prefer jameson like this giant faggot OP or need it to be some obscure single malt bullshit. newsflash faggots, you don't like whisky, you're just in it for the masculine imagery which, considering you need to buy it, achieves the opposite of the intended effect.

if you actually like whisky you drink it as it is without ice, water or god forbid soda. the only acceptable variations are irish coffee and simply pouring it into your black coffee. and also, only posers say they don't like blended. this is the biggest red flag of them all, if you don't like blended whisky such as pic related, you don't like whisky and can just go right back to drinking pink sunrise, baileys or sex on the beach.

>> No.13291239

You are an insufferable /r/eddit-tier retard. Fucking fag probably only likes whiskey.

>> No.13291251

bootlegger peach

>> No.13291371

>good start

glenfarclas 15yo

laphroaig is great but not for a start

>> No.13291373

>without ice

>without water

water can open it up and add new flavor

e.g. cask strength whisky

>> No.13291375

>Famous Grouse...easy to drink
>scotch kinda gross

i pity your taste in spirits

>> No.13291869
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>spend extra for undiluted (cask strength) whisky, which is whisky at its most flavorful
>dilute it

>> No.13291948

>add new flavor
>Researchers found that when water is added to a whiskey, the guaiacol molecules make their way to the top of the glass rather than remaining evenly distributed throughout.
It's not adding new flavor. It's simply making it so the first few sips of a dram are more flavorful than the last few sips of the same dram, rather than having it so each sip is equally flavorful. However, because it is diluting the whisky, the average sip from whisky without water added to it will be more flavorful than the average sip from whisky with water added to it.
Thus, neat is objectively superior to water added.

>> No.13292158
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>> No.13292715
File: 258 KB, 900x1200, brbon_whi16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up today for about 85usd today. I hate Whistlepig for being so expensive but it really is damn good. Any other Rye suggestions that are as good or better?

>> No.13292738

>Paying 85USD for rebottled Alberta Premium

Just get Lot40, half the price and just as good

>> No.13292936

I know it's wrong to use gay or homo as an insult, but ice in a single malt is something only a complete fucking moron would do. And you're a fucking bender too.

>> No.13292951

All whisky benefits from a few drops of water, it frees up the volatiles, improving the flavour.

>> No.13292959

You, sir, are an asshole who knows fuck-all about whisky.

>> No.13292963

Nope. This is bullshit.

>> No.13292968

Been hearing Jameson has been cutting some of the whiskey with vodka to try and keep up with demand.

>> No.13293279


>> No.13293289

sazerac 18

>> No.13293353


>> No.13293354


>> No.13293371
File: 356 KB, 1009x662, paulineconsider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebe tier: Diluting whisky.
Patrician tier: neat.
God tier: taking a sip neat, savoring the neat flavor, then mixing some saliva with the whisky in the mouth to savor its diluted flavor before swallowing, then swallowing only half while simultaneously inhaling from the Glencairn glass so you can experience nose, palate and finish simultaneously.

>> No.13293385

My bad, I meant to put a disclaimer because there's no "definite" source. I've just heard it through people associated with the industry. I use to work for a liquor store and the reps would tell me things I could never find an article on. Like how the makers of Hennessey had some trouble with the grapes they grow for the cognac and that contributed, that and they had to recall for some bottles that got chipped, to a shortage a year or so ago. It's weird. That or I really suck at finding any info. Makes me wonder how true any of it was. If it is true, the liquor industry is good at keeping it away from the media somehow. So take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.13293393

Where did you hear that

I know theres grain whiskey in jameson...do you mean theres unaged grain alcohol in there now?

>> No.13293411

I mean, I could believe the hennesy thing, being so region specific, that they have to be made in the Cognac region of france. But for Jameson I would believe they're incorporating in shittier Irish whiskeys before I believe they're mixing with vodka, since they're not so specifically geographically constrained

>> No.13293416

I too enjoy sipping on macallan 18 while tipping my fedora. if you are a supreme gentleman such as myself, you can take a fat rip from your vape after savoring the taste of your whiskey

>> No.13293437

yeah the ice dilutes though, the amount of water you're supposed to add to a good whiskey is like less than half a teaspoon.

>> No.13293440

The amount of water you're supposed to add to a good whiskey is zero.

>> No.13293441

Try some Redbreast 12 or Green Spot next. You should try the best irish whiskey has to offer step by step. Theres more than that to those brands but, you know, diminishing returns, all that. Personally i like redbreast 12 more than the 15

>> No.13293446

I didn't say add ice, I said add a little water

>> No.13293461

>macallan 18
Nah. Glenfarclas 17.

>> No.13293600

>checked it online
>have to go to the neighboring country to get it
why the fuck us scandis gotta have it so bad

>> No.13294014

What's the verdict on ice with bourbon? I drink whisky neat, or with water, but I hear bourbon on the rocks is considered acceptable amongst whisky snobs.

>> No.13294141


>> No.13294177

Through reps, but who knows how they heard it. It could be their own unaged grain, but that's pretty much just a more concentrated form of vodka.

Could be that too, but I assume they'd want to try to keep the same taste. If they are doing such a thing, I'd imagine a water downed taste would be better than something that could taste noticeablely different. What I need is some Jameson connoisseur.

>> No.13295542

poser, you can't even spell the word properly. i bet you love honey jack daniels, norhing wrong with that but dont pretend to like whisky.

>> No.13295550

my friend has an american relative who came here to visit a few months back and brought one of those for him, we tried it together andni have to say that it completely changed the way i look at bourbon. i used to think of it as pure plebtier garbage but that one was really really good.

>> No.13295654

>t. idiot
Adding just a little bit of water allows you to taste the drink better. You are not supposed to dilute whiskey but to make it easier to taste different flavors.

"From a molecular perspective, water and alcohol don't completely mix," co-author Ran Friedman wrote in an email. "Instead, we have clusters of water molecules and clusters of alcohol molecules. When whisky is diluted, the alcohol is driven to the surface, and many of the taste molecules follow it because they like to be in a slightly less aqueous environment. The taste that we experience is therefore enhanced -- but there's a limit. If we dilute the whisky too much the concentration of the taste compounds is reduced and the drink will be meager."


>> No.13296074

It isn't bourbon. It's a Rye. a rebottled Canadian rye (Alberta Premium) sold with a significant markup following some basic blending. Places like Grangerstone do it with scotch but at least have the good sense to market at a reasonable price.

>> No.13296097

pick 3

>> No.13296535

>the alcohol is driven to the surface
You shouldn't call yourself an idiot like that, even though it's accurate.

>> No.13296698
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cope harder

>> No.13296727

You really need to get some Redbreast

>> No.13296739

whiskey is for faggots who think they are too good for vodka

>> No.13296757

Fuck I love whiskey and I love to drink

>> No.13297434

Tully's good for universal availability. I enjoy Quiet Man myself. Jameson is for basic boys.
I drink it over rocks most of the time (not a big drinker) but when I want to go down quickly then I enjoy neat.

>> No.13297519

Powers whiskey

>> No.13298543

Right? It's like a better Jamesons

>> No.13299837

>buy dried ramen noodles
>add water to it

What a bunch of morons, huh?

>> No.13300277

Scotch is not a synonyms for whisky and its ok to be wrong Bourbon is the best Whisky.

>> No.13300289
File: 239 KB, 1280x958, 75C3C3B8-97B6-411D-B8A2-A3D8F5C973BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourbon best

>> No.13301909


>adding a straw-full of water to a 65% spirit destroys the drink

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.13301928

kys faggot

>> No.13301983

I had that bottle. Surprisingly great bourbon for the price, I should get another one of those